Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
– Page One of Comments is HERE!
- Page Two of Comments is HERE!
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 34 degrees in Madison WI with an expected daytime high of 61. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Happy Earth Day!
Good Sunday Meese
It’s 31 here in NY – thankfully going up to 60.
This morning on DKos – I am not talking about Puerto Rico – looking at another part of the Caribbean and colonial racist bullshit
The scandal in England over the deportation of Black British members of the “Windrush Generation” has been huge
Puerto Rico
I have been reading a little about the Windrush generation from tweeted articles and look forward to your post. What a travesty! Is there any fix possible when the documentation is simply gone? And how the hell does that fall through the cracks – bureaucratic negligence when the people affected are Not White?
They can just declare amnesty and give compensation
Some evidence was not destroyed –
however that still won’t be enough
Tis up
Dear Goddess, what is wrong with white people? Are they taking hatefulness pills with their orange juice?
No, probably not. I think the fact of Thing’s being in the White House makes racists feel free to reveal their true, ugly selves.
Liberal journalists in the UK have been pointing out the similarities between Trump and May – and examining the rise of open hate across Europe likening it to the xenophobia which is being normalized in the US
Yes. Dana Milbank’s column this morning is interesting. He draws parallels between Thing’s remarks and Hitler’s remarks. It began in Germany in the 1920s just…like…this.
Good morning, Moosekind! Partly cloudy today in NoVa, with a current temp. of 46 F., going up to 64 F. later. No rain is predicted as far as I know.
Yesterday was busy: now that we have only one vehicle, Hubby had to drop me off at the writer’s workshop in Leesburg, a few miles away. There were four other women, the leader, and myself. We did some writing, then walked to the Leesburg Flower Show half a mile down the road. Leesburg is a wonderful example of 18th-century architecture, including the kind of brickwork (Flemish bond) you don’t see nowadays.
The flower show was far more street fair than flower show. To my disappointment, I saw very few flowers in full bloom. Most of the offerings were for potted plants. For my book I’ll just have to look at flowers online and pick the brains of our very own princesspat!
In the evening Younger Son and his family visited us in our hideously messy little nest. We went to dinner at one of the only two restaurants open at Ashby Ponds on the weekend, and afterwards came back to our flat. Miss Pink Cheeks, Mr. Preschooler, Monty Beagle, and I went out to the courtyard. The children and dog ran round and round the place—I think that was the most fun Monty has had since we moved here!
Forgive this long post, but I just want to say one thing about an article I read about the late Barbara Bush. Apparently in the 1970s she went into a major depression because she felt Women’s Liberation had told her that her entire life of marriage and bringing up children was a waste. I contend that she failed to understand the movement. Women’s Liberation is about having a choice. It’s fine to stay at home with your children. It’s also fine to work outside the home if you have children. Different arrangements work for different women at different stages in their lives. There is no “one size fits all.” Why can’t people accept that? One can only suppose that everyone feels the need to tell women, considered by patriarchs to be the inferior, subservient sex, how to run their lives.
Rant over! Today will be spent looking for bookcases—we might go to Ikea, 45 minutes away by car. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond and Beyond!
Excellent rant!
I don’t believe that Barbara Bush “failed to understand the [women’s liberation] movement” – she willfully tried to denigrate it because that is the way of the IGnobless oblige.
Exactly. And those who belittled it simply did not want to do the self-reflection necessary to determine if it was indeed their choice or if their lot in life was thrust on them – whether it was to stay at home or to go into the workplace. If you choose to defer to your spouse because your religion or your station in life requires it, that is a choice, too, and one she apparently made.
I am hoping the funeral will put an end to the Barbara Bush stories. Having her in the news is a painful reminder of the damage done by her family, conscious choices made to ratchet up racism that paved the way for the presidency of Donald J. Trump. That is unforgivable.
Jan, that same thing struck me when I read Kay Graham’s autobiography. She couldn’t understand why women were riled up enough to demand Women’s Liberation.
