Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
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Actually cold this morning — 40s. Brrr. Tea, oatmeal. Must have caffeine & engage brain.
Good Woden’s Day, Moosekind! It’s clear and cool here in NoVa, with a current temp. of 54 F., going up to 63 F. later today. If I weren’t pretending to lose weight I’d have oatmeal with chopped apple, walnuts, and cinnamon for breakfast.
Nothing intelligent to say this morning. Going to spend our child-free day cleaning out the garage in preparation for the contractor’s visit next week. I can’t believe it’s already nearly Samhain!
One encouraging note—there’s a post by AKALib at the other place about how Tesla is working to restore some of the electricity grid in PR, and Google is sending up balloons (huh?) to restore at least some of the communications capability. That wonderful chef Jose is preparing tons of meals with the help of volunteers. Dare we hope that by keeping PR in the news (thank you, Sister Dee and others), private donations will actually help PR where the government has so signally failed?
Time for breakfast and coffee. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond and Beyond.
The low of 34 this morning happened about 4 am – and the furnace kicked on. It was 40 when i left for work and we’re heading for 68 and sunny. Yesterday got 10.3 KWHs and the m-t-d is 213. Won’t make 300 but we’re still producing more energy than I’m using.
The Deplorables have always been with us – from the Puritan/Pilgrims who came here so they could be the religious oppressors instead of being the religious oppressed forward. Since the media’s owners find them useful, they are now in power. They have never been the majority. But we are fighting a very hard battle to get them out of power while the propaganda machine wants them in. meanwhile I’m worried about my fundraiser folks. (Yeah, I know – what else is new?) Trying to think of some way to draw more attention to anotherdemocrat’s fundraiser link. We shall see if I’m successful.
Work keeps interfering with my online life – LOL. But the coffee break is over and I need to get back to it. Will drop by the Villages first just to be a “presence” there. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
I turned my furnace on yesterday morning when the in-the-house temperature dropped to 68. I can sleep with 68 because I have a mountain of blankets on me but it needs to be warmer during the day when I am working (I set it for 72).
We had a pretty long period from air conditioning off to furnace on so I won’t complain. Heating season is easier because I put my gas on a budget plan and I pay the same amount every month. I don’t do that for the shorter cooling period (electricity is a different vendor).
I’ve had mine turned on for over a week but between sunshine and woodfires the house was warm enough it didn’t actually come on until yesterday afternoon. It was on when I got home from work just after 5 central.
We’ve also had a lovely long period with no H/VAC at all. My favorites weather :) – I keep things comfortable the old-fashioned way, opening and closing windows and curtains and using the ceiling fans as needed, during the more moderate weather. A/C is set at 80 and furnace at 63. I’ve got my gas on the equalized billing with Black Hills Energy but with the solar PV system I’ve only had a “maintenance line charge” of $8.76 from AEP/SWEPCO since about March of 2015. :)
thank you! I may do a diary tomorrow…. I need a decent night’s sleep so I can write something coherent
Good morning, 56 and cloudy in Bellingham. The leaf color fairy must have visited my old maple trees last night, because the change in the color of the leaves is amazing this morning. We’re going to have a lawn full soon!
I’m trudging to the pool but I’ve got to go so I will. Have a good day everyone.
Our leaves changed and we got about 4 or 5 days of brilliance and now, sadly, the winds are knocking them all off the trees! It never lasts long enough to suit me.
Good morning, meeses! Thursday …
It is 39 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 55. Mostly cloudy with clearing at times.
The judge who was asked to restore the CSRs has denied the request on the grounds that they would not achieve the stated purpose of lowering premiums – and he is right. The premiums have been set for 2018 (going up by 34%) and even the CBO score for the Murray-Alexander bill says that their fixes (which will never come to a vote, anyway) would have no impact on 2018. The way you sabotage something is to make your change so late in the process that it can’t be undone. It is the same thing with the loss of money to promote ACA signups – even if they shoveled $100 million into it right now, it would be too late to create ads and do the ad buys and get the word out by November 1st. I guess now we watch and wait and hope that the analysts who have told us that the net premiums will be about the same or only slightly higher are right. The key, from what I understand, is to get a silver plan because those get government subsidies. I guess we will find out in about 6 days.
What is it with people who work for Trump that they are all thin-skinned bullies? The mayor of San Juan was concerned about the suspicious contract to a small firm in Montana for power restoration and asked for full transparency for costs. They tweeted (of course!) back that they will just leave if they are disrespected. I am sure they got permission to attack the mayor from Brock Long, thin-skinned FEMA director of the thin-skinned sh*tgibbon. Grr.
The Republican Party is now a loose coalition of politicians who are afraid of Trump and his voters and those who are willing to suffer any indignity to pass granny killing tax cuts. They were warned that he was uncontrollable – how can you control a man with the impulses of a toddler? – yet they persisted in endorsing him. It is now the Party of Roy Moore. Someone on Twitter wondered if Roy Moore’s extremism would be simply poo-poohed if it was anti-Semitism instead of anti-Muslim. From a party that embraces Nazis, I think it is very likely that it would not matter.
See all y’all later!
