The Weekly Democratic Party Address was delivered by Rep. Ted Deutch (D-Florida).
(Congressman Ted Deutch, representing Florida’s 22nd Congressional District, home to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, speaks on gun control)
Congressman Deutch:
For those who say it is too soon – For those who always say it is too soon to make change, you must live with the knowledge that it is too late for the grieving parents, it is too late for the survivors who will carry this with them forever, it is too late for the Marjory Stoneman Douglas community.
We are tired of hearing that it is too soon. […]
It’s time for Republicans in Congress to show just a shred of the courage of American students. It’s time for Speaker Ryan to let the House vote to require background checks on every sale and transfer, to keep guns out of the hands of suspected terrorists, to outlaw bump stocks that enable automatic rates of fire, to require that no one under the age of 21 can buy a gun, and to once again ban assault weapons from our streets.
The students of Stoneman Douglas demand action. They will never give up. They are crying out, America has heard it, the world has heard it from them. Never again!
(Link to Nancy Pelosi Newsroom here)
Transcript: Congressman Ted Deutch Delivers Weekly Democratic Address
“Hi, my name is Congressman Ted Deutch, and I represent Florida’s 22nd Congressional District, home to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.
“Last week, our community suffered an unspeakable tragedy – the 25th deadly school shooting since Columbine in 1999.
“On Wednesday, February 14, as school was ending, a 19 year-old gunman entered the halls of Stoneman Douglas carrying a weapon of war that he bought legally at a gun store.
“He fired over 100 rounds from his semi-automatic assault rifle in just four short minutes.
“He killed 17 people: Alyssa, Chris, Meadow, Scott, Luke, Helena, Martin, Cara, Alex, Nicholas, Gina, Carmen, Aaron, Joaquin, Peter, Jaime, and Alaina.
“They were students, teachers, and coaches. They were our neighbors, our friends, our family. Students died saving the lives of their classmates. Teachers died saving the lives of their students. Many others were injured.
“The Stoneman Douglas community deserves your thoughts and prayers. But thoughts and prayers are not nearly enough. Congress owes them something more. We owe them action.
“For those who say it is too soon – For those who always say it is too soon to make change, you must live with the knowledge that it is too late for the grieving parents, it is too late for the survivors who will carry this with them forever, it is too late for the Marjory Stoneman Douglas community.
“We are tired of hearing that it is too soon.
“Nearly 20 years since Columbine, we continue to suffer a mass gun violence problem that is uniquely American. The rest of the developed world has fixed this and saved lives.
“Only in America is our inaction marked by the next mass slaughter of children in our schools. Only in America have we chosen to protect the profits of gun corporations over the lives of our students.
“On March 24, 2018, students – survivors – from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School will march on Washington. They will be joined by students from around the country who want nothing more than to be safe in their schools.
“What I ask of President Trump, my colleagues in Congress – and especially Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell – is this: meet with these students. Let them share their stories face-to-face with you.
“Know that this can happen in the hometowns in your own districts. Know that gun violence is an everyday tragedy in our country.
“What if these were your kids or your grandchildren? What would you do then?
“We know what we need to do to make our communities safer from gun violence. We have the solutions, now we need the courage to act.
“It’s time.
“It’s time for Republicans in Congress to show just a shred of the courage of American students. It’s time for Speaker Ryan to let the House vote to require background checks on every sale and transfer, to keep guns out of the hands of suspected terrorists, to outlaw bump stocks that enable automatic rates of fire, to require that no one under the age of 21 can buy a gun, and to once again ban assault weapons from our streets.
“The students of Stoneman Douglas demand action. They will never give up. They are crying out, America has heard it, the world has heard it from them. Never again!
“Congress must hear their cries. Congress must take action. And they must do it now.”
Any bolding has been added.
Congress was in recess for the Presidents’ Day holiday and there was no weekly news conference from Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi. From her newsroom:
Statement on Publication of Net Neutrality Repeal Order
San Francisco – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi issued this statement after the Federal Communications Commission’s repeal of net neutrality rules was published in the Federal Register:
“Today, the Trump Administration sealed its special interest betrayal of the promise of a free and open Internet. Consumers will now be hit with higher costs and less choice, while America’s dynamism and entrepreneurship will come under attack. In their haste to hand massive giveaways to big corporate Internet access providers, Republicans have pushed forward an anti-consumer, anti-competition agenda with devastating consequences for America’s small businesses, families and economy.
“Millions of Americans have raised their voices to fight for a free and open Internet. That fight now goes to the Congress and the courts. Democrats will also continue to demand a vote on Congressman Mike Doyle’s vital resolution to stop the FCC’s assault on net neutrality. Congress must act to reverse the FCC decision and restore the bipartisan, decades-long consensus that supports a free Internet. Democrats, and the American people, call on Republicans to join us to stop the FCC assault on consumer choice and consumer protections.
“In the courts, Democrats expect the only ruling consistent with the letter of the law and the will of the American people: that this decision will rightly be found illegal.“
(Bolding added)
The assault on affordable health care continues, this time from Trump’s “Health” and Human Services department, trying to do what his own Congress rejected – repealing protections for people with pre-existing conditions.
Pelosi Statement on Trump Administration Short-Term Junk Plan Policy
Amazing piece of art.
Now is the time because we can’t go back in time and renew the Assault Weapons Ban from when it lapsed in 2004. Now is always better than later.
Thanks, Jan, appreciate your posting Ted Deutch’s speech. This time will be different!