Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
– Page One of Comments is HERE!
– Page Two of Comments is HERE!
President Obama is in South Africa speaking at the Mandela event. I am listening to it live and will look for a transcript later.
He is being hopeful and still believes our world doesn’t suck so much we can’t fix it. I hope he is right!
Here is a YouTube from
the Obama FoundationTime.Transcript via Time.
Wish he were still our president. I cried when I watched the helicopter lifting off from the White House lawn on InHogUration Day.
I still hang onto The Clintons’ comments – Bill’s “There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured with what is right in America” and Hillary’s “America is great because Americans are good.” Obviously Hillary was being overly generous when she said Americans without the qualifying “about 2/3s of” in front of the word. But still. The (bare) majority of Americans are caring people who hate the violence, hate the abuse of kids, hate everything Genocidal Old Party is doing. Getting them to the polls has always been the issue. And unfortunately still is.
I am going to focus on Barack Obama’s words if its all the same to you. :) Plenty of good things there!
I think it is time to thank the Clintons for their service and move on. To be perfectly frank, I think that the ratfking of the 2016 election was aided by Bill Clinton’s narcissism and his complete tone-deafness to how his personal flaws had not been forgiven by a majority of the country, especially women. His “say nice things about me and stroke my ego” meeting with Loretta Lynch on the tarmac led to James Comey being put in charge of the email prosecution and helped elect Trump. His “stroke my ego and other parts” meetings with a White House intern, led to the demise of Al Gore’s candidacy – he could not run on the Clinton economy because he had to run away from the Clinton bimbos. Two presidencies in the 21st century that are doing untold damage to our country, our earth, and our future. I am not as nice as Hillary – I will never forgive him for what he has done.
But those same white women overlooked Thing’s pussy-grabbing? I don’t dispute your statement, Jan, but Bill wasn’t the only pol that misbehaved with women.
Indeed! But given a choice between a man who is simply in the correct party and someone who I admire as both a leader and a decent human being – it is a pretty easy call to be a Barack Obama fan.
I will never understand how white women voted for Trump and the white women I know personally who voted for Hillary Clinton overlooked their dislike of her husband. We will probably never know how many were unable to get past that. I keep remembering the photo of Bill Clinton and Donald Trump at a golf course with their arms around blonde women who were NOT their wives. Those images are difficult to burn away.
As you can see, I am not over the 2016 election yet! Heck, I am still not over the 2000 election!!
Yes, I know! Groan. If we’d had a President Gore, we’d be breathing clean air because the roads would be filled with electric cars and all the coal miners would be employed by the solar energy industry.
75 inside and out with 96% humidity. Only got 13.7 KWHs yesterday and the m-t-d is 258. 500 still possible but getting less likely by the day. sigh. Swelling on my face mostly gone as is the weeping and itch, still red and scaly. Hopefully that will be gone by Friday and I can go wave my sign at the Friends’ weekly protest in front of the County Courthouse. I’ve had to miss the last 2 weeks. I’ve started doing the postcard project – current campaign is Danny O’Connor for OH special election on 8/7 – here’s the link if anybody’s interested: https://postcardstovoters.org/ – 3 cards a day is all my hands can manage since they have to be handwritten but it is at least 3 a day. One more “mickle” towards the “muckle” of taking back Congress.
Need to close up the house. Need to get some coffee before this headache escalates into a migraine. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Glad your face is better, bfitz! Hope you’re fine by Friday!
Good morning, 61 and sunny in Bellingham. I enjoyed being at the pool yesterday morning but the rest of the day wasn’t so good, so followed the news and napped until it was officially bed time. I hope I’ll have more energy today.
Hard to believe our grand daughter will celebrate her 16th birthday on Sunday. Even harder to realize I’m older too! I’ve had fun baking her birthday cakes, and this year she has requested a white cake with fresh berries. I can use frozen berries to make the filling but I hope I can find enough ripe blackberries to decorate the top.
Best wishes to all.
Sounds delicious, princesspat!
Good morning, meeses! Wednesday …
It is 63 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 79. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast.
I am going to put President Obama’s speech up in a post so that I can view it and read it. The videos posted above have expired so I will remove them when the new post is up. It was a good speech!
As predicted, the Republicans accepted the strange explanation for the orange dotard’s embrace of Putin and are now fine. Not an embrace! A “misspeaking”!! Sigh. Meanwhile, Congress is planning another raid on the treasury in the hopes that when Democrats take control again, they are left with a burned out husk of a country and can’t rebuild in two lifetimes. Bastids.
See all y’all later!
Wednesday Meese
We got hit really hard here yesterday
Made me think about how fast this is being repaired and how people are dealing with outages since last Sept. in Puerto Rico. We here have “power privilege”
Am really annoyed by stupid. The NAACP has just endorsed statehood for Puerto Rico and feted Gov.Rossello – who is a Trump supporting elite member – and is trying to destroy unions and public education.
