Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 45 degrees in Madison WI with an expected daytime high of 55. Showers are in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Sunday Meese
44 degrees here in Saugerties this morning – Brrrr.
Last week I found out our furnace is kaput (ouch – big bucks) – having a new one installed.
The garlic festival was packed yesterday – good news for the local economy. So crowded I only stayed an hour and a half. It took close to an hour to leave – there was such a traffic jam.
The food was great – bought some Romanian garlic which is very strong
Listened to folk music and watched Morris dancers perform.
Sunday diary up (with poll) at Dkos
I have laundry going & tea steeping; I’m thinking about not going to church. I’m past the point of spreading this around, but I’m still coughing a lot & I feel weak. Missed out on the Willie Nelson concert for Beto last night, but there were 60,000 other people there so I don’t think I was missed. I bought groceries yesterday, will cook lunch for next week later. Remember that Love Is Bigger than Anything In Its Way.
{{{ad}}} – hope you gave church a miss today. Your system needs the rest you won’t get if you “dress” for church, drive there, worry about disrupting the service with coughing, and drive home again. You are never out of contact with the Universe, you are never out of contact with Love – church is just a communal way to help you focus on that contact. Healing Energy and moar {{{HUGS}}}
You convinced me. I just posted my weekly song thing early on FB, saying I’m not going to church. (I post a song every week that my mind started playing because of the sermon – because my mind plays me music when people talk to me)
This is good. You connect consciously through music. I do too although different music. ???????????????????? More Healing Energy.
Morning Meese – 62, 100% humidity, heading for 82 and hazy-to-overcast. Got 13 KWHs yesterday and the m-t-d starting this last day of generation is 333 – won’t make 350 but should get over 340, no problem.
Been reading Denise’s diary & RTing the tweets. That’s my promesa – as long as I can get online, I will boost the signal of any positive tweet & respond to any negative one (& block the bastids pushing the R-meme/lies). Prior to Denise’s diaries on Irma & Maria I had little knowledge (I did know they’re a territory & the people are citizens) and no contact that I know of with any Puerto Ricans. I now have a dear friend there – for whom I thank Denise.
Need to get some housework done – and some more coffee – before heading off to the Dem HQ for my noon to 4 shift. Healing Energy to everybody everywhere shaped to the need. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Thank you for your promesa Sis!
You are very welcome – thank you for your persistence, Sister of my heart.
Good morning, 54 and raining in Bellingham. The leaves are changing color overnight and the furnace is turning on early in the morning so I need to get serious re putting the outdoor summer furnishings away. I meant to do so last week but the squirrel saga interfered.
We had fun with our grand girls last night, cooking dinner, making brownies, popcorn and a movie…..simple pleasures. They are still sleeping this morning so the house is quiet and feels peaceful.
Best Sunday wishes to all.
We have not had to turn the furnace on yet – we had the air conditioning on earlier last week! But we did get the furnace filter swapped out so it is ready for the heating season. The living room fireplace worked yesterday to keep the living spaces warm and I just put on layers of clothing and warm slippers.
Good morning meese. Today’s weather is 64 going up to 79. I’m still hoping for the rain that’s in the forecast for next Tuesday.
Yesterday wasn’t so good (was sick and threw up before I could get to a bathroom and the piano recital didn’t go so well) so hoping today will be a bit lower key and quieter.
{{{basket}}} – Hope you are feeling better and Healing Energy to you. Not surprised the recital didn’t go well under those circumstances. Next time will be better. I hope you’ve gotten in some nap time and some purr therapy. moar {{{HUGS}}} and Healing Energy.
Good morning, meeses! Monday …
It is 48 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 55. It is raining now and is expected to rain all day. A storm system rolled in last night at 11:11pm with a loud crack that woke me up. I managed to sneak in a few chunks of sleep in between the lines of noisy storms that came through – I hope it is enough as I have a busy day!
Yesterday I stayed away from the news, lightly monitoring Twitter while watching sporting events. That felt good so I will do it again today! There is nothing I can do right now about anything going on in the Senate – faxes were sent, Twitter outrage registered. It is in the hands of the press to fill in the gaps of the restricted FBI process and write editorials that will make enough Republicans nervous about confirming Kavanaugh. His confirmation – knowingly putting a perjurer on the Supreme Court – will destroy it. In 1992, fueled by outrage from the Anita Hill hearing and the Men of the Senate giving a lifetime appointment to a perjurer, women won congressional races and we started changing Congress to reflect America. But we only changed the Democratic Party – Republican women had no interest in reining in the blatant misogyny of their politicians. So over the next two election cycles we need take to the polls to destroy the Republican Party and turn it into the rump party it should have become after the George W. Bush years.
I have declared today to be September 31st so that I can get my September projects done on time!
See all y’all later!
