Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
– Page One of Comments is HERE!
– Page Two of Comments is HERE!
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 61 degrees in Madison WI with an expected daytime high of 72. The forecast calls for light rain.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Good Sunday Puerto Rican Parade Day Meese :)
56 going up to 82 here in NYS. The weather in NYC will be perfect for the parade.
I no longer march – will be watching on TV.
Good gray Sunday morning, Meese! We’re about to go out to breakfast. The Moose has locked me out again with the grimgram notice, so I can’t “fierce” anything. It’s going to get up to 71 F. today.
Hope everyone will have a nice day!
Locked me out from my phone which reminded me to delete cache. If I do it religiously every Sunday, it seems to work better; I was offline this morning, trying to get ahead of my project list. Fingers crossed!
I actually got in a workout yesterday. The thing with my insurance & discounts at gyms is that it’s paid. I can go to a gym (there’s 2 or 3 chains) & it’s paid. So, woohoo, I can work out in the a/c. And I finished watching Good Omens. Loved it. David Tennant is perfect (well, when isn’t he?) Today: church & maybe the gym again. I don’t have to cook this afternoon, so why not? And in honor of Good Omens, I give you Queen: My Best Friend.
We seem to have a Spring week up coming – highs in the 70s and lows in the 50s until next weekend. I can deal with that. ???????????? and sunny until Wednesday ???????????? I can really deal with that. Farmers Market yesterday was more to check in than to buy. I did get a quart of strawberries but I need to eat them by tomorrow – last of the season and they spoil fast. I talked to my 3 regulars (so few because I limit what I buy now, not because the Market isn’t thriving) and next week we’ll have fresh green beans and the first of the peaches. My blueberry guy said the rain is causing some issues but my usual 10-gallon annual purchase won’t be a problem. Barring something nasty weatherwise, I’ll get them in a couple of weeks (the day after my Social Security check comes in). He’s giving me last year’s farm pricing too, bless him. Of course all 10 gallons aren’t for me but that’s the minimum for the deal we’ve had for over 10 years now. So I get 6 to freeze, my friend gets 2, and 2 of the faculty folks get 1 each. Yesterday was sunny and we got 22.8 KWHs. The m-t-d is 132 so while not on track, we’re gaining on it. We’ll see what these next several sunny days do for us.
Aji goes to the doctor next week. Hold the Good Thought/prayers/Invocations on that please. Between the new lump on her throat and being allergic to all of the asthma meds she’s tried so far she’s stressed to the max. She having trouble putting sentences together (so no conversations) and you know that’s not normal especially for Aji. She can get her written work out but it’s taking more time and needs no (OK fewer) interruptions. So again, prayers/Invocations/Good Thoughts…
I’m taking a break in my Sunday chores. Gonna get more coffee and tour the internet for a bit. Then of course finish the housework – as much as anybody can finish with 5 cats. ???????????? Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, meeses! Monday …
It is 57 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 72. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast. Now there’s a nice late-spring day. It’s crazy to have upper 80s in early June!
Today is Mueller Report day. I am going to try to get my work done early so that I can turn on CSPAN and watch the committee hearing that will be showcasing legal experts. I hope that they speak clearly to the American people about what is in the report. People who have read it front to back are horrified by what the Trump campaign did and how the Russians tipped the election to their chosen candidate. And that does not even get to the obstruction part! Let’s see if public support for an impeachment inquiry increases. If nothing else, it makes tRump angry and irritable.
Our candidates were in Iowa over the weekend. I hate that they have to go through two of the whitest least representative states in the country to get nominated. Iowa is not even a blue or purple state, they are trump country! I guess the sound bites work either way – Kamala Harris was on fire going right at the fraud sitting in the Oval Office. But IOWA – JHC on a pogo stick!
See all y’all later!
Loved Kamala’s fraud case
Good Monday morning Meese
54 going up to a rainy 71 here is NYS.
Yesterday was the NY Puerto Rican Day Parade
People may not realize why the flag is so important to Puerto Ricans
Wow did we have a thunderstorm last night. Trees uprooted, power out, all kinds of stuff. My neighborhood looked fine, but area around got some damage. Morning news showed a 2-3 foot diameter tree that completely fell over. Highs today are supposed to only be in the 80s, and it’ll get down into the 60s tonight & tomorrow night. Brrrr. Brought my gym stuff, gonna go after work & see how crowded it is on Mondays.
OMG, anotherdemocrat! Stay safe, girlfriend!
Daily Kamala from WYgalinCali
It’s 60 heading for 74 and sunny at the moment. Overnights are going to be even lower for the next several days. I need to haul a blanket back down. In June. OK – saves on the A/C and is more comfortable baking (except I don’t need to do any right now – bad timing on my part. LOL) but it’s weird. Yesterday it clouded up again for much of the day. sigh. But at least we got 14.7 KWHs bringing the m-t-d to 146.5 – losing ground as far as reaching 500 is concerned. We shall see what today brings.
