Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
– Page One of Comments is here.
– Page Two of Comments is here.
44 and projected high of 57. Catching up on work before rescheduled piano lesson this afternoon.
Good morning Meese – I’m really late – fell back asleep after I got up at 4AM
33 going up to 48 here in the Catskills
I see that one of the strongest voices for PR is retiring – racists are out in droves on twitter attacking him
I have a close friend who worked on Chuy Garcia’s mayoral campaign in 2015, and although I haven’t dug into his positions, my friend’s endorsement of him then is almost enough for me now. It’s definitely a campaign worth watching, assuming he goes ahead and starts collecting signatures.
I don’t know much about Chuy Garcia – will have to read up
I saw a lot of people speculating. One can’t help but wonder, with the Democratic Party’s zero-tolerance policy for sexual harassment that is evolving, if there was something in his past that he would prefer to not have dredged up or which might be ambiguous. Or he could just be sick of the Washington DC fishbowl; it is relentless.
I hope they can find a good candidate for that seat. I believe it is pretty safely blue.
People are now saying that he has shown interest in running for mayor of Chicago. I wonder if he thinks he has a chance in the governors race which is next year.
I hope he is not done with politics.
Good morning, 48 and cloudy in Bellingham. Christmas trees and lights are starting to shine around the neighborhood but we’re still enjoying our T Day flowers so we will wait until December.
I solved my quilt dilemma and now have all the blocks made so today I’ll sew the banding to the pinwheel blocks. If I can keep my focus I may finish the top today, but when my mind wanders the tiny seams do too and then the rest of the pieces don’t fit together as they should. As I’ve mentioned I’m not an experienced quilter so I’m learning as I go and keeping the seam ripper busy!
Time for a BP check, then some coffee, then on with the day. Take care everyone.
Christmas trees – already? Wow
lights on the square went on the weekend before Thanksgiving. it’s beautiful. it’s also a serious money maker so it’s been backed up several weeks since they started about a decade ago. sigh.
Good morning, meese! Wednesday …
It is 32 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 41. Sunny skies are in the forecast.
The Senate voted the tax scam out of committee and leadership is cutting deals with all the “maybes” to try to get that monstrosity passed. The deficit hawks get something called the “trigger” which would raise taxes if the revenue projections aren’t met. They may as well trigger it now: economists have already weighed in and the “increased revenue” is a right-wing fantasy. Actually, it isn’t a fantasy, they know damn well it doesn’t work that way. It is a flat out lie to dupe the masses. It sounds like they gave Ron Johnson a tRump clap on the back and that is all he needed. They told Susan Collins that they will pass Alexander-Murray after the tax cuts pass. Good lord! Has she not been paying attention?? Anyway, there is nothing I can do about the tax bill, no calls I can make.
Good for Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer for rejecting the White House photo op. Trump attacks them on Twitter and then invites them for in-person abuse. No thanks! The shitgibbon is now saying that the shutdown he hopes to have will be the Democrats fault. Nope! Republicans control the House, the Senate, the White House and the Federal Courts. The only people who will believe that are the 37% diehards who will let him shoot someone on 5th Avenue and get away with it. NOW if we could just get the bothsiders in the press to report what is happening accurately.
See all y’all later!
Hiya Wednesday Meese
40 degrees here in Saugerties NY going up to 55
A reminder:
Since CNN has announced it will not be covering the Trump House Christmas my favorite Chef responded
This tweet made me smile
The disinvitation will really get under tRump’s thin skin! I hope it ruins his day.
I am trying to figure out what the strategy is for his re-litigating the Access Hollywood tape’s authenticity. He admitted it was real – on national TV, I think – and it certainly did not harm him, he was protected by his white maleness. Why remind everyone of how gross he is? Does he want to rewrite history and turn himself from a slimey piece of crap into a beloved, misunderstood figure? Seems odd and counterproductive.
