Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
– Page One of Comments are HERE!
- Page Two of Comments are HERE!
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week (and month!) begins …
Morning low of 46 degrees in Madison WI with an expected daytime high of 68. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Good Sunday morning Meese. A nippy 42 degrees here in Saugerties NY going up to 67.
Very tired. Trying to keep up with PR news has me frazzled.
Saw this tweet linked over at Sunday Talk
Says so much.
I was online when the shitgibbon tweeted out his racist slander of the people of Puerto Rico and it was disheartening that Republican leadership was once again quiet in the face of his awful statements.
His main complaint was that the mayor of San Juan was going on TV to call him out. SHE HAD TO!!! No one was paying any attention to the plight of her city and her island!!! Nate’s blog showed a graphic on how the devastation of the island home to 3.5 million Americans got a fraction of the attention from the media that Harvey and Irma got.
![From FiveThirtyEight.com](https://espnfivethirtyeight.files.wordpress.com/2017/09/mehta-hurricanemedia-1.png?w=550&h=443&quality=90&strip=info)
First the press hands the presidency to the most unqualified person to ever run for the office and then they won’t accurately cover the horrors that are resulting from that.
Solid reporting from Buzzfeed:
Thank goodness for blue states or there would have been no help at all.
This week’s Democratic Party Address was delivered by Senator Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV) on the crisis in Puerto Rico:
This has to be the focus of every Congressional Democrat – to get help NOW for the islands devastated by the hurricanes and then set them on a path to recovery. That they have been neglected is a permanent blemish on what’s left of the shriveled souls of those in the Republican Congress and the Republican “administration”.
Thanks Jan – I had the radio on and when I heard Trump’s voice I shut it off – by the time I turned back on I had missed the Democratic Party part.
I can’t listen to his voice or see his face for more than 5 seconds (once, I was too slow with the remote control and it was 10 seconds!!). It is my intention to go through his entire presidency without having to hear any of his speeches or blatherings.
Highs still around 90 here. Still wearing sandals & summer clothes, but that’s Texas. Today: put breakfast & lunch together for next week & maybe go to the gym again. I’m trying to get back in the habit, but not do anything too strenuous till I’ve seen a physical therapist. Listening to dreamy, drifty Rise Up.
Good morning, 51 and raining in Bellingham. We’ve been doing the seasonal shuffle stuff routine, but thanks to our son’s help the summer patio furnishings are back in the cleaned up garage, the storm windows are on the doors, one umbrella is scrubbed and drying in the basement, and the hoses are all put away. There’s more to do but this is a good start, and better yet I’m not completely wiped out this morning. Progress!
Lately I haven’t had words to express my tRump feelings so I appreciate the support I feel when I read your comments. Thanks to all for being at the moose pond everyday.
55 at daybreak, 65 now – outside. Inside it’s about 80 as I’ve got a fire going to dry my laundry. We probably aren’t going to get any rain from this cloud cover and in fact the sun is trying to come out which will be nice for electricity generation – but I had to re-wash all my kitchen and bathroom hand towels from last laundry day, after soaking them overnight in Borax, because they “soured” when I hung them inside without a fire. At least this week it’s only a little too warm for a fire. Two weeks ago it was way too warm for a fire. Ended September with just over 415 KWHs, not quite half-way between the 2015 (459) and 2016 (384). It’s early, relatively speaking, and overcast so not quite a full KWH at the moment. Not a great start for October but if it clears off by noon I can still get double-digits for the day. 308 was my 2015 October total, 264 for 2016 – hoping for at least 300 but we shall see what we shall see.
The media is doing exactly what it’s paid to do – which at the moment is keep mad king donald’s base with him and re-emphasize the “lazy, entitled” stereotypes of not-white people so mad king donald and the Rs can hang onto the folks who don’t like the former but don’t want “their tax dollars” given to “blah people” – which is one of 2 reasons why we may take back Congress in 2018 but it won’t be the Blue Wave the revolutionists keep talking about (if we follow their candidate and promote his causes, of course). The other reason is voter suppression in all its forms (gerrymandering, voter IDs, voter list purges…) But the media doing what it’s paid to do is why we have mad king donald, why we are in danger of losing every bit of progress we’ve made in the last 75 years or so, why people are dying of willful neglect and those responsible will never be brought to book for it because it’s being done legally. We have got to find some way to circumvent the media now and break up the consortium that owns it as soon as we have the power to do so.
