Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
– Page One of Comments is HERE!
– Page Two of Comments is HERE!
Good morning, Meese, and a beautiful Freya’s Day it is—our last for about a week, as we’re due for seven “cloudy-with-rain-possible” days. This morning we saw four big wild turkeys cheerfully chomping on insects right by the chain-link fence that divides the woods from the manicured lawns of Ashby Ponds. And why wouldn’t they? Currently it’s 65 blissful degrees F., going up to 86 F. The Cicada Chorus is screeching the latest Broadway hit tune as well.
Yesterday’s Meet-and-Greet with our candidate was very nice. Ms. Wexton is a striking-looking woman with a suntan and long blonde hair. Was knocked back when she looked at the crowd (every table was filled so several people had to stand) and recalled that two years ago, when she’d come out to address AP Democrats when she was running for the state senate, barely two tables were filled. A whole slew of people have moved here since then, and there are many more Progressives.
In fact, Jennifer won a six-way Democratic primary in June with 77 percent of of the vote at Ashby Ponds! We’re excited about the surge of enthusiasm. After her speech I made my way to the back of the room to speak to a tall, handsome boy who turned out to be the nephew of one of the people present. He’s college-bound in September. I asked him if his age cohort in high school was registered to vote; he assured me that membership in his San Antonio high school Liberals Club had spiked this year and one of their projects was to register every 18-year-old in the school to vote.
Today is the Progressives’ Luncheon so I’ll go to that. Will also catch up with laundry. Yesterday I started getting excited about writing again. I want to finish two short stories I started so I can include them in a book to bring out in time for the holiday season. Y’all help, y’hear? I need song titles that include the word “Bye,” as in “Bye, Bye, Birdie”; “Goodbye Girl”; and “Bye, Bye, Love.” Those are the only three I can think of so far.
Time for breakfast. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!
“They” are saying that only 28% of young people plan to vote. I certainly hope that “they” are wrong! We need about 40% to make up for the old folks who for some reason insist on voting for people who will take away their Social Security and Medicare and crash the stock market and wipe out their retirement savings. Dolts!
NSYNC: Bye, Bye, Bye
Four Seasons: Bye, Bye, Baby (Baby Goodbye)
That’s all I can think of off the top of my head…although Ella did Ev’ry Time We Say Goodbye and Goodbye Yellow Brick Road by Elton John if “goodbye” is acceptable.
Thank you, DoReMI! Yes, “goodbye” is acceptable. :)
Almost goodbye. There are zillions out there.
Hi folks – had errands to run this morning and that always starts with taking my friend to work so I can have the car. Since my Social Security deposited Wednesday I visited the credit union for Farmers Market cash and a bit set aside for the trip. Two weeks from today I may or may not check in – it will depend on when I wake up/get up – as I’m going to hit the road as soon as there’s enough light. It’s a long drive to NOLA and I want some visiting time with Denise – that’s the reason I’m going. LOL. We shall see what we shall see, but it may just be an overnighter and hit the road for FL after breakfast. Depends on Denise’s schedule and when my brother in Tallahassee will be home to visit (he’s frequently not on weekends). Anyway, the car’s reserved and I’ll be picking it up the afternoon of the 2nd so I can be loaded up and ready to roll at daylight.
The Russian connection, like so much else going on, is not in my power to deal with. I will trust my allies and comrades at arms to do that part while I continue to do my little bit. Boosting signals as best I can, writing postcards, waiving signs, working Dem HQ when it opens which will include voter registration, and of course voting – that’s what I can do so that’s what I’m doing. And channeling Healing Energy multiple times a day.
We got over 20 KWHs yesterday, 3rd time this month, nd the m-t-d is 302. That makes 500 still possible – but only if we keep getting at or over 20 KWHs/day. Holding the Good Thought. Got no-see-ums in the house again. 5 bites at the moment. sigh. I’ll pick up some mosquito bites when I go load the bird feeding station. double sigh. That’s what I don’t like about summer. I can deal with the heat. I can even deal with the humidity, mostly. But the bugs. I hate bugs. Anyway, I need coffee. Healing Energy to everybody everywhere. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, meeses! Saturday …
It is 68 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 73. The forecast calls for more showers. We have been rather dry so the last few days of rain are making the lawn and plantings happy.
The news is light this morning which is a blessed relief. I get the feeling that tRump is lying low as he is attacked from multiple fronts. The economy is starting to show the effects of his badly planned tariffs, the Trump deficit is going to be yuge, babies are still in cages, and whoever thought that “reminding people of the Russian attack on our democracy” by having a Putin summit was a good idea is obviously a dotard. The NFL backed off its anthem policy when they realized that it would probably mean that some players would sit out games rather than surrender to the fascists – so of course, the Oval Office Occupant said “fine, kill the season”. They should. I am not sure I want to watch a sport run by men to whom obedience to the white supremacists running the country overrides both common sense and decency. It is gross.