My response
I saw your tweet last night and that the NAACP had really stepped in it! People should be careful when they move past their level of expertise and understanding and weigh in on things that they have no knowledge of. It does damage to their organization and the false narratives are difficult to undo. They should follow you and they would know about Puerto Rico!
I think this is the tweet you wanted to post. :)
That’s amazing, Dee, and the contrast between your area and PR is sickening as far as the pace of repair goes. Glad you avoided that, or was it your generator that kicked in?
Good Woden’s Day, Moosekind, and a rollickingly beautiful morning it is here in Northern Virginia! Cloudless blue skies, sunlight, low humidity—perfect for the tea party I’m having this afternoon. Currently it’s 66 F., going up to 84 F. Remember, this is July in hot, humid DC. Such temperatures are unheard of at this time of year.
This morning I have to fill tiny tart shells with lemon curd, refrigerate them, carefully wash and dry raspberries blueberries, and blackberries, and then put them on top of the tarts. Too lazy to make my own glaze, I’ll just melt apricot preserves, strain them, and paint the fruit on top of the tarts about noon. The pumpkin bread was baked yesterday, the enticing-looking cookie assortment was bought (gluten-free, yikes, but there wasn’t an equivalent regular assortment), so I will have only the sandwiches—cucumber on white bread and the salmon-flavored cream cheese on brown bread—to make.
It’ll all take my mind off Helsinki. Dearly Beloved hung more pictures yesterday but he has to take me to Lowe’s to buy a flowering plant. Our flat is so small that the only place I can entertain four people is the screened porch. A new plant will make it look more summery.
Well, that’s enough about my home life. Will look in on the headlines from time to time but I’ll be too busy to pay as much attention as I usually do. Forgot to mention that Monty Beagle is 7 years old today and the lousy grocery store here doesn’t even sell Frosty Paws! I can’t give him a doggy ice cream for his birthday.
Wishing a good day to all!
Happy birthday, Monty Beagle!!
The headlines today are filled with the walk-back of the “misstatement” and our side trying to point out that it was NOT a misstatement and yelling that they can’t do a walk-back. But now the narrative is set so the media will wipe the slate clean, pretend the occupant of the White House is not a man dangerous in his ignorance and self-absorption and carry on. I am going to close my tabs and get to work on some projects.
Have a good day, Jan, see you later on Twitter!
{{{Diana}}} – your tea sounds lovely. And using melted apricot preserves is a wonderful idea, not lazy at all. Have fun. & Happy Birthday to Monty Beagle. ???????????? moar {{{HUGS}}}
Sounds wonderful Diana. I’m glad you are settling in and cooking again. Birthday scritches to Monty Beagle!
Thanks for the birthday wishes, Jan, bfitz, and princesspat! He had a pretty nice day. He’s always excited to have visitors. We took him with us on errands, so he was able to have a few interesting new sniffs.
Hot, somehow both sticky & dusty — I can’t wait till the Sahara dust goes away. Anyway, highs around 100, super humid — oh, and there’s a wildfire one county west of us. And then there’s our traitor POTUS. Ok, enough of that, here’s Life On Earth.
70 at the moment which is about 5 degrees cooler than it’s supposed to be with 100% humidity. Started raining about 5 am – I got up to see if it was coming in the window (it wasn’t – yet), stopped at my altar to send “rain energy” to all the places that needs it, and went back to bed. I thought I was awake and just drowsing as I could hear the rain but apparently I was asleep enough not to notice when it started coming in the window. LOL. There’s a puddle on my bedroom floor and another on the porch. Fortunately the house itself shielded the one by the table where my computer is. Not that it was on or even open, but water isn’t good for powerstrips either. Only got 11 KWHs yesterday, m-t-d is 268.7, and not likely to get more than that today if it doesn’t clear off.
Got my 2nd lot of 3 postcards in the mail and will do another 3 today. Tweeted or RT’d Denise’s Black Kos twitter round up (which is how I found out about NN – have just re-changed my plans to do at least an overnight visit to NOLA) and various political issues I found in my TL yesterday. Not a getting into “good trouble” type of resistance, but it’s something. The Rs are betting the farm that they can so damage voting rights as to keep permanent power, but they’re also destroying infrastructure and poisoning wells just in case they can’t. Which is of course pretty stupid as well as evil. Very much evil to deliberately hurt/kill so many people, so many natural resources/habitat/whatever – very stupid to do such damage to a country you are trying to permanently govern. But we can get the helm back, we can change direction. But Goddess Above and Below the work we’re going to have to do to repair the damage is scary even to think of.