And yet another man in the media who went after HRC hammer & tongs while lobbing softballs at Trump turns out to be a misogynist harasser. Funny how that turns out. Didn’t walk this morning, will do at lunch or after work. Got to keep my mile-a-day streak going. Music today: sweet & melodic Get Out Of Your Own Way
I just saw that about Matt Lauer! Rich white male misogynists seem to have had a special place in their hearts for the gropemeister-in-chief. No wonder they wanted to focus on Hillary’s emails and not the unsuitability of Trump for national office. May they all burn in whatever hell they believe in for what they have done to our country.
and if you do a search on Twitter for Ann Curry or Tamron Hall…… the comments are fantastic
and of course, it puts this in an interesting light
Another, I’ve loathed Matt Lauer for years. He harassed Ann Curry out of a job on that pathetic show and has been awful to Hoda (—? drawing a blank on the surname). He’s always been so smug and hateful in his on-air interactions with women, especially to HRC.
Good riddance to bad rubbish, say I.
Good Woden’s Day, Meese. We’ve another beautiful day here in NoVa, with blue skies and sunshine. It’s 33 F. now, going up to 63 F. later. Ugh. It doesn’t seem like the end of autumn and the approach of winter.
Feeling pleased this morning after having actually experienced 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep and because of the fact that our beloved Basket wrote a stellar review of Saving the World Through Sex and posted it on Amazon yesterday. My beta reader also wrote one, bringing the total to three. Another 97 reviews and Book Bub will pick up my book!
However, these bits of good news are overlaid by dread of the end-of-the-USA bill that will probably be passed tomorrow. How COULD they! Rethugs are such bastards!
My senators, both Dems, will naturally vote against it. What about the House? Does it still have to vote on the final bill? I could call The Woman Comstock to protest. She’s a Rethug but her district went for HRC in the general. People are so used to having a Rethug in that district they don’t know what to do with themselves.
Wishing all a good day.
The bill being passed in the Senate means that it goes to conference where the differences between the House bill and the Senate bill – which are huge – are reconciled. Then the reconciled bill will be presented to Congress for an up or down vote.
So there are four places where the bill can be derailed: the Senate parliamentarian rules that the Senate bill violates the Byrd Rule (possible but it will be overridden), the vote tomorrow fails (unlikely), the conference committee is unable to craft an acceptable compromise bill (somewhat likely), and, finally, the compromise bill is so awful that it fails in either the House or the Senate (very likely). My bet is that the House fails to pass it because their day of reckoning will come sooner than the Senate’s and the Republican delegations in California, New York, and New Jersey face extinction if they vote to raise taxes on their constituents by $10,000 a year. Not to mention that the Tea Party has to convince their voters that a Republican deficit is okay after having been elected saying that a Democratic deficit is not okay. If it does pass and gets signed we have no way to repeal it until 2021 and the damage from it will reverberate through the economy, likely leading to a huge downturn. You can’t take money out of the hands of the spenders and put it in the hands of the hoarders and expect the economy to keep humming along.
Good morning, 44 and mostly cloudy in Bellingham. Today is our 50th wedding anniversary, how can that be! We marked the occasion with our family at Thanksgiving, so tonight we’re going to dinner and an overnight at a nice waterfront hotel. Our wedding was small and quiet so it’s fitting our anniversary is too.
Time for coffee. Hope it’s a good day for all.
{{{princesspat}}} – seriously happy 50th anniversary! Enjoy your quiet dinner together. moar {{{HUGS}}}
Happy anniversary! We celebrated our 36th yesterday; it’s mind-boggling to imagine 50 years.
{{{DoReMI}}} – Happy Anniversary to you, too. moar {{{HUGS}}}
Congratulations, princesspat! Hey, that is so cool! We celebrated our 50th last month.
It seems like yesterday that we were young and actually had hair.
“actually had hair” Ha!!
Good morning, MeeseFolk. Sunny day today with a high of 41; quite a change from yesterday when the temp reached the low 60s. I’m not complaining though, because I HAVE A WORKING FURNACE!!! Last night was the first night in ages where I wasn’t wearing multiple layers of fleece around the house, and we took the down comforter off the bed for now. The critters, on the other hand, seem loathe to give up the blankets and comforters I’ve had laying around for them; I may have created a new level of spoiled for my already thoroughly-spoiled menagerie.
