Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
– Page One of Comments is HERE!
– Page Two of Comments is HERE!
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 68 degrees in Madison WI with an expected daytime high of 70. Rain is in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Sunday Meese.
59 going up to a sunny 88
Got up – looked at twitter – my jaw dropped
On a different note
Yesterday was great, so many people — I was afraid attendance would be down because it is still hot in September (also there was a home game & an arts festival). I ended up raising $3400, and the Walk overall has raised 208K out of a goal of $240K, and more will come in over the next week. Today’s agenda: make next week’s lunch & tea, do laundry, rest. Music: Shine Like It Does. Even if you’re not a fan of the music, you should click on it — pretty flowers & nature pics.
This is the story
Since time began
There will come a day
When we will know
Shine like it does
Into every heart
Shine like it does
And if you’re looking
You will find it
Glad you had a great turnout in the heat!
Can we see some pics? Please
I posted them yesterday – here’s a link: https://www.motleymoose.com/2019/09/14/12589/week-long-welcomings-from-moosylvania-september-15th/
{{{anotherdemocrat}}} – you did good. Now maybe get some rest? ???????? ???????? ???????? ???????? moar {{{HUGS}}}
Thanks anotherdem……pretty flowers, nature pics, and music is my favorite way to start the day.
Sunday sermon posted :)
Excellent diary! You are advocating for retiring the term “Hispanic” – are you recommending Latinx (or Latino) instead?
The low was 73 in Fay., AR which it still is but won’t be for long. Heading for low 80s. It’s sunny at the moment but clouds are supposed to move in shortly and rain late this afternoon/evening/over night. Yesterday we got 11 KWHs and the m-t-d is 274 so 400 is getting less likely by the day. But it’s still possible.
The impeach wars are getting nastier. I try to stay out of it as much as I can. Just don’t respond to most comments at all. Especially if the person making it is so emotionally wound up they’ll take any response besides agreeing with them as an attack. But it’s getting harder and harder as more people I admire and respect jump on that particular bandwagon. I do not doubt their knowledge of government. I’m totally flabbergasted though that they don’t seem to see the situation isn’t Nixon or Clinton. We’re dealing with an evil regime fronted by a bully. It would not have been wise for France to indict the commander over occupied France for war crimes while they were still under occupation. Especially if the judge was going to be the officers of said commander. It’s not too wise to walk into the headquarters of a violent gang and squirt ketchup in the leader’s face. For 3 solid years a whole lot of folks in WWII kept screaming “second front now” – thanks to stubborn men who didn’t want to see our men & equipment used up to no avail the Normandy landing didn’t happen until we had enough landing craft to actually put enough people on the ground at one time so they weren’t totally wiped out piecemeal as they landed. This is effen WAR – do you want Normandy or Gallipoli?
OK, rant over. I’ve done almost all my Sunday chores – resting up from doing the floors – so will finish my coffee, finish my chores, then get over to Dee’s Sunday Sermon. Bright the day, Meeses.
Good morning, 62 and raining in Bellingham. A heavy heart for me this morning. My sil is reaching the end of her cancer struggle so a family gathering is planned for next Sunday. In a way this is a relief because she is suffering, but I’m blinking tears right now.
Best wishes to all.
{{{princesspat}}} – Healing Energy – to your shaping – moar {{{HUGS}}}
I’m so sorry! Cancer just sucks.
Sorry to hear this sad news, princesspat. I hope her passing will be peaceful and pain-free.
Good morning, meeses! Monday …
It is 55 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 72. Sunny skies are in the forecast. Perfect fall day! The Equinox occurred at 2:50am CDT and we are leafing the light behind. Blessed Mabon to all!
I am not sure why people are mocking Nancy Pelosi for saying the Trump administration may be “entering a grave new chapter of lawlessness which will take us into a whole new stage of investigation.” That is exactly the right tone! When Acting DNI Maguire shows up on Thursday in the hearing room without the whistleblower complaint, I have no doubt that House leadership will have a strong response ready. But no matter what Nancy Pelosi does, it will never be enough to satisfy the left of the left which is still angry with her for not having George W. Bush impeached when she took over the Speakership in 2007. Instead, she spent her powder on building her majority which was used to pass the Affordable Care Act in 2009. In this case, impeachment has value – it will lay down a marker for the importance of the rule of law ahead of the 2020 presidential contest. He won’t be removed but it will show everyone that one party stands with the Constitution and the other party stands with Trump. We can run on that.