It is a personality type.
p.s. I am having Schadenfreude overload this morning!!
Good Thor’s Day morning, Moosekind! Very cloudy here in NoVa, but with blue trying to break through the gray clouds. The temperature is currently 47 F., going up to 59 F. I can’t get used to these dark mornings.
Our Moose friend Basket is awake and retweeting in California—LOL! He’s up early. The Moose has been very skittish lately. Every time I’ve come here the last couple of mornings I’ve had to sign in over and over again. At least I haven’t had to “clear history.” That’s such a nuisance.
Have just been on Twitter and glancing over the headlines in the WaPo. I can’t believe how the Rethugs are still trying to blame Hillary for (1) Russiagate, (2) Niger, (3) the opioid crisis, (4) the latest mass shooting, and bla bla bla. She’s not even IN public life any more! What is it about hating this intelligent, accomplished woman who has tried to make life better for her fellow citizens? The only explanation I can find is that they hate smart, accomplished women who try to make life better for their fellow citizens. In China, representation of women in government has just gone down, I read this morning.
Today will consist of grocery shopping, weight training, picking up Miss Pink Cheeks from the bus stop, and waiting for the page proofs. I was wrong, it was only the cover proof the publisher sent the other day. The sooner this book gets published the better. It’s a political satire so it would be best if it comes out while it’s still relevant.
Wishing a good, unfrightening day to all at the Pond and Beyond.
I have had the opposite situation – I had been having terrible show-stopping login problems about a week ago and since then I have not been called “Anonymous” once! I have probably jinxed myself by writing that. :)
The shitgibbon and his merry band of liars can claim all sorts of things – and their accomplices in Congress can investigate all they want – the bottom line is that keeping Russia in the headlines is only damaging to the current occupant of the White House, whose political mojo is swirling in the commode. Lowest approval rate EVER in a Fox News poll, his tax plan on life support because people are not stupid enough to fall for his spokesliar’s bad math, and Generic Democrat beating Generic Republican by 13 points in the latest polls of 2018 midterms. Hillary Clinton is not running for anything.
A chilly morning, but tomorrow will be actually cold — high of 59! Not enough energy/wakefulness for a diary this morning. Maybe this evening. So apparently the universe shouldn’t exist. Where is Douglas Adams when you need him?
53 before dawn and sunny at the moment – going up to 75. Our last taste of “summer” for a while – we won’t see 70 again for at least 2 weeks. This being AR, I won’t guarantee it further out than that. Got just under 10 KWHs yesterday and the m-t-d is standing at 222.8. Today should push it over 230 at least. 300 isn’t possible but 275 is so I’ll hope for that.
As to politics we’re living in WWII France – Vichy for white folks (or at least white men) and Nazi-occupied France for everybody else. I expect evil from evil men (and some women) so while what is going on appalls me it doesn’t surprise me. Nor does it surprise me that the Extreme Left isn’t helping. The only time the Leftists helped the “war effort” in WWII was when it directly benefited Russia.
Meanwhile – Happy 70th Birthday, Hillary!!!
Got some movement with my community needs list – but sort of heard back from one who should be on it but isn’t and the news is very bad. Doesn’t want to talk about it kind of bad but I’m not sure how I can get help without telling people. I’m working on it. Anybody into that sort of thing, I’d appreciate it if you’d channel a bit of Energy to me/through me to that person.
Gotta get to work. still some stuff on my desk that’s been sitting there for over a week and really needs to go away. So we shall hope that whatever has been keeping it from being processed and filed is now resolved and I can get it done. :) Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Dreadfully late on this Thursday
Was pounding keyboards for Sunday deadline since 3:30 Am – am now able to relax for a bit – look at twitter, take a lunch break, then get to work on another PR diary
Good morning, 48 and partly sunny in Bellingham. I woke up early and then promptly went back to sleep so I’m late as usual. Not much new for me today……some more sewing room/magazine recycling, a pass at the desk, some ever present laundry, and then some time with my quilt project. I’ll pre shrink the rest of the fabric today and redo my quilt math because now that I have the actual fabrics the block sizes I used for planning will need to be changed. Once the math part is over ( my least favorite) I can start cutting and sewing.
Time for coffee. Take care everyone.
Hello back! Let me know if you want a Moose user id and if you will want to write posts and I will set you up on the system.
Hi there!
I just set you up and you should be getting your password and login link. Watch for an email from wordpress at motleymoose.net – it may end up in your spam filter!
Good morning, meese! Friday …
It is 37 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 39. Sunny this morning then mixed precipitation this afternoon into the evening.
A quick scan of the news shows that we have not nuked anyone or been nuked. I will have to leave it at that because I have an accounting project I need to get out before the work day starts and my Inbox fills up with support requests.
I was glad to see that the opioid crisis was solved yesterday: “Just Say No”. There … why were people making such a big deal about it?
See all y’all later!
Good morning Meese and hello to new moose, Phoenix Woman. I’m up too early because I can’t stay asleep.
I know that feeling! I have been waking up at 2:30am all week for some reason. I don’t know if there is a disturbance in the force or just general anxiety – maybe both.