Well, she never HAD to understand why they were riled up. She was rich! She had nursemaids, gardeners, housemaids, and a cook. She never had to endure the thankless task of managing not only her own life support system but that of a husband and children. Will I ever forget the writings in Our Bodies, Ourselves, and the “Click” article in the charter issue of Ms., in which women queried the societal expectations of having women do EVERYTHING and still go out to earn money AND type their husbands’ term papers? “What else can such insanity be called?” one article ended. “Love?”
Didn’t get more than a couple of drops of rain yesterday. Some of them during the internment, but not enough to disrupt it. Lunch after was nice, we told stories & compared notes on our eulogies. The celebration of life is this afternoon, they said maybe 300 people. The friend of hers who’s arranging stuff said she’ll hold my hand if need be, because 300 people. Got to squeeze in some cooking because I am flat out of breakfast stuff.
Good morning, 45 and cloudy in Bellingham, but the patios are ready for outdoor living regardless! I got more accomplished yesterday than I expected to so my weary end of the day collapse was well earned. Now that the umbrellas are in place for rain protection I can bring out the cushions and with outdoor blankies we’ll be cozy.
I’ve been thinking of how to live more peacefully with the deer in my garden and a plan is slowly evolving. I can still be creative with a smaller plant selection so I’ll start by replacing the plants in the border around the lower patio with summer and fall blooming heather.
Best Sunday wishes to all.
48 heading for mid 50s and drizzling. Also overcast of course. That always slows me down. Haven’t quite finished with my Sunday morning chores so am taking an extremely late coffee break (lemon almond butter muffins this week – yum!) to check in everywhere. Only got 9.2 KWHs yesterday and it will have to clear off some to get that much today. m-t-d is 318.5 with this morning’s driblet. 400 is still quite possible, depending.
I’m sure there was something specific I was supposed to be all upset about yesterday but at the moment I don’t remember. I’m very specifically upset that twitler trying to steal what’s left of Native American lands and sovereignty – plus the shreds of safety net they’ve got under our not-very-well-complied-with treaties. Basically not stealing but denying sovereignty – saying the tribes must comply with state-mandated work requirements for Medicaid etc because Natives are a race and not a state. https://www.politico.com/story/2018/04/22/trump-native-americans-historical-standing-492794 – one more thing that we can thank the various groups of Deplorables who didn’t vote Dem in 2016. But knowing who’s to blame does not do a damn thing to stop it. And calling my congresscritters won’t do a damn thing to stop it either.
Gotta go read Denise’s FP and get to my twitter RTing – then finish the Sunday chores. Pouring Healing Energy over this nation and the world. Goddess knows we all need it. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
We seem to keep getting caught in the swirling vortex of blame-gaming and we really need to stop. I understand that people have books to sell about the 2016 election but we don’t have to react to each one – it only gives them a forum to use to cover their asses. A lot of it is our natural instinct to protect people we like from attack. But we need less reaction and more action. We have a good plan for 2018 – candidates in every race, a focus on voting rights. That is where we look to and what we focus on.
Absolutely – I’ve been saying this to friends on another blog for about 15 months now :) – in more concrete terms we’ve got a bunch of Deplorables who are drilling holes in the boat we’re all on. OK to recognize who gave them the drills – but that doesn’t stop them or get the drills away from them. But we do have a plan, we are running more Dems in more races than as far as I can tell in history – definitely more women and POC, especially WOC. So yeah, focus on voting rights, focus on getting them elected. That’s our way out of this mess. {{{HUGS}}}
Monday Meese
33 here in NY going up to 67.
Yesterday – I searched in vain to find out information about the people killed and wounded at Waffle House – guessing that they more than likely were black/poc.
Sadly I was correct
Let’s see what happens re support
Was not trending this morning
White guys who are caught with weapons outside the White House get their wrists slapped and have their weapons given back to them because 2nd Amendment. That is all we need to know about “justice” in America.
I’m pissed. Put up a quick post at Dkos
{{{Denise}}} – RT’d your tweet. Will read the diary & tweet it out again when I get a minute. moar {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, meeses! Monday …
It is 34 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 63. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast. We expect 60s and upper 50s all week!!!
