Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 61 degrees in Madison WI with an expected daytime high of 82. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Sunday Meese
63 here in Saugerties NY, going up to 85.
The Orange shitgibbon continues to bash PR – and is getting pushback – lots of it
If you get a chance – please retweet some of the tweets from Eric Holthaus – who is posting the names of those who died – and why – from the CPI database.
I saw you retweeting some of the Holthaus tweets and followed your example.
I noticed that the AP News web site now has a special link for coverage of Hurricane Maria: Hurricane Maria’s Toll . This should mean that it will get more visibility. There are currently 6 stories on the list.
Post up on Dkos
I think our rain has stopped, watching the news about the hurricane damage. Got tea steeping, lunch for the week is thawing — so I don’t have to do much when I get home from church. For now, I’m eating breakfast & waiting for Joy Reid. Someone made a pretty lyric video for Nina Cried Power. It’s the heaven of the human spirit risin’.
67 with 100% humidity and probably going up to 90 again. Which will be OK if the humidity comes down. Sun goes down earlier enough even now that it’s cool enough for sleep. Whether I do or not is a different question of course. Got enough sun yesterday to reach 13.8 KWHs, m-t-d is 184. Haven’t vacuumed yet but have gotten the rest of my Sunday housekeeping done. Back’s a bit wonky so may save that for when I get back from Dem HQ this afternoon or even put it off until tomorrow. Macrocosm Microcosm – upsetting things going on nationally and sort-of personally – hope they calm down at least a little soon for my tummy’s sake. Why is it human beings only seem to be able to be supportive communities when there’s an enemy, real or perceived, natural or human, to be fought? Without some threat to keep them together humans always seem to devolve into power players in cliques who create a strawman enemy to retain power. Or have to hide out because of being the folks that strawman enemy looks like. sigh. Healing Energy to everybody everywhere, shaped to the need. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
52 with 88% humidity and projected high of 80. Taking some friends later this morning to visit another friend who is in a home – he has made some progress in regaining use of his arms and speech but it is still a long road.
{{{basket}}} – You Sir, are a very kind person. ???????????? Healing Energy to you and your friends. Hope it’s a good visit. moar {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 57 and cloudy in Bellingham. I was hoping for a few more sunny days, but it looks like rain is here to stay. Ready or not it’s time to put the summer patio furnishings away.
My desk clean up project continues, but as I deal with one layered in basket and/or stuffed file drawer I can feel anxiety easing. Today I’ll tackle the file cabinet full of years of photos, and then I can use that space for the files I’ve sorted and need to keep. I’ve moved the photo project to the basement study so organizing that will be a winter project.
Best Sunday wishes to all.
Good morning, meeses! Monday …
It is 66 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 88 (heat index 99). Sunny skies are in the forecast.
So now the Kavanaugh confirmation threatens to not only harm future generations of women but triggers the PTSD of women who were traumatized by the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearing where the Men of the Judiciary Committee, Democrats and Republicans alike, chose to shut down testimony and give a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court to a sexual harasser. Another college professor, another circling of the wagons around the #BoysWillBeBoys Betsy DeVos Republican Party. If you read some of the snippets of writing from Mark Judge, Kavanaugh’s rape buddy, he is pure MRA – the perfect product of an elite all-male Catholic prep school. Susan Collins twisted herself into a pretzel to protect her party’s court nominee from his blatant anti-Roe comments and outright lying – this week we will see the depths she is willing to sink to in order to protect her party and its male pigs.
Monday is here, September is half over and I will spend the day hiding from clients whose project work is behind schedule. :)
See all y’all later!
I hope folks thinking that Joe Biden is a nice safe white male choice to lead the Democratic Party realize why he failed in his last two bids for the nomination – women have long memories …
I have NEVER liked good old Uncle Joe.
There’s a reason why he’s never gotten any traction in his previous presidental runs. Not voting for Uncle Joe in 2020 either.
Cowardly Collins – duped again or duping us that she cares that men who have no respect for women will be on the highest court in the land?
I hope folks in Maine will wake up and boot her out of office
Monday Meese
61 here in Saugerties NT – going up to 84.
