Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
– Page One of Comments are HERE!
– Page Two of Comments are HERE!
Around 70 at daybreak but now 85 “feels like” 91 with 67% humidity. I have the car today so I could do the sign waving in front of the Court House (Friends are doing this weekly until the kids are back with their folks) but I didn’t sleep well last night and am fighting off a migraine on top of the sinusitis tight chest and dry cough that won’t go away so I may give it a miss this week. Clouds rolled in yesterday afternoon – no rain, of course – so 14.6 KWHs and the m-t-d is 76 with this morning’s lot. Gonna have to get a lot more sunshine than this to even make 500 for the month (which we didn’t in 2016).
Nothing the Deplorables are doing surprises me. Appalls me, oh Goddess yes, but not surprises. From the moment the election was called I knew what we were in for. Genocidal Old Party made no secret of it. Hillary warned us. Just a whole bunch of people wanted to believe the MSM propaganda that the Rs didn’t mean it and Hillary was exaggerating at best and lying at worst. Actually we’ve done a better job than I expected at slowing them down. Also thank Goddess. So we keep on keeping on. If I can wave signs today I will – raising Energy to get the children back to their folks. Next Friday I’ll be donating blood (health permitting) which at least does some good even if not the good I am currently focused on (the stolen children, Puerto Rico, Flint). I’m gonna try some coffee on this headache. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Yes, coffee, bfitz. Sorely missing you in the OS. {{{Hugs}}}.
{{{njm}}} – miss you, too. moar {{HUGS}}}
Good morning, meeses! Saturday …
It is 52 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 81. Sunny skies are in the forecast.
I have been following the migrant detention situation on Twitter with the trumpies admitting that they separated the families with no plan to ever reunite them, which is why they can’t find them now! That they are saying that the parents already deported will never see their children again – and “oh well” – is horrific and should embarrass every American. That it will only embarrass 58% – and 11% of Republicans – makes me want to scream. The hearing has been delayed until Monday because the trumpie lawyer defending this awful practice has “personal business” and has to go home. In the meantime, 19 children under 5 are waiting to find out if they have essentially been orphaned. :(
I made the mistake of clicking on an opinion piece from Orrin Hatch talking about the SCOTUS nomination. Good lord these people are obsessed! It was the right-wing chicken dance “bork bork bork borkkkk bork” trotting out 30 year old grievances about how a “good person” was “destroyed” by Democrats. Bork got a hearing and a vote – Merrick Garland did not even get interviews with Republican members of the Judiciary Committee. Until that wrong is righted, the Supreme Court will be illegitimate in my eyes. As Jeff Merkely pointed out, all the consequential rulings this past term have been 4-4 with the tie breaker a person appointed to a stolen seat by a man who foreign powers stole an election for. SCOTUS has been delegitimatized by the Republican Party – a spoil to be given to the winner of the slave states sweepstakes which gives losers the presidency and the minority the power of advice and consent.
Congress is in recess, I can’t find the Democratic Party weekly address because Senate Democrats are in charge this week and they are useless when it comes to information sharing, so there is no source material. I have company coming into town so I won’t be able to spend any time looking for it later. Unless I find something tomorrow morning, I am going to skip the Fighting Back post this week. Next week, the weekly address will be back in Nancy Pelosi’s able hands and I will have videos and transcripts when I wake up on Saturday morning.
See all y’all later!
Saturday Meese
50 going up to 80 here – it is going to be a beautiful day here in the Hudson Valley of NY.
Sitting here worrying about Puerto Rico – and Beryl
Slept in — only woke up 3 times, so a vast improvement over last night. Now I’m watching Le Tour. Coverage started at 4am, so I’ll watch the real start on the repeat. There’s a Texas boy riding, I think this is his 2nd year. But Chris Froome will probably win again unless he crashes out. Must pay attention to the time so I catch Joy Reid. Today: groceries & setting breakfast out to thaw. Tomorrow, Westboro Baptist was supposed to protest an Episcopal church a few blocks from my church, but we’re expecting rain so I bet they won’t show. I thought they had broken up or something.
Good morning, Meese! My Saturday is getting off to a very slow start. Currently it’s absolutely beautiful in Ashburn, with a temperature of 65 F., going up to 79 F. and low humidity. I think I’ll sit out on the porch this afternoon to enjoy the sunlight and flawless blue skies.
Still feeling a bit dodgy so didn’t walk this morning. The only thing I seem to really enjoy eating is cantaloupe, but I just finished the last slice.
Elder Son and family have just boarded a flight to Colorado for a vacation, Younger Son and family are driving to Williamsburg for a mini-vacation. Think I’ll just vege at home on this delightful day. We’ve been eating dinner in our flat for the last two days, so tonight we might venture out to one of the restaurants here.
The news is probably causing my mystery malady. With children in cages, the new hurricane Beryling toward PR, and the nausea-inducing Supreme Court nominees, it’s no wonder I feel ill! Wishing a good Saturday for all.
+1 for “Beryling toward PR” – but I hope she stays away!
73 with 93% humidity and heading for mid 80s. Heat index will probably be in the mid 90s. I hope. Slow start to my day. Still a bit headachy and didn’t feel like eating (not tummy issue, just didn’t feel like it) so I didn’t and need to before the lack of blood sugar kicks the headache up again. At least I’ve had coffee. Got peaches, green beans, and new potatoes at the Farmers Market. 93% lean ground beef was on sale at Harps ($3/lb!) so I grabbed a couple of pounds, most of which will go in the freezer after I’ve made patties out of it, but I’ll have a “hamburger steak” for dinner either tonight or tomorrow. It’ll have to be pan-fried but it’s still good. The Co-op had an “owners’ buy” special on sweet cherries – only $4/lb – so I got myself a serving for a treat. Which I’ll have for my belated breakfast. Only got 13.6 KWHs yesterday, the m-t-d is 88.7 – we’re gonna have to get over 20/day for the rest of the month to make 500 so not likely. But I’ll keep hoping.
Hanging in there on the national/world situations. Totally deplorable as expected but knowing it was coming doesn’t really help. Channeling Healing Energy in all directions. Need to go eat. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 65 and cloudy in Bellingham. Our Oregon family is on the road, our eastern Wa family is safely home, and the grand puppies (Milo and Maggie) are adorable bed hogs! All the pillows belong to them :)
I’ve got laundry to do, the rest of the bills to pay, and a dinner to plan but I’m moving slow and the reality of living in tRump America has me feeling very blue.
My BIL is a retired history teacher so we had some long talks re how unpopular tRump is in what has been a solid R part of the state, but I’ll be surprised if any of the house seats change to Dem. I hope the trade policies will start to change votes……
Cherries, apples, wheat: U.S.-China trade war could wilt growth in Washington farm exports