Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
– Page One of Comments is HERE!
– Page Two of Comments is HERE!
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 21 degrees in Madison WI with an expected daytime high of 43. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Good Sunday Meese.
I was up until around 3AM so am now finally awake. 31 going up to 41 here in NYS.
Will be talking about Black women suffragists this morning.
Puerto Rico
It is difficult to get up at 8am when you are up until 3am! I will watch for your post.
It is good to see our 2020 candidates using their Twitter accounts to get more attention for Puerto Rico – I hope there is a resolution soon.
I was up late watching the train-wreck of attacks on Chelsea Clinton – and trying to help amplify push-back.
Both on twitter – and the defense of those women who got up in her face diary at Orange. Ugh.
Then spent almost 2 hours blocking bots/trolls
I have only been able to Internet on my phone for the past few days and I missed what started it. I saw something on Friday but never found the story. What happened?
NYU student “activists” – one wearing a Sanders campaign tee shirt
The best I can tell is that May is telling Parliament to “just trust” her plan. Something I was listening to on the radio a few days ago suggests that it is an urban-rural thing – the cities are very anti-Leave but the outlying areas are angry that not Brexiting is being discussed at all. Too bad the cities did not take the power of Hatred of the Other seriously enough to vote in overwhelming numbers. It kind of mirrors us – people did not realize how powerful white supremacy is and the appeal of a demagogue, a lot of us laughed at Trump because his attraction made no sense to us. Yet a solid 40% of our country supports Trumpism and will gladly give up health care and retirement security to chase the lie that 1950s America can be restored.
Tis up
RT’d – wish I could rec, tip, & comment but that’s life. Thank you, as always, for bringing reality to a mythology-driven culture.
Chilly morning, going to have to wear tights. Watching the news, brewing tea. Today is just church & getting to the gym. I’ll probably come up with some reason not to go.
Finding reasons to not go to the gym is why I never got a 2nd membership. LOL. I like walking, but only if I have a “good” reason. “I need exercise” is not one my body considers good. If we ever get a safe walkway across I-49 walking to the grocery store in good weather will work though. Hope you get your exercise however you get it. {{{HUGS}}}
Our health insurance has a $25/month thing where you get a gym membership & other things. It’s actually worth it.
That’s good. My BCBS Medicare Advantage has a “Silver Sneakers” program that gives me free membership but I haven’t made use of it. Since walking is my thing the only time I even think of it is when the weather is too something for walking – and then it’s a “am I willing to drive 3 blocks to walk on a machine inside?” question that so far has been answered “nope.” If you make it to the gym today, I hope you enjoy it. moar {{{HUGS}}}
Instead of the gym, I spent 2 hours moving my plants, sweeping, moving plants, sweeping…I have probably 50 pots, and some of the aloe vera really needs to be separated into more pots, but I can’t afford more potting soil.
Anyway, 2 hours of moving pots around & sweeping, I’m plenty tired.
I count sweeping/vacuuming and schlepping firewood into the house. Yeah, after a couple of hours of that sort of thing, plenty tired. {{{HUGS}}}
It’s 37-feels-like-31 in Fay., AR and sunny again. We got 19.2 KWHs yesterday and the m-t-d is 169 so very much on track for over 300 for the month. If the sun keeps shining. The Twins are outside – I’d hoped they’d stay in the yard like Skittish does but they’re young and looking for adventure or something. Adventure is always over the fence and usually not a good idea but the young never think of that. Charlie’d love to go looking for adventure too but he’s 10. & a Beta so he bluffs really well but if the bluff doesn’t work, well, he’s not very fast (for a cat) any longer. Cloud’s on the front porch enjoying the sun without having to be in the wind. LOL.
Keep prayers (or whatever) in the back of your mind for Aji, please. We/she/the System are still playing the waiting game – but the cancer may not be. (Hold the good thought for the rescue dog they just took in – that she fits in with the pack quickly so Aji doesn’t worry while she’s away.)
I saw a piece of the attack on Chelsea Clinton – and saw some folks I really didn’t expect piling on – some of the pileons for reasons having nothing to do with Chelsea or what happened and several accusing her of stuff that definitely didn’t happen. berners really do like to start trouble, don’t they. (statement not a question). I think staying off my TL most of the time is a good thing for my sensitive tummy’s well being. Anyway, I’ve got most of my Sunday chores done. Can’t bake because I’m out of GF flour – I forgot how quickly I go through those small bags – but I still have most of a loaf of GF bread so I’ll just have toast instead next week. Need some coffee and to get over to DK & read Dee’s diary. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 35 and mostly clear in Bellingham. The sky was blue yesterday so being outdoors was a balm for my tRump weary soul. It’s still to chilly to plant the flowers I like, but I’ve cleaned the winter grime off the outdoor furniture and have a good start on the pruning that needs to be done so the patios are inviting again. I really enjoy our outdoor living spaces, especially when the sun is shining.
Ron’s cooking corn beef and cabbage today, and I’m making a gluten free Irish soda bread. Simple pleasures and the changing seasons are reassuring.
