Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
– Page One of Comments are HERE
– Page Two of Comments are HERE
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 72 degrees in Madison WI with an expected daytime high of 72. A chance of thunderstorms is in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
The Weekly Democratic Party Address was by Senator Dick Durbin (IL) calling for the bipartisan DREAM Act to be scheduled for a vote in Congress:
Nancy Pelosi’s Thursday news conference is also included and one of her answers made me laugh. Someone asked if the president* “understands that the DREAM Act includes a path to citizenship.” Her answer started with “Well, I’m not here to speak about what the President understands.” Ha! Actually, Leader Pelosi, you can simply assume that he understands nothing at all! There, I made it easy for you.
Good Sunday Morning Meese
Had to find a few things to smile about
Glad to see Aziz’ tweet get more traction via Joy Ann and George Takei
The idea that Trump is only showing how racist he is now – is fake
I agree with Aziz
They knew EXACTLY who they were nominating and voting for – this was not an “accident”.
Sums it up: Keith Boykin @keithboykin
This made my day!
And for the haters telling Hillary Clinton to “go away”, no, just no. This woman can continue to speak her mind on anything she chooses.
p.s I wish that “Love is More Powerful Than Hate” had fit on a bumper sticker because I think using “Trumps” made it about him and that was the wrong message – it was about the Republican Party and birtherism and wall-building and christianists and climate denying. The “Love” was the Obama Administration and Democratic Party values and you could make the not so subtle connection to the shitgibbon but really to their party. The next presidential candidate needs to hire me!!
The problem with “cute” slogans is that they are fun for the folks who like to play with words but tend to backfire as political memes. I cringed every time I saw it. I’d have loved “Love Overcomes Hate” although that might have backfired, too. The word “overcome” being so associated with the Civil Rights movement might have stirred up the Racists even more. Love Beats Hate or Love Defeats Hate or Love is Stronger than Hate (which would fit in nicely with her Stronger Together) – there are many ways that could have fit on a bumpersticker, still been what we were actually voting for – the election was about Love v. Hate, Good v. Evil – and not used the name of her opponent.
And she always speaks for me as well as to me. Even when I’ve disagreed with her action or vote, I’ve agreed with her rationale.
“Love is Stronger than Hate” would have been perfect. They need to hire both of us!
63 this morning somewhere around 4 am – I could actually open the window again (somebody had a bonfire starting around midnight and the smoke was coming right in my window – as always, sigh) and get a couple of hours of slightly better sleep. Heading for mid 80s and can’t make up its mind whether it’s going to be cloudy or not. Only 30% chance of rain but I may hang the clothes in the house anyway. Or at least everything except the sheets – I really need a fire going to get the sheets dry. Got right on 15 KWHs yesterday and with the driblet so far this morning m-t-d is 260 – still on track for a good month of production (for September).
Highlighting the Kill Americans First Care bill over at the DK Village – with a toll-free number to reach the Capitol Switchboard. Since fewer people know the toll-free numbers even if cell phones make them less necessary they are sometimes easier to get through on. Some version of the Dream Act is also right up there. With the House on vacation I’ve listed “hands off my Social Security” as 3rd priority. Of course there are so many things we need to be resisting, blocking, and pushing back on – but at the moment those are the 3 I’m listing by topic or name if I have the bill.
Last I heard we were $75 short on the match for Aji that will cover the down payment on the wood stove installation and get them on the schedule for 1st week of Oct. We’re close enough to Aji and Wings being able to move in that folks are coming up with “temporary mini-kitchen” ideas so they won’t have to go back to the toxic tin can even for food. FloridaSNMOM needs help ASAP due to Irma – loss of revenue combined with only the more expensive food available has her short on everything but especially the electric bill. Couple of others (jtg, the pollster) on my urgent list – the full list is at 11 but I know of at least one who needs to be but keeps putting it off because of everybody else’s needs and two who will return if jobs don’t come through. I hate it that the “importants” are getting short-shrift because of the “urgents” – and at least one (pale cold) is going to shift into urgent if that house doesn’t cell by 9/30.
Meanwhile I’ve got to get back to the house stuff – only took the break because the washer isn’t finished but I really need to vacuum before it does if I’m going to hang most of them in the house. Also need to check over at DK and see if there’s anybody else with an “urgent” I need to add to the list. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}} and Healing Energy shaped to your need.
Good morning, 62 and partly sunny in Bellingham. Yesterday was fun and busy so I’m slow and sleepy this morning. We had lunch with the grand girls and then went to see Willie Watson at The Green Frog. It was standing room only but we got there early enough to get the last table so I was comfortable and we had the bonus fun of sharing with several other people who needed a place to sit.