Internet Outrage is addictive and today I am going to take a day off to see if I can break the cycle of dependency. We (meaning me) keep getting dragged into arguing about the past when we should be focusing on the future. We lost a big election – there were lots of reasons we lost but the biggest one was that we did not get enough of our voters to vote. Period. We fix that by winning the next election. There is a special election in Arizona tomorrow that will be a good test of Trump+20 districts in states trending blue. What happens there will give us good information about what we need to do to win the open Senate seat there this fall.
Big week at the Supreme Court as the Justices and Neil Gorsucks hear arguments about the limits of presidential power when it comes to implementing racist immigration policies via executive order. It will also be a big test of whether there will be any checks on the unconstitutional excesses of the Trump Administration at the Supreme Court.
See all y’all later!
Good Moon Day morning, Moosekind! It’s a fairish morning here in NoVa, with a current temp. of 46 F., going up to 70 F. It might rain this afternoon, which means I must get Mr. Pee-Squirter out for a superlong walkies before it begins. (Yes, I am paranoid because he keeps urinating on the carpet.)
Today is William Shakespeare’s 454th birthday, so I’m giving a party in the next building. Not that I wanted the next building—there’s a place down the hall where I would have preferred to have it. I’m finding that there are rules here for the very well off and rules for the more humble folk. The rich people get to go over the heads of the Resident Life person and have parties where they please; people like moi must obey the rules for the humble folk. Never mind, it will be a good time anyway.
Yesterday we drove miles and miles and miles to Ikea, there to buy a bookcase for one-tenth the sum the custom design people wanted. It is supposed to be delivered next Saturday. We’re hoping Younger Son will come over on the weekend and help us put it up. Then we’ll see whether we need another bookcase as a room divider.
Will try not to pay too much attention to the news today, although I’m getting depressed. Sundry persons on Twitter keep saying there’s no way to get rid of him. I was hoping we WOULD get rid of him, sooner rather than later.
Wishing all a good day!
1.36 miles this morning. Perfectly respectable. Cool enough for long sleeves. All too soon, our lows will be in the 80s. Brain is playing Landlady (in the early days of the band, Ali was the one with a job, kept her & Bono housed & fed — and I think some of the others lived with them off & on) anyway, I love these words:
Every magic potion
Every false emotion
How unswerving our devotion
To the lies we know are almost true
Tomorrow there’s another huge matching donation. I’m going to copy of the ride director’s posts about people who haven’t met their minimum yet.
49 windchill 44 going up to mid 60s, Humidity 100% but at the moment none of it is falling from the sky although it is very depressingly overcast again. sigh. Only got 2 KWHs yesterday, m-t-d is 320 – 400 is still possible as 4 sunny 20+ days will do it and we’ve 8 days left in April. But today most certainly will not be one of those days. Sigh.
To have as many tweets/RTs to my credit I guess I’m on twitter more than I think I am. I only check my TL a few times a day but RT a lot while I’m there – and of course I RT Denise’s twitter round up whenever I find one, Aji’s stuff – which we’ve got a W00T! on as she’s posted her first pieces at the Patreon site https://www.patreon.com/AjiWings/posts?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=creatorshare2 including one freeby anybody can see – and the Village diary tweets I haven’t found elsewhere. So I do a lot of RTing without actually being on my TL. I plan to keep up that practise since it means I’m RTing stuff that is important and not getting caught up in the finger-pointing time suck.
Need to get to DK for Denise’s diary and the Village one and then do my morning twitter visit. Cloudy days it takes me longer to read anything – like 2 or 3 times longer – as if my cognitive abilities cloud up with the skies – so this will take a while. Hope I can sneak a walk in later today. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
We had a small hiccup on the automatic tweets from the Moose that I repaired over the weekend. I wondered where my Fighting Back was and discovered that with all the Facebook stuff going on, they had required a re-authorization of the app that does the FB post which in turn does the tweet. It seems to suggest that the authorization is going to be needed every 60 days but I am pretty sure that the problem occurred more recently than that so I will just have to monitor it.
