Week-long Welcomings from Moosylvania: Aug. 12th through Aug. 18th

Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.

Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).

The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.

So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?

NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.


Page One of Comments is HERE!
Page Two of Comments is HERE!



  1. Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …

    Morning low of 64 degrees in Madison WI with an expected daytime high of 84. Sunny skies are in the forecast.

    Have a great day, all y’alls!!

  2. Sunday Meese – with no sun here – 69 and raining going up to 81 here in the Catskills.

    Will be talking about the PR vote in Florida – and the NN panel about it this morning over at Orange.

    All hell is breaking loose in PR over the news about donations sent to the Gov of PRs wife’s relief efforts – sadly the story is now being used to tell people not to give

    Meanwhile Trump blames PR about the death toll reports.

  3. Hi Folks – I’m at a Super 8 in Belden, MS waiting for it to be daylight enough to hit the road again. Counting stops for gas & “rest” I should be home midafternoon. Just checking in today but should be back to my “normal” schedule tomorrow. Blessings and Healing Energy to everybody. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}

  4. Good morning, Moosekind! Cloudy this morning, and in fact it looks as if rain is imminent. Our current temp. is 69 F., going up to 83 F.

    Still busy today, although things are gradually looking better in Stinkilla Flat. We have to work on the bedroom—a while back the top shelf in our walk-in closet collapsed under the weight of all the stuff we’d put on it. Disaster! Of course, us being us, we never got round to putting all the shoeboxes back where they belonged. Also, yrs truly manages to get laundry done, but not hung up or put away, so that has to be dealt with. Bummer.

    Anyway, in a little while we’ll go out to get flowers and the huge birthday cake, and we’ll continue from there. Guests expected at four o’clock.

    I see the Washington Poop has finally deigned to notice that Puerto Rico is in a bad way, owing to the neglect of Thing’s Badministration. The MSM is lousy.

    Have a good day, all!

  5. Yesterday all I really did was groceries. We got about ½ hour of rain, I went out & drove around, hoping it would rinse off my car, but it wasn’t enough. More rain expected today. I didn’t go to the Pride Parade last night, it starts too late & has too much walking/standing. My feet would have swollen. Listening to Lights of Home, I love the guitar intro.

  6. Good morning, 62 and cloudy in Bellingham. Yesterday’s rain was brief, but enough to cool and add moisture to the air. The fresh breeze is welcome!

    I enjoyed Ryan’s visit, but I’m ready for a few quiet days and he was happy to see his parents last night. We met a a mid way restaurant and enjoyed dinner together. The next family event will be Ava’s birthday so cake plans are underway. A white bundt cake with mini chocolate chips and a chocolate ganache topping with sea salt camels is requested. And she wants to bake it with me, so that will be fun.

    Best Sunday wishes to all.

  7. Monday Meese
    71 and cloudy here in Saugerties NY going up to 77 with rain.
    Headed to the eye doctor this morning for pre-op tests

    Prayers for Aretha Franklin this AM

    Puerto Rico

  8. Good morning, meeses! Monday …

    It is 64 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 86 (heat index 97). Sunny skies are in the forecast.

    I woke up early to view the Perseids meteors and was reminded – as I was sitting on the back deck – that there are mosquitoes this time of year! So my stay on the deck was short-lived although I did enjoy the sounds from the wetlands for a while. I was thinking about how different it is than when I moved here about 15 years ago – the city lights have gotten brighter (and closer) and new and faster highways means that there is always traffic noise. Sigh.

    The white supremacists who “descended” on Washington DC were widely mocked for their size. I was reading a few stories and it turns out that being a nazi is often frowned upon by employers and whatever decent friends you may have left! So they cover their faces or stay home retweeting the racist in the White House and vote for Republicans (83% of whom are fine with white supremacy). It does not mean that their movement is in decline just that they should probably plan their rallies for Idaho where they have a better chance of outnumbering the counterprotesters. DC was a bad choice.