News light again today as I have a project that needs to get out the door.
See all y’all later!
Monday Meese.
67 going up to a rainy 89.
Puerto Rico
Not another hurricane!
Kamala Harris
One big difference between the Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren calls for impeachment: Warren called Democratic House leadership “complicit” and only as an “also, too” added something about Mitch McConnell’s Senate being a road block. That is disqualifying. I will vote for Warren if she is the nominee but I have no enthusiasm for those who don’t respect that not every Democrat is the left-of-the-left and who trash Nancy Pelosi and give Republicans talking points.
Ugh, Monday. My watch thinks I slept fine last night, it is wrong. Luckily, I thought to put extra tea in my tea yesterday (I keep a jar of instant, to make my strong tea even stronger, when needed). I need to look at the Walk website & make sure I’ve thanked everyone, but that won’t be today. Listening to Wild Horses. Energetic, enthusiastic.
What are you holding back
I know you’ve wild horses enough inside of you
Now’s not the time to learn, serenity –
it’s gone to red from blue
Kamala 2020 posted
Overnight low was 70 in Fay., AR. Which it still is. Heading for low 80s again and cloudy. We only got 5.8 KWHs yesterday. The m-t-d is 279.6 which with 8 production days left, half of them cloudy, means we’re not making 400 for September this year. In fact, at the rate we’re going we’ll barely make it above 300. Making it to 350 but would at least get us above last year’s 340. We shall see what we shall see.
I believe impeachment is a trap – one I’m really sorry to see Kamala falling into. “Dude gotta go” has nothing to do with impeachment – he ain’t going that way (unless the fascisti want him to – I said I believe it’s a trap, I’m just not sure what their desired result is) and saying/acting as if it is – well, that’s gonna do nothing but keep Dems home in 2020 whether we impeach or not. Way too many of my friends seem to have fallen into that trap. So I don’t talk to anybody about it. Just respond to an occasional tweet by somebody I don’t know and rant here. Lots of people keep making WWII comparisons just as I do. I haven’t a clue why they don’t pay any attention to which part in the timeline they’re quoting is in relationship to where we are in our timeline. Nor to the whole of the history. It’s called a world war for a reason. Yeah, from our point of view Freedom won (as we came home & lynched Black vets/beat up Native vets so they wouldn’t get “uppity”) and everything from East Berlin westward & in the areas immediate surrounding Japan (as we aided Euro colonizers trying to take back the colonies who did their own fighting against the Japanese and declaired their own freedom) was peachy keen. Especially after we invested the money (Marshall Plan) to make it so. They keep forgetting what happened in Eastern Europe. They also keep forgetting that the Nuremberg Trials happened after the Nazis were defeated and were no longer in control of the places they’d committed their war crimes. I’ve watched this situation develop almost 50 years. We have one election left – maybe – and we’ve got to break up the propaganda machine. That’s it. If we don’t do the latter, just they’ll pick up where they left off – here – the next time they’re in office even if we do win this election cycle. And folks would rather yell at Nancy Pelosi for not doing something that isn’t even possible. No matter how many times they say they know impeachment isn’t removal (much less changing parties and policy of those in power) everything they scream about why impeach now! says they think policies will change with the impeachment. I’m just hoping we won’t see a political (and maybe not just political) version of Lidice. There’s too geedee magical thinking in America. Not just the extremes either. Everywhere. sigh.
It’s drizzling as well as cloudy so I’m not gonna get a walk in anytime soon. Once Murf gets off my lap I’ll get some coffee and go peruse the Mabon & Kamala diaries/posts. At least that’s pleasant. & boost Aji’s patreon, jewelry & family GFM tweets. Probaby play a bunch of Freecell today. sigh. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good Moon Day morning, Meese, and happy first day of autumn—I suppose. Here in Ashburn it’s 81 F. at 10:42 a.m., going up to 91 F. later.
Normally, this late in September we’d be having cooler weather, and October would be cooler still. In 1979 we even had a little snow on October 9th, which was unusual enough that I’ve always remembered it.
Now on my morning walks I see that some grass and many trees look half-dead. One rain would probably set it right, but there’s no rain in the forecast for this week. We are definitely about to enter drought mode.