At least the coolth will let me burn some real candles – Aji’s got a doctor’s appointment this week. Hopefully the doctor can come up with some kind of asthma medication that Aji isn’t allergic to and doesn’t cost an arm and a leg. Finding a path forward on the other stuff, especially the new lump, is very important but breathing is life itself. So. A real, purposed, beeswax candle for Aji will be burning when she goes to that doctor visit.
Meanwhile I hope the sun stays out today for reasons other than electricity generation. I need to do laundry. The line is now clear of honeysuckle so at least I don’t have to worry about that. (Just mosquitos – which are really bad in my back yard.) I am gonna wait until it warms up a bit. I’ve got just enough milk in the house for coffee so that and my internet stuff (& hope the handyman doesn’t come while I’m in the backyard). Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good Moonday morning, Moosekind! Hurray for Jan, clearing the cache! I got in with no problems at all this morning.
It’s been raining steadily since I blearily opened my eyes after spending the night in the green recliner. For some reason I sleep better there when insomnia strikes. The current temp. in Ashburn is 60 F., going up to 78 F. It’s going to be pretty much rainy or showery all week.
This morning will work on tidying up our ghastly flat. If I could just get things put away we could get a maid. There are certain aspects of housework I don’t mind doing, but I hate dusting, vacuuming, and mopping.
In between bouts of loathsome housework, I will be putting together a Kamala diary for tomorrow. Senator Harris is not getting enough traction in the white misogynist male-dominated media, but like Elizabeth Warren, I have a plan to deal with that.
Bfitz wouldn’t like our weather up here this week. I’ve got to where I think of our friend every time it rains. Hope the strawberries were good, bfitz!
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond and, please Goddess, let there be hearings on C-SPAN for days and days so the American public can see what a corrupt scumbag he is.
{{{Diana}}} We’ve got a lovely sunny day so far today and I’ve got my laundry outside drying. The strawberries were/are wonderful – but also the last of the season so I’ve got to finish them off today. (I’ll be eating bananas for the rest of the week but the Market will be providing my fruit from next week on at least until mid-winter.) I hear ya on the vacuuming and mopping! & good on you for writing #Khive diaries! moar {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, Meesefolk; 64 when I got up this morning with an expected high of 66. Steady temps and very steady rain to go with it; we went a whole 60+ hours without rain, so I guess that’s something.
I spent the entire weekend working in one of my gardens. It’s an area that I started deconstructing, with a plan to completely replant, two years ago. I got the deconstructing done back then, which was basically moving all but a few “backbone” plants, but I never got to the replanting. As a result, all that fallow soil got filled up with re-seeders and spreaders (and some weeds); I spent the weekend tacking the Aegopodium and Adenophera, ostrich fern and goldenrod that had taken over, so I can finally replant. I didn’t get as far as I had hoped (do you ever?), but I got far enough to feel excited anticipation rather than overwhelmed. I spent a brief moment thinking I should just plant the area with grass, as a nod to the fact that I’m not as young as I once was. But it’s an area that has never had grass (when we bought the house there was a huge pine tree which created so much shade that nothing grew, except the damn Aegopodium), so I’ve decided to go very low maintenance instead. I have some daylilies that I can divide, as well as some Shasta daisies and Rudbeckia. I also have some Chasmanthium (Northern sea oats) that I could move, although I’m still debating about that. I’ll need a fall-bloomer or three; my ideal would be Vernonia, but it’s hard to find at local nurseries (even the farm I used to work at doesn’t grow it anymore), so I’ll probably just throw in some Helenium and/or some asters. I’m also putting in a border of impatiens this year, because with all of the transplanting I’m doing, I may lose some of the normal bloom season of the divisions. But what I will have (eventually!) is a garden filled with plants that form dense enough coverage that weeds struggle to get a foothold and plants that require little care beyond deadheading. That will leave me more time to attend to those other gardens I have that tend to be a bit fussier. At least that’s the plan…we’ll see!
Good day to and for all!
OMG, DoReMI, I’m exhausted just reading about your plans! Hope you will take it slowly and easily!
Good morning, 57 and partly sunny in Bellingham. Working in the garden is good for my mental health, but it’s making me tired and forgetful. Makes me wonder if I’m too mature for my mature garden! The tree service comes back to tomorrow to finish the hedge and then we can finish the salal bed. Today I’ll clean up one more rhodie. I’ve let this one grow naturally so it’s very tall. The tree guys cut it back from touching the house but I need to clean the deadwood and spindly branches from the inside of the plant. It grows in front of a sewing room window but I like seeing the garden through the branches. Just need to clean up the view.
So yesterday I rested, caught up with family phone calls, and ended the day planting flowers with my son in his garden. He likes bright colors so it was fun and creative to work with his pallet.
Best wishes to all.
hmmmm…..misspelled “palette” but couldn’t edit. Oh well, it’s not my first typo and won’t be my last :)
Good morning meese, it’s 82 with a high of 102 today in Folsom, CA. Leftover birthday cake and I made our way to the office just in time, which I attribute to staying up until 4 reading the first 3 books of M.C. Beaton’s Hamish Macbeth mysteries, set in Scotland. I can totally imagine DoReMI wandering down the glens and peering into the lochs…! ❤️
I will not succumb to temptation. I will not succumb to temptation. I will not succumb to temp…well, maybe I should read the first one just to see if it rings true to my experience…
Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …
It is 50 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 75. Sunny this morning then clouding up with scattered thunderstorms expected in the evening.
