Week-long Welcomings from Moosylvania: Oct. 6th through Oct. 12th

Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.

Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).

The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.

So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?

NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.


Page One of Comments is HERE!
Page Two of Comments is HERE!



  1. Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …

    Morning low of 46 degrees in Madison WI with an expected daytime high of 63. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast.

    Have a great day, all y’alls!!

  2. Sunday Meese
    47 and cloudy here in Saugerties NY going up to 64 and rain.

    Puerto Rico

  3. In case you missed the latest rose twitter line of attack against Kamala – now it is her “Southern accent” (not)
    (Looks like the tweet got deleted after massive pushback – here’s a screenshot – the video he attached was from RNC research)

    Usually this stuff gets only limited pushback – just so happens that NY Times pundit (who has been very critical of Kamala – went after Clarknt67)

    Some of you may remember Clark/Scott from DKos

    • Yes, I do remember him. He was King of the Frustrati and he and his minions treatment of the ObamaBots was one of the reasons I decided blogging there was not worth the hassle. When Markos made him a front pager, the writing was on the wall. He was also an early Obama Hater, angry because President Obama was trying to save the economy and did not have time for his pet issues. Not surprising he is a berner – to them their issues are the only issues and people literally dying is of no interest to them.

      A video from the RNC? Not shocking.

  4. Another lousy night’s sleep. I woke up & put on lotion to quell the itching, then the sleep balm I usually just put at pulse points, then again, and again….. ugh. I will try really hard to get to the gym today, maybe that will help. Meanwhile today: church & grocery shopping. Today’s song is definitely Heal Me.

    • {{{anotherdemocrat}}} – Hopefully when the heat breaks and things cool down. That should help the itching if nothing else – and quelling the itching may let you get some sleep. Healing/Helping Energy & more {{{HUGS}}}

      • I turned the a/c down to 72, which is extravagantly cool for this climate. I’ve got a ceiling fan going, and my tea has frozen chunks in it….. Cold front is coming tonight – I checked the hourly & it’s supposed to be 71 when I’m walking tomorrow morning. Maybe that will help.

        • I hope it helps you. It always helps me. Yeah on the A/C – I keep mine set at 80. Maybe turn it to 78 if things are really humid. A/C for me makes getting some sleep possible. For anything approaching decent sleep requires the actual temps be below 70. Seriously holding the Good Thought for you.

  5. Temps not getting out of the 60s and going down into the 40s today. Serious rain all day. The PV system came on long enough between downpours to generate 18 watts and is back in night mode. We’re under a flash-flood watch. (No problem. I’m not going anywhere and my house is multiple feet above the flood plain.) Got my first fire of the season – with carport door and east window open because the 1st fire always smokes really badly until the chimney warms up – the wood bricks are a little difficult to start so I need to have really good kindling, not just lots of newspaper. But they send out some really good heat and burn quite a while before I have to add another brick. As in I started the fire almost 2 hours ago with 3 bricks and I’m about to add the 4th brick.

    Trying to ally with more than one minority group can be difficult. And sometimes ends up with everybody mad at you. Sigh. But I can’t do better than my best. Research situations for how they impact everybody & go with the choice that helps the most people and doesn’t harm anyone. Even if not everyone believes that choice doesn’t harm their group. My online research skills aren’t great – but that means I don’t find much applicable to what I’m researching, not that what I find isn’t valid. & I will always take transcripts or official minutes of meetings over “someone at the meeting said…” – here we go again. Divide and conquer works. Oh goddess! how I wish it didn’t.

    I’ve got almost all my Sunday chores done – even the vacuuming ???????? – so time for coffee and reading Dee’s Sunday Sermon. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}

  6. Good morning, 51 and partly sunny in Bellingham. Ron and our sons are going to Mt Baker today for the last hike of the season. They are hoping to see fall colors on the trees so I hope the clouds will drift and the sun will shine so they can. I’m going to putter around in the garden. My version of hiking in the PNW is close to home!

    Best wishes to all.

  7. Monday Meese.
    65 going up to 68 with rain here in Saugerties NY.

  8. Good Moonday morning, Moosekind! It’s gray and gloomy here in Ashburn this morning, as it was on Sunday. It’s warmer today, though, with a temperature of 68 F. at the moment, going up to 80 F. later. We may have showers. Rain is predicted for tomorrow.

    Never made it here yesterday as we got up, dressed, and hotfooted it to Fairfax to get The Littles and take them to breakfast. I was surprised that Mr. K., who’d had one of his infamous meltdowns on waking (according to Younger Son), was so well-behaved at the restaurant. He even ate all of his rabbit head-shaped chocolate chip pancake. (Ugh.)