Ok, I’m at work. Still coughing a lot, but I thought I’d take a stab at it. I’m going to leave early, to go to the grocery store for more ginger & lemon. There were a lot of people in town over the weekend for TribFest, I missed all of it. And next weekend starts Austin City Limits, I kinda wish I could win a ticket, I’d love to see Hozier. Here’s a live version of Nina Cried Power. That young man can really sing. “it’s not the song it is the singing, it’s the heaven of the human spirit ringing”
{{{ad}}} hope that cough goes away soon – music is also healing. moar {{{HUGS}}}
Good Moon Day morning, Moosekind! It’s partly cloudy here in NoVa, with a current temp. of 58 F., going up to 80 F. No rain is expected for several days, which is good. Now the landscaping people and homeowners can get busy mowing the grass which shot up after last week’s rains.
Yesterday morning we drove out to Delaplane, Virginia, to see Elder Son, DIL, and Youngest Grandchild, who were picking apples and pumpkins at a farm. The Virginia countryside of drystone walls, rolling hills, and blue distances is so beautiful it calmed my soul after the turbulent events of last week. We didn’t pick apples, we bought some at a neighboring farm. No need to get a pumpkin: Dearly won’t be carving any more jack-o-lanterns. (Thank Goddess we have pictures of the past ones.)
Came home, dozed off from time to time as we watched the race, then made a stab at tidying up our flat for Daughter’s visit. It was wonderful to see her again—haven’t seen her since last October, when she came up from Austin to attend our 50th wedding anniversary. Her chihuahua is so adorable it’s easy to see why everyone who meets her falls in love.
Fighting a cold, which I must vanquish before we climb on a plane next Sunday. Might have to stay away from the news, it’s too depressing. If I didn’t know so many wonderful men in my personal life I’d be tempted to hate the entire gender. It’s really hard to remind myself, sometimes, that not all men are like the awful Rethug pols on the Hill and the predators one reads about in the newspaper.
Wishing a good, peaceful day to all Meese at the Pond.
Good morning meese. 63 with high of 77 forecast for today. Still holding out for the rain on Wednesday :)
Trying to get my body clock to readjust by resisting the temptation to go back to sleep, but it’s hard.
{{{basket}}} – once you actually get out of bed it should be easier. Hope you are feeling better. Healing Energy & moar {{{HUGS}}}
67 heading for 79, 100% humidity and overcast. Not a good way to start the month as far as electricity generation is concerned. Wrapped up September with exactly 340 KWHs as the clouds started moving in yesterday afternoon. The “record” for October is 308.6 from back in 2015 – so that’s the goal for the month even though we are getting off to a slow start. Gonna do my signal boosting as I find the signals to boost but otherwise play solitaire or do word puzzles – last week was too heavy for me too and like everybody I need a rest. Healing Energy to everybody everywhere shaped to the needs. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, Meesefolk; 51 when I got up with rainy, dreary high of 55 expected. I’ve resisted the temptation to turn on the furnace and will continue to do as long as the Bassets are snugly (without stealing the covers) and the daytime temps are supposed to climb higher than today.
I thoroughly enjoyed my evening with Renee Fleming and PeregrineKate, despite PK dealing with a severely sprained ankle after a wrong step Saturday morning. Fortunately, the opera house was able to change our tickets to the main floor, so she didn’t need to make the climb to the mezzanine. Ms. Fleming sang the best rendition of O mio babbino caro I have ever heard, and I’ve heard a lot. There was both nuance and power, and despite it being one of Puccini’s more lyrically overwrought arias (which usually makes me giggle a bit inside), I was moved to tears by Fleming’s interpretation. Afterwards, PK and I went out for a late dinner; we hadn’t made reservations anywhere, but we were able to get an outside table near a firepit at a nice little restaurant. That statement by itself says something about the resurgence of Detroit…finding someplace open used to be a struggle; finding someplace busy was unheard of.
The Kiddo and SIL spent part of Saturday at the Columbus public library researching their new house and found out quite a bit from 1929 articles about the open house that was held before the owners took occupancy. There are other articles out there (from a defunct newspaper), and they were able to track down who has the fiche for that newspaper. Public libraries…they get the job done! Now it’s just waiting for the appraiser to get his job done, so the packing can begin in earnest.
I hear ya on the furnace – it’s been in the 50s in the mornings (although this week it’s all 60s) and I’ve been tempted but, nope. Not yet. Glad you & PK had a lovely time & yeah public libraries get the job done! ????????????✨✨✨❤❤❤????????????
DoReMI, glad you had a wonderful time at the opera and a nice dinner afterwards! An evening out with friends is so pleasant.
“Gianni Schicci” was probably the first opera I ever heard. I used to read along in the libretto while listening to the arias: at one time I could sing “O, mio babbino caro” and “Fierenze e come un albero fiorito” in Italian. As the years went by, I lost my singing voice but I still love the opera.
Oh, dear, just realized I misspelled “Firenze” above but the edit function isn’t working for me this morning.
Thank goodness we don’t get graded on spelling here (or anywhere online)! I used to work as a tech editor in the Age of What’s-A-Computer?, and I still find myself horrified by the mistakes I make online. Horrified, but still making them…!
I do that too! Every once in a while, I repurpose/reanimate a post from The Old Times (when I used to write 7-10 blog posts a week) and I am shocked – not so much by typos or misspellings, although those exist – but by poorly crafted sentences and obvious incorrect word choice. The Internet is forever.