YAY for the furnace!!! I wouldn’t mind helping you with your cookie dilemma though. ????
I’ll be doing a fresh batch in the next day or so; I hope pecan butterballs are ok.
Of course!
{{{DoReMI}}} – so glad your furnace is working. But “contact warmth” is always best as your household critters know very well. :) moar {{{HUGS}}}
60ish today, have been preoccupied with work the last few days so didn’t really check in anywhere.
{{{basket}}} – you’ve been doing a lot of good work. thank you. moar {{{HUGS}}}
50 something and raining at dawn and got a little over 1/2″ of rain which we really need. 60 now and heading down again. Yesterday i got 7.3 KWHs and ended the day at 169 for the month. Fairly cloudy today but i’ve gotten 2.3 so far today and the m-t-d is 171.6 – if we get another couple of KWHs today and 7 tomorrow, we get 180 for the month. if not, not. We’re over 150 and that’s good.
Blessings upon the 3 folks who emailed me that Aji was home and her heart is “perfect” (we already knew that) – I was able to actually settle down and deal with the non-stop flow of work. The last being why i haven’t checked in until now. That’s not a small blessing but a major one. And it gives me energy to get back into the fray as it were. (I’ll even try to sneak in a phone call or two before i leave work – if folks will just step out of the office for 3 minutes.) Bright what’s left of the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good Thursday Meese.
26 here going up to 45
My favorite Mayor
I am glad to see her still making the rounds. The only way to remind people that Puerto Rico is still in distress is to keep Puerto Rico news in front of people. I have taken to tweeting stories about Puerto Rico even if they are not directly related to hurricane relief because Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Puerto Rico needs eyes.
That really helps Jan – I’m sticking to my diaries about Puerto Rico crusade – I refuse to let people ignore what is going on – next week (Dec 6) will be the 3 month anniversary of Irma hitting PR and USVI – some folks have not had power, or potable water since then
Good morning, meeses! Thursday …
It is 39 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 50. Sunny skies are in the forecast.
Quick scan of the news: Trump is a lunatic (NOT breaking), Trump is a pig (NOT breaking), Republicans admit tax cut plan is to set the stage for destroying Social Security and Medicare – their base says “this is fine”.
Last day of November, I need to get some projects done. See all y’all later!
Ugh, the news. Just worse & uglier and how can people think these are ok things to do? Where do you even get the idea that….. ugh, ugh, ugh. No walk this morning, I’m leaving work early to pick up my t-shirt for the Trail of Lights 5K in the park. So I’m going to get in my “learn to run” workout while I’m there. A friend sent me an mp3 of one of the new U2 songs that I’ll be getting tomorrow & it is so beautiful & heartbreaking. It’s called “Summer of Love”, and I wish it was a love song. It’s about Aleppo, and the refugee crisis. This is the part that’s stabbing me in the heart:
We have one more chance before the light goes
For a summer of love
I wish I knew how to share the file, because musically it’s a gorgeous song.
37 going up to 48 today; the weather has been swinging back and forth so much, I don’t even know what’s normal anymore.
I saw on Twitter that a representative of the One True Left was attacking Joy Reid last night, including questioning why Andy Lack keeps her on the MSNBC payroll. With all of the other issues we’re facing, I find it incredible that this is where energy and focus is being directed. I have no use for allies that don’t know how to ally.
In other, non-political, news, the Bruno Mars special last night was well worth watching. Did anyone else catch it?
I’m glad I missed the person attacking my Joy because I’d have been mad. But Ms Reid always had the receipts and people who go after her usually regret it. I agree – we have so much real horror, and people decide to go after people on our side? Sigh.
