Matching donations begins at 10am central
I don’t know who won the debate. I think they all made some good points, and there’s not a one of them that I wouldn’t vote for. But today, or lucky Friday the 13th, there’s $13,000 in matching funds for the AIDS Walk & I’m asking for donations to get some of that money. My goal is to raise $5,000 & I’m almost to $3,000 with 9 days left. So any amount you can give — starting at 10am this morning, will be doubled. And if you’re all tapped out, can you please share this diary? Maybe you know someone who can pitch in $5. That five bucks will become ten — and maybe that person will share this diary, too.
There is an amazing, empowering song out by Sara Bareilles, called Armor. Here’s the chorus:
All my, my, my, my armor comes from you
You make me try, try, try, try harder
Oh, that’s all I ever do, ever do
Oh, no no, my, my, my, my armor comes from you
You make me stronger, stronger
Now, hand me my armor
(Hand me my armor, hand me my armor)
See — we make each other stronger & better. We can do this. I am asking for donations in this diary, but also saying thank you. All the people who’ve donated through the years, and this year — you make me stronger; make me try harder to raise more money for this, the cause of my heart.
And here’s a gorgeous video, with women of all ages, sizes & races. It makes me feel great watching it:
Here’s what your donations do:
- Covers one rapid HIV test – we know that 40% of people who are HIV+ don’t know it yet. Through testing, we can get them into life saving care, and further reduce the spread of the HIV virus.
- Food voucher for emergency needs – many of those living with HIV are also living in poverty, and can’t afford their medication and nutritious food. This makes sure they get the food they need.
- Medical co-payment for one patient – keeping people in consistent medical care keeps them healthy and connected to services. We know this saves lives.
A $100 donation means that the AIDS Services of Austin Helping Hands Food Bank can provide over 6 bags of groceries to clients in the community.
So, the $2,690 I’ve raised so far means almost 27 bags!
A $50 donation will cover the cost of a client’s co-pay at the Jack Sansing Dental Clinic that specializes in dental care for HIV+ people in the community.
So, if you can donate on my AIDS Walk Austin page, I would be really grateful, and so would the clients of all the agencies that benefit. It would probably take a miracle to get to my goal of $5,000, but we can see a change we all want to if we help out people living with HIV/AIDS, and the good people working to get the Austin area to ZERO new infections. Yep, that really is their goal — zero new cases. I know it seems like a crazy lofty goal, but that’s why I set my crazy lofty goal. I dream of a world where people get the care they need, and there are no new cases of this disease. And I know we can get there because love is bigger than anything in its way (you knew I was going to bring this around to a U2 song, didn’t you?)
Please donate at my AIDS Walk page. Starting at 10am, your donation will be doubled.
I’ll wait to share it until after 10 am but I will share it. Checking to see if I can donate a little more too. {{{HUGS}}}
Thank you! I had to get this written & posted, because once work starts, I can only do short things
OK – tweeted out this version, the DK version, & the “hey I gave” receipt version. (Roof wasn’t as bad as I was afraid – not good but I’ve got a little wiggle room so you got some of it.)
thank you so much!