The Democratic Weekly Address is on the Flint water crisis, now in day elebentybillion, and Democrat’s plans for rebuilding infrastructure. The latest Marquette poll showed the the state of Wisconsin roads – starved by tax cuts and the FoxCONn – could become a campaign issue. I hope so! The terrible choices made by the teaparty governors who were elected in 2010 – and re-elected in the lightly attended 2014 midterm year – are coming home to roost. You can’t run states without funding and, now that the federal government is cutting back on state aid, there simply is no money to patch roads and repair bridges. I remember when the I-35W bridge in Minnesota collapsed and people said “surely, THIS, will show people that they can’t shortchange infrastructure spending!” Here we are 11 years later still being penny “wise” and pound foolish. Kicking the can down the pothole filled road can’t be done forever.
See all y’all later!
Saturday Meese
59 going up to 84 here in Saugerties NY
Situation is still very heated up here in #NY19 where John Faso continues his attacks on Antonio Delgado – and teachers at SUNY New Paltz are still outraged by the racist remarks from Professor Gerald Benjamin
Folks are so caught up in the Ocasio Cortez race in a safe blue district – they are ignoring our real battle against a Republican
I was disgusted to see the Ocasio-Cortez wing of the Sanders for Sanders Party – people who do not fking GET that The Young Turks are to be shunned not embraced!!! – was in Kansas promoting their “revolutionary” white guy over the Native American woman running in KS-03. That the haters of the Democratic Party are gaining so much power is heartbreaking. :(
Watching Le Tour. The boy from Houston is still in the race — not even finishing at the back any more. He rode the day with 15 sections of cobblestones, and on L’Alpe d’Huez he finished in the top 50. His fundraiser for the velodrome where he got his start in Houston has raised over $100,000. Quite a story.
Today: groceries & thawing out next week’s breakfast. Next weekend I’ll make oatmeal. I’ve got a weird headache, watching some of the sweeping shots of the riders makes me dizzy. Got to make sure I drink enough water today, maybe I’m dehydrated. Anyway, gonna have a calm, quiet day.
Thunderstorm moved in last night 1:29 am and dropped the temps a good 8 degrees more than projected which is good. Overnight lows in the 60s for at least the next week. Yesterday got 19.85 KWHs and the m-t-d is 320.9 – 500 still possible. We shall see what we shall see. The sun is shining at the moment and the sky is a lovely clear blue – with temps still right at 70, it’s a nice start to the day.
Deplorables being deplorable – all I can do is boost signals. Since the Russian connection hotted up again all 3 of my Congressional “representatives” have gone back to phone calls straight into voicemails too full to take messages. So I boost signals where I find them. Including the ones both endorsing @sharicedavids and the ones telling the supposed “Left” folks who are endorsing a white cis male former staffer over a Native woman who’s got more “chops” than the ex-staffer even knows exists to blow it out their ears. I hope boosting signals provides the “yip” or “yop” (see “Horton Hears a Who”) to put her over the top. Boosting signals on the stolen kids whenever I find one to boost. Like Flint and Puerto Rico, they too are falling off the radar. Raising Energy.
I’m groggy as hell – no sleep for a variety of reasons between 1:29 and 3 am – thunder, weather warning telephone calls to tell me about a thunderstorm warning (!), sinusitis/acid reflux attack – and restless light sleep until I got up just before 6. So I’m definitely in need of coffee. Just hope it doesn’t exacerbate the acid reflux. Healing Energy to everybody everywhere. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
I don’t have a lot of healing energy, since I’m on the puny side myself but I’ll share some with you!
{{{ad}}} – thank you and very much accepted. In my “Tradition” one can channel Healing Energy from the Universe, it doesn’t come from one’s personal stock as it were, but only for others so the Energy I channel I can’t help myself with. So I thank you very much for the Healing you send me, and Channel Healing back to you. moar {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 57 and sunny in Bellingham. Our grandson is here now so the quiet of the morning is especially nice knowing he is sleeping just down the hall. He and RonK went on a hike along the Nooksack river yesterday and today we’ll start the furniture restoration project.
When the grand kids were little I always looked for something interesting to share with them when they came to visit, but now we need to be open to what they bring to share. So I have a new computer game to learn, and RonK has a new (to him) movie to watch :) I’m new to video games but I’ve watched him go to YouTube for clues so I’ll do the same!
Best wishes to all on this sunny Saturday.
Good afternoon, Meese! It’s raining like blazes here in Northern Virginia—there are even flood warnings in some parts. Currently, at 1:30 p.m., it’s 67 F. with a projected high of 76 F. At least my plants on the screened porch are getting watered with no effort at all on my part.
We saw three of the turkeys again this morning. The insects along the chain-link fence must be really succulent. At 6:30 a.m., when I took Monty out for his business meeting, I saw a dear little brown rabbit with a cottontail.
Dear Goddess, this building is Party Central! Just received another invitation to a party, the fifth since we moved here 4 months ago. We had to go back to the old neighborhood this morning: after we dropped Monty off at Doggy Play Care, we took care of Younger Son’s dog. The poor thing hadn’t had a business meeting since yesterday evening, so we let him out, gave him food, and told him what a good boy he is. He’ll get another visit this evening from our Darling Niece. The family are in New York this weekend—Mr. Preschooler informed his parents that he was very excited to see “New Nark”!
Not paying much attention to the news. Need to do laundry and go to Jennifer Wexton’s website. Her office is about 10 minutes away from here so I must see what I can do to help.
Wishing all a peaceful Sunday with no bad news!
I got logged out this morning & couldn’t get back in. It took several password changes for it to take & let me back in. But here I am, yay!