Some very good progress on the Community needs folks over at DK – wish I thought that list would not be needed in the future. But I know better. Especially as long as we are dealing with Rs and their “break government” agenda. It’s so much easier for them than us. We are trying to make government work and work well for everybody everywhere so we need revenue, materials, and people in the appropriate times and places working together. They are trying to destroy government and route the revenue stream into their masters’ pockets (too stupid to realize that if they break government there won’t be a revenue stream to route anywhere) so they don’t have to do anything except throw a sabot into the gears once we get things started. So stupid and so evil. But we still outnumber them and will still overcome them.
My coffee and pumpkin spice muffin break is over so need to get back to my Sunday housework. I’ll check the British Breakfast and Denise’s diary at DK when I get finished. I’m covering the Sunday Street Prophets for michelewln while she’s recovering from cancer surgery (thing was on her face and they had to go deep to get it all out – she’s OK as far as the cancer is concerned but where they cut is still very painful) so have to be back online by 1 central time. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}} and Healing Energy to everybody everywhere.
Good morning, meese! Monday …
It is 59 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 79. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast.
Today starts the 2017-2018 term of the Supreme Court. It is expected to be a banner year for employers with Gorsucks filling the reliable 5th seat voting to crush workers rights in every way possible. Today is the hearing for the Epic case, a Wisconsin company who wants their employees to cede all rights when they walk in the door. Tuesday will be the hearing for the much-awaited Wisconsin partisan gerrymandering case. As has been the case for most of the 21st century, Anthony Kennedy will be the deciding vote. The goal is to convince him that there is a clear way to determine when the line between “to the victor goes the spoils” and “destroying democracy” has been crossed. Wisconsin is a good case because the Republicans there gerrymandered down to the house and left a trail of emails gleefully celebrating how they would crush the Democrats for a generation. Certainly intent was there – now we will see if Kennedy is disgusted that the legislature literally gerrymandered one house out of a Democratic leaning neighborhood so that the incumbent state senator could have a reliable red district. Experts say that there is a mathematical formula that can be applied to identify what should be declared illegal districts. I hope they are right and convincing!
Republicans are predictably covering for their leader’s ghastly comments about Puerto Ricans and his frightening comments about not being interested in a peaceful resolution to the North Korea standoff. As new outrages stack up daily, it is difficult to jump on the bandwagon that says that they will pay a price at the polls and that outraged citizens will bury the Republican Party forever. It didn’t happen after Nixon, it didn’t happen after George W. Bush, it is unlikely to happen after Trump. There is a taste in America for Othering and the Republicans know how to tap into it to win elections. I am still in disbelief that 62 million Americans voted for him and that 60 million still think it was worth it to get Neil Gorsuch.
See all y’all later!
Thoughts and prayers for those who lost loved ones in Las Vegas and to the wounded.
When I first got to my desk, the death toll was 2, now it is 50. :(
I have not seen the whos or whys yet (I am heading to Twitter now) but I hope that the killer is not someone who will trigger reprisals against people who are already vilified. If it is a right-winger it is a lone wolf. If it is a black person or a member of an aggrieved minority, it is a sign that American police forces need to become more militarized. >_<
I’m so tired of mornings where I wonder “what’s wrong with us?” There’s really nothing to say. Humanity is broken. Not all of us, but as a whole, we’re just broken. Seeing the stories about Las Vegas alongside the ones about Puerto Rico….. I started to say there’s no music, then I thought of one that is literally to painful for me to listen to: Peace On Earth. It was written after yet another bombing, the pain in his voice has always been too much for me, but it has the words: their lives were bigger than any big idea. Yeah, that. It goes for the needless deaths in PR, as well as those from terrorism — they died because of racism & the horrible “government small enough to drown in a bathtub” ideology.
Good morning, Meese. What awful news on what looks to be such a beautiful day here in NoVa. Currently the temp. is 43 F., going up to 73 F. It’s going to get hot again this week (sigh).
This country is insane. We will never have gun control until the family members of Very Important People are shot. Then, and only then, will the NRA discover that it is not a good thing to permit random gun sales. The news about Las Vegas is monstrous. It was bad enough when I retired for my broken night (awake from 2 until 5), and now it is appallingly tragic.
