Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
– Page One of Comments is HERE!
– Page Two of Comments is HERE!
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 68 degrees in Madison WI with an expected daytime high of 84. Chance of thunderstorms.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Sunday Meese
71 here in NYS and very muggy – going up to 86 with thunderstorms.
This morning on DKos will be discussing West Side Story – and how it has shaped people’s ideas about Puerto Ricans
Am also going to toss up a quick diary on FEMA pulling the back up generators out of Puerto Rico
I will watch for tweets on both!
just posted
Saw them on twitter so went there before coming here. Boosted the signals. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, Meese, and happy St. Swithin’s Day!
Denise, I’ll watch for your diaries. I never seem to see your tweets, even though I follow you on Twitter. Weird.
Spent yesterday morning holding up signs outside NRA headquarters in Fairfax, VA. There were many signs bearing trenchant messages, but the most poignant sight was that of the little t-shirts, each bearing the name and age of a first-grader murdered at Newtown, CT.
There were five of us old women from the Home for the Aged in the carpool to NRA HQ on Waples Mill Road. On the way home the driver declared she was going to demonstrate again on the 14th of every month because she had met so many wonderful people. We received many honks and “thumbs up” gestures from passing motorists because this was in good old blue Fairfax County. The sign I liked best said: “Grandmas want live grandkids.” You bet!
Just moseyed through the WaPo. Found an interesting article on blockchain, Zcash, and blockchain in the Business section, along with an article on how to protect one’s password. I couldn’t read all the articles about Lardy Cake (Kavanaugh): too depressing. To cheer myself up I shall ponder the eternally interesting question of why men don’t have to stomp around a stage wearing nothing but Speedos and high-heeled cowboy boots to earn “scholarship” money.
Oh, the weather: it’s overcast today with the promise of thunderstorms tonight. We’ve been more than two weeks without rain. Right now it’s 71 F. in Ashburn, going up to 90 F. later.
Wishing a peaceful Sunday to all at the Pond!
Good for you! “Spent yesterday morning holding up signs outside NRA headquarters in Fairfax, VA. ” You are an inspiration to us stay-at-homes. :)
I have not been reading any more about Kavanaugh because it really is too depressing. Yesterday, Joe Manchin launched into Chuck Schumer telling him he is not the boss of him. My take is that all three of the Democrats who voted to confirm Gorsucks – Manchin, Heitkamp and Donnelly – will vote to confirm Kavanaugh and he will sit in the second Treason Seat on the Supreme Court. My hope is that they slow walk the hearings and bloody him a bit. Sad as it is to say, the Supreme Court is lost for a generation, lost by the laziness of mid-term voters in 2010 and 2014 who could have kept the Republicans from gaining a Senate majority. Our only way forward is via the states. I was pleased to see that Massachusetts, for one, is working on repealing all the old anti-abortion laws on the books so that activist courts in their state don’t repeal their abortion rights ruling – called “Moe”. It needs to happen everywhere and we need to run on reproductive rights in every state to build the firewalls. You want “states rights”, Republicans? We will take back the states and dare you to override those rights at the federal level.
Thanks Sis – regular Sunday diary up
Watching Le Tour — today is chaos, dusty cobblestones are as bad as wet ones. So many crashes. Lucky tomorrow is a rest day. (Of course, on a “rest” day, they still do a ride that would kill me, so…) Today: cooking & laundry, and I have to run by my club’s summer party at 4. I really don’t have time for that, but today’s the day. Playing Empress to give me more energy for all this.
Good morning, 65 and sunny in Bellingham. In between naps yesterday we watered the garden, drove to a new cheese creamery, cooked a simple dinner, and then went to bed early. We both needed a restful day.
Best Sunday wishes to all.
80 degrees inside and out. Also humid and sticky. We shall see how long I manage w/o the A/C today. This month is being overcast without the benefit of delivering actual water from the sky. I got just 16.9 KWHs yesterday, the m-t-d is 232 at the moment. Used up my housekeeping energy helping my neighbor corral her dachshund – Breve can not only move fast, she can turn on a dime and double back on herself! The vacuuming may wait until tomorrow.
I got online to check in, went to my email first, got caught up in Aji’s patreon post on @ShariceDavids which took me to twitter which took me to DK – so I’m really late checking in this morning. LOL. On the other hand I have already done the signal boosts of Denise’s diaries and tweets, so that’s a plus. Trying to get back to focusing on what I can do and ignoring as much of the cluster**** as I can. (Which I was actually already doing more of than the rest of the Meeses.) I talked to a couple of county-level candidates at the Market yesterday. We’ve got some hopes of getting the County Judgeship back. I’m not sure on any of the other offices. But I’ll be helping and voting Dem no matter how forlorn the hope. I’d been meaning to get back on the “postcard” routine – melaka reminded me on twitter this morning & just sent me the link – so one more thing I can do. Little driblets of money to solid candidates (many of whom have been or are being primaried by Bernie and the bros) will hopefully add up with other folks’ little driblets to make a mighty river. Only Strong Together VERY Strong Together.