My daughter was in Gianni Schicci when she was in college; she’s a mezzo, so she just had a small pants part. But it was her first singing role in an opera, so it holds a special place for me. I used to have season tickets to the Detroit Opera, but I found it difficult to find friends to go with me so I quit getting them. It was a delight when PK and I discovered our mutual love of opera, so now we grab tickets on those rare occasions when our mutual schedules allow for us to go together.
Good morning, 63 and raining in Bellingham. The leaves from the maple trees are starting to cover the lawn, but the trees are still full so there’s lots more to fall. Makes me very grateful for the lawn service. Raking,bagging and taking the multiple truck loads of leaves to the composting center was a big job, and one my kids still remember as well!
I’m going to the pool this morning and if my energy lasts will sew the last two pillows this afternoon. I was planning some Christmas sewing but given my slow progress with the pillow project I’m reconsidering.
Best Monday wishes to all.
It’s a sunny 82 out here in Costa Mesa. There’s a small possibility of rain tonite (20%) which we could really use. I’m praying this week won’t be as much as a shitshow as last week (but I’m not hopeful.) Canvassed last nite again, left a bunch of Dem candidate literature at the Not at Homers and managed to find somebody who is so disgusted by Trump she decided to join Katie Porter’s campaign (CA-45) as a volunteer!
Wow, that’s some successful canvassing! Isn’t that the best feeling, to find someone who wants to help carry the load?
It’s nice to find somebody is equally as pissed as me and is willing to do something about it!
Congratulations on the canvassing – & especially on getting another volunteer! The more the merrier. And the more likely to win. Hope you get the rain. {{{HUGS}}}
Hope so too.
Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …
It is 52 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 61. The forecast calls for fogs, clouds then rain. Tomorrow we will hit 80 then drop back to a high of 57. Bizarre.
The Kavanaugh confirmation is taking a strange turn with people now (rightly!) concerned about judicial temperament and lying. In 1991, Clarence Thomas’ staged outrage over the “high-tech lynching” won him his seat because his lies did not get exposed until after he was already confirmed. This year, Kavanaugh’s staged outrage over “I LIKE BEER” – and instant fact-checking made possible by the Internet and social media – may be his undoing. It would be nice if the Republicans find that they can’t go to that well any longer – shouty men having temper tantrums is ugly. Tony Schwartz, the Orange Orshole’s biographer, thinks that tRump will not stand by a guy with a drinking problem and who cries. He was willing to overlook the crying because it came with the anti-Clinton tirade but the drinking is a bridge too far. I hope so! The Republicans are convinced that Kavanaugh’s nomination going down will energize their base for the midterms but the actions of Senate Republicans has already energized our base – too many bells that can’t be unrung.
I discovered that the free digital-access to the Washington Post (that I got from subscribing to my local paper) had expired. I took advantage of their offer to subscribe for $39 for one year and just have to remember to review and cancel before they want to charge me $139 next October. They will have to keep earning my business.
I managed to hide from clients for one day but I need to put my nose to the grindstone today.
See all y’all later!
Tuesday Meese
Foggy and 55 here in NYS going up to 77 with rain.
Thank you Senator Duckworth:
Folks in other parts of the world are using Trump’s PR performance to criticize their own govs. This refers to Australia Prime Minister Scott Morrison
I mostly watched Dr Who last night. For one, I can’t take the news any more, also they are on the David Tennant episodes & he’s one of my favorites. Still got quite a cough, brought a tea jar full of my homemade ginger lemon thing. Since I’m not going to see Hozier at ACL, here’s another live version of Nina Cried Power
Good morning, Meese, it’s fair here in Ashburn with a mackerel sky of cirrostratus clouds trying to hide the blue beneath. The current temperature is 63 F, going up to 79 F.—the humidity and heat will gradually rise this week. Still, at least it’s not 90-degree temps! There may even be a little thunderstorm late this afternoon.
We are busy getting ready to fly on Sunday night. I very much hope to be over this cold by then. I need some new traveling clothes but it’s hard to find time to go shopping. We have a whole lot to do.
The news is exhausting, as we all know. Doubt I can find time to call my senators, who are Dems anyway, and in any case I called them weeks ago to ask them not to confirm Coathanger Kav. Hope very much that he’s going down.
The WaPo says Rethug men are in a rage because patriarchy is being threatened. Good. I like the fact they feel threatened, as women do every minute of every day. Perhaps they’ll all collapse from apoplexy!
With that cheery thought, I will sign off until later. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.
Good morning, 54 and mostly cloudy in Bellingham. Our project to restore the old cabinets in the basement is being slowed by project creep. Every decision to ” paint this too” makes the area nicer, but the small and quick plan is no longer operative. Oh well, we’ll be happier with the finished results, eventually!
Between the pool, a dentist appointment I had forgotten about, and tRump fatigue I didn’t do any sewing yesterday so that project isn’t finished either. Oh well, eventually applies again!
Take care everyone.