Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
– Page One of Comments is HERE!
– Page Two of Comments is HERE!
Good morning, 33 and sunny in Bellingham. Thanks to my pesky knees finally saying “enough” I’ve got another day of RICE ahead, but thankfully it’s helping. I’m watching today hearings, and hope the powers that be will pay attention to Fiona Hill. She is firm re the Russian threat to the 2020 elections.
I didn’t watch the debate last night. IMHO getting rid of tRump is a national emergency and that should be the main topic. And re health care…..support Obama Care and stop proposing new changes that will never happen if the Dems don’t control the Senate. Makes me crabby!
Time for more coffee and a fresh ice pack. Best wishes to all as we fumble through another day.
Good Thor’s Day afternoon, Moosekind! Couldn’t get in here this morning. Jan, if you had something to do with my readmittance to the Pond today, many thanks!
Princesspat, hope your knees feel better, hope Dee’s hubby is settling down happily at home, and that everyone at the Pond is doing fine.
It’s a fine day here, almost warm, with a current temp. of 54 F. White clouds veil the pale blue from time to time, but will take over completely later. Rain is predicted for Friday and Saturday. ‘Tis good.
I never got the wretched cake iced yesterday as I was quite mesmerized by the proceedings on the Hil (listening, not watching). Then I dozed through the debate. Was very tired this morning, remain tired today.
Younger Son, who always waits until the last possible moment to ask us to do something, texted that he hoped we could attend Miss Pink Cheeks’ Thanksgiving luncheon at her school. He himself went to Mr. Kindergartener’s Thanksgiving luncheon. So we went to her school and were the subject of delighted attention by teachers and students. There were very few parents present, but I’m glad we were there for our precious girl.
In 45 minutes I have to leave for my Committee meeting at 3. I’ll drop off the now iced cake in the party room on my way to the meeting. Then I’m going to come home and collapse!
Plans for the holidays are beginning to take shape. Hope everyone at the Pond will have a good day!
Good morning, meeses!
It is 25 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 36. Sunny skies are in the forecast. The rain and wind yesterday knocked down the rest of the leaves clinging to the trees and it looks like winter. We will have more seasonable temperatures for the next week and they are predicting a snow storm for the plains around Thanksgiving that could hit us.
I was able to break away and watch some of Fiona Hill’s testimony yesterday (carefully muting the voices of the Republicans). She is a remarkable woman and an even more remarkable public servant. I suspect that working for the vulgar talking yam tested every inch of her resolve but a woman who as a child taking a test had her hair set on fire by the boy behind her, turned around and snuffed out the fire, and then turned back to complete her test, is likely able to handle anything. That we are requiring our dedicated public servants to serve the administration of a criminal and a deplorable human being is sad. I hope we don’t lose too many of them and that when we restore dignity and honor to the executive branch that they come back.
So apparently visiting the returning remains of our military dead at Dover is a “ride-along” for Trump’s celebrity pals. If I were the family of those soldiers, I would have been ticked. Nothing is sacred, nothing. Apparently he will also intervene to block the ousting of the war criminal Gallagher from the SEALs, a move the commander, Admiral Green wanted to make to remove the blemish on his unit and remind people what the SEALs stand for. #EverythingTrumpTouchesDies – the SEALs probably can’t be fixed after this. He’s your guy, military people, enjoy!
The reviews on the debate seem positive for Kamala Harris. Someone said that her interview on the AM Joy MSNBC show yesterday morning was quite good. I am hoping to find it in today’s Kamala diary. I hope that she can stay viable until the later primaries where her ground game will begin to pay off. Out of all the candidates on the stage, she looks and acts the most presidential to me. As much as it would be a terrible precedent to have Republican conspiracy theories and planned ratfking of 2020 knock Joe Biden out of the race, Joe Biden has a “Hunter” problem. From his gift seat on the board of a foreign corporation in a trouble spot his father was monitoring (it was not criminal but it was wrong, in my opinion) to his really awful personal behaviour, Joe Biden’s distractions may make his already worrying gaffeing even more sloppy.
Next week is going to be very odd with the holiday on Thursday and the end of the month on Sunday. This weekend will be spent getting November projects done because I won’t be able to control my schedule completely next week. Today I will put together a good to-do list to make sure I am not missing anything.