Best wishes to all.
Monday Meese. 23 degrees here in Saugerties NY going up to 44
I’m going to keep tweeting about the cuts to food benefits for PR – creating a dire situation for many folks on the island. Depressed because so few Senators on our side are saying anything.
Puerto Rico
I have been retweeting your Puerto Rico tweets for a long time now but it just struck me that the proper answer to the question in the NY Daily News interactive “How long has Puerto Rico been without power?” is 526 years – since the colonization of the island by Spain. We really need to change that power problem as well. They either need to be granted statehood, and the right to elect voting members of Congress and the president, or they need to be given self-determination. For America to own a colony in 2019 is deplorable.
I really appreciate your retweets. Every day when I talk to Bobby in Puerto Rico – I realize more how abandoned folks feel on the island.
Good morning. meeses! Monday …
It is 21 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 43 and sunny skies in the forecast. I am not in Madison and the daytime high in the two-timezones-west I am in is expected to be 78 and sunny. :)
I wonder if Mr. Only-I-Can-Fix-It is pleased that his decision to override an FAA decision in service to his donors simply highlighted that, for Republicans, money will always trump the safety and well-being of Americans. His idiotic trade wars likely hastened the closing of GM’s auto plants but he can still angry tweet at the CEO to show his “cares about the working class” bonafides.
Betomania is meeting “words have meaning”! An Iowa woman said, essentially, “I don’t care if he has no strong policy proposals, he is fun to be with!” This is why Iowa should not be picking our presidents.
Laptop keyboard will keep posts short this week. See all y’all later!
All I pray is that the ticket does not wind up to be 2 white men.
Two white men would be a repudiation of the party’s base. While I think that Biden’s baggage is too heavy to drag across the finish line, he has been talking to Stacey Abrams and one can only hope that he would be considering her for the VP spot if he wins the nomination. Or maybe she is considering him for VP. :)
Had a really lousy night’s sleep last night, woke up more times than I can count. You’d think 2 hours of moving plant pots, sweeping, moving pots, sweeping some more… would have gotten me tired enough to sleep. You’d be wrong. But my plants are all out in non-winter position. Haven’t counted, but it’s 30-50 pots. Anyway, that was yesterday’s exercise. Today’s song: Summer of Love. It’s about a man in Aleppo who tried to maintain some beauty there, he’d plant flowers in the bomb craters. It’s sad & hopeful at the same time:
We’ve one more chance before the light goes
For a summer of love (summer of love)
Summer of love (summer of love)
Good Monday morning, Moosekind! Just lost half a post that I was writing here, so I’ll take it as A Sign and keep this short. Instead of the snow and rain combo that was supposed to mess up this morning’s rush hour, we have a clearing sky. Right now in Ashburn it’s 36 F., going up to 49 F.
This was a really busy weekend, what with the Progressives’ luncheon and a seven-hour child-tending gig on Saturday, followed by a two-hour Formula I race yesterday (my man won), and dinner at Elder Son’s house. He cooked corned beef and cabbage and it was delicious! He asked me how old I was last Tuesday and when I told him 75, he said I didn’t look a day over 52. (Actually, with the dark circles under my eyes, I look like a recently exhumed 2,000-year-old Danish bog mummy.)
My first beta reader, my 24-year-old granddaughter, issued her report on the mss. of Turnabout. She pointed out some inaccuracies (millennials don’t use the kind of language I was putting in my protagonist’s mouth), which I very much appreciated. I’m still having difficulty with a particular term, though, so if anyone knows any 24-year-old American men, please put me in touch. I did consult my 26-year-old English nephew via Facebook Messenger but his terminology was very British-oriented, which an American readership wouldn’t understand. (First-world problem, I realize.)
Dearly Beloved is going to pick up the dog , who stayed at his favorite hotel last night so we could stay later at Elder Son’s house, and I am going to potter about, doing whatever. I’ll certainly start on the revisions to the mss., but I do wish my other betas would report. One of them almost certainly won’t, being male, but I still have hopes of the other.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond and beyond!
Good morning, Meesefolk; 25 with a sunny high of 39 today. That’s the coldest it’s supposed to be this week, but it may also be the sunniest. Somehow my weather “orders” are getting scrambled between the kitchen and serving; sunny and warmer would be far preferable (and yes, I do realize it’s March in MI, so “warmer” is relative).
I’m sick as a dog so I stayed home from work today. I’m calling it the flu, but that’s more shorthand than diagnosis. Upset tummy, fever, headache, achy; on top of all that (or because of all that), I barely slept last night. I’m going back to bed, but I thought I’d check in and provide proof of life.
Good day to and for all!
Proof of life is good. Thank you. Healing Energy and {{{HUGS}}}
OMG, DoReMI, I do hope you’re feeling better! What a wretched illness to have.
It’s 43-feels-like-37 and cloudy here in Fay., AR. We got another 19 KWHs yesterday – the m-t-d is 188.7 – but it’ll have to clear off before we can get anything like that today. But 10 will keep us on track and a smidge better. The Twins were not happy with me this morning – since I was coming to work I didn’t let them out. I’ll be working all day today and the weather is iffy so I didn’t want to chance it. They’ll love it once I’m retired again. heh.
Aji’s still in the holding pattern until the consultation Wednesday. That being Ostara as well as my grandson’s 10th birthday I’m calling it a hopeful sign. But prayers of whatever nature are definitely helpful. I’m continuing my “mostly stay off my TL” – twitter is so repetitious that if I don’t I get hit with multiple OMG tweets about the same thing which give it more power than it actually deserves. By checking my TL a couple of times a day I get the latest without being overwhelmed in angst or despair or both. Meanwhile I need to get back to work. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning meese, 46 with high of 75 (!!) today. I’m at the ER with my roommate who had trouble breathing and called an ambulance. Waiting for her to go through the battery of ultrasounds, etc. before finding out what happens.
{{{basket}}} & lots of Healing Energy to aitchdee (& you). Let us know. moar {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 43 and partly sunny in Bellingham. I woke up late today, and then family phone calls started so I’ve lost my check in comment twice already. Scheduling family visits and events gets more complicated every year, but accomplishments need to be noted and families need time to be together so it’s impt to plan.
I’ve got a small scratch on my arm that won’t stop bleeding so a visit to the lab for a coumadin check needs to be one of the first things I do today. I wanted to be in the garden this morning, but I’d best tend to other business first. And wear long sleeves!
Best wishes to all.
Yikes! I hope they can get your blood thinners regulated again – that is a bit scary. It sounds like a few people are having “comment loss” issues and I wonder if the queued WordPress updates will help. I was avoiding doing them until I could tend them and the next few weeks will include chaotic weekends. Maybe after the end of the month.
One of the reasons I hate daylight savings time is that the temps don’t start dropping until after sundown. On a day like today when the temps got above what I keep the furnace set at…well, I can’t build a fire when the temps outside are warmer than the temps inside or I get a house full of smoke. It’ll be bedtime by the time it cools down enough outside – and I’ll be dealing with trying (emphasis on trying) to sleep with cold feet because I didn’t have my 45 minutes by the fire. sigh.
Afternoon fellow Meeses. I’ve caught up to the LSP migration work I needed to do. Was sick last Thursday & Friday with sinues congestion which triggered my asthma but am feeling much better by today. It was 85 degrees yesterday. Today the high was 77 in sunny sunny Costa Mesa and guess what- it’s supposed to rain Wed. There’s a saying in California about the weather. If you don’t like the weather you’re currently having, wait a few and it’ll change.
Glad you’re feeling better, Mvgal!
Tuesday Meese. 23 here in Saugerties going up to 47.
Glad to see this:
Good morning, Moosekind! It’s a nice clear morning here in Ashburn, with a current temperature of 29 F., going up to 53 F. It’s not warm enough for me to contemplate joining the Walking Club at 8:15; I already have shin splints from unwisely walking at too high a speed on the treadmill yesterday. Still, at least I did go to the gym!
Sick with outrage about how the demented religious freaks in the Chief Dementor’s “administration” are bent on outlawing abortion and banning contraception. Thank Goddess we have the House, and if and when we get the Senate we can do something to reverse that and help Puerto Rico.
I am already sick and tired of the three B’s—Bernie, Beto, and Buttigieg. Of course I despise bernie, and the other two bring nothing to the race that others don’t bring. Caught a bit of the Elizabeth Warren townhall on CNN last night and was delighted that she came across as more caring and “likable” (men always think we women have to be “likable” so we won’t be so threatening to them) than I’ve ever seen her! Although she would not be my first choice, I could be happy with her at the top of the heap.
I feel a short story coming on and I’m afraid I’ll have to write it, even though a fellow writer says she’s already used the idea somewhere. I don’t know which of her books she might be referring to. The thing is, although the magical happening would be the same, it would have my own take on it.
Have a couple of unpleasant phone calls to make and laundry to do, so I’d better get on with it.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond and those traveling outside the Pond.
Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …
The temperature in Madison is 27 degrees and is expected to get up to 50 with sunny skies. The sunny skies where I will be spending the afternoon sitting outside will be with a temperature of 84 degrees! I much prefer a temperature in the middle somewhere but I will enjoy the heat and try to store it up like a lizard.
Tomorrow is the Spring Equinox – at 4:58pm Central. I thought it was the 21st as it often moves between the two dates so I am not mentally prepared! It coincides with a full moon which I will probably miss due to expected clouds and possible rain in Madison. I am not sure my check-in schedule tomorrow so for those who I miss seeing, blessed Ostara!
Rumors have it that Joe Biden will be choosing a VP to run with which means it is not one of those already running. Stacey Abrams said she and Biden did not discuss the VP spot (but of course she would say that!) – last week I saw some rumors about Andrew Gillum considering his 2020 options. If Biden does not pick a woman or a person of color, he is toast and he probably knows it. I can’t believe he is saying he is the most progressive candidate in the race! Words simply no longer have meaning.
See all y’all later!