Need to check my various internet things and do a few things around the house. Healing Energy to everybody. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 64 and partly sunny in Bellingham. We were at The Firefly (formerly the frog) last night listening to a favorite singer/songwriter from Texas. The room is intimate and the songs reflected how current events have made him feel, so the music was soulful and based on our shared humanity. We were the oldest people there but the young man next to me was enjoying the music as much as I was.
I’ve got another day of keeping the news light and trying to get the laundry done. Take care everyone.
Good morning, meeses! Thursday …
It is 66 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 79. The forecast calls for showers this afternoon and storms overnight.
NOT BREAKING: Trump lies about pretty much everything. It is becoming obvious why the Orange Orshole does not do press conferences – and why his attorneys do not want him to sit with Mueller for an interview. He is a doddering fool with the attention span of a toddler and an inability to be coached. He lies as effortlessly as other people breathe and about things that don’t even matter! Apparently he was telling people that the Queen had not reviewed the troops in 70 years and only did it last week in his honor. JHC on a pogo stick!
Michelle Obama will be doing some voter registration outreach, a non-partisan initiative named “When We All Vote“. The Politico article is odd – it claims that Democrats are “frustrated” that it is non-partisan and that she won’t be stumping for Democratic candidates. Hello?!!? Getting people to register to vote and then voting is partisan. Only one party wants to expand the franchise – the other one wants to limit it. Any work being done to register voters will provide significantly more benefits to Democratic Party candidates than it will to Republicans. I hope that the “complaints” are just the Politico writer wanting to advance the click-bait rather than real frustration. It sounds very promising to me!
See all y’all later!
sheesh – Politico should get a snide whine about Democrats award – almost everything written there has barbs.
Thursday Meese
A beautiful day here in the Hudson Valley of NY. 54 going up to 84.
I have my second laser surgery today- pre cataract ops.
Puerto Rico
As usual – NY is paying attention to PR
Denise, good luck with the surgery! Healing vibes to you, Sis.
{{{Denise}}} – All kinds of Healing Energy to help your surgery today. (& anything else needed, of course.) moar {{{HUGS}}}
Good luck with the surgery!
Hot, sticky, dusty. Blech. I see that even after the news broke that Trump knew all along about Putin helping him, no one has stormed the White House. Playing comfort music this morning. Even though it’s new, Landlady is comfort music. Sweet & soothing, B’s gratitude to Ali. I love reading their lyrics like poetry.
The road, no road without a turn
And if there was, the road would be too long
What keeps us standing in this view
Is the view that we can be brand new
Good morning, Moosekind! It’s another incredibly beautiful day here with low humidity. The current temp. in Ashburn is 67 F., going up to 86 F.
Yesterday was as perfect a summer afternoon as ever was. A bonus was that a little breeze kept wafting through the screened porch so not even the heat-haters were uncomfortable. Also, whichever direction the wind was blowing, it kept the planes away: we were able to converse with each other without being drowned out every minute.
Had the Night from Hell—goodness, why? (I think I know, too much blue light before bedtime, so it’s my own dam’ fault). Pretty much dragging this morning.
This afternoon I have a meet-and-greet for Jennifer Wexton, our Dem. candidate who hopes to unseat The Woman Comstock. The latter has received millions in campaign money from her homies in the Rethug party. The Kochs want to retain control of that Congressional seat.
Tomorrow is the Progressives’ Luncheon, so I’ll be going to that. Going to keep it slow today, folks, while Googling and goggling at the headlines. Feel as if we’ve lived through a month’s worth of news since Sunday.
Hoping for a good day for all at the Pond!
I am having sleep disturbances as well. I blame it on Mars being too close – apparently we are on the same side of the Sun right now and he is making an appearance in the early morning – the last time he was this close was 2013. Mars energy is not very soothing.
73 inside and out (except the kitchen which is 84 – I baked peanut butter cocoa muffins this morning, shoulda done it yesterday) with 100% humidity. Forecast says low 90s today – that’ll put the heat index close to 100 if not over. We’ll see whether or not I turn on the A/C this afternoon. Got 11.4 KWHs yesterday, a tad better than Tuesday but not much. The m-t-d is 280. A good day’s sun would bring it to 300 but I’m not betting on it actually happening. I’ve only gotten over 20 twice this month. August is sneaking up on us. I just realized 2 weeks from tomorrow I’ll be on the road to NOLA to see Denise. ????????????
Evil Ones being evil. After a while you start to lose track. Pick a topic, any topic, and they’re doing something definitely deplorable, probably unconstitutional, and possibly treasonous on it. What I’m doing feels less and less useful, but it’s what I can do so I do it. Need to do my internet tour then close up the house. And get some coffee. Healing Energy flowing out to everyone everywhere who accepts it. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
New Orleans in bloody August? Whoinell picks these venues for Netroots Nation?
Wish I were going to see you and Denise. Why don’t they have NN in the DC area? We’re just as ‘ot, ‘umid, and ‘orrible as their other venues.
