Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
– Page One of Comments is HERE!
– Page Two of Comments is HERE!
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 57 degrees in Madison WI with an expected daytime high of 64. Rain is in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Sunday Meese
Weird weather for May in NYS – 58 going up to 81 (with rain)
I’m never awake for SNL – I just watch clips
Puerto Rico
THEY FORGOT THE PEOPLE: The lives that still live under tarps in Puerto Rico
Thank you for that SNL clip!! Badass women will not let Republicans win this one.
From Georgia, Atlanta area District Attorneys say that they will not prosecute women under the new law:
![DA Sherry Boston (from Channel 11)](https://media.11alive.com/assets/WXIA/images/184640440/184640440_750x422.jpg)
Daily Kamala
Slept in, fitfully but it was ok. Watching MSNBC’s weekend show. It’s informative & entertaining. Today: church & cooking; also need to do some stretches, my back is stiffening up again. Song that was playing in my head when I woke up: Mercy.
Love has come again
I am gone again
Love is the end of history
The enemy of misery
Love has come again
I am gone again
Love is justice, a charity
Love brings with it a clarity
Love has come again
I’m alive again
Sunday sermon up
It was 59 at dawn (temps dropped with yesterday’s rain and stayed there) but it’s already 64 heading for mid 70s now. And sunny which is lovely. We’re now generating at more wattage than we did for the whole of yesterday. Which got 5 KWHs and brought us to 286 m-t-d. That 500 is still possible but less likely as the days go by. As long as we get 475 we won’t be in last place for May. Cats have started to settle down. And I’ve done my Sunday chores except for some cooking later today. I’m not gonna say I did cleaning. With 5 cats you don’t clean you just rearrange the cat hair. sigh.
I need to get behind myself and do some pushing. I’m finding myself less and less inclined to leave the house for anything but grocery shopping or meeting a friend. I need to gather some energy and contact the Dem Party about voter registration at the Market or other things I might be able to help with. I’m still a Notary for another couple of years so I can offer that service, too. Solitaire and word puzzles are not gonna get Congress back or put a Dem in the WH. I know it’s Depression but I can’t let it win. Too many lives at stake. For now – coffee, Dee & Bobby’s diaries, RTing stuff. Nobody’s available on Sunday anyway. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 60 and sunny in Bellingham. I was in the garden yesterday and despite my creaky knees made good progress shuffling plants around. I’ve been using more perennials in the pots and just adding seasonal flowers, but every year or so some plants need to be moved to the garden, the pots need new soil, and recovering plants from my “nursery” are ready to move into the pots. Now that is done I can finally start adding flowers. It’s creative and fun aching legs be damned!
Best wishes to all on this sunny Sunday.
Monday Meese
We had violent thunderstorms last night. Was pretty scary.
71 and raining here in NYS going up to 85
Tired. Up late. Touched a nerve yesterday – writing about reparations at DKos – 699 comments so far
Thankful a few bigots are now bojo.
It has been 20 months since Maria
Kamala enthusiasm!
Twitterers were saying “oh, it is her home state, to be expected.” No, it is NOT “to be expected”, it is a sign that they love her. Grrrrr.
Hot, sticky morning — 77 degrees already. I see people are angry about the ending of that show I never watched. Joy Reid asked on Twitter about “most disappointing TV series endings” — many replies about Lost and How I Met Your Mother (which I said was misogynistic & ruined the entire series — lots of people in that thread are saying they can’t watch the reurns because the ending ruined it). I’ve been stuck on this song all weekend, love this video of it. The line: “I need your grace, to remind me, to find my own.” Just, wow. And his smile when that audience sings for him — he smiled like that at the Austin show when we did that.
Good Moonday morning, Moosekind! Never made it here yesterday owing to Miss Pink Cheeks’ visit. However, yesterday it was sunny all day. The high was 90 F. Right now it’s 70 F., sunny, and the high will be 85 F.
I’ve been up all night. Was totally, utterly unable to sleep. At 1:30 this morning I became aware of a disturbance in the atmosphere. “H’mm,” I thought, “wonder if that could be rain.” I went out to the screened porch and sure enough, it was raining hard. I’m a bit mystified that I could hear it without my hearing aids, which I take out at night. Goddess knows I’m deaf as a post! Anyway, the rain didn’t last, although I could still see traces of it on the pavement when I took the dog out at six.
I think I couldn’t sleep because of a guilty conscience. I have work piling up and I’m just not doing it! If I were to buckle down and do it I might be able to sleep at night. Can’t help wondering whether I’m depressed too. There seems to be no end to Thing’s depradations, and worst of all, he’s getting away with it! No one is holding him to account except the House. The Senate and the MSM are blithely ignoring the destruction of this country as we once knew it. Not that it was ever perfect, of course.