Have to spend the day writing – have Black Kos Tuesday – and want to write something for Sept 20th anniversary of Maria hitting PR.
Not sure how well I’ll be able to see after the operation Wednesday.
And for PR news that made me smile this morning (I have experienced this)
FEMA head Brock Long said that you can’t blame “people dying falling off roofs while repairing them and people killed going through intersections without functioning traffic lights” on the hurricane that blew away the roofs and knocked out the power.
The ignorance of the people running our government is mind numbing.
Holding the good thought for all your endeavors, Sister Dee!
Hillary Clinton penned an op-ed for The Atlantic based on the Afterword of tomorrow’s paperback release of “What Happened“: Democracy in Crisis
Warm, foggy morning — we’re supposed to have 3 rain-free days, then more rain. Still in the 90s, but that’s average for us. The Kavanaugh thing….very upsetting. I understand they have to give the details, to tell what a horrible person he was/is, but it is really hard to hear. Anyway, another work week begins. I’ll use City of Blinding Lights from U2’s concert last night in Lisbon to keep me awake.
great comment on the Kavanaugh nomination
Here is another hypocrisy about Kavanaugh’s tender age:
We could do this all day, I suspect:
65 with 100% humidity which makes it feel danged chilly! Like with Jan, we’re going up to 88 heat index 99 so I’ll close the house up once it gets to about 75 outside. Still getting those afternoon clouds cutting my electricity production. Yesterday was 13.7 KWHs, m-t-d is 198 so it’ll go over 200 today. Over 300 for the month is very likely, over 400 is not – but still possible. Technically. The Rs are evil, sold their souls several decades back (some of them apparently were born soulless). Some of them make nice mouth noises, but they vote the way they’re told to anyway. As things get more life-threatening, their excuses are wearing thinner – but they’re still making them. They’ve had their eyes on the Courts since we started passing laws actually giving “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” (or at least health & safety) to ordinary people – especially POC. They aren’t going to pull back because one of their own did something they think wealthy white males have the right & privilege to do. So we’ll have to find another way to stop them. Healing Energy to everybody shaped to the need. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good Monday morning Moosekind! It’s raining steadily here, which might be a present from Florence. The current temp. in Ashburn is 71 F., going up to 77 F.
If there’s one thing that drives me to hair-yanking fits of fury, it’s having a perfectly good password rejected by WordPress. I’ve liked that password ever since Jan assigned it to me three years ago. Now it’s deader than a post.
Yesterday was so chock-full of goings-on I never made it here. We had the race in the morning, followed by a shopping expedition. Then Younger Son wanted to bring the family over to tea. When they left we put on appropriate clothes and boarded the shuttle to the Clubhouse, where the 10th Anniversary Gala was being held. Ashby Ponds really laid it on—a 15-piece orchestra, a pretty blonde singer in a long black dress, wine, hors d’oeuvres and pastries, the lot! We stayed an hour and then came back. Dearly Beloved, who has always maintained that his dancing days ended in 1952, apologized for not dancing. I forgave him instantly, as it’s not my thing either.
After that, owing to a family crisis (m’daughter’s mother-in-law is in ICU because of heart arrhythmia), I was on the phone or texting with her from 8 until 10 p.m. So it was quite a day, all told.
Must hasten to a doctor appointment—luckily, right here on site. Later!
Prayers for your mother-in-law to get better soon.