Best get back to household stuff. Healing Energy to everybody, shaped to your personal need. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, meeses! Monday …
It is 75 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 82. Sunny skies are in the forecast. The overnight low tonight will be 61 and the humidity will drop, making it habitable outside for the first time in a week.
I am going to ignore the news today because it is difficult to watch the embarrassment that our foreign policy has become. I was laughing (bitterly) at the people saying that the Republicans are letting a foreign power destroy the sanctity of our elections. Have they not been paying attention!!?? Blocking fair and honest elections is the stated policy of the Republican Party! Whether by state legislators or the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court – or a foreign power – the destruction of the franchise is their goal. They know that they can’t win with one person one vote so they have been working since 2000 ensuring that “making good the promise of America” is forever denied to those who would vote them out of power.
See all y’all later!
Good Monday morning Meese
69 going up to 93 here in Saugerties NY with rain and thunderstorms.
Puerto Rico
Almost a year without full power—can you imagine if PR were on the mainland? The screeches would be heard all the way to Pyongkang and Moscow!
Helsinki “Summit” is a bit of a stretch. Helsinki “Surrender” – maybe Helsinki “Asskissing”.
Hillary :)
Apparently the Finns are giving ’em hell in Helsinki! The streets are full of protesters and anti-Thing signs, according to Twitter.
Trump probably does not know enough about soccer to realize what an “own goal” is. :)
Saw that last night & RT’d – I love Hillary! ????????????
Good morning, Moosekind! Yesterday afternoon was full of glinting purple-gray storm clouds that eventually passed through without doing anything. This morning is sunny, although there may be thunderstorms tonight. At the moment it’s 66 F., going up to 93 F.
So the Traitor is meeting with his control today in a Room of Their Own in Helsinki. Wish Hell would sink them both. Over at Orange they’re openly calling Thing a Traitor, which of course is nothing less than the truth. The prevailing opinion is that the Hatchet Man is preparing indictments against his campaign workers and possibly others.
On the home front, Younger Son and family came for brunch yesterday. The much-touted brunch at this place is (1) difficult to get into, and (2) a pedestrian assortment. I don’t think we’ll bother with it again.
Off to the dentist this morning and then to various errands. Hoping for a peaceful day for everyone in the country…
Hot & getting hotter. By the end of this week, real temps are supposed to be 103-105, with “feels like” of 100, so we’ll have heat advisories. Blech. I love that #TreasonSummit is trending.
I opened a tab for youtube & it had Discotheque on my recommended line. Who am I to argue? Campy video, poppy, fluffy sounding song but it’s actually really deep.
Looking for the one
But you know you’re somewhere else instead.
You want to be the song
The song that you hear in your head
Love, love, love, love.
It’s not a trick, you can’t learn it
It’s the way that you don’t pay that’s okay
‘Cause you can’t earn it – love
just noticed a big error – the “feels like” is 110.
LOL – I wondered. Stay safe please. That kind of heat is dangerous. {{{HUGS}}}
77 inside and out with humidity at 78% (which is actually “drier” than it has been), heading for 90s – if the cloud cover holds the heat index should stay with the air temp, if not… Only got 14 KWHs yesterday, m-t-d is 244. 500 is still possible but not probable unless we get a lot more sunshine than we have or is forecast. sigh. Did some “Sunday” things this morning – dairy store for milk & yogurt before 7, steamed green beans & made salad, vacuumed – so my inner calendar is off. LOL.
Need to get to the Post Office and get some postcards and stamps – I want to get on the postcard writing gig to help Dem candidates. I’ve given up on sending them to my bloody red congress critters. I don’t mind supporting USPS but that was a waste of money and just made my hands hurt. Boosting signals on twitter and the postcard gig are just about it until the Dem HQ opens – although I’ve gotten an email saying we’re opening in August this time and not waiting for Labor Day as has been our tradition. The “new” Chair of the Dem Central Committee is very much a good campaign person. Only glancing at what’s going on. Makes me sick and I can’t even manage the signal boosts and postcard gig if I go back into daily acid reflux attacks. Channeling Healing Energy as best I can – the Energy is infinite but my ability to Channel it is not – out to everyone, everything, everywhere. Freely given to anyone willing to accept it. And hope to Heaven that is helping somehow with the kids ICE/DHS stole and are traumatizing so badly. It’s not enough. But it’s all I can do.
Need to close up the house before the outside gets any warmer. Some coffee wouldn’t hurt either. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
sending “be well” thoughts your way!
{{{ad}}} most gratefully accepted. And returned. moar {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 62 and sunny in Bellingham. Family visits are fun, but changing all the beds isn’t! It was easier before dogs sleeping on beds started happening :) So yesterday was a busy laundry day. I’m going to the pool this morning, and will work on restoring order to the house this afternoon.
Best Monday wishes to all.
Morning Meesefolk! Hot already with hotter ahead, specifically 84 already with a high of 88. It’s supposed to rain later today, but I’ll believe it when I see it; we’ve had a lot of false alarms lately. But the forecast shows cooler temps for the rest of the week, which I will welcome with open arms and opened windows.
I retweeted this today, because listening to it really did boost my spirits and change my frame for the day. You don’t have to be Christian to appreciate it; toe-tapping, good music is universal.
