Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
– Page One of Comments is HERE!
– Page Two of Comments is HERE!
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 27 degrees in Madison WI with an expected daytime high of 36. Cloudy skies with a chance of isolated flurries is in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Sunday Meese.
19 degrees here in the NY Catskills going up to 42.
Huge victory in Louisiana. Health care is STILL on the ballot and will be in 2020, 2022, 2024, 2026, 2028 – as long as it takes to burn down the Republican Party and salt the earth where it once was. People will not go back to the bad old days of denial of coverage for pre-existing conditions and junk policies that enrich only the insurance companies.
The possible repeal of the Medicaid expansion was, as Joe Biden might say, a BFD.
I wonder if this loss was what gave tRump the vapors and sent him to the hospital? :)
But doesn’t he mean “Medicaid Expansion”?
Puerto Rico
It may have been, Jan—or then again, “many people” are suggesting that Thing is laying the groundwork for resignation for health reasons.
Don’t think so. He knows when he leaves the Oval he’ll be doing the Perp Walk.
He won’t resign. The Oval Office is the only thing protecting him from incarceration. Heck, he may refuse to leave when he loses!!
True, BUT—when he loses the election he will no longer be president. After the new prez is sworn in, the Capitol Police will remove him bodily to wherever.
This scenario, of course, assumes that the rule of law will prevail.
Kamala 2020
It looks like the butthurt white voters who elected Trump in Iowa are getting their wish – a plain vanilla safe white male who is more Republican than Democrat and will carry on their tradition of whititude. The sooner we acknowledge that Iowa and New Hampshire are ridiculous as bellwethers and a terrible waste of time for our serious candidates, the better off we will be.
Are you referring to Uncle Joe or Mayo Pete?
The Des Moines Register poll shows Mayo Pete up 15 points over the nearest competitor in the Iowhite caucuses. I actually think we have a better chance of convincing Joe Biden to promote progressive causes than we do Mayo Pete. He seems set in his Republican Lite ways whereas Joe Biden has broken with his religious upbringing to vote the right way more than once. Joe’s biggest problem is thinking that he can get his old Republican pals to do the right things – Pete’s problem is that he is just fine if they don’t!
Meesers! I am going to run the WordPress upgrade to 5.3 later this morning, probably around 11am Central Time. So if the site is down, it should just be temporary. There is another update (called a PHP update) that I will not do until I can do more research – I am shooting for the quiet time of Thanksgiving weekend. It could block access and I want to be prepared. The last time I tried to update it, I had to revert to a backup but WordPress is getting pretty insistent that I deal with it. It may require a theme update first and I will check with the developer. I will make sure I let everyone know in advance of any long term outage.
Thank you, BlogGoddess!
It is done. Fingers crossed!
The Moose Pond was a little skittish this morning, not with regard to getting in (thank BlogGoddess and any other goddesses that may be floating through the air), but with regard to actually getting into this week’s Pond.
However, now ’tis done, so all is well.
It was a bit skittish for me also! Probably sleeping in. :)
Up & watching the MSNBC morning show. Busy day today: this morning housework, after church a candidate’s office opening, and I need to get tomorrow’s diary written. I really wanted to go to the gym, but I don’t know that I can squeeze that in. But I took tomorrow & Tuesday off, so I can do lots of gym then.
Sunday sermon ;)
Excellent! Once again, I learn something new.
Good Sun Day morning, Moosekind, although it’s actually cloudy, not sunny. Currently we’re at 34 F. in Ashburn, lurching up to 45 F. later. This is a roast chicken, mashed potatoes, and gravy kind of day, and Dearly will have to have strawberries for dessert. If I get ambitious, I might make a meringue to put the strawberries in, along with vanilla ice cream.
Today will be a day of work, I swear. I’m so bored with Hamilton still winning every F1 race I shan’t bother to watch beyond the first chicane. Got work to do, LOTS of work!
It feels good to have more compliments from residents who bought my booklet. My friend down the hall said she sat down to start reading it and was so entranced she couldn’t stop until she’d read all four stories. A fellow member of the Communications Committee emailed me that she loved it. Others have come up to tell me which story was their favorite. I nabbed random residents walking down the halls until I sold the last three booklets, which means that besides the original $200 I donated to the Benevolent Fund, I have an additional $30 to turn in next Friday!
Truth be told, this is in some sense propitiating the gods, because I devoutly hope I’ll never need the Benevolent Fund. I don’t want to outlive my money, so (checking watch) I have only a few years left.