See all y’all later!
it will be on the MSNBC website – I’d find it for you & post a link but it’s too close to work starting time, I can’t do things with sound & video now
Thanks! I looked for it yesterday but maybe it was too soon for it to be a viewable clip.
Friday Meese. 46 here in the Catskills going up to 48.
Damn! That Kamala clip from the debate was powerful. I saw Mayo Pete nodding – like a man who realizes that he has no way to counter that – and Bernie Freaking Sanders looking pained like “why are we talking about this crap when Wall Street Bankers are still going unpunished??!!?”
Puerto Rico
Ugh! What a bunch of damned old racists on the Supreme Court!
Hope karma dealt with them as they deserved.
Good Freya’s Day morning, Meese, although it’s certainly not the kind of weather day that reflects the Goddess of love and beauty. Right now in Ashburn we have gray skies and 47 F. We’ll go up to 52 F. later, with rain promised for this morning.
Have to gobble down breakfast and get out of here, taking the dog with me. They’re testing the fire drill this morning. We were given ear plugs for this annoying event, but none were provided for the poor, floppy-eared dog. I’ll have to run him up to the dog park, which is well out of earshot.
Need to work on my Kamala blog for tomorrow morning, battle my allergies all day, and interview a subject at 1:30. Going to be a busy day.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!
Got in a mile walking before work, yay me! Friday of a short week, then next week is short. Woohoo. And there’s new U2, even you folks who like mellow music will like it: Ahimsa.
Another chilly, gray, drizzly day in Fay., AR – 38-feels-like-31. At least the PV system is on. Not but much but it is on. Yesterday we got .76 KWHs (yup, just a hair over 3/4 of a single kW) and the m-t-d is 120.46 – if today is like yesterday we’ll reach 121 today. sigh.
I’ve been ignoring everything even more than usual – check my twitter TL for a few minutes 4 or 5 times a day and that’s pretty much it. Unless somebody here or Aji on her replies page starts a rant, of course. I read and boost those. Aji’s health in one way is better – she’s had arthritis since she was 10 that kept her from beading but she’s on a Native medicine that’s given her enough relief she’s just finished a beading project! Everything else is, well, she lives in chronic acute systemic pain partly ramped up by the lack of sales in the time of year that should be bringing in the revenue for the next 9 months. Amelia’s situation is pretty much the same. She’s covered through Nov at the motel and so far not getting any response from the public & private organizations who could help with the overall issue. But she’s recovering from the emotional slam she got Wednesday afternoon, is doing self-care, and has come up with a few new things to try so that’s better anyway.
Pressure changes overnight have given me a headache which coffee hasn’t helped and which is messing with my cognitive skills. (As in they’re there, just slow.) I think more coffee and some ibuprofen are in my near future. After Murf gets off my lap. Healing/Helping Energy to all who need and except it, to their shaping. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 34 and cloudy in Bellingham. My knees are a bit better this morning so RICE is helping. Our son reached a stopping with painting yesterday, so today he’ll assemble the new shelf units and then the stuff can be put away whenever and however it happens. I’m trying to just let it be, but my need for order is being tested!
Just heard Heidi bark so time to hobble forth, give her a treat, and to reassure my son that I’m safe to be around today :) Best wishes to all.
Good morning, meeses! Saturday …
It is 27 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 41. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast.
Since the news was consumed by the impeachment hearings this past week, that means that – finally – we can expect a slow news weekend. Even if it has some big stories, it can’t possibly be like the firehose of the hearings. I hope I am not tempting fate!
The Democratic Party Weekly Address is by Senator Jon Tester – talking about veterans – and I found where Senate Democrats hide their videos and transcripts. A Democratic President giving Weekly Addresses and posting them on the White House web site cannot come soon enough! I will have to decide how to rearrange the headings on the Moose to include “Harris White House” but it is a task I will willingly do. Kamala Harris got a bump from the debates but this time it was not for “attacking” someone (although the “attackiness” of her comment to Joe Biden in the first debate was overblown) – it was from stating clearly and succinctly what she brings to the contest and where her priorities lie. I think it is time for the Democrats to stop scaring people and settle on a mainstream Democratic Party candidate like Kamala Harris. We don’t need a revolution, we need a Democrat committed to the rule of law who understands who we are as a country and can lead us in the post-Trump years.