Anyway, the Moose should be back to tweeting on schedule.
Oh good – I don’t RT the check-in of course, but I do RT the Fighting Back and RonK’s environmental posts. I hope that doesn’t mean all my sites are going to demand I re-login every 60 days. But if it does, it does. Thanks for all your work keeping the Moose going. Although not mentioned often, it is truly appreciated. {{{HUGS}}}
I didn’t know we could RT the Moose. How do I get the Moose to be on my Twitter feed? I’m known as DianaInNoVa on Twitter (surprise, surprise).
If you go to the Moose Twitter, you can choose to follow:
The Moose does not usually follow back because to do that requires a complicated login process.
Good morning, 42 and sunny in Bellingham. The blue sky outside my window seems like a gift this Monday morning. I’m going to see if I can resume my pool routine today, but I’ll be very cautious. RonK will drive and I’ll just be there for about 20 mins. I tire so easily now, but my hope is that with slow and steady exercise I’ll regain some stamina.
Hope it’s a sunny Monday for all.
{{{princesspat}}} Healing Energy and I hope you enjoyed your pool routine. Holding the Good Thought for regaining stamina. moar {{{HUGS}}}
Started out the day at 41, but we’re going up to 66 today. We may have, indeed, turned the corner, even though the rest of the week is only supposed to be low-to-mid 50s. My gardens have decided it’s time to awaken, so I’ll trust that above anything the weatherperson says.
I’ve spent the better part of the past three days texting with and talking to my daughter and son-in-law. On Thursday at 9am, their house went on the market; by Friday at 2pm they had 30+ showings and 8 offers. They accepted an offer that was well above their asking price with a closing date of 5/18. Since the market is so hot in their area, the apartment rental market is too, so they raced about on Saturday to find an apartment in their preferred locale. By Saturday at 5pm, they applied for, were accepted, and put a hold on a beautiful, HUGE apartment which will be their home for at least the next year. They still have to sign the lease, which they’ll do once they’ve found out the results of the home inspection which happened this morning. (They don’t expect any surprises, but then, it wouldn’t be a surprise if it was expected!) It was a whirlwind for them, and since they were keeping me apprised every step of the way, it was a bit of a whirlwind for me too. But now I get to sit back and wait until they move in to the apartment, at which point, my role as Maker-of-Curtains will kick in. I’m hoping some of the curtains I’ve made in the past will be reusable, but if not, I have enough of a fabric stash to work from for new curtains. I’m really happy for them, and quickly getting over being more than a little stunned at how fast everything felt into place!
Congratulations to your daughter and SIL for getting things moving so quickly, particularly on the apartment!
Holy mackeral! “On Thursday at 9am, their house went on the market; by Friday at 2pm they had 30+ showings and 8 offers – accepted offer with a closing date of 5/18.”
Our market is said to be in the same situation and also with a hot apartment market. Since my own plans, when the time comes, is to sell and move into an apartment for 1 or 2 years to wind down my business interests before I leave the state, the timing has made me more than a little itchy. Do you lease something as soon as you put the house on the market so you can be ready to move (and take the best offer) or do you wait and see what happens? I would hate to have to move into a short-term lease and then have to move again! My next door neighbor just put his house on the market last week (at what I think is a ridiculously high price given the age of his house and the fact that houses in our neighborhood are still being built) and it will be interesting to see what happens.
Good for them! I hope their move goes smoothly.
The one thing they learned (fortunately, BEFORE they put their house up) is that the online apartment listings are rarely current or accurate. As a result, they started out Saturday morning in their apartment search without making any advance appointments. They showed up, even at places that were showing no apartments available online. At each place, there were units available, but since the corporate office was responsible with updating the listings, the availability hadn’t yet been brought up-to-date. At the place where they will be moving, they asked and found out that the listings were kept current at the local office, so they knew they had to apply right away if they wanted the place. When they indicated their interest, they were given an online link (via email) with their preferred move-in date and other information already filled in. They had the foresight to bring their laptop with them, as well as all their financial information, so they went to a nearby diner and completed the online application within 30 minutes. It’s a good think they did or they would have lost the place. (There’s even an online Yelp review from a guy who wanted the apartment but had dragged his feet on completing the application for several days. He was pissed that they didn’t hold it for him, but the application IS the hold and apparently clearly states that at the top of the application.) As long as they sign the lease before they move in (and pay the first month’s rent), they won’t lose it.
