Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
– Page One of Comments is HERE!
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– Page Three of Comments is HERE!
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 37 degrees in Madison WI with an expected daytime high of 43. Mostly cloudy skies are in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Sunday Meese and I am really, really, really angry
This is how I was feeling
Sadly – it has come to this:
Working on feeling better. Slept 7 hours last night — not continuous, but even so. It’s 57 this morning, will wear long sleeves to church and it’s getting back to the 80s for the work week (glad I still have sandals out). Special music at church today: Dorchester Chronicles; the choir director actually asked me to record it to post on FB.
Here’s U2 doing one of their songs with a crazy long title, let’s just call it It’s The Little Things. It’s also an example of their songwriting. Do you remember that scene in Pride & Prejudice where one of the sisters sees a hat in a shop in town, says she hates it but buys it to take home & make something else? That’s what they do, they take songs apart & sew different parts of them together. This was definitely 2 different songs.
{{{another}}} continuous would be better but 7 is good. Sending more Healing Energy. & {{{HUGS}}}
Sunday Sermon posted
Good morning, 50 and cloudy in Bellingham. Maggie and Milo are small dogs, but they wanted to touch me all night so they made their presence know! We all look bleary eyed and sleepy this morning! Their family will be home tonight.
Yesterday’s stuff shuffle went well, but handling so many years of family belongings stirred so many memories it was unsettling. Seems like the history of my life is in a storage locker! Thanks to tRump angst living in the moment is unsettling as well, so I guess just I’ll find some coffee and take the dogs out.
Best wishes to all.
It’s 53 heading for mid 60s (a bit cooler than yesterday’s forecast said it would be). Sunny which is good. It will help keep the house warmer and the furnace off. I need to get to the fire sooner than I did last night. I never completely warmed up so my sleep was…not good. Need to put another quilt on my bed. It’s washed and on the line right now as Murf slept on it regularly since last March. We got 11 KWHs yesterday and the m-t-d is almost 112 so gaining. The next rainy day (projected to be Tuesday) will of course get us off track again, but so far so good.
Because I want to keep my friendship with Aji – as well as ally with Natives – I’m not responding to any of her anti-Harris threads. Fortunately she’s not naming Harris or she’d get a whole lot of flack that would do nothing but make her opinion so rock-solid she won’t accept any evidence that Harris isn’t anti-Native. She’ll have to find that evidence herself – I’m not even gonna post links unless she (or another Native I’m following) asks. But at least I’ve now got a Word doc set up and am saving those links. My research skills are so poor that finding them in the first place was hard enough. Finding them a second time is almost a miracle. So now I’m saving them. It’s damned hard to ally with multiple & intersectional groups when one of those groups decides the candidate the rest support is evil. sigh.
At least earicicle has gotten some help via old friends on FB. Her situation is so damned bad – we can’t even do a fundraiser for her because if she gets more income in her bank account than her Disability the Housing Authority will pull her section 8 voucher. We can pay the hotel directly. Send her Amazon ecards for groceries. But anything that has to go to or throw her bank account will damn-near guarantee she dies on the streets. Racist fucks trying to make sure no BIPOC get help are killing more white people than harming their targets. Which is why #RsGottaGo – not just twitler. All of them. Or at least enough of them we’ll have the power to clean up the mess – and for long enough to change things for the better.
Off to read the Sunday Sermon. And coffee. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
“through” – not throw – “her bank account”. And I can’t even blame autocorrect because I don’t have it on. My fingers have their own ideas of what word I’m trying to type. sigh.
Very interesting thread
Excellent Kamala diary
Good evening, Meese! It was cloudy all day in Ashburn—even rained a bit in Fairfax County—and in the 60s all day. I’m writing now because this morning I had to get up early to take care of the grand-dog 12 miles away. Then I had to cook Sunday breakfast, after which we watched the F1 race. The race annoyed me greatly. After my walk we went to “brunch” down the hall at the Pub. It was a really crappy meal, too. We’re trying to use up the last of our 20 meal allowances. I’d like them to reduce the meal requirements from 20 per month to zero per month so I could cook good food at home.
Because of getting up so fearfully early I had to retire this afternoon, which left me with little leisure time before departing to visit the grand-dog again. I have one more visit, early tomorrow morning, then Younger Son and family will return. Good.
After I come back from visiting the dog tomorrow morning, I have to eat breakfast and get ready to join some other Raging Grannies for the the demonstration against the NRA at their headquarters in Fairfax. There have been shootings across the river in DC this weekend, and I’m sure all the guns came from Virginia.
The quarterly publication FINALLY came out today! One of my articles is on the front page! Three others are in the rest of the paper. I had more articles than anyone else. Need to get busy typing up some notes tomorrow afternoon. If only a person could do without sleep I’d get so much done!