    There will be a few primaries this week including Wisconsin. I banked my vote last week – choosing the person I would prefer to win but perfectly comfortable voting for any of the Democrats in the general election. The airwaves are filled with dueling ads for the two Republican Senate candidates vying for the chance to be defeated by Tammy Baldwin. One side dredged up a grainy tape of Kevin Nicholson, who was raised a Democrat, praising Hillary Clinton. The other side found a tape of Leah Vukmer saying that Trump was a disgusting pig (to paraphrase). Since both are running on who is the trumpier candidate, it will be interesting to see who emerges and with what scars. The Democratic Party is planning rallies in a half-dozen cities Thursday and Friday where our nominees will get a head start on the general election. We can win this – I just hope it is not too late to save the state.

    See all y’all later!

      • As do I. The IronStache guy (funny how I can’t even remember his name now!) took advantage of his early announcement and the associated fundraising, but Ms. Myers has been slogging away, doing the hard work of listening/talking with people. From my distance, I can’t say that I’ve seen the same from him.

        • Today we will find out if hard work in the trenches can trump national celebrity and the big pots of money that mustache guy has from the early attention. The only ads I see on TV (our stations reach the Janesville market) are for him. Even worse than being a berner is his sense of entitlement – he refused to even acknowledge that he had a challenger and did not agree to debate until the polls forced him to. For Cathy to win would be a vindication of grass roots local politics versus the national politics driven by people in rural Nebraska and Vermont. We don’t need TheirRevolution here deciding what is important to the voters of Janesville and Kenosha. I hope his fans vote for her in the general election but Wisconsin’s butthurt berners sitting out elections or finding a third party to vote for is what gave tRump the win here in 2016. :(

  9. Good Moon Day morning, Moosekind! Whaddaya know, it’s not raining. The sky is partly cloudy, although Some Say there’s a 70 percent chance of rain later. Currently it’s 64 F. in Ashburn, going up to 79 F.

    Today Dearly Beloved is “all the eights, garden gates,” as the caller for British bingo used to put it. The birthday party was fun, but getting ready for it was so exhausting that I’m not going to do one thing today except STARE. Yesterday, when the four children and their grownups arrived, the dog was so excited he peed on the carpet! Birthday Man was quickly tasked to get out the Extrac-Vac and get the dratted stuff up. Unfortunately, the new Extrac-Vac leaks, but the stupid thing worked enough to get the worst of it up. The mixture of dogs and carpets is disastrous.

    Then Mr. Toddler, who asked every 60 seconds when the cake was going to be served, stuck his forefinger into the milk jug. His mother wanted to throw the milk away but I refused—used it anyway. Mr. Preschooler, entranced by the chocolate-iced quarter-sheet cake, got up to the breakfast counter to look at the colorful icing balloons on it and got chocolate buttercream all over his arm. Oh, mah Goddess!

    Because it was raining, the screened porch was not an inviting place to be. I’d hoped the children could draw on the concrete floor with colored chalk and blow bubbles from the bottle I keep out there. No such luck! They ran around shrieking and the dog ran after them.

    The men mostly stood around, but in the end everyone was served tea (or organic apple juice, depending on their ages) and cake. Dearly Beloved opened his presents, to the delight of himself and all. He received so many bottles of wine he can stay snockered until New Year, but I hope he doesn’t. There are three different sports to watch on TV in the autumn.

    Was VERY glad to hear the Nazi demonstration in DC was an absolute disaster and that the Nazis were far outnumbered by the counter protesters! Unfortunately the traffic situation kept my niece from joining us, as she couldn’t get to her Zip Car rental.

    Wishing all a good day. Hope the MSM will continue to note the fact that PR and VI are suffering, but the next time there’s a shiny new toy they’ll be rushing after it.