Today, I need to put my nose to the grindstone and get projects done that have an end of November deadline. A week from tomorrow is December and I am not ready for the end of the year. I won’t be sorry to see 2019 in my rear view mirror but just thinking about year-end accounting projects and year-beginning office organizing projects exhausts me.
See all y’all later!
Saturday Meese. 28 here in NY’s Catskills – going up to 46
Mooooo Nunes
Why don’t they depose Devin Nunes’ cow so she can give her moooving testimony?
Dear Goddess, on a scale of 1 to 10 of loathsomeness, Nunes is a 10, Thing and McTurtle are 11s.
I would like her to leave a cow pie on his desk.
Best post debate shade
In case you missed Kamala on Colbert
Thanks, Dee! Those are NICE BIG LETTERS on the screen!
Can I steal this for my Kamala blog on Orange, which will appear in the next half-hour? You shall be credited, Sis!
Puerto Rico
Good Saturn’s Day morning, Moosekind! It’s a fair morning with a pale blue sky that looks cool. There’s a faint white haze on some of the sky. Right now the outside temperature is Jan’s high for the day, 41 F., but it’ll rise to 46 F later. When I took Monty out for a business meeting at 6:15 it was 31 F. We may get some rain this evening.
Very relieved to have finished my Kamala blog, which is no great shakes. It’s like having porridge for breakfast when you really wanted the Full English. Will tend it for a while, then run to exercise (I hope), then perhaps take The Littles shopping. I won’t get a chance next week because the whole family is supposed to go to New York to see the Christmas decorations.
Hope everyone at the Pond will have a nice, quiet Saturday and that bfitz will get some solar on those panels!
{{{Diana}}} – you did a very good job on the Kamala diary. Showing just how very well Kamala “gets it” throughout the stages of life. Showing she’s the one who see the problem, analyzes the problem, finds the cause/s – & addresses them. Preventing problems is so very much more efficient (as well as humane but some folks don’t care about that) than fixing them. moar {{{HUGS}}}
Cold morning — upper 30s now, high of 70. My Democratic club is having a chili cook off this afternoon, then I’m going to the Mr. Rogers movie. Will try to squeeze in a mile walk. Maybe a couple of laps around the shopping center after the movie (it’ll be 40 by then, I’ll stick a pair of gloves in my purse 0 yes I’m a huge wimp about cold) For now, watching MSNBC & during commercials, watching videos of U2 in Australia. Yesterday was tha anniversary of Michael Hutchence’s death, and they’ve been doing tributes to him at their shows. No, I’m not crying.
It’s a chilly 31-feels-like-23 in Fay., AR right now but rising to mid 40s today. We’re still overcast but it’s already lightening up and we’re supposed to get sunshine later today. Yesterday we doubled the day before’s generation for a whole kilowatt and a half which brought the m-t-d to 122. If it turns out to be a really good generating day we might make it to 130 today but I seriously doubt it. I’m still hoping we manage to get to 150 by the end of the month.
Aji needs more/regular/steady sales and Amelia needs a “permanent” safe place to live and Fineena needs to get well enough to create things to sell in the first place. Microcosm illustrating the “as below so above” is not only true but extends to the different levels of life and society. (& I won’t even go into the wrongness of legally/financially treating a manufactured/mobile home on a foundation with deck & 2-car garage as a vehicle rather than a dwelling place – requiring an ARM rather than regular mortgage and financed at vehicle rates rather than home mortgage rates.) Things are so very wrong now. They can be fixed – IF we manage to get those who profit from the wrongness out of power – but as to whether or not even if done it will be in time to save specific individuals…but I pray/Channel/Invoke the goddesses anyway.
Not so much as slow start this morning as getting interrupted a lot. (Did watch the Kamala clips from Colbert – she’s good. I hope…) This morning coffee waits until Charlie is off my lap. heh. So I’ll read and do tweets for the time being. Healing/Helping Energy to all who need and accept it, to their shaping. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 44 and cloudy in Bellingham. To my relief my knees are improving, and my basement utility area is usable again. Getting the new shelves built, moving the freezer, and getting the Christmas stuff back onto the shelves made a huge difference. We’re not through, but I can function now and the rest will get done when it does.
Between the impeachment hearings, my basement mess, my pesky knees and T Day fast approaching I need a quiet day to get my head and my lists straight so that’s my plan. Best wishes to all.