On a personal level, we are making inroads on our garage, which resembles a hell hole. We’re searching for a picture of us on our wedding day and so far, not finding it.
Thoughts and prayers for the Las Vegas victims and the survivors in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean.
I don’t know, Diana. One of their own, Steve Scalise, was shot and nearly killed after he and his fellow Republicans voted to not do background checks that might have kept the gun out of the hands of the gunman who shot him. There is nothing that will stop the NRA.
He’s a colleague, though, not one of their children. Otherwise, I take your point.
What a screwed-up country.
It reminds me of the opening line of The Handmaid’s Tale (at least, if I remember correctly):
This is the sad truth. Not their families, certainly, but children:
Over overnight low of 64 happened just after midnight, 72 now and heading for 84. Started cloudy but is clearing off. Got 11.4 KWHs yesterday and hoping for the same or better today. Shorter daylength, more oblique angle means less electricity generated per day even on a good day until it turns around at Yule. 300 for the month will be good for October. We shall see what we shall see.
The Evil Ones were given license by the owners of the media starting back when they made mad king donald the R nominee (which of course makes them the more evil). The Evil Ones are exercising that license. Whether we are talking the terroristic murderous attacks by White Male Supremacists armed with the assault weapons that were banned under Bill Clinton or the murder by criminal neglect in Puerto Rico and elsewhere, the Evil Ones are very much exercising the evil power the media’s owners gave them. We outnumber the Evil Ones. We can and will stop them. But unless/until we break up that consortium that owns 90% of the media and influences the rest, they will regain power and let loose the “dogs of war’ on our own people again.
Need to get to work. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Found on the Internets …
Good morning, 48 and partly sunny in Bellingham. My little corner in the PNW is peaceful today but my heart is grieving for our country. I was born in Las Vegas so reading the news this morning stirs memories of my youth as well.
We shuffled stuff in the storage locker yesterday so after the pool this morning I’ll decide what to do with more of Ron’s mom’s belongings. Do I keep her basketball suit, or does it go with the rest of today’s donation? Interesting how a small choice can just make me stop and think about her and her busy life.
Take care everyone.
<blockquoteclass=”twitter-tweet” data-lang=”en”>
Some nice things in life: walking home late at night after a party and it's August and there's a tiny breeze and it smells like wild flowers
— Anne Thériault(@anne_theriault) October 2, 2017
Good Tuesday morning Meese
The Orange Monster makes a pointless visit to Puerto Rico today. The millions that will be spent on his visit would be better spent on water and food for people who still don’t have it.
I am still enraged and will continue to be.
NY Times oped
Impact on the mainland
I saw that the governor of Florida declared a state of emergency for all counties in Florida to get the proper resources available for what they expect to be an influx of Puerto Ricans moving to the mainland while their island home is rebuilt.
I am stunned to see a Republican governor do the right thing but it is welcome news.
Morning, meeses. Tuesday …
It is 66 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 79. Variable cloudiness today and a chance of thunderstorms this evening. That front will bring cooler air in for the remainder of the week.
The NRA has suspended, for 7 days, the ads they had planned to run for NRA A lister Ed Gillespie in Virginia’s governors race. They hope that everyone forgets their role in arming Americans with military-grade weapons. Sadly, it is very likely that they will forget. Last night I went to bed hating what our country has become. I did not wake up in a better mood.
Today, the shitgibbon will travel to Puerto Rico to declare Mission Accomplished. All weekend long and all day yesterday, his surrogates have been on cable news bashing the mayor of San Juan as a nasty woman – an ingrate who enables the lazy lazy islanders to sit around and have others “do everything for them”. We need to make sure that the neglected preparation for Maria landfall and the delayed response to the aftermath are not swept under the rug. His handlers have announced that there will be no press availability so that there is no chance for going off-message – they want to keep the focus on the horror in Las Vegas and his “presidential” response to the shooting. I will be tweeting Puerto Rico all day.
See all y’all later!
Good morning, all. Another beautiful day without rain here in NoVa. Current temp. is 46 F., going up to 74 F. later.