  10. Depending on which widget you choose, it’s either 71 with 95% humidity or 69 with 100% humidity. Either way it’s (relatively) cool and damp right now. Apparently Fayetteville has been having a bunch of overcast weather as the m-t-d is 194 – and the forecast has rain and overcast for the foreseeable future, darn it – but it is still possible to reach 500. I need to get the laundry on soon but the yard guy is supposed to mow first. Of course he was supposed to mow yesterday, showed up late, didn’t mow, and promised to be here by 8 am. Which he wasn’t. I most certainly do not want my clothes out on the line while he’s blowing grass and dirt all over the place. I’d hang them inside but it’s too damp without a fire and too warm to have one. (Actually I wouldn’t mind hanging them in the house anyway – mosquitoes are bad right now. I picked up 7 bites just putting out birdseed this morning. sigh.)

    I’m tired with all the driving but it was a lovely trip. (Except for all the construction in AL.) I wish I’d had a co-driver because I know I missed a lot of beautiful scenery I couldn’t look at because rubbernecking at 70 mph is a good way to not get to where you planned to go. But it was wonderful visiting with Denise and basket, great to meet Kali and Leesa face to face, and visiting with my brother plus his wife, kids, and grandkids was a definite bonus. I just wish there was a way to visit folks that didn’t include so much travel. I spent more time getting to Denise and my brother than I had waking hours to spend with them!

    It’ll probably take another day or two before I’m fully back in my “normal” routine. It’s taking me more time to recover than it has for the cats. LOL. Charlie’s in his window (fortunately it’s cool enough to open for him) and Cloud is sleeping in his box. Normal cat. ???????????? Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}

    • Use this week to recover, bfitz! Take it easily—no need to rush.

      Hope you can do your laundry. Have you considered getting rid of the yard guy? Sounds as if Charlie and Cloud could do a better job than he’s doing.

      • {{{Diana}}} Once the laundry is done and I’ve removed a layer of grunge from the kitchen (apparently my grandson likes bacon – which he fries without a lid or spatter screen) I plan on relaxing a bit. Our Dem HQ is opening next week so I’ll need to get myself on the schedule for staffing it. But this week is quiet.

        The yard guy is 1) cheap (relatively) & 2) a widowed, retired, disabled vet. And while both Charlie and Cloud like to nibble grass, they don’t eat that much of it. ???????????? moar {{{HUGS}}}

  11. Good morning, 59 and sunny in Bellingham. It’s a pool morning for me and what I do after that depends on how I feel. Balancing exercise and fatigue is a challenge, but it’s my reality so I’m doing the best I can.

    RonK wants to invite some neighbors over this week so I’ve got some garden and house tidying to do. It’s been busy here with family so I’ve let a few things go.

    Best Monday wishes to all.

  12. Morning, Meesefolk! High of 82 today with the week getting progressively warmer, per the forecast. By midweek, storms should be moving in, and our temps will drop. There’s a huge fair in my village this week, so the forecast is bad news for fairgoers, but good news for me. I live two blocks from the fairgrounds, and Fair Week to me means people parking and blocking my driveway, late night drunks shouting and getting into fights, and trash all over my yard. When my daughter was little, I enjoyed going to the fair with her, despite all of the annoyances, but now I stay away…and my resemblance to a curmudgeon has increased!

    I worked on Saturday and then spent most of Sunday trying to complete all of my weekend chores, so I was tuned out of a lot of what was happening. I did get followed by Nancy Pelosi on Twitter, which made my entire weekend. I know it’s just part of the new digital strategy that the DCCC is implementing, so it’s not about “me” per se, but even knowing that, it still felt good.

    • {{{DoReMI}}} – I know what you mean about fairs and such. Fayetteville started Bikes, Blues, & Barbecue a bunch of years back and it’s now the 3rd largest biker rally in the US. sigh. Hope your fair is quieter than usual – at least on your block.

      I’d be tickled if Nancy Pelosi followed me, too. Yeah, just a “digital strategy” but it’s still a good thing. moar {{{HUGS}}}

    • Ha! “my resemblance to a curmudgeon has increased!”