    When we returned I put the ingredients for beef stew in the slow cooker. It was ready before six, which was nice. Made an apple crisp to go with it, using apple juice instead of white sugar and water, and cutting the brown sugar from 1 cup to 1/4 cup. Guess what, it tasted great anyway!

    Today there are things I totally have to do before going to meet the grandchildren at the bus stop. Time is flying by at a fearful rate!

    M’Daughter-in-Austin posted something on Facebark to the effect that Thing would rather resign than have “impeachment” on his resume. It would surprise me if he resigned.

    Is this week going to be as mentally and emotionally exhausting as last week? Dear Goddess, remember when we didn’t have to think all that much about what the government was doing?

    Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!

    • Trump will never resign. I saw a headline saying that “Trump is worried about the stain that impeachment will leave on his legacy” but that was from Axios whose motivations and sourcing are suspect. It would make a normal person worry but there is nothing normal about Trump, he has spent his entire life surrounding himself by people who feed the self-absorption that keeps him living and breathing – there is no one who can or will tell him that he is wrong or that he should stop doing the things he is doing or that he should resign. Plus, it is now at the point that he is safer from indictment as a sitting president and it is likely that he knows that.

      I hope for a quieter week also but it looks like the Republicans are determined to allow their president to blow up all of our alliances in service to his personality disorder, now letting Turkey kill off the Kurds. :(

      • Dear Goddess! May the blood-grimed jaws of Ammut devour his evil black heart after it is weighed on the scales of justice when he passes from this plane to the next.

    • {{{Diana}}} – practically everything American – especially food – is based on poor people’s ideas of how rich people live. That’s why so much red meat, white flour, and sugar in the American diet because at least to those with Euro ancestry all those very expensive foods poor folks mostly got as “largess” during certain holidays. Medieval households of wealth usually treated sugar like any other spice – the exceedingly rich did special “subtleties” made of sugar for feasts and holidays which is probably where the poor folks got those ideas. Just about any recipe other than things like cookies where the sugar is necessary to get the cookie texture (as opposed to a cake-like texture) you can significantly reduce or even eliminate the sugar and it will taste just fine.

  9. Reading Richard Engel’s posts about Turkey’s invasion of Syria is just heartbreaking. I swear the man actively looks for ways to make the world worse & our national shame even deeper. And I‘m still very itchy & basically sleepless. My watch says I slept from 12something to 4:33. I’m going to try to get a dermatologist appointment soon for the thing on my scalp, maybe they can help with this.

    Found this on Twitter, it is awesome:

  10. Good morning, meeses! Monday …

    It is 52 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 63. Sunny skies are in the forecast. It appears as though this is the expected weather over the next few days, rain on Thursday and then – holy mackeral!! – a high of 45 on Saturday! Winter!!

    I was pleased to see that the weekend impeachment talkers on our side are mostly focusing on the Ukraine issue. The “request” that China dig up dirt is not a crime – it is just unseemly; the crime is linking military aid to Ukraine with their digging up dirt on Joe Biden. Every time we say “he asked China for help” it allows the Republicans to say that was just “Trump being Trump” and “he was joking, he’s such a card!” and “he did it to tweak the press.” When we say “Trump is linking foreign aid to help with his re-election bid” we remind people that a crime was committed and Trump should be removed from office.

    Ron Freaking Johnson is the poster child for “Republicans Prefer Their Electeds Dumb and Compliant.” He is a continuing embarrassment to our state and the day he steps down cannot come soon enough. He is elected through 2022 and said he would not seek re-election but maybe he can be encouraged to resign and spend more time with Russia.

    Busy day here as evidenced by my lateness arriving. I got sidetracked to a project over the weekend that ate up a large chunk of time and I am behind on things that should have been done to begin the week.

    See all y’all later!

  11. Good morning, Meesefolk; 50 when I gout up this morning and headed to 68. From the looks of the forecast, I’ll be saying that a lot this week. I hope so. We got so much rain last week and then continued with cool temperatures that it was very uncomfortable working in the yard this weekend…so I quit before I got even one wheelbarrow-ful of leaves/weeds/cut back perennials.

    Reading about the betrayal of the Kurds this morning gutted me. I couldn’t tell you why this particular inhumanity, from an administration that specializes in inhumanity, hit me so hard. Maybe it’s because it cements our place as a pariah nation, eager to stand in solidarity with other pariah nations. Maybe it’s because the betrayal is so blatant and so irreversible. Maybe it’s because the straws finally reached the point of breaking this camel’s back. Or maybe it’s all of the above. But I read Richard Engel’s tweets this morning and then promptly threw up (literally and actually). My stomach says this would be a good day to stay off the computer, but I can’t, so I’ll hope smarter and less corrupt folks will prevail.