In other news, this was the third day of drinking the noxious concoction for breakfast—and I could only get 3/4 of it down. Emptied the rest into the sink. Problem is, this lousy detox diet is working, I’m already down 4 pounds since a week ago.
It comes at a cost, though: I have awful aches and pains from the caffeine withdrawal. I’ve started taking magnesium for the leg cramps, but was so uncomfortable last night, I got up at 1:30 to take a couple of Advil.
When this is over I shall make ten pots of tea and drink them all. Next I plan to consumer a bucket of porridge and a couple loaves of bread.
Enough of that boring discussion! Bfitz, it’s too bad you and I can’t trade weather. I’d adore cloudy skies and drizzle!
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.
Good morning, 58 and cloudy in Bellingham. We’ll have rain off and on all week so I’ll have to hope for a few sunny days so I can put the patio furnishings away dry.
Thanks for your kind thoughts re our sil, and as always, my best wishes to all.
Tuesday Meese. 61 going up to 74 here in the NYS Catskills
Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …
It is 54 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 79. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast. I am going to try to keep the air conditioning off but if there are no breezes from the right direction it will be difficult.
Gosh, who could have predicted that a man who escaped prosecution for crimes his entire life – and had managed to steal an election with impunity – would think he could do anything he wanted with the power of the presidency, including stealing another election? Every Republican Senator who gave their political leader permission to ignore the laws in order to give their donors tax breaks is complicit in the corruption. It looks like the Ukrainian extortion might prove to be a bridge too far for moderate Democrats whose constituents didn’t want to impeach based on the Mueller report – where the cowardly author refused to say that crimes were committed and which had been rendered toothless by the Bill Barr Justice Department. So a week after Corey Lewandowski showed everyone that the Mueller Report was just going to be laughed off by the witnesses they would call, House Democrats have been given a gift – a chance for a reset with a fresh set of facts and witnesses that come from the intelligence community (including Republican Dan Coats) instead of the Trump campaign and the White House. They should still investigate the crimes detailed in the Mueller report related to the post-inauguration activities – obstruction of justice is very likely going to be part of the final Articles of Impeachment – but they should take this gift and run with it. If Senate Republicans, especially those up for re-election, want to die on this Trump hill – their president’s extortion of a foreign power using US taxpayer funds in order to benefit his re-election campaign – fine. It would be a huge irony if this brings down his presidency and Joe Biden does not even end up the nominee!
Meanwhile, a 16 year old girl glares at Trump like the literal pile of garbage he is while world leaders – including the Indian Prime Minister – kiss his wrinkled orange ass. Go, Greta!
See all y’all later!
Oh, my Goddess! That’s DISGRACEFUL!
But (sigh) look who’s in charge.
Jan, thanks for your excellent summation of the current events. Very well put!
Goodness, when I saw Greta Thunberg’s fierce denouncement I thought of Joan of Arc, Pray Goddess she doesn’t get skewered!
With respect to Indian Prime Minister Modi, he’s a POS just like Thing! He’s reduced poor little beautiful Kashmir to misery. In addition to depriving them of the Internet and mobile phones, now he won’t even let them sell their apple crop. Sixty percent of India’s apples come from Kashmir. Kashmir apple farmers are being ruined and the apples are going to waste.
Kashmir is a Muslim country and has no business being part of Hindu India. Pakistan wants it, naturally, but really, Kashmir should be a country on its own and left in peace. Damn Modi and all dictators!
P. S. The “disgraceful” comment following was in response to Dee’s picture of the sludge coming out of PR’s water pipes.
It is gross that with the first Indian American poised to make a credible run at a presidential nomination, the Indian Prime Minister is soiling himself going all in with tRump, even inviting him to turn a gathering in Texas into a campaign rally! I hope his people see him for what he is and boot him out.
Another 79 degree morning. Every day of September has been hotter than average, with 10 record hot days & we’ll likely break another record today. I like living where I can wear sandals most of the year, but 100s in September is ridiculous. Anyway, today’s agenda: make it through the work day awake, spend 10 minutes after work cleaning house (baby steps). U2 — Ultraviolet, with the speech about how great women are, and all the pictures of great women leaders projected behind them.