I sat and watched the House Mueller report hearing and was glad to hear the expert opinions from former federal prosecutors. I was also impressed by many of our House members, particularly Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) who has a very strong voice and asked clear and concise questions. I hope part of her questioning turned into sound bites that network news picked up. Sadly, from the post-hearing reaction on Twitter, everyone was more interested in mocking the Republicans Louie Gohmert, Gym Jordan, and Matt Gaetz (doesn’t his name sound like vomiting?) instead of highlighting the excellent questioning from our side. Maybe the day-after tweets will be better (I have not checked yet).
In court news, the last Missouri abortion clinic will not be closed and the Supreme Court has decided that “the right to bear silencers” is not covered by the 2nd Amendment. Today there will be primary elections in Virginia so which may tell us something – or nothing – about 2020. And Joe Biden said he would skip his inauguration if it conflicted with a family event. I know he was responding to Yang’s criticism that he should not have skipped his 5 minutes on stage in order to attend his granddaughter’s graduation (and his daughter’s birthday party) but maybe he should not have been so honest about where the presidency is in his priority list. I have an idea, Joe! Just go back to retirement and spend your remaining time enjoying the company of your family.
Busy morning as I am still trying to get ahead of projects. I have some things that really need to be finished by Saturday to clear the decks for a big eyes-forward project promised for June 30th.
See all y’all later!
Good Tuesday Meese. 71 here in NYS going up to 74 with rain.
I’m still following the Big Papi story
Puerto Rico
I had to leave work early yesterday, my voice just left. I kept trying to talk, and people really couldn’t hear me. Also, I think there’s a point where you’re actually hurting your vocal cords, so I went home. Started doing “just a couple of things” in the kitchen before changing for the gym, and all of a sudden it was nearly 7. So, today I change for the gym on my afternoon break & I’m going straight there after work. Listening to Head Full of Dreams, because I love the Great Dictator speech at the beginning.
And you get a head
A head full of dreams
You can see the change you want to
Be what you want to be
Hope your voice returns, anotherdemocrat!
Daily Kamala from Diana in NoVa
Thank you, Sis!
Good Tuesday morning, Meese! Woke up at 3:30, tried to go back to sleep, failed, so got up just before 6. When I took the dog into the courtyard the wind was blowing so violently that two umbrella tables on the patio had been blown onto their sides. We get to put up with this wind all day—ugh!
It’s sunny and clear right now in Ashburn with a current temperature of 63 F., going up to 77 F. With the sun and wind, this would be a good day to wash some area rugs and dry them on the screened porch.
I’m having a terrible time doing Kamala diaries as I’m not very “with it” on embedding things. I’ll learn, perhaps.
Dearly Beloved and I are going to vote at 10, then I want to attend a meeting at 11. The U.S. women are playing Thailand at 3 p.m. today so I hope I have time to watch it.
Wishing everyone at the Pond a good day!
P. S. Sister Dee is going to put up a rant on Black Kos this evening re how the white male media are ignoring most of the women candidates, as well as Julian Castro and Rhodes Scholar Cory Booker. The media are sickening!
It’s 54 heading for mid 70s and I’ve pissed off the cats by closing most of the windows. And am wearing a sweater. (Actually the cats have gotten over it. Murf’s on my lap, the Twins ate sleeping, & Charlie & Cloud are in the 2 open windows on the west side of the house.) Sunny though which is good. Yesterday we got 24.6 KWHs which is the daily highest for the month so far bringing the m-t-d to 171 – actually on track for 500 by the end of the month. IF.
There is so little justice in the world today – writ large in our entire Deplorable-controlled governments & what they’re doing every way you look from not helping Puerto Rico as they should to putting kids in cages and letting them die. Writ small is what Aji just found out yesterday – the injustice, the evil, was done a year and a half ago. The plumber deliberately installed cracked and unsealed pipe in the walls of their house. (No, Aji can’t afford to sue and by calling out a contractor to fix it it’s already too late to report it to the state licensing board.) Apparently the plumber thought Natives are too stupid to connect dots and he’d give himself some steady annual repair work. Depending on how much damage those pipes leaking into the walls have done…well Aji’s house could end up costing half again what it should have because of unscrupulous builders they thought they could trust. It’s already cost a good 20% more with rewiring and a few other things that had to be redone. Add this to the asthma meds not working, the new lump, the old ones they haven’t checked yet…There’s no justice here. The “writ large” issue can be dealt with by electing lots and lots of Dems. The “writ small”? The individuals and families trying to fight their way through this? Money which they don’t have. In Aji & Wings’ case sales they haven’t been getting since twitler was handed the WH – few folks in the income range who normally buy Wings’ work are spending because they’re afraid of what happening/will happen with the economy. Lots of prayers that they get it is all I can do.
I need some coffee. Need to warm my hands if nothing else. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}