    Good day to and for all!

    • {{{DoReMI}}} – Healing/Helping Energy. If you’ve got to be online today, maybe stay w/ friends & away from the news & reactions there to. moar {{{HUGS}}}

    • The Kurds deserve better. Trump will destroy all of our friendships – he has no concept of what friendships and alliances are but only has an interest in relationships that benefit him – and his business interests. Barack Obama repaired a good many of those alliances destroyed by George W. Bush but I am not sure that this latest assault can be fixed. Who the hell would want to be friends with the kind of country that elects a literal pile of crap? :(

  12. It’s 48 and might get to 70 today. Maybe. Depending on which widget you ask. But it’s sunny and the sky is as beautifully blue as some of those “skystones” Wings uses in his jewelry. Definitely nicer than yesterday when the PV system spent most of the day in night mode (we got less than 2 KWHs & the m-t-d is 54) and the hours of deluge found new ways through my porch roof. sigh.

    I tried the fire bricks yesterday. Good points and not so good points. Like any hardwood, they take some real kindling and not just paper to start. Once they got going they burned hot and longer than cordwood logs do. But by the 6th brick they weren’t burning any longer, they were smoldering. I messed around with them, added a cordwood log (I still have my porch rack full from last year) and more kindling. Then once the fire was going again I leaned the bricks against the log. That worked until the 10th brick (the log was burned up by then). I’m thinking they aren’t getting enough air to burn properly once there’s a certain amount of ash under them. I sent an email to the company asking for advice. We shall see whether or not they answer. & if the Tractor Supply bricks (different company makes them, different shape for the brick) have the same problem presupposing they ever come in so I can buy them and try them. What the heck, I’ve been jacking with trying to keep green wood burning over the last several seasons. This is just learning a new technique for keeping warm. It’s 11 of these bricks (12 to a package) for a full day’s fire which I seldom do more than once or twice a week which is certainly fewer cordwood logs than it takes to do the same. This particular company is in Mountain View, AR so a “local” product. If I can just get it to do what I need done.

    I have a cat in my lap so I guess view the internet before I get coffee. ???????????? Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}

  13. Good morning, 54 and raining in Bellingham. I slept late and am now waiting for an inspector to arrive. Apparently the hot water heater we had installed last spring was never inspected, so today’s the day. I think/hope it’s the last one we buy. I’m on a 10 yr countdown for our time in this old house.

    The guys had a good day at Mt Baker yesterday, and the mountain is closed for the season today due to snow, The ski area will open soon but the hiking trails are closed. Heide enjoyed rolling in the snow and smelling the meadows, but her old bones hurt last night.

    I packed several donation boxes of fabric and clothes yesterday, so today I’ll add some books and home decor magazines and then I’ll have a car full. I may need a full 10 yrs to clear the clutter!

    Best wishes to all on this dismaying news day.

  14. I came home from work after just an hour. I thought getting up & to work would help; it really didn’t. I was exhausted — at 9am, and after being hot all weekend, I was cold, and everything still itches. I have a dermatologist appointment tomorrow, which I originally had for a thing on my scalp; now I’ve added that everything on my exterior itches. I took a nap — actually 2 of those 30 minute guided naps on youtube. Now I’m eating lunch & watching Katy Tur interview Kamala Harris. Trying to avoid thoughts of another nap — I want to sleep tonight. Heal Me.

  15. Tuesday Meese
    57 going up to 67 here in NYS.

    I’m gloating. Karma.
    Justice delivered to Trump – by Puerto Rican judge Victor Marrero.

    “Marrero was born in Santurce, San Juan, Puerto Rico.He received a Bachelor of Arts degree from New York University in 1964. He received a Bachelor of Laws from Yale Law School in 1968. He was an assistant to the mayor of New York City from 1968 to 1970. He was an assistant administrator/neighborhood director of the Model Cities Administration in New York City from 1970 to 1973. He was a co-founder of the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund in 1972. He was the Executive Director of the Department of City Planning of New York City from 1973 to 1974.He was a special counsel to the comptroller of New York City from 1974 to 1975. He was the first assistant counsel to the governor of the State of New York, from 1975 to 1976. He was the Chairman of the City Planning Commission of New York City from 1976 to 1977. He was a Commissioner and Vice Chairman of the New York State Housing Finance Agency from 1978 to 1979. He was the Undersecretary of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development from 1979 to 1981. He was in private practice of law in New York City from 1981 to 1993. He was a United States Ambassador on the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations from 1993 to 1997. He was the United States Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the United States to the Organization of American States from 1998 to 1999.”

