Resistance News:
Democratic lead in the generic ballot by as much as 10 points in some polls, but more important is the many groups formed to help with the 2018 Elections on is the Tech Group:
Dozens of progressive groups are organizing for Democrats in this year’s midterms. But Tech for Campaigns has focused on a particularly challenging assignment: dragging Democratic campaigns into the digital age, before it is too late.
In a year and a half of existence, Tech for Campaigns has become a kind of Democratic Geek Squad — a national volunteer network consisting of more than 4,500 tech workers with day jobs at companies like Google, Facebook, Netflix and Airbnb. These volunteers, who include engineers, marketers and data scientists, are matched with Democratic campaigns across the country to provide training on digital skills, such as how to promote themselves on social media, build their email lists and use data analytics to identify potential donors.
“What’s at stake if we don’t build a true centralized digital arm is falling further behind the Republicans and continuing to lose ground, the battles on key issues and elections at every level,” said Jessica Alter, a co-founder of the group and a longtime tech executive. “If we don’t start now, it will be too late in 2020.”
by Michael Scherer
July 4
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Liberal political strategists hope to block President Trump’s next Supreme Court nominee by replaying a strategy they used to help defeat the Republican effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act last year.
The multimillion-dollar plan of advertising and grass-roots activism will focus heavily on convincing two Republican defenders of the ACA, Sens. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) and Susan Collins (Maine), to buck the president again by denying his first choice to replace retiring Justice Anthony M. Kennedy. Trump plans to reveal his selection Monday.
One group, Demand Justice, plans to launch a $5 million campaign Thursday with ads in both senators’ states focused on the possibility that the next justice will provide the majority vote to allow states to ban abortion, overturning the 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade. NARAL Pro-Choice America announced plans Tuesday to take out full-page ads in four Maine newspapers highlighting the issue.
Londoners resisting Trump
LONDON (Reuters) – Chanting “Donald Trump has got to go,” tens of thousands of protesters marched through London on Friday waving banners and banging pots to demonstrate against the U.S. president on his first official visit to Britain.
Under a brilliant blue sky, demonstrators streamed through central London’s main streets carrying placards saying “Dump Trump” and “Keep your tiny hands off women’s rights”. Opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn was among the throng.
Organizers said 250,000 people were protesting in London and other demonstrations were expected in cities around the country, including Windsor where the U.S. President was due to have tea with Queen Elizabeth.
“Lock him in the tower,” one homemade placard said there, just yards from where Prince Harry married Meghan Markle in May.
Police, who declined to put a number on the size of the demonstration, had sealed off parts of London including Piccadilly and Regent Street for marchers, while thousands filled Trafalgar Square to hear speeches.
“Trump is not welcome in Britain,” said Grish Gregoran, 58, a shopkeeper who took the day off to attend the protests.
“We wanted to embarrass him and I think we have done that today. We know how sensitive he is. It is horrible to hear the inflammatory language that he uses and I am embarrassed that (Prime Minister) Theresa May has done so much to welcome him.”
London regards its “special relationship” with the United States as a keystone of foreign policy and May has courted Trump ahead of Britain’s departure from the European Union.
Demonstrators protest against the visit of U.S. President Donald Trump, in central London, Britain, July 13, 2018. REUTERS/Simon Dawson
But some Britons see the U.S. leader as crude, volatile, unreliable and opposed to their values on a range of issues. Those demonstrating against Trump included women’s rights campaigners, supporters of immigration and LGBT groups.
“Here, queer and angry,” said one banner. “Immigration is not a crime,” said another.
“Our message to our government and our prime minister is: ‘We don’t want a special relationship with bigots’,” Len McCluskey, the head of the country’s biggest trade union, told Reuters.
Activists kicked off the demonstrations on Friday by floating a six-metre-high (20-ft) blimp outside parliament depicting the U.S. president as a snarling orange baby.
Trump told the Sun newspaper he was avoiding the capital as much as possible.
“I guess when they put out blimps to make me feel unwelcome, (there is) no reason for me to go to London,” he said.
London Mayor Sadiq Khan, who has clashed repeatedly with Trump on Twitter, defended the demonstrations as free speech.
“The idea that we restrict freedom of speech, the right to assemble, the right to protest because somebody might be offended is a slippery slope,” Khan told BBC Radio.
Khan said pro-Trump supporters would march on Saturday, although some were present on Friday, separated from the main demonstration by police.
A small group of pro-Trump supporters waved the U.S. flag alongside the Union Jack, chanting “We want Trump” and “Trump for 202
The Vagina Grabber In Chief dinner with Putin:
Despite the indictment of the 12 Russians for interference in the 2016 Presidential campaign, the Vagina Grabber will break bread with the Czarist at which time Putin well tell the Vagina Grabber, well done my friend and faithful servant.
- The Russians allegedly hacked America’s election infrastructure, including state election boards and secretaries of state. The allegations in Friday’s indictment went well beyond merely hacking the Clinton campaign and Democratic campaign committees. From one state election board, the Russians managed to steal information on 500,000 voters, Rosenstein said, although he did not identify which state. Trump won the 2016 election by winning three key states by slim margins that added up to around 80,000 votes.
The Russians also “targeted state and local offices responsible for administering the elections; and sent spearphishing emails to people involved in administering elections, with malware attached,” Rosenstein said. He stressed, however, that the indictments contained “no allegation that the conspiracy altered the vote count or changed any election result.” - An American congressional candidate allegedly asked for, and received, stolen documents about his or her opponent from the Russians. According to the indictment, the operatives allegedly provided stolen campaign documents to a candidate for Congress. “On or about August 15, 2016, the conspirators received a request for stolen documents from a candidate for U.S. Congress,” the indictment said. The conspirators “sent the candidate stolen documents related to the candidate’s opponent.”
The candidate was not identified in the indictment. - A journalist allegedly discussed with the Russian front account, Guccifer 2.0, about when to release stolen documents related to Black Lives Matter. The reporter, who is not named in the indictment, also “offered to write an article” about the release of the stolen documents.
Russia’s efforts to use the Black Lives Matter movement to stoke racial tensions, and its attempts to turn Black Lives Matter supporters against Clinton, have been criticized as among the most insidious elements of Russia’s 2016 election influence campaign. - Russian hackers targeted Clinton emails the same day Trump called for them to find “missing” emails. On July 27, 2016, Trump said during a campaign event, “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” referring to emails Clinton deleted from her server because she said they were personal. According to the indictment, that same day, Russians “attempted after hours to spearphish for the first time email accounts at a domain hosted by a third party server used by Clinton’s personal office.”
The implication here is that Russian operatives did what Trump asked them to do, but the indictment specifically says: “There is no allegation in this indictment that any American citizen committed a crime.” Nor does the indictment name any Americans. - Trump knew about these indictments well before they were announced. “I briefed President Trump about these allegations earlier this week,” Rosenstein said Friday. “The President is fully aware of today’s actions by the Department.”
Despite this, Trump has made no changes to his plan to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday in Helsinki. He has also publicly maintained a positive attitude towards Russia and Putin all week, as he attended meetings in Brussels and London. On Friday, he seemed like he might let stand Putin’s denial of Russia’s interference in the election, despite evidence to the contrary.