Cold front is here, I wore a sweatshirt this morning — and it will be cooler when I leave work than it is now. Slept poorly, but I have to try to get some e-mails out. Telling my brain to play City of Blinding Lights to give me some energy.
Good Freya’s Day, Moosekind! The Moose is really skittish this morning. Hope it lets me post this comment.
Had the night from absolute hell but I can’t go back to bed. Have to drive to the retirement community 20 miles away to visit my friends.
The publisher sent the page proofs yesterday. For some bizarre reason I couldn’t download the .mobi file to Kindle, but I did manage to download the epub file to my iPad and iPhone. The book looks so “real” now! Well, as real as an ebook can ever look.
Need to cook breakfast for Dearly Beloved. Oh, the weather! It’s so cold the heat has kicked on. Current temp. under clear skies in NoVa is 34 F., going up to 67 F. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond and Beyond!
Good Friday Meese
37 degrees (brrrrr) here in Saugerties – going up to 67.
Our NY Gov just got back from Puerto Rico and blasted Trump.
Chris Murphy is blasting too
Union worker reports
I’ve signed the impeachment petition
41 around dawn and not planning to get much warmer today. Partly cloudy, hoping it will clear off later. Got just over 9 KWHs yesterday and the m-t-d is 232. Still possible to make 275 so still hoping on that, too. Fingers stiff which of course makes buttoning coats – and typing – problematic. sigh. That’s the main thing I have against cold weather – the Raynaud’s that makes my fingers and toes very sensitive to the extent they end up being non-responsive when it’s cold enough (and cold enough is a moving target – it’s a higher temp if the drop was sudden, lower temp if the decrease is slower).
Ebil Ones being Ebil is SOP. That they are in power is, well, deplorable. That they got the power by stealing it is also SOP for them, but totally infuriating that our media was ordered to assist them. They couldn’t have pulled it off without media help. Meanwhile good news that Aji’s fundraiser match was met last night (W00T!) so payroll is covered for next week and even more W00T!!! her internet was installed in the house yesterday so now she can do her online work (blog, gallery updates, sales, etc) in the safe, warm, healthful house.
Got some folks I’m worried about – especially one who’d been mia for almost a month and got in touch yesterday – situation so bad she doesn’t want to talk about it. Not sure what to do but Channel Good Energy until she can. I seriously wish we weren’t working in crisis mode all the time – from the personal, individual folks, to the links for Puerto Rico and pacific coast i’m carrying forward to at least 3 diaries and sometimes 5 or 6 diaries daily – crises are crises and should be dealt with immediately. Important-but-not-crisis unfortunately can become crisis if pushed off too long. sigh. Anyway, work to do. Back when I can. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 43 and sunny in Bellingham. Thanks to another restless night I’m late, sleepy, and slow to start my day. A quick look at the news tells me I need to be careful re what I read so I’m going to find some coffee and go outside to clip ivy and clean up the spent summer flowers. The begonias and a few inpatients are still blooming but the companion plants are done so it’s time for them to go.
Best Friday wishes to all.
Good morning, meese! Saturday …
It is 36 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 41. Mostly cloudy skies are in the forecast. Yesterday’s wintry mix did not materialize but points north got some snow. Minnesota got a whole bunch of snow!
Mueller has delivered sealed indictment(s) on the Trump-Russia probe. The news hit just as I was ready to call it a day but some speculation is that this early indictment is to loosen lips – to get someone whose butt is on the line to turn on the higher ups. My guess is Manafort or Page and that the higher ups are Flynn and Kushner. I hope everyone realizes after last week that there is nothing that will turn the Republican Congress against tRump – he will not be impeached and to think that there would be 67 votes in the Senate to remove him is a fantasy. But making the Trump Administration toxic will slow down their agenda.
Meanwhile, Puerto Rico is still in the midst of a humanitarian crisis. And it sounds like the statistics on “power” that they are reporting are not based on “number of homes/people with power” but power generation. That means nothing to the people whose lines are down and who have to wait on Zinke’s griftery guys making $400 an hour (incentive to finish=0) to restring them.
I have a morning project to finish before I can look at the news so I will not even know if we nuked someone or got nuked overnight. I would think that unless the nuke landed in NYC – or the East Coast site where my email is hosted – a NYTimes breaking news email alerting me would have ended up in my Inbox.
Today is the Senate’s turn to do the Democratic Party’s Weekly Address and so there will be nothing available to post until later in the day. I may just use as the theme the insane thing that House Republicans in California, New York and New Jersey did – voted to raise the taxes on their constituents by thousands of dollars to give tax cuts to billionaires. Hey, it’s gotta come from someone, why not people who didn’t vote for the shitgibbon! I hope people still unsure about throwing their hats in the ring in House races are energized by the big Kick Me Out sign that these guys just put on their backs.
See all y’all later!
Grrr = my puter crashed and burned yesterday so I am headed to Best Buy today to see if they can fix it I hate using my old laptop. Have a good Saturday folks
Oh, no! I hope they can recover your data! Good luck!
What a bummer, Sis! You’ve just reminded me that I ought to store my stuff in iCloud.
Hope you can recover.