    For those of you who don’t know the importance of the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund here’s their history. Sonia Sotomayor was a board member. They were modeled on the NAACP Legal Defense Fund.

    • This is a BHD. DM Cohen, “ItsTheSupremeCourtStupid” on DK, said he once worked for Judge Marrero and that he is brilliant. This is the “no you can’t fking shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue and get away with it, ahole!” ruling.

      The document turnover was stayed pending appeal – the Manhattan attorney asked for it to be expedited.

    • True, bfitz! I often wonder how I’d have reacted on being served an entire boar’s head on a platter—or worse, an entire swan—and whether I’d have gazed gloomily at “plum porridge” rather than plum pudding. It became “plum pudding” after Shakespeare’s time.

      • Even if the platter held an actual animal or bird, those would be more decorations for the table – that was wealth’s version of conspicuous consumption. Lots of food that wasn’t even meant to be eaten. But frequently those weren’t actually animals at the great festivals – they were “subtleties” made of sugar or almond paste or both. And that showed real wealth – because for landed gentry a boar or a swan was a lot less expensive and easier to come by than the sugar that made the subtleties.

  16. I’m staying home from work today, got an appointment this afternoon, though with the itching literally everywhere it may be systemic & not something the dermatologist can treat. But at least it’s a start. Anyway, I’m watching Stargate & eating breakfast. Good day to all.

    • {{{anotherdemocrat}}} – Healing/Helping Energy. Hope the dermatologist at least knows what the issue is – & can send you to the right place if not treat it. moar Healing Energy, moar {{{HUGS}}}

  17. Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …

    It is 41 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 66. Sunny skies are in the forecast.

    Who knew that “murdering the Kurds” would be the bridge too far for Republican electeds and the God-people on the right? Murdering Americans, fine, putting babies in cages, no problem – but “Leave the Kurds Aloooooone!”? Is this a biblical thing or what – I have no idea what kind of nerve it touched. It is funny that Tom Cotton has no problem with it, he must not have gotten the memo!

    No time to read the news, busy day as I prep to go on-site tomorrow with hardware that I am still working on.

    See all y’all later!

  18. Good Tiu’s Day morning, Meese! Gray and gloomy today, with a current temp. of 55 F. and a high projected to be 67 F. At least temps are on a more October-like trajectory now. At a quarter to six when I took the Beast of Birch Point out to the courtyard, it was “mizzling,” but it seems to have stopped now. We never do seem to get any rain.

    I keep forgetting to mention that last week I went to the audiologist at Costco to get my hearing aids adjusted. The audiologist was very nice, in contrast to the rather stuck-on-himself receptionist. Anyway, she said my aids weren’t nearly powerful enough so she increased the power. Now they’e too loud, which she said was normal. They’ll settle down in a few weeks. She then nicely, all unasked, extended my warranty for a year. This set of aids is 2 years, 7 months old. She also said that hearing, like vision, never gets any better but on the other hand, I won’t wind up stone-deaf either (unless something cataclysmic happens).

    So it’s a relief to be able to hear properly and to know I don’t have to think about buying a new set until 2021. These things are expensive and yet at Costco I pay 1/4 of what they’d cost at a hearing aid store. ‘Tis good.

    I finally managed to get my booklet mss. off to the desktop publisher who’s promised to lay it out and format it for me. I’m trying hard to get permission to sell booklets containing four of my stories at the November bazaar to raise money for the Benevolent Fund.

    Bfitz, you and I should trade weather! Is Fayetteville in the mountains? You’re farther south than I am and yet your weather is colder, rainier, and gloomier. We get plenty of gloom but no rain.

    Princesspat, I should hurry up with my long-deferred post on “Life in a Home for the Aged.” I’ve been reluctant to post it for fear it would sound like the whining of an overprivileged old bat. However, my purpose in writing it is simply to point out that there are tradeoffs in leaving a house for community living. (I still have difficulty accepting that I now live in an apartment, something I swore I’d never do again after we moved to our first house in 1971 and I discovered how nice it was not to have elephants doing gymnastics overhead.)

    Well, I suppose I’d better have one more look at the latest outrage, which is the White House preventing Sondlund from testifying, and then get on with my day.

    Wishing a good Tuesday to all at the Pond!

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