I thought the whole process sounded a little like getting an apartment on the basis of a pinkie swear, but my daughter assures me that a) I’m a dinosaur; and b) if they don’t sign the lease, they’ll lose their application/admin fees. But since those fees are waived for them (SIL works for a “preferred employer”), it’s really no risk for them. Not that there’s any chance they’ll take the risk…it’s an amazing apartment…2-story townhome with finished basement, 1920 square feet, and within five miles of her workplace and two of their closest friends. It’s more than they wanted to spend, but with all the space, they’ll be able to move everything out of their storage unit; with the money they save on not paying for that each month, they’re only $25 over budget.
Do, why did they want to move from a house into an apartment? Although it sounds like a townhouse more than an apartment.
You’re right, it really is a townhouse, in a mixed apartment/townhouse complex.
They want to buy a house, but the market in their area is so overheated that they want to see if the bubble will deflate a bit before they take the plunge. In the past year alone, house prices have jumped $25-40K for the houses in their price range, and they don’t want to buy now and then find themselves underwater in another year. So they decided to sell high and move to their preferred area.
A year ago, moving and buying a larger house was their 5-year plan. But then my SIL quit his job, where he was working from home most days, and took a new job that requires him to commute too. The location of their current home isn’t near a bus line, so he had the choice of driving my daughter to work each day, parking at a park ‘n ride, and catching the bus downtown or driving himself while my daughter drove herself. In their new location, he’ll be able to walk/be dropped off at a bus stop, and my daughter can drive to work. No more getting up at 5:30am, no more need for the second car, and no more long commute (instead of 45 minutes one-way, it will be 10 minutes for my daughter).
That is what makes a townhome with a basement sound like the best bet for a downsizer – I have things that I won’t want to get rid of until I actually move and they may need to move with me temporarily. I would hate to pay for storage while I am finding them a home or disposing of them properly.
Sounds like they have everything well thought out!
They’re preternaturally prepared. I credit/blame it on the fact that they are both stage managers by avocation (SIL used to be a professional stage manager)!
{{{DoReMI}}} – hectic but so very nice that pieces are falling into place so nicely! I’ll take that as a good omen for other areas as well. :) Have fun with making the curtains. moar {{{HUGS}}}
That is great news, DoReMI! Wow!
Tuesday Meese
39 here in NY going up to 66
Woke up to discover that bail has been grated for Travis Reinking – WTF???
I don’t care how high it is set – this guy is clearly a danger and should not have it,
I have to sound cynical – my thoughts are that if he was black or a Muslim he would never have been given bail.
Puerto Rico daycount
Have school today. Hope you all have a good day
If he were black or a Muslim, he would have been shot dead when they found him, so there is that.
When I saw they set bail I could not believe it. There is clearly no one in his family with an ounce of responsibility and – really – if they think he is mentally ill, why would they want to put him back on the streets?
Jeebus! why don’t they just hand him his guns and a medal! They couldn’t be more obvious it they tried.
Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …
It is 39 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 64. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast. My spring flowers are finally poking the tiniest shoots out of the ground but there is still snow around them (north side of house). A few more 60 degree days and they fill finish emerging.
This made me angry and then made me laugh out loud: Golf club apologizes for calling cops on black women members. Want to know why they apologized?
Cops called, one of the other owners contacted Ms. Thompson to apologize. And …
Grab popcorn!
See all y’all later!
Didn’t make it to walk today, just fell behind schedule. But I’m definitely working out this evening — I have an outdoor workout I’m going to do in a park near my house. Breakfast, tea. Got to think of what to put in my diary for today’s match. Will write it to post at noon, when the match starts.