      Our neighborhood had a block party this past weekend and the first thought that came to mind was “I hope they don’t park in front of my house!” I used to do all those things when my daughter was younger and believe that I have earned the right to curmudgeonliness.

      Did having Nancy Pelosi follow you change your tweeting habits? I do find that I think about my handful of followers when I retweet something after a few reporters followed me. I got a huge shock last night to discover that someone I had been following and retweeting was a PUMA and anti-Obama during his entire presidency. Ick!! I feel like I need smudging!! After the election, I was grasping at straws of sanity and apparently was not as careful about vetting my follows as I have since become. Thank goodness, ABL held a threaded in-service on it! Maybe this weekend if I get some time I will do a quick pass though my follows and curate. The bulk of them are news sites and individual reporters but I am sure there are some I added that deserve more scrutiny.

      • Siskind has been an interesting read since 2017, and I followed despite her background, but never forgot it. Her recent blunder was enough for me to unfollow, because I didn’t see any correction or apology once her privileged blind spot was pointed out.

        And yes, my twitter behavior will be changing because of Leader Pelosi’s follow, at least through the mid-terms. As my post today indicates, I will be more intentional in advocating for Democratic policies and candidates. I won’t be all politics, all the time, but when I am tweeting politics, it will be more than a casual act.

        • I didn’t see the tweet that kicked off the flurry of activity but it must have been a doozy. I had been following her for the Weekly List because it seemed important to support those recording what was happening. There are other ways to get that information that don’t require enabling someone with such a terrible past. PUMAs who carried their vendetta deep into the Obama presidency are probably racists. Republicans who are now denouncing their party but who were fine when Lee Atwater was running strategy for their candidates can never be trusted. Like ABL said, they will use us to help burn the trumpers out and then go back to destroying everything we hold dear. I won’t give them the bludgeon to do it.

  13. Good morning meese. 71 with 56% humidity and a projected high of 89. All good things must come to an end and so I’m hauling myself back to work after a truly magical vacation which involved spending time with bfitz and meeting new people or some for the first time face to face.

    • {{{basket}}} – it was fun, wasn’t it? But work is good, too. That’s how you afford vacations. LOL. moar {{{HUGS}}}

  14. Tuesday Meese
    77 here in the Hudson Valley of NY – going up to 81 and we have flash flood warnings. Our local rivers are at the high water mark. I live up high so can’t flood – but have to go back to doc today for more measurements and will be in a lower level area.


  15. Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …

    It is 64 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 86 (heat index 97). Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast.

    I just scanned the news and there was a glimmer of hope – the NYTimes used “White Supremacist Movement” instead of “Alt-right” or even “White Nationalist” in their headline. Words have meaning and it is important to identify who these men are and what they stand for. “Alt-right” makes it sound like just another group on the right instead of a culture of hate whose aim is the “cleansing” of America of the non-white and non-christian.

    Yesterday I never got untracked from getting up too early and having no brain. I shut down my computer at 8am and took a nap then stayed offline and let myself be a lump. The good news is that my Inbox was quiet and I did not need to respond to any urgent requests. Today I need to get organized and prioritize projects, selecting the top two or three that I will concentrate on. I think part of my exhaustion is from the length of my to-do list, a list that has been growing rather than shrinking because of a too-busy end-of-last-school-year and summer. Labor Day will allow me to reset my schedule but I need to get through three more weeks without losing all my clients! :)

    See all y’all later!

  16. Good morning, Meesefolk! The forecast is for hot today, but each forecast is so different, I’m beginning to think some haven’t been updated. I’m prepping for high 80s and high humidity.

    I was planning on a quiet day with a trip to the SoS to get my vehicle registration the only errand. Unbeknownst to me, The Hubby made an appointment at the vet for the dogs’ wellness check. That really disrupts my day, and I considered being grinchy with him about his cavalier treatment of my day off. I finally decided going to battle was just going to further degrade my day, so he’s off the hook…this time. (And the pups are overdue anyway, so it’s probably good for them that my procrastination wasn’t enabled any further.)

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