Y’all could stay with me. It’s free.
They should wait until Thing leaves town – and there is time to fumigate and smudge. I cannot imagine even breathing the same air as some of the people who are in Washington DC right now.
Here is Michelle Obama’s video introducing her new initiative:
Web site: WhenWeAllVote.org
Good morning, 59 and partly sunny in Bellingham. It’s taken me a week to recover from the last round of family fun and a new round starts tomorrow, as our grandson is arriving via train this evening for a “working visit.” He is 17 yrs old now and wants to do more than his volunteer job at his local hospital so he’s going to help us with several projects this summer. We’ll start with restoring the finish on the furniture from my grandparents estate. I’m looking forward to using her kitchen table again….so many memories to share!
Keeping busy with my small life is helping me survive tRump angst but I sure hope the Mueller report becomes reality soon. We all need a good nights sleep.
Take care everyone.
Good morning, Meesefolk! It was 61 when I got up for the final time this morning with clear skies and an expected high of 81. If all of summer was like this, I would be a happy camper.
The sleep disturbance thing is hitting me too, which is very unusual for me. I’m generally one of those people who can fall asleep anywhere, anytime, but last night was beastly. Part of it was due to one of my pups; he was fussing with one of his ears, so I got up at 2am and gave them both a quick cleaning (which is not as easy as it sounds; he sees cotton balls and the bottle of ear cleaner and goes running). It wasn’t the most thorough job, so I really need to try again tonight, but he quit fussing so it worked for the moment. Of course, then I couldn’t get back to sleep; when I finally did I was having bizarre dreams. I’d prefer to have straight up nightmares rather than the sort of dreams that leave you feeling unsettled and angsty. I finally got up at 6:30, let the dogs out, and went back to bed for “a few minutes.” Naturally, that’s when I finally got some sleep, a fact the pups probably didn’t appreciate since they’ll choose the comfy bed over the backyard any day. I did make it to work more-or-less on time, but I expect I’ll be taking advantage of the slow day and my ability to sleep anywhere/anytime and catch a short nap sometime over the course of the day. I’m the only one in today, and the boss is on vacation, so I might as well take advantage of the perfect storm and grab 15 minutes of naptime when I can!
I’ll be thinking of you today, Denise, and hoping for an uneventful surgery.
I think part of my problem is that summer time is busy and that has cut into my natural nap time which is right after lunch. That makes me exhausted by 8pm and if I go to bed at 8, my body is pretty much done sleeping by 2am and I am easily awakened. I should try to carve out some time to nap because I really need to get back on a schedule. When my daughter goes off to college in the fall, it will be quieter in the daytime but then I will have worrying about her to plague my sleep!! :)
Good morning, meeses! Friday …
It is 70 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 73. It has been raining and storming through the night and that pattern is expected most of the day.
Good news from the Senate – we finally found the bright line that Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) won’t allow a Trump nominee to cross when it comes to racism. It must have been a doozy because Tim has been turning a blind eye to the white supremacists in his party for years and has voted to confirm every one of them – KKK, Nazi, they are all fine with Tim. I suspect he may be persuaded to change his mind and vote for him at some point – it seems like integrity only lasts one news cycle – but at least for one day, we can hope he has seen the light.
It is very easy to ignore the Trump-Putin summit dust-up because it is a thing that I have the least control over and which does not impact most of the people I know. For the 2018 elections, we run on it as “Congressional oversight” and hope that any outrage over the monumental unfitness of tRump translates into votes. Meanwhile, we keep our eyes on the crisis at the border and the horrific treatment of children torn from their parents and – it sounds like – handed over to right-wing evangelicals for adoption. Bastids!
See all y’all later!
Friday Meese
56 going up to 88 here in the Hudson Valley of N.
Got left eye lasered yesterday – it almost didn’t happen – because of the power outage my docs office had to get an electrician in to fix everything – had to go away and come back a few hours later – but it got done. Now to wait till end of Aug for the first cataract.
Today is not a happy anniversary
Goodness, Dee, what a thing! I’m glad your eye was finally seen to. You must be up to your forehead in eye drops by now. Peaceful healing vibes to you.
The whole of yesterday I forgot to put any drops in—can’t let that happen today.
The end of August will be here before you know it.
You know it’s hot in Texas when the weather person goes over the difference between heat exhaustion & heatstroke. 103 today with a “feels like” of “why the hell are you outside??” So there is no bottom for the Trump regime & his followers. Presented with evidence he has lied every day of his presidency, and they shrug. Ugh. Ok, I’m injecting some optimism with Empress. Love this video, with the 6 & a half foot tall singer bopping around.
Sound and pulse and volume
Hands just reaching out for hands
This is almost overload
I said almost overload
Friends and foes and princes
Are all just human in the end
This is so damn simple, yeah
It’s so damn simpl