52 heading for mid 70s today and sunny which is wonderful but isn’t going to last. Still, I’ll take it. Got 15.6 KWHs yesterday, not great but better than the previous 2 combined, and the m-t-d is 336 so only 64 to go to make that 400 for the month. If today turns out as promised we should have close to 360 by sundown. Which would seriously be nice.
I really don’t remember what political thing we were supposed to be upset about yesterday. Just about everything was blown out of my mind when Aji’s Patreon page was pulled – some offspring of syphilitic slime mold filed a complaint alleging fraud (how the hell can a patreon creator even do that?). Fortunately when we patrons tweeted and emailed our outraged demands that they put Aji’s page back they did. In just over an hour flat. Which says there was a LOT of outrage. I don’t have any idea who is stalking and harassing her but they’re evil. I have no problem with the Law of Return being tenfold or more for them – and I hope they get that return soon. I get a BP spike just thinking about it. Meanwhile the “best revenge” is for a lot more folks to pledge to Aji’s site. (She’s still at 12 patrons and 60% of goal.) So I will shortly go to her twitter page and RT the link – & hope my RT gets RT’d.
Need to visit Villages then do my twitter stuff. By then it should be warm enough outside for me to take a walk and check out Spring’s progress around the neighborhood. Since it will probably be too warm for a fire this evening I’ll wait to bake cookies until later in the day in the hopes of warming things up inside as well. LOL. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Sadly, the web site she used to call home is a breeding ground for grudges and dangerous obsessions. She used to have lots of trouble with her first standalone web site due to Internet attacks from awful people. That someone would try to attack her new source of income is not surprising at all.
Yeah – that’s a polite way of putting it. Thank you so very much for the Moose. {{{HUGS}}}
Good Tiu’s Day morning, Meese! It’s cloudy this morning, and when I took Mr. Pee Squirter out at 6 there had been a little shower already. I think it’s supposed to rain this afternoon (banning morning TV has its disadvantages because we don’t get a weather forecast).
Whereas we used to live at Barky Manor we now live in Stinkilla Flat. Although my hearing is deficient, there’s nothing at all wrong with my sense of smell and Monty’s “revenge peeing” is driving me crazy. More fluid is supposed to arrive tomorrow for the Extrac-Vac, but meanwhile, nothing I’ve put on the spot to kill the smell is working. Ugh.
We had only half a dozen attendees for Shakespeare’s birthday party yesterday but we had a good time. There is a LOT of cake left! Dear Goddess, I don’t know how we’re going to consume it all.
The IT guy is expected between 9 and 11—it’s already 10—to get my printer working. The mouse doesn’t work either. The full-size keyboard doesn’t work either. Also, my husband’s printer is refusing to print full screens. Computers! Can’t live with ’em, can’t live without ’em.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!
{{{Diana}}} – have you tried Natures Miracle for the pee? There’s a formula specifically for dogs. (Also might want to check with the vet – it might not be revenge peeing, he may have an infection of some sort.) And you can always give the cake to the computer guy. :) moar {{{HUGS}}}
Bfitz, thanks! I’ll look for Nature’s Miracle next time I go to the store. We have something from the carpet company that was supposed to kill the smell, but it didn’t work.
Sigh. I want hardwood floors. I don’t even care if they’re fake hardwood, as long as they’re not carpet.
Diana, white vinegar, diluted with a bit of water is my favorite remedy. It seems to reduce stains as well. I use quite a bit on the spot and blot it dry with paper towels. Hope your pup settles in soon.
Good morning, 51 and sunny in Bellingham. I woke up in the night upset about what I was reading on twitter, only to realize that I was dreaming about reading twitter! Obviously it’s time to reduce my twitter time so instead I read an actual book. I’ve got three Louise Penny mysteries in my stack so it was a good change to get lost in a book again.
The sunshine makes me want to plant a few flowers so I hope to visit my favorite garden shop later today.
Take care everyone.