Good morning, Meesefolk; mid-60s when I got up this morning with a humid high of 81 today. I had a very restless night, including getting up between 2-3am; the pups wanted to snuggle, which made me hot…but when I turned up the ceiling fan, it just made them snuggle more. They were quite comfortable, but I finally got up, gave them the bed, and returned when they were in a state of full-snore-too-sprawled-to-bother-with-cuddling. At our house, dogs really do rule. :D
The Republican response to the allegations (which I believe, in case there’s any doubt) about Kavanaugh is as predictable as it is infuriating. We know 45* won’t withdraw the nomination, like any decent person would, and Kavanaugh strikes me as just arrogant and ambitious enough to stay the course. In the meantime, there’s this; I didn’t click on the article, because the tease says enough:
On the personal front, this weekend started with a semi-bombshell. The Kiddo and SIL, 4 1/2 months into a 15 month rental lease for their townhome, are investigating the cost of and penalties for breaking their lease. They adore their place, but the market in their area has softened significantly (probably due to school having started and the approach of winter, as much as anything). They expected that, but what they didn’t expect is that a house that they’ve long-coveted is not only on the market, but has come down in price enough for them to look at it. They have a showing scheduled for Wednesday (if it doesn’t go under contract after the weekend). It’s been on the market for 82 days, so they’re keeping their fingers crossed. They’re awaiting clarification from the rental office about breaking the lease (should have that today), and if the terms and conditions are what they expect/understand, they’ll submit their mortgage pre-qualification paperwork today too. I encouraged them to go see the house, if for no other reason than to either break their fever or move them to action. It’s a 1928 Tudor cottage with Craftsman “suggestions” and the updates have been done well and with respect for the original design. Working on the assumption that there’s not something horribly wrong with it, I can still see why it hasn’t sold. It’s large enough to be considered a family home, but the backyard is not play-friendly for kids; terraced and with a creek running through the property. We’ll see what happens; at this point, I just hope they get a chance to view it. If not, it will always be “the house that got away.”
Holding the Good Thought for Kiddo & your SIL. {{{HUGS}}}
There might be some obsessive F5ing going on to see if the house has gone under contract! I’m trying to keep calm and carry on, but this house is just amazing and perfect for their needs…and wants. If this doesn’t work out, they’re still going to start looking early because prices have dropped so much. Of course, that also means I could be helping with another move, sooner rather than later, which is not nearly so fun to consider. If you want to see the house, search for two five three oh Lakewood in C’bus OH. (I don’t want to type in the address, because I don’t know if that will result in bot activity for Jan to deal with.) It’s really quite charming.
Ha! I keep the bots at bay through some very strong built-in tools. Since running this blog is a hobby not a job, I can’t spend time beating them away with a stick all day! I do appreciate the sentiment, however. :)
Hope the kiddo and SIL can break their current lease so they can have the house of their dreams.
Thanks! Waiting is always the hardest part (for me), and it’s always quite possible their “dream home” is better in pictures than in reality. It will just be nice to know…
If it turns out to be right for them, I sincerely hope they get it – if not, then something better. ❤❤❤????????????
Good morning, 54 and cloudy in Bellingham. Mornings in trump/GOP America are a struggle for me. My personal life is quiet and as secure as life can be, but the world around me feels like a dangerous mess. Reading twitter yesterday was literally painful with so many women remembering their hurt. Seems like it will never end.
I’m going to the pool this morning, and hopefully I’ll have enough energy to continue my study/desk project this afternoon. Take care everyone.
It’s Monday and I’m back at work. I’m over the asthma attack I had on Friday. Big ones tend to drain all the energy out of you for a couple of days. Costa Mesa is currently a lovely and sunny 77 with a high of 81 today.
Just a quick, late night comment. I will be putting up a Tuesday in Mooseville post, but it will be late. I was having computer issues tonight; finally got everything sorted out, but now I’m too tired to finish my post. I’ll complete it in the morning.
Thank you for persevering!
Tuesday Meese
70 here in Saugerties NY and raining – going up to 84 and more rain.
As we approach the anniversary of Maria – amazing how fast Puerto Rico is again moving out of headlines.
I’m sure there will be stories on the 20th – what will be done by Congress? Nada.
Today is the anniversary of the passing of the Fugitive Slave Act in 1850 – which I wrote about for today’s Black Kos – watched a fascinating panel yesterday linking that history to today’s immigration/deportation horrors and the movement supporting Sanctuary cities which are like the push by abolitionists to protect enslaved a free blacks in the North
The head of FEMA is apparently under fire for using government resources for personal use – he used FEMA planes to visit his home in North Carolina, claiming that he had not seen his family in soooo long because of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria! Well, some people in Puerto Rico will never see their families again because they died from his neglect. The Trump administration will go down in history as one of the most corrupt, venal and incompetent presidencies ever.