His new cd, Folksinger, Vol.2, was just released so it was a nice evening of classic folk songs and gospel music.
Good afternoon, Meese! Late to check-in today because of the Formula I race. At ten past noon it’s 77 F., on its way up to 81 F. I dislike this warmer weather after three weeks of really cool weather; on the other hand, we’re not in the 90s, as we usually are in September. We do need rain, though.
Across the street the householders are putting up tombstones and ghosts in their front yard. We’re not putting up anything this year. All our energy has to focus on cleaning out the garage so we can get an actual car in there.
Tomorrow morning will be spent making calls to Congress re the Deathcare bill and various other phone calls. I’m in two minds as to whether to call the credit bureaus and freeze my credit reporting. The bummer is, that everyone in the family has to do it, so my husband will have to do it too, and only Equifax doesn’t charge for it. I hate those creeps, all of them! They get us coming and going. A financial writer (Allen Sloan of the WaPo) I respect says he’s not going to do the freezes. He has fraud alerts on all his accounts and checks his investments, credit cards balances, and bank accounts every day. I could do that and it wouldn’t cost anything.
Other than that, just another busy day at Barky Manor. Hope everyone will have a quiet, peaceful Sunday.
I’m home. Went for tacos — Texas comfort food. I’m so glad I took tomorrow off. People were so kind. Southwest got me in the TSA pre-check both directions, people on the train in St Louis were helpful, and the people at the hotel — if you ever go to StL, stay at the Missouri Athletic Club. They are friendly & kind. And when I was hobbling around, strangers on the street were helpful & patient when I couldn’t move fast.
My neighbor brought me a bamboo plant. Said she & her partner were thinking of me when they heard the news. Tomorrow I need to make 4 days of breakfast & lunch. All the normal weekend stuff. And I need to get all the emotional stuff out. Haven’t cried yet, and I know I need to. And I need to find something else to hold onto; I was counting on the memory of this. My neighbor & I laughed about checking the mail, because getting The Bill from the HOA would make this complete. So I’m not checking my mail yet.
Glad you are home safe – and so sad about what happened to you. Sending prayers into the ether that somehow – some way – you will get the chance to see them in concert – some time soon.
I’ve been getting a lot of hugs & comfort from all my friends, it does help. I just need to find something else good to have as my thing to hold on to. I posted a comment at DK, attempting levity: https://www.dailykos.com/comments/1695058/67787040#comment_67787040
Monday Meese
62 going up to 81. Have to go to the doctor – have some weird thing on my elbow – it is like a large boil but is not a boil – it is filled with fluid.
A DKos reader sent me a link to this article – as you know I have an interest in seeing the Sims statue removed from Central Park
Good morning, meese! It is 48 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 73. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast.
I was following Twitter last night and shut it down in disgust as the whoever-runs-the-emmys decided that normalizing the spokesliar for an administration that protects white supremacists and nazis was great comedy. What the HELL were they thinking? One of the tweets suggested that Leni Riefenstahl would have been given a 6-movie deal by MGM in the current climate.
Meanwhile, our U.N. envoy threatened to “destroy North Korea”. Yikes! Yes, you should keep everything on the table but threatening to start a war that experts believe would lead to the deaths of 100,000 people on the first day (and ultimately millions) shows just how little they respect human life. But with this administration, human life only includes white people so a few hundred thousand Asians are just a spreadsheet entry for them. War is not going to solve the North Korean problem. The problem was allowed to fester for 60 years and now the options are limited. They won’t care about economic sanctions any more in 2017 than they did in 2001.
Trumpcare is going to be brought to the floor on September 27th and voted on September 28th. Whatever is passed by the Senate will have to be passed without modification by the House so start getting your dialing fingers ready for House members. Since Graham-Cassidy is even worse than the AHCA – and some House members have probably poll-tested their YES vote – there may be additional NO votes that weren’t there the last time an ACA repeal came to the floor. Anyway, keep reminding everyone you know to pay attention! I have no one to call (Ron Freaking Johnson is a co-sponsor) although I might call Tammy Baldwin and ask her why the HELL she co-sponsored Medicare for All the week before the ACA repeal possibility was due to expire. Senate Democrats have no political chops and it is extremely frustrating. Liberal Senator Sherrod Brown, when asked why he didn’t co-sponsor Bernie’s Bill, said that his focus was on saving the ACA. As it should have been for everyone in Congress. Grrrr again because I am still not over this!