Yeah – the hatin’ on Joy brigade was out in force. These people’s strategy of going after black women is beyond stupid
Missed the Bruno Mars special – fell asleep – will have to go look for clips
Found the link to watch
Good morning, Moosekind, and a peaceful St. Andrew’s Day to everyone. I take note of this because today Mr. Preschooler is exactly three and a half. There’s a Walter de la Mare poem that begins, “It was an old, old, old lady/And a boy who was half-past three”—describes the two of us to a T!
Wish the news were better on this beautiful November morning. It’s 35 F. now in NoVa, going up to 58 F. later. However, a cold front is on the way. Younger Son and DIL, along with Miss Pink Cheeks and Mr. Preschooler, will need to bundle up tonight—they’re going to DC to see the lighting of the National Christmas Tree. Grandma and Grandpa will view the whole thing comfortably on TV.
Net neutrality, the tax scam bill, and possible war with North Korea all have me feeling lower than the proverbial earthworm this morning. Can’t believe this is happening! Social Security is 90 percent of monthly income for some people and yet they’re going to CUT IT? Also, a child molester in Alabama will be elected in 13 days because of “abor-shun.” Goddess forbid that women should control what happens to their own bodies! In the eyes of the evangelical crowd, women are just seedbeds waiting to be fertilized by any passing rapist.
Wish a not-so-Sekrit Army would storm Capitol Hill today.
There is a People’s Filibuster at 3pm at Capitol Hill today. Not quite an army, perhaps, but I’m hoping for noisy, visible, and unavoidable.
I just called Ron Freaking Johnson and told him to vote no so that they can take more time to look at the harm this bill will do. He doesn’t care – his beef with the bill was that his own personal taxes did not go down enough – mine is that my taxes will go up and my retirement and future Medicare are endangered. He will never walk in my shoes which is the problem with most Republicans.
46 at dawn, 48 now, and heading for 60. Overcast as the moment but seems to be clearing off which is good. Only got 3.3 KWHs yesterday bringing the m-t-d to 172.6 – will need a good sunny day starting in a couple of hours to get the 7.4 needed to get us 180 for the month. Looking iffy at the moment but very possible.
Office was empty for a few minutes this morning so I made my calls to my bloody senators. Got Cotton’s voicemail – hopefully that means he’s getting slammed. The Boozman staffer and I have talked to much we’re almost friends (sort of – she is the Boozman staffer) – although I think she was surprised with my phone call last week when I started by wishing her a Happy Thanksgiving – she and i both know Boozman is going to pay no attention whatsoever to anything I say, but she gets it down to give him anyway. I said early on – before mad king donald was even sworn in – that he’d gish-galloped to the candidacy, he’d gish-galloped to the presidency, and the Rs were going to gish-gallop their agenda through for his signature. Our jobs have been to slow them down and block as much as we can AND work to take back Congress. But the essence of gish-galloping is to throw so much stuff so fast that a bunch of it sticks and some of it gets through to be the wedge for the rest. We’re tired and depressed because it’s so very evil and so very overwhelming. But we will persist. The alternative is death. A lot of people’s deaths. Every evil thing blocked means lives saved. Every life saved means hope for the future.
I need to get back to work – really shouldn’t have stopped to check in as I need to leave for an appointment in about 20 minutes but just wanted to, well, check in. :) Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
This is why you have won this year’s Nobel Prize for being a world-class sweetheart.
You are the nicest person I know.
{{{Diana}}} – thank you. I do my best. moar {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning meese. 41 currently and supposed to get up to the 60s. Only got about an hour of sleep, with lots of worries and things weighing on my mind.
{{{basket}}} – Healing Energy and let us know if we can help. moar {{{HUGS}}} and moar Healing Energy.
Oh, basket, so sorry about your sleepless night.
Today is World AIDS Day
For World AIDS Day – I’m remembering Alvin Ailey choreographer, dancer, activist – who died of AIDS on December 1 1989
Someone on Twitter said that the White House acknowledgement of World Aids Day does not mention LGBT at all. People will look back at this time as the Dark Ages – when the government propaganda machine erased large swaths of history and people. I hope we can recover.