It’s supposed to be sunny and in the low 70s tomorrow. Wishing a good Monday to all at the Pond!
Monday Meese
43 degrees here in Saugerties NY (brrrrr) going up to 71.
Puerto Rico
Sometimes loud pushback works.
Too freaking late! The Sanders campaign is so skin-tone deaf you wonder if the people running it even realize it is the 21st century. If Sanders thinks he can just repurpose the a**holes who ratfked the 2016 election and gave tRump the White House, we need to take off the gloves – he needs to resign and take his scum with him. No quarter.
Another bad night’s sleep, and 2 90 degree days ahead. Came in to work because the a/c here is great, hoping being cold will help. Hoping happy, energetic Empress will get me through the day.
Healing Energy. {{{HUGS}}} – Hope the A/C helps.
Kamala 2020 posted
Kamala & I (& Bobby & under the circumstances unfortunately Aji) share a birthday. She’s exactly 13 years younger than I am.
Happy upcoming B-day Bfitz
It’s 45 heading for 70 or so in Fay., AR. Mostly sunny again although that’s supposed to change tomorrow. Yesterday we generated 10.7 KWHs and the m-t-d is 122 which is still on track for 250 for the month. As the days get shorter hanging clothes outside becomes an issue. If it’s just one item, like the quilt I hung out yesterday, it’s not a problem. But for a whole load of laundry my hands get too cold and I start dropping stuff. Which is kinda not the best for supposedly clean laundry. Or else I have to wait until it warms up but then it’s too late for stuff to get dry before dark. At least at the moment whatever pollen or crud in the air that messes with my breathing seems to have shut down or gone away or something. So this week on the day it’s chilly enough to have a fire all day I’ll do the laundry and hang it inside. And hope the Twins don’t try to climb it. heh.
Things are so horrible in the world I mostly have to just draw in and deal with specifics and individuals. Especially since a whole lot of this isn’t new. Yes, this is who we are. We either haven’t done it recently (like within the last decade or so) or the MSM made sure we didn’t hear about it – but betraying the Kurds is nothing new for us. Those who are old enough to remember Gulf I should know that. Daddy Bush put out the word it would sure be nice if somebody would overthrow Saddam but when the Kurds took him up on that, he “made peace” and let Saddam keep his army to “keep the peace”. The Kurds should have gotten a homeland after WWI, never mind WWII – and we have always been a party to keeping them from one. And arming the people who are committing genocide against them. This is not new. Just loud and “in your face” – and considering who owns the media the only reason I can think of for us to be hearing about it is they want us to get rid of Twitler for them – and install Pence. Lots of people are gonna die either way. Including our “republic if you can keep it” should Pence be installed. But I can’t do anything about that either.
Hold the Good Thought for earicicle (among others) – a combination of FB friends have covered this week’s lodging & the person who had the lead for an apartment (& she thought was doing the follow up) finally “oh oops” gave her the name and contact information when he jumped on her for not doing it. So she’s focusing her stamina gathering on the energy and calm to actually contact them either today or tomorrow (if the “holiday” makes today not good). All the Good Vibes out there for her not going into a major panic attack while she’s trying to get the new place. And just…Healing Energy flowing everywhere it’s needed and accepted. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, meeses! Monday …
It is 34 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 41. Sunny this morning, clouding up this afternoon and a possibility of rain this evening.
Wisconsin is celebrating our first ever Indigenous Peoples’ Day today! Democratic Governor Tony Evers signed an executive order making the declaration – I hope it makes right-wing heads explode.
I am watching the Turkey mess and laughing – bitterly – at the suggestions that this will cause a rift between Trump and his Republican enablers in Congress. Puh-lease!! Nothing Trump can do will stop them from living in his colon and being part of his shat-out talking points. I hope there is a way to kick Turkey out of NATO because it would really suck if NATO has to send troops to defend that country when Syria and Russia invade. Is it wrong to want the Trump Tower Istanbul to be the first building leveled in retaliatory strikes (after all the people are evacuated)?
I read the story about the young woman murdered by the police in her own bedroom while playing a video game with her nephew. The police union was saying that the “young officer feels terrible – he has not had any kind of disciplinary action on his record.” JHC on a popsicle stick!! This is not about his feelings, it is about the black woman he killed and her family and friends. I feel sorry for the neighbor who just wanted to help – he is another victim of the crime perpetrated by the Fort Worth police. :(
See all y’all later!
If it’s wrong of you to want to see TT Istanbul come tumbling down, at least you’re not alone. I was having similar thoughts last night. Unfortunately, that would probably cause Individual One to go nuclear…literally.