Don’t know what to say. Is there anything to say except ban assault rifles and all automatic guns? Why would you need them? Deer don’t shoot back, nor do rabbits, or Goddess help us, moose.
Today is gym day; will continue cleaning out the garage in the hope of finding that wedding photograph.
Wishing a good day to all, and let us focus on Puerto Rico. There will be another gun massacre soon, no doubt. What an egregious method of population control.
So tired of mornings where I wonder “what’s wrong with us”? Did I already say that? Yeah. And Austin’s “other” big music fest starts on Friday, the Austin City Limits Festival. Luckily there’s no tall buildings near Zilker…. well, not near near. But if someone decides he wants to kill a bunch of schoolteachers & newly engaged people & just random humans, he’ll find a way. And my boys play Mexico City tonight. I just read a smart thing from Armando on Twitter: “Some guy on @cnn sez the critical question is the shooter’s motive. It is not. The victims were not shot by motives. They were shot by guns.” True, but I still want to know why. I want to go back in time, find that special ed teacher & introduce her to Paddock & ask him why he murdered her. And the anniversary couple. Really, really — what is wrong with us?
The gravity waves team won the Nobel Prize. Which is great. No, it really is. It’s just that Vera Rubin should have won for dark matter years ago. But as with the DNA Nobel Prize, they have real trouble seeing women. Ok, if I don’t listen to something happy, I’m not going to be able to work. So here’s Best Thing.
more on the Nobel Prize thing:
I saw the headline on the prize they won for “proving” what Albert Einstein theorized. Sounds like looking for something to give them a prize for.
Oh, finding gravity waves was really fantastic, it was. It’s just that: 1. it was the work of hundreds, if not thousands of researchers. Lots of them were women. I follow them on twitter & when it happened, they were all so happy — and explaining what it meant. 2. Dark matter is also super important, and Vera Rubin will not be among the winners when a Nobel is awarded for it (because it will be). They don’t do posthumous Nobel prizes. They knew she was nearing the end of her life & could/should have done it last year, but they didn’t. Just like instead of recognizing Rosalind Franklin for DNA, they gave it to Watson & Crick.
Kind of embarrassing – Oxfam will pitch in to help in Puerto Rico in the absence of leadership from Washington:
sigh. Good for Oxfam – our current gov sucks
To go from President Obama to this is like falling off a freaking cliff – into a sea of molten lava.
70 at what passed for dawn, still overcast 75% chance of rain – but i seriously doubt we’ll get any. Just loss of electricity production and nothing to even dampen the dry creek bed. sigh. Still, I did get 12.6 KWHs yesterday and the m-t-d with the driblet I’ve gotten so far today is 25.
Back to my same old soap box – we have to break up that consortium that owns 90% of the media and influences the rest. The Assault Weapons Ban would have been reauthorized under W, sane gun laws would have been passed before Sandy Hook could have even happened IF we’d had the media on our side. A “Vietnam” treatment with the dead and wounded daily and cumulative totals up in the corner of the screen and daily coverage on national news would have gotten it done. TV shows that emphasized responsible ownership (and the “well-regulated militia” part of the 2nd Amendment) instead of the reverse. Our killer culture is a product of our media. Our killer president and R congressional leadership are also products of our media.
Doing my best to deal with fundraiser and community stuff as well as do my job. Today my job has taken up most of my time. I haven’t been able to finish posting my community links comments in the DK Village yet. But it will persist. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Actually, breaking up the media won’t do anything – another more heinous news purveyor will pop up. There is unlimited wealth on the Republican side as witnessed by the fractious Republican primary that shat out Donald J. Trump as the nominee. Koch money, Mercer money, Club for Growth money, Chamber of Commerce money. You can’t stop it all.
What we need to do is develop a smarter electorate. That millions of Russian ads swayed at least a few hundred thousand people in WI, MI, and PA to vote against Hillary Clinton or stay home is embarrassing and on us, not on the Russians. We will never stop fake news or slanted news but I think we can teach people to add a grain of salt to everything they read or view. The kids nowadays are very smart – and respect diversity and want a clean planet. They will save us from the folks who watch Fox News and believe Russian ads on Facebook that say that black people are coming to kill them in their beds.
The demographics we thought were going to keep us in power in 2016 are not there yet (the Latinx vote is lagging behind the population growth) but they will be there and we will regain power.