Morning Meese!!!
Comey is just another stupid Republican when it comes right down to it. He might not be totally insufferable like most conservatives but what he did leading up to the election was a stupid intolerable one sided act that sealed the fate we now find ourselves in.
Seems like everything is getting a little dicey in Trump world lately with more and more shit piling up every day. I don’t think we have too much longer before the ceiling falls in on Trump and a large contingent of the deplorable right!
The views of our leaders matter—and Mike Pompeo's strong position against marriage equality & millions of LGBTQ Americans in particular is disturbing.
At a time when hate speech and hate actions are on the rise, we can't have a Secretary of State who holds such divisive views.
— Sen. Cory Booker (@SenBooker) April 12, 2018
A quick round-up of the breaking news going on right now… unless we missed something…
— Maddow Blog (@MaddowBlog) April 13, 2018
We've reached the point in our daily news when it is not longer possible to distinguish between a personal Trump scandal, a Trump governing failure, and general Trump chaos. It's all coming together.
— Maddow Blog (@MaddowBlog) April 13, 2018
I should clarify that I'm not suggesting Mueller will indict Trump. The point is, an interview is not essential for Mueller to make assessments & write a final report.
— Joyce Alene (@JoyceWhiteVance) April 13, 2018
The fix is in.
If we let Trump do this the message is clear: he is above the law
Now is the time for all Americans to say NO.Donald Trump's 5 reasons to fire Rod Rosenstein reveal true aim: Obstructing Robert Mueller via @usatoday
— Richard W. Painter (@RWPUSA) April 13, 2018
Storytelling is at the heart of every cultural & political revolution. Looking forward to joining @WomenintheWorld tomorrow w/ 4 brave women who will share accounts of living under tyrants & discuss threats to democracies around the world & at home. #WITW
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) April 13, 2018
Have a great Friday and weekend!
Fire away!!!
Good morning, Meese. Thanks for your TGIF post, Batch, and happy Friday the 13th to us all. I don’t know what’s going to happen but do believe the truth is coming out and nobody can stop it. Not Nunes. Not dump. Nobody.
71 and sunny today. I’ll take it.
Morning meese…Hot and muggy today with a high of 86…
{{{Batch}}} – Not sure when anything is going to blow up – not sure even if it will blow up rather than slowly let the air out and throw away the leaking balloon. We have to work on taking back Congress this year. Nothing will be done to restore the rule of law until we do. Mueller can put together an air-tight case, and he is, but the current Congress will not enforce it. To the extent that Mueller keeps the Rs’ attention on him and off the elections, all to the good. But we shouldn’t make the same mistake.
My eyes are killing me again – yesterday was lovely, but full of pollen & dust – and I’m over an hour behind my usual readings & tweetings so I need to get to it. I’ll check back later of course. Probably lots later. LOL. moar {{{HUGS}}}
Hope you’ll feel better, bfitz! This is a miserable time of year for the allergy-prone. Take care of yourself.
{{{Diana}}} – doing my best. You do the same, please. :) moar {{{HUGS}}}
Batch, thanks for the post! We shall just have to wait and see what transpires.
Hope you can stay comfortable in the heat and humidity today,
Thank you, Batch! I’ve been so focused on the goings-on in MI in advance of the our endorsement convention on Sunday that I haven’t paid much attention to the “outer” world. But now I’m finding that I don’t want to pay attention to the MI stuff either; the ugly is ramping up in a big way, and I’m just done before we’ve even held the convention. I’ve never enjoyed electoral politics, but I keep getting involved because someone has to. But I’m finding myself seriously [situationally] depressed by all of the MI shenanigans, and I think it may be time for me to back away from my involvement.
To meet me in person is to meet someone who laughs often and loudly; who loves snark as much as the next person; and who is most often described as “wonky” and “intense”, but also “funny” and “fun.” (I know…it’s an odd combination.) But what I’m not is someone who can handle meanness. I see it, even if it’s directed at another person, and I feel it personally. It wounds me. And since I’ve never been able to build a protective armor against that, I’m wondering why I keep putting myself in situations where meanness is becoming the norm.
If any of you ever buys a deserted island that has a good library, let me know. I’ll move there in a heartbeat.
{{{DoReMI}}} – any possible way you can connect with non-berner delegates before Sunday and basically show up as a block? With some “courtesy” rules that stop proceedings until the shouters stop shouting? Bullies don’t like being outnumbered – and simply, quietly, sitting and drinking tea or coffee while they shout but keeping any voting from happening until they stop might make a difference. Not a walkout – they’d just change quorum rules to say they were enough by themselves and then vote for everything they want. Have the majority, refuse to engage with nastiness, and wait them out. I can’t swear it will work but there’s a chance – if you can get your group together and plan it first. One more version of non-violent resistance. moar {{{HUGS}}}