Good morning, Meesefolk; 43 this morning and headed to 52. I’ve avoided turning on the furnace so far, but that may have to end today. We’re not supposed to get out of the 50s until the weekend, so I can’t count on daytime sunshine to warm things up. The pups have let me know quite plainly that if I’m not going to turn on the furnace, they are going to crawl under the covers…so I guess I’m turning on the furnace.
I spent the weekend doing the barest minimum and not touching a single project. It wasn’t the plan, but I had some reading I wanted to get done. I typically got about 10 pages read before nodding off; rinse and repeat. I recently got rid of my old, beat-up, broken down recliner and moved a chaise into its spot; I’m pretty sure my body is reacting to actually being comfortable. At any rate, it lead to lots of unplanned naps, a tiny bit of reading, and not much else. That’s not the worst pay to spend a weekend, but it certainly wasn’t the plan.
I did get some holiday shopping done last night, which also wasn’t the plan (or in the budget; I’ll be robbing Peter to pay Paul until my “Christmas club” funds become available). Several months back, Kiddo and SIL scored a whole bunch of antique ceiling lights. They were a barn find, so they need some restoration which they’ve been working on little by little. They’re all by the same company in Toledo which was the same company that originally did the lights in the house. Kiddo had mentioned in passing that even when they finally get the dining room light up, they’ll probably want additional table lamps in the dining room. The ceiling light is more than enough for dinner parties, but they also use their dining room for game nights which requires more light. Anyway, last night I stumbled across a set of matching table lamps by the Toledo company. They’re extremely hard to find (table lamps were not the style in the 1920s) and finding a matching pair is even harder. I talked with SIL and struck a deal; I’ll buy them (and probably restore them since it appears they may have been spray painted), and he’ll have them rewired and pay for the shades. I can’t wait to get them; it’s going to be a painstaking process to remove the layer(s) of spray paint without destroying what is likely to be a layer of polychrome underneath. If I can’t find/preserve any polychrome, I’ll just strip the spray paint and apply a pigmented gilding wax like Rub N Buff, which is the best way to get closest to the original finish. And now you all know more about restoring antique lighting than you ever wanted to know!
Good day to and for all!
Good morning, 42 and partly sunny in Bellingham. I’m slowly waking up this morning. The small dogs went home last night so my sleep was not disturbed, but I feel really tired. I’ve got to focus on my desk and the laundry today so I need to be semi alert. Fortunately doing laundry isn’t mentally taxing :)
Best wishes to all on this sleepy Monday morning.
Tuesday Meese
Woke up to the news of another mass shooting – this time in Puerto Rico
I made it through the whole day yesterday, and slept 5 hours last night! I’m wondering if I’ve developed an allergy to something, maybe that I eat most days. If it’s almonds, I’m going to cry. It’ll take more than a week to use up all the already-done food with almonds to find out. Or the CBD oil I’ve been using for months to sleep? I haven’t done anything new, but maybe the allergy is a new development? Here’s sweet, soothing Song For Someone.
If there is a light you can’t always see
And there is a world we can’t always be
If there is a dark within and without
And there is a light, don’t let it go out
And this is a song, song for someone
This is a song, a song for someone
Progress is good. As to allergies, unfortunately they’re kind of a feedback loop response to the more virulent and more combinations of pollen – they weaken the immune system while putting it on hyper-alert (which is pretty much what an allergy is) so more and more stuff triggers responses. If the rash is accompanied by upset tummy it’s probably a new food allergy. If not, well, around here for the last several years the honeysuckle has been casting a fungus that gives me a rash. I don’t know if you’ve got honeysuckle growing around where you live or work, but if you do that’s unfortunately a possibility. Healing Energy & {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …
It is 46 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 57. Showers this morning, cloudy this afternoon, and then showers again in the evening.
The unbelievable horrors coming out of northern Syria are hard to deal with. Some friends made the mistake of watching the video of the brutal rape and stoning death of the Kurdish politician Hervin Khalaf. It was terrible enough reading about it and seeing her official photo, a woman so full of hope, on the article made me want to weep – I have been extremely careful not to view any images or videos and I have my Twitter image/video block settings on high.
Another 10 hour interview of a witness in the House impeachment inquiry – the noose is tightening. That even John Freaking Bolton was unnerved by the extent of Rudy Giuliani’s Ukrainian meddling says a lot. There is no way that Giuliani does not get thrown under the bus by Trump – the only question is if he rats him out or hopes for a pardon. In my mind, a pardon of his personal lawyer – and a man who clearly has committed crimes – might be too much for even Senate Republicans to swallow. At least I hope that that concern is conveyed to him by his pal Mitch McConnell to stop it before it happens. Placing restrictions on presidential pardon power has to be put on the list of “things to fix if we survive the Trump Presidency.”
Busy day here as the Ides of October have arrived and I have accounting projects to do.
See all y’all later!