Good morning, Meesefolk; 54 this morning and heading to 75. It doesn’t look like there will be much sun today, but neither is there any rain in the forecast, so the trade-off seems fair.
I had a perfectly delightful weekend with the Kiddo and SIL, but it was almost too good. The minute I was pulling out of their driveway to return home, I found myself plunging into a deep, hopeless depression about my chances of finding a job. I’m sure I’m going to have to battle this feeling over and over again, but Sunday was the first time I experienced it, and it really shook me. It probably doesn’t help that folks in MI are really concerned that we may enter a GM recession if the strike goes on too long. In a weird sort of way, thinking of the strike helped me regain my equilibrium…the strikers are so brave and really fighting the fight for all of us. I don’t know if corporate giants can be humbled by workers anymore, or if they’ll just take their marbles to a different country with cheaper labor, but the GM workers are putting them on notice. And with strike pay only being $250/week, they’re doing it at enormous cost to themselves and their families.
As far as the weekend went, we stayed completely unplugged. That meant we missed that there was a Bassetfest happening in a park in Columbus; that probably saved me from trying to adopt a rescue puppy, but it also meant we missed the chance to see what one of Kiddo’s friends described as “a herd of free-range Bassets.” On the other hand, as Kiddo and SIL have the largest collection of modern board games of anyone I know, we were able to play games the entire weekend. I kept suggesting I could help with various projects around the house, but they were quite insistent that this was to be a low-stress, fun-only weekend for me. So we played, and then we played some more. We did another round of Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective, and they introduced me to Galaxy Trucker. I started out being just awful at GT, so much so that Kiddo assumed that we would never play it together again. Instead, I found myself lying in bed Saturday night trying to figure out how to change my strategy to get better, and when we got up Sunday morning, I asked if we could play again. (They were astonished, and I was able to improve once I changed up my strategy.)
Good day to and for all!
Glad you had a fun weekend, DoReMI, but sorry about the work-related depression.
In 1982 there was a recession and I knew my chances of finding a job as an editor were slim. However, I knew I could run an office, so I wrote a killer one-page letter, picked my targets carefully, and mailed the letter.
A week later, gathering all my courage, I called the recipients one by one, snagged three job interviews, and received three offers: one a day later, one a week later, and one a month later. I accepted the first one, which was the one I really wanted. Later, when I asked my new employer why he’d made the offer so quickly, he said, “I’ve learned that if I think someone is good, chances are other people do too. I’ve let some awfully good people slip away by taking too long.”
One of the guys I called said, “I’m afraid we’re not a computer systems organization, we’re a recruiting outfit.” He paused, then said, “I read your letter. I don’t think you’ll have any trouble finding a job.”
It was the second time in my career that I got a job where one hadn’t existed before. For what it’s worth, I offer the advice, and good luck!
Ha!! “there was a Bassetfest happening in a park in Columbus; [being unplugged] probably saved me from trying to adopt a rescue puppy.” I have this problem with Dachshund gatherings – I need to avoid them!!
Good Tiu’s Day morning, Moosekind! It’s another beautiful day as usual, with no prospect of rain, also as usual. Currently it’s 71 F. in Ashburn, going up to 80 F.
I took myself off that Detox Diet, just couldn’t put up with the headaches, backaches, and leg cramps. At noon yesterday I ate a slice of forbidden BREAD and drank a forbidden cup of tea. Felt like a million bucks the rest of the day. Feel the same this morning after a decent breakfast of porridge with blackberries, walnuts, and cinnamon. Just had some glorious coffee, too.
Enough of that. Yesterday afternoon was quite productive: I attended a sign language “open house,” during which we sat at tables of four. One of the four was a member of the sign language class. Every 15 minutes the members would get up and change tables. We learned some basic signs (really, quite logical), and studied the signing alphabet.
I attended not because I want to learn sign language but because the Communications Committee wants me to interview the people who started the classes 10 years ago. I have almost secured a time, date, and place for the interview—just waiting for one woman to confirm.
Also designed a flyer for an article the Committee authorized me me to undertake, called “Pioneer Feminists of Ashby Ponds.” Sent the draft of the flyer off to the Resident Life person for approval.
Will keep an eye on the news today but have too much going on to pore over it. Have to pick up the kids at the bus stop and secure permission to contribute my own peculiar talent to the Crafts Fair in November.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!