I am so glad that Tharpe is finally getting the recognition she deserves. Thanks for posting that, because I follow RMN but I missed that.
I certainly wasn’t aware of her, but that clip was electrifying. I found myself watching her playing the most; she had some skills.
Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …
It is pleasant 64 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 77. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast.
“This time Trump has really done it!” :::yawn::: People really don’t get it, do they? Republicans love the tax cuts and the neanderthals being put on the federal bench and the full-throated support of the supremacy of white males. It is not a joke that there is nothing Trump can do that will turn them away from him. This one will just need a little longer to come up with the words to overcome the cognitive dissonance. It was hilarious to read Tom Cotton’s statement where he decried Trump’s actions but never once mentioned Trump! He knows that if he disses the Republican’s president, he will be primaried in 2020. Cowards, the lot of them.
In important news, the federal judge in San Diego put a halt to all deportations until the family reunification process he ordered is completed. Good. That will provide HHS with less incentive to slow-walk the reunification process and also allow parents who were separated from their children to stay in the country rather than send them out and try to find them later. I saw a hopeful statistic that the Republicans, despite their judge-confirming-on-steroids, still have less than 6% of the federal courts filled with trumpers. If we can take back the Senate, we can do the oversight the founders intended and keep that number as low as possible and maybe impeach a few of the worst. The work being done by Judge Dana Sabraw in San Diego is a reminder of the power of the judiciary to do good. Incentive!
See all y’all later!
Good morning, Moosekind! Yesterday we had ominous purple-gray clouds again and even 1 1/2 raindrops, but nothing else. Today: rinse, repeat. Currently it’s 71 F. in Ashburn, going up to 88 F. under hazy skies.
Dearly Beloved somehow managed to flip our Celsius-loving oven back to Fahrenheit, so I made him a Sunday breakfast on Monday! I hate the metric system. It makes no sense to me. I also resented having to run into the den to get Aunty Google to translate Celsius into Fahrenheit every time I wanted to bake something.
Well, there was a cyberquake in international relations yesterday! Some are openly calling Thing a traitor. Of course, the knock-kneed, trembling media aren’t (access, access) but the former head of the CIA is doing it. And our very own HRC is saying, “I told you so!”
Let me just say I loathe the Russian government, the media, and Comey, in that order and leave it at that for now.
I’m trying to clean up this place in view of the fact that three friends are coming to tea tomorrow. Of course, it isn’t really afternoon tea: that happens between 3:30 and 5 p.m. As they’re coming at 1:30, owing to distance and traffic considerations, what we’re having will be called “tunch.”
Must make the pumpkin bread today and buy a lovely new plant for the screened porch, as that’s where we’re going to be eating.
Wishing all a good day with lots of aspirin, Tylenol, paracetemol, or whatever you take for Thing-induced headaches!
Overnight lows in the upper 70s, highs of 100ish. So hot — even for Texas, that the Department of Public Safety put out safety tips. It is just ridiculously hot.
So Trump committed treason (again) yesterday. And his base doesn’t care. It’s The Little Things that Give You Away.
Sometimes I’m full of anger and grieving
So far away from believing
That any sun will reappear
The end is not coming
It’s not coming
The end is here
(ok, yes those are bleak words, but yesterday was pretty awful — but how the music is soaring at this point in the song, I think it counters the message of the words)
Tuesday Meese
75 here in NYS going up to 83 with rain.
My feelings about Trump and treason have nothing to do with Russians – from my perspective – abandoning over 3 and a half million Americans by the President of the United States was/is treasonous.
I know I’m being Charlie Brown with the football, but I keep hoping that this is the tipping point. I know it isn’t – and I know for the most disgusting racist deplorables there never will be. But for the ones who think of themselves as “nice people”, who have been in denial all this time….. maybe this could do it?
It was – and is – deplorable. But the Republicans won’t break with their president because he abandoned people of color in a time of need – that is what their base wants and what they run on!
I am not on the “treason” bandwagon – it is really a specific legal thing and probably does not apply. I am also not on the “impeach” bandwagon – there is zero chance it will be followed by “removal” and, even if it does, Mike Pence will be worse – he would have nothing to lose going full nuclear on our democracy. I am on the “let’s take back Congress” bandwagon because that is the quickest way to force changes via oversight and accountability.
A quick scan of Twitter: here is a good word – “treacherous”
I got up late this morning; it was 70 when I got up, but it was much cooler earlier. I had the windows in the bedroom wide open and needed all of my covers and snuggling with the pups to stay warm. It was heavenly! The high today is going to be 77, which is just right…I’m obviously not a fan of heat.
I’m in agreement with the consensus here that the latest actions of the Resident will make little difference on Capitol Hill. It may erode some of his support amongst the electorate, but those folks have never been the key for us in November anyway. I am going to call my R rep’s office in a bit and ask if he stands with 45 or if he stands with the IC. They won’t have an answer, but I’m going to tell them I want a response. It may only result in a weasel-worded letter, which is his MO, but I think it’s well past time for some of these folks to be pressured to go on the record.