See all y’all later!
Sigh – am back watching weather news
Maria heading for Puerto Rico – Virgin Islands
Good morning, Meese. Cloudy here—wish that meant rain. Current temp. in NoVa is 67 F., going up to 79 F. today.
Had the night from hell. Woke up at 2 a.m. from a nightmare, unable to get back to sleep afterwards, so am running on two cylinders now.
Very depressing news, with Hurricane Maria, Nikki Haley threatening North Korea, and Graham-Cassidy.
Going to have breakfast and hope I can get some sleep afterwards. Cheers, dears.
There must be another disturbance in the force, something more frequent, I’ve noticed. Probably caused by living in the alternate universe where Trump was elected president instead of Hillary Clinton. I am looking for a wormhole to the other universe!
I hope you can nap!
Slept in, got to do laundry & get food together for the week. Going to be interviewed by the paper this evening about the AIDS Walk. I’ll let you guys know when the story comes out.
I’m sorry sorry your concert was cancelled anotherdem. It’s good to know you have had lots of support. I hope you have another chance to see your guys perform.
66 at dawn heading for mid 80s and more-or-less sunny at the moment. The unexpected rain made me glad I’d hung the clothes in the house – and I guess I’m lucky that only the kitchen and hand towels “soured” considering how damp it was. Only got 3.8 KWHs yesterday so m-t-d is 263 – still averaging 15 KWHs/day so still on track for a good month. We shall see what we shall see.
Called my senators this morning. Said “Hell NO! on Graham-Cassidy” – that I was already mourning friends who’d died because NC didn’t expand Medicaid, I don’t want to be mourning AR friends and family because they took it away. When the staffer asked for my address I told him I’d be happy to give it but I didn’t want anything from the senator but that NO! vote. (Staffer didn’t ask for it again – not sure that’s a good, bad, or indifferent sign.)
Aji’s match was made and she’ll be putting in the down payment for the wood stove installation sometime today. Meanwhile everybody else on my community needs list seem to be stagnating. sigh. But i will persist in this, too. Gotta get to work. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}} and Healing Energy.
Here is some ammunition to use on your Senators, bfitz. Arkansas is a BIG net loser on Graham-Cassidy.
I can tell them they’d be sending Razorback dollars to Texas Longhorns – that ought to do it. heh. They haven’t been in the same Conference for decades but the old rivalry is still there. (On the AR side. TX never thought much of the Razorbacks even when we were in the same Conference. double heh.)
You wonder if Cassidy is being a “good Republican soldier” or is just plain too stupid to notice that Louisiana gets hammered by his bill. Maybe he hopes that the people who might vote against him in the next election will all die.
Rebekah Gee, Secretary of the Louisiana Dept of Health:
Good morning, 51 and partly sunny in Bellingham. Another Monday, with the pool, laundry, and calling to beg for health care. I’m so weary of making these calls. Senators Murray and Cantwell will thank me for my support but the R’s, whose decisions will affect me and my family, will tell me not to bother them :::sigh:::
Hope it’s an ok day for all.
Good morning, meese! Tuesday …
It is 59 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 77. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast.
I was watching Maria turn from a category 4 to a category 5 in 20 minutes and then slam into Dominica. I have not seen any news yet this morning and I hope that most of the 70,000+ people who live there evacuated or have amazing shelters. While I was googling it, I discovered its incredible natural beauty. I hope that it can recover.
Here is some good news: Rhode Island’s governor put together a coalition that is paying the renewal fee for every DACA recipient in the state. The blue states understand how important immigrants are and that losing the investment already made in these kids would be foolish. I hope more people follow suit:
See all y’all later!
Tuesday Morning Meese
My eyes are glued to the Caribbean – my husband’s family here are trying to get relatives in PR to leave for a while – since it looks grim
Dominica is a shambles
I have school today – trying to focus on class – but can’t.
So sad to see all the destruction. And the climate deniers still deny that we’re doing anything wrong. Crazy.
{{{Denise}}} – – Holding the Good Thought, sending Healing Energy – and of hand, I’d jettison today’s lesson plan for “current events” if it were my class. more {{{HUGS}}} and Healing Energy
Here I am at work. Oatmeal, tea. Got my book about arthritis to read. Must call health insurance about physical therapy. Wonder if there’s any ACA benefit (while we still have it). Read an interesting Rolling Stone article about my boys, different versions of You’re The Best Thing, here they are on Jimmy Kimmel.