But enough of that. I am not giving Uncle Joe any donations. I will continue to donate to Kamala. I will NOT give even a penny to the egotistical young white male who thinks that being the mayor of a small town qualifies him for the presidency.
Yes, I’ll crawl over broken glass to vote for the Dem nominee (unless it’s Saint Bernard, who isn’t a Dem anyway), but don’t ask me to brim with enthusiasm for yet another (room-embracing yawn here) conceited white male, young or old.
Wishing a nice, quiet Sunday to all at the Pond!
Overcast in Fay., AR but 48 already and might make it to 60 today. We’re gonna have a spate of highs in the (low) 60s and lows above last week’s highs over the next 3 or 4 days. Diana would know which saint that sort of weather in late November is named for. Andrew maybe? I hope we get some sunshine with it. Yesterday we got 6.6 KWHs but we’re still 5 short of even reaching 100 – I hope we manage today but I’m not gonna bet on it.
Nothing new going on. Not really anyway. Details yes, of course. Otherwise, nope. And I’m tired. Folks thinking getting rid of twitler is going to make things better…reminds me of the (I think) Sesame Street segment about “Cowboy X” of Sniggler’s Gulch. Nope. When twitler goes, unless the R party goes with him, it’s going to get quiet. Not better. Probably worse in fact as the folks all up in arms right now will go back to not paying any attention at all. (They’re not really paying attention to the real dangers anyway but at least they’re paying attention.) Meanwhile folks like Aji and Fineena are scraping by with help from their friends and folks like Amelia are just plain not making it – and at least she’s still in a motel and not trying to live out of her car. Or under a bridge. And folks with severe health issues like Dee’s husband (and Aji and Amelia and…), even if they have insurance, get jacked around – incomplete or just plain incorrect Dx & treatments among other potentially fatal things. sigh. Prayers and invocations to make things better. Not asking for good – that’s a long, long, long way off – but at least better.
I’ve pretty much done my Sunday chores. I’m not sure about vacuuming but I’ve done the sweeping (have to sweep before I can vacuum to get up stuff the vacuum can’t handle) and everything else. Was on auto-pilot this morning and was getting out stuff to bake a batch of muffins before I realized I haven’t finished my last batch. Fortunately I caught myself before I’d done anything more than get out stuff. I’ll get coffee and an already-baked molasses spice muffin as soon as Murf gets off my lap. Until then I’ll do some internet reading & boosting of stuff that needs boosting. Healing/Helping Energy to all who need and accept it, to their shaping. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 54 and raining in Bellingham. I just couldn’t wake up yesterday, so fortunately I stopped trying to sew the Christmas gift I wanted to work on and decided to press the hems on some napkins instead. I made a cutting error now there will be 6 napkins instead of 12, but oh well. After that I just stopped and watched several episodes of The Crown.
Emma and I are going to see another Bolshoi Ballet this afternoon so I’ll have a 3 hour reprieve from reality. This production of Le Corsaire has wonderful costumes and settings so it will be a visual treat to see.
Best wishes to all on this rainy Sunday.
Monday Meese.
35 going up to 39 here in the NY Catskills
This is an excellent idea – both the law and the naming of it. It needs to include limits on the pardon power, for example make clear that a president cannot pardon himself or anyone in his immediate family or people whose crimes benefited him personally or professionally. Call it the “arms length pardon power.” If that takes a constitutional amendment, lets do it – it has to be SCOTUS proof since there will be a Republican majority on that court for the next generation (thanks, berners!) unless we expand the number of justices.
Puerto Rico
Good morning, meeses! Monday …
It is 34 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 37. Some sun, some clouds in the forecast. The weather widget forecast for yesterday, which called for “isolated flurries”, was wrong – we had sleet, rain/snow mix; it would have been nice to have a warning, weather widget!
So one more week of hearings then a report from the House Intelligence Committee to the Judiciary Committee which will evaluate the findings and make a recommendation, possibly Articles of Impeachment. Speaker Nancy Pelosi was on Face the Nation Sunday (transcript here) and she said that it is possible that impeachment won’t be formally considered until after the holidays. I think this is smart – people are not going to pay attention when they are busy with their lives. The other issue is that we have a looming government shutdown and if the House is seen to be spending time in hearings instead of doing the people’s business, that would not be great. Fund the government, go home for the holidays, come back and impeach the Orange Orshole.