I’ve been reading a nonfiction book, A Woman of No Importance, about an American woman, Virginia Hall, who was instrumental in leading the Resistance in France during WWII. History has taken no account of her: of course not, she was female! One day I want women to rewrite ALL the history books to point out the sewing machine was invented by a woman (but Elias Howe took the credit), as well as a whole lot of other inventions by women.
Rant over. I’m going to get started on my day. I wonder if there’s an intestinal ‘flu going around, because it certainly has slowed me down.
Wishing a good day to all.
It’s in the mid 50s right now heading for upper 70s and sunny at the moment. Yesterday we got a wonderful lot of sunshine – and 24.9 KWHs! I’m not sure but I think that’s the highest single day I’ve ever gotten. The m-t-d is 305 which isn’t exactly on track for 500 for May but it’s definitely better than not. (300 is as much, in a good year, as each of the 5 “winter” month get so there is that.) Unfortunately the rain that wasn’t supposed to start until Wednesday seems to be moving in this afternoon. I’d planned to do laundry today but now I’m not sure. sigh. The yard guy hasn’t finished the backyard anyway. Of course I haven’t a clue as to when he will either. Wish I could think of something to bake – having the oven on right now would be nice. But I’m pretty much set until Wednesday (like you know, when the rain was supposed to come).
I mostly love the Kamala/#Khive news. Except when it’s too much like Hillary. Those wonderful pictures & videos of Kamala with kids…yeah, she’s great and very heartwarming. But so was Hillary. Every time I even think of Hillary with kids it reminds me of what we should have right now instead of the killer in the WH and all the folks who put him there (and are getting their jollies from the pain, suffering, & death he obviously was going to bring with him). But I will find something I can do to help – again – try to bring a loving and kind woman to the WH who has lots of plans to make things better for everybody. We’ve got to keep trying. Otherwise we become like the evil ones because we’ve accepted the evil. Step by step.
Aji’s got a tax payment to make this week so needs sales/shares/gifts to help but once what’s due this week is dealt with she’s got an arrangement to consolidate or something and get the collectors off her back. This is 100% good as getting that stress off her will allow the inhaler & O2 to control the asthma which seems (not sure yet) to trigger the “feel like dying” episodes. And then she can get back with the various medical folks for more testing – those growths on her liver need biopsies among other things. Still, get this week done (payments actually made) and things will hopefully calm down. For the first time in just over 18 months – on the medical front. & with the house mostly done (some maintenance issues from stuff not put in right & some stuff never gotten to – like kitchen cabinets) things might calm down – never fully calm but calmer – across the board.
Meanwhile I have cats to tend to – again – and get some coffee. Then tour the internets. & if I think I can chance it, do the laundry. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, meeses! Monday …
It is 43 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 55. There was actually a wind chill this morning! It will be mainly cloudy today with rain in the forecast for later in the evening.
I have an eyes-forward project I am completing this morning and need to get back to it. Probably a good thing because I am sick of tRump sucking up all the attention and sick of people saying that polls RIGHT NOW indicate anything about the 2020 primary. The media is moving from shiny thing to shiny thing and I don’t have time for the 10 second news cycle.
Good news from yesterday: the commencement speaker at Morehouse College said he will pay off the Class of 2019 student loans. They said it will cost $40 million to pay off debt for 400 graduates or an average of $100,000 per student. That is obscene – we need to find a way for college to be affordable for everyone who wants to go.
See all y’all later!
Good morning, Meesefolk; 54 when I got up this morning, and that’s our expected high for the day. It’s completely overcast but the storms moved out of the area overnight. I was driving home yesterday afternoon and hit some rain, but the worst of the weather was always just a bit north of me. Hubby was not so lucky. He works evenings, so sleeps afternoons, and his Sunday afternoon snooze was interrupted by the tornado siren…twice. No touchdowns anywhere as far as I know, but I did come home to find one sleep-deprived, grumpy husband instead. He wasn’t feeling particularly cheerful to start, because on top of the messy, catastrophic failure of our washer, it looks like our riding mower has now bit the dust too. About the only good news is that the place we intend to buy our new washing machine is right across the street from the place we would most likely get a new and/or refurbished mower (if that becomes the plan); we might just find it easier to rent a truck from Home Depot and do the pickup of both items at one time. And yes, I am grasping to find the “good” news in all of this!