I am enjoying the pushback to the Iowhite and New Hampshire nominating contests. For one thing, caucuses are undemocratic – period – and can’t be salvaged. For another thing, with three New Englanders in the race, the New Hampshire primary will not inform the nation about who should lead our party’s ticket in November 2020 – it will be a popularity contest between the favorite sons and daughter. The total number of electoral votes those two states “wield” is 10, 6 in Iowa, 4 in New Hampshire (we won’t win Iowa, by the way, and New Hampshire gave us George W. Bush in 2000 because they loved Ralph Nader – disqualifies them forever from presidential politics). Let’s give states like Georgia more attention – 16 electoral votes and an actual chance to pick those up next year. The DNC deserves a lot of the disgust people feel about what they do, not fixing the primary system is high on the list.
I am going to try my new plan of “taking Mondays off” and see where it goes. Last Monday was a federal holiday so, even though none of my clients were impacted, that may have made it a quieter day than normal – no one seemed to notice that I was not working on their projects! I do think it helped me focus and my revised to-do-list seems more succinct.
See all y’all later!
Wishing you all success with the new plan, Jan!
Good Moon Day morning, Meese, although we haven’t seen Lady Moon for a while. It’s cloudy again today in Ashburn. Currently it’s 36 F., going up to 47 F. When I took Mr. Monty out to the courtyard at six, it was so cold and windy that he didn’t want to prolong his “business,” despite the fact I’d put his coat on him, so we hurried back inside.
Today I have to make soup and put it in the slow cooker. It’s great, because besides the leftover chicken, it calls for lots of garlic and bay leaves, and a huge amount of vegetables. All the leftover vegetables in the freezer will go in, along with a quart of chicken broth.
Then to the gym, followed by a visit with a friend that will end with early lunch, then to the doctor who’s going to take care of the basil cell carcinoma. Wonder how I’m going to feel afterwards? If I feel okay, I totally need to get a haircut.
Did manage to get some work done yesterday. Need to put the finishing touches on one article and send it to the interviewee for her changes. Have notes to type up and shape into an article and an interview scheduled for this coming Friday. That woman used to be a stockbroker. At the Progressives’ celebratory lunch on Saturday she told me she worries about money all the time. Don’t we all!
The WaPo has yet another “Dems in disarray” article today. Nothing the Dems do pleases that newspooper. I didn’t bother to read the interviews with Trumpists yesterday, and as for this morning’s article re climate change, which the Trumpanzees don’t believe in, I couldn’t even finish reading it. How can people be so STUPID? They must take stupidity pills instead of vitamins with their breakfast orange juice.
Yesterday evening we watched the last ep of “Poldark,” failing to make heads or tails of it, and tried to watch “The Crown.” We found ourselves watching the first season, no matter how hard we clicked. What we wanted to do was watch Season 3, as we’ve already watched the first two. Will never understand Netflix!
That’s enough from me this morning. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!
My Kamala Harris diary is up. I have today off, going to tend the diary, and maybe go to the gym this afternoon.
Good job! ???????????????????? {{{ad}}}
Morning Meeses. I had a rough night – sinusitis – both ironic and irritating as Amelia’s covered by a FB friend for 5 days and my tummy was settling down nicely. But not my breathing. sigh. It’s almost 40 outside and might make it to 60. Overcast at the moment but there’s blue trying to show through. We generated 6.4 KWHs yesterday and the m-t-d is 101.7 so not great but not bad. Counting today we’ve got 13 production days left in the month. Considering it took 17 to get to 101 I’m not counting on making it to 180 – but I can always hope. I’m reasonably good at hoping.
It’s Aji & Wings’s anniversary and Amelia is safe for the rest of the week. I’ll call that good for right now. Coffee and tour the internets. Healing/Helping Energy to everybody who needs and accepts it, to their shaping. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Will read it and Dee’s diary after I lurch home from the doctor’s office!
Bfitz, sorry about your rough night. Can you perhaps make it up with a nap this afternoon?
Glad to hear Aji and Amelia are okay for the week.
Our flat is redolent of the lovely, garlicky soup I’m making in the slow cooker. Thought of you as I shoved the garlic in! It should help my lingering cold. :)
{{{Diana}}} – I’m not very good with sleeping in the day time. It tends to give me a headache. It’s a breather for both Aji and Amelia – it’s not right that either of them should be in the situations they are in, but since they are breathers are good. The soup sounds wonderful – & yes, the garlic should help the colds. Even better though – garlic helps prevent them in the first place. LOL. Healing/Helping Energy & more {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 47 