I wasn’t following the news very much over the weekend, but I did take the step of unfollowing Sarah Kendzior. I’ve always found her informative and factual, if pessimistic and negative, but she jumped the shark this weekend. She started accusing Speaker Pelosi of running a “propaganda organization” and referenced disinformation from another twitter account. Here are the facts: Speaker Pelosi’s team does run several DM groups, and those who have been invited into the group(s) are provided with information about the messaging that will be coming from the Speaker’s office for the next few days/week. Yes, they are talking points and are clearly labeled as such. Their is the hope that the group members will retweet the information or use the suggested hashtags or generate their own tweets using the information as a baseline. It’s a hope, but it’s not enforced in any particular way, nor are there ever any directives issued as imperatives. And no one is asked to “go after” those who disagree with Speaker Pelosi as Kendzior implied. I happen to belong to two of the DM groups; my participation is hobbled a bit by my work schedule, but I would never belong to a group that acted as a “propaganda organization.” Kendzior can disagree with the Speaker’s approach to impeachment all she wants, but acting as if she is somehow victimized by Team Pelosi is pure and utter BS.
Good day to and for all!
Ugh! **Theirs is the hope OR **There is the hope Take your pick!
The Twitter attacks on Speaker Pelosi are ignorant. The good news is that Twitter – and those “news” organizations who follow it breathlessly for “Democrats in Disarray” stories – is a very small subset of the universe. I won’t say that Nancy Pelosi never makes strategic mistakes but I am hard-pressed to think of one. The plan for impeachment is to do due diligence, cross all the t’s and dot all the i’s, and let the investigation run unimpeded. If there is impeachable behaviour (which I believe there to be) it will be found and committees will ramp up to begin the impeachment process. Yesterday was extremely good news for our side as the Mazar subpoena was upheld and the judge refused a stay, specifically citing the House’s constitutional role in impeachment. So the clock keeps ticking on the 7 day deadline – next stop Merrick Garland’s court then on to the Supreme Court where we test whether or not Trump has bought himself a SCOTUS willing to ignore the Constitution in order to protect their party’s leader. In less than a week, we will find out and it will be hugely important. Public opinion is moving slowly – impeachment is a radical solution – but it is moving in the right direction.
I have not gotten to the point where I unfollow anyone yet but I have done 24 hour mutes of people who seems to have set themselves on fire over Nancy Pelosi’s schedule.
DoReMI, I unfollowed Sarah Kendzior a couple of weeks ago. As my British friends would say, “She’s gone off the deep end.” No need to waste any more time on her tweets.
Good morning, 56 and raining in Bellingham. George RR Martin has said that the ending of Game of Thrones will be “bitter sweet” and the finale of HBO’s version of the story certainly was. Between reading the books and watching the series I’ve spent 10+ years in Westros, and my mind is still wondering what will happen next. So I guess I’m not ready to say goodbye.
Time for coffee, and as always, my best wishes to all on this rainy Monday.
Good Tuesday Meese
54 here in Saugerties NY, going up to 67.
Glad to see Kamala’s Equal pay plan getting some media attention
Puerto Rico
Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …
It is 45 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 50. Rain is in the forecast again today – tomorrow we will see sunshine and 70s again.
The headlines are fairly depressing. The right-wing media has chosen to amplify the deep-state nonsense that belongs on conspiracy web sites in order to attempt to drown out the continued demonstration of obstruction by tRump and his “Justice” Department. Meanwhile, in our primary, Republicans, including Morning Joe, are salivating over Mayo Pete because he most represents their values – pure promotion of white male privilege and the “needs” of butthurt rural voters who they are still pretending are worried about “economic anxiety.” One wonders if the Mayo Pete media-love is to promote the most unelectable candidate we have.
See all y’all later!
Another very warm morning — 80 degrees. The pro-choice rally is at 11 am — not a good time for me, but when we close for lunch, I’ll still run down there & see if it’s still going on. Right song for today: Talkin’ About A Revolution.
Good Tuesday morning, Moosekind! It’s partly to mostly sunny in Ashburn today, with some white cloud and far too much wind. Right now it’s 59 F., going up to 72 F.
Feeling better physically as I had a decent night’s sleep, and feeling better mentally because I did start some of my work, although I haven’t started the studying yet. Still feeling down emotionally because of politics. Everything seems to be moving like a peloton of snails.
I’m also having second thoughts about Mark Herring, currently Virginia’s Attorney General, who’s expected to run for governor next year. Until now I’ve been in favor of his run but for a couple of reasons I’m rethinking that. Will have to wait and see who else jumps in. It’s imperative, however, that a Democrat win the governorship in 2021. Our current governor says his veto pen is “ready and full of ink” to nullify any Rethug attempt to pass a Georgia-type law against abortion. To my mind, the law in Georgia is far worse than the one in Alabama. In Georgia, apparently the “pro-lifers” want to put doctors and women to death. That’s Sharia law right here in the good ol’ USA.
One day I need to get back to exercising but right now the gastro thing hasn’t quite left, so I’m just not up for it.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond and I hope the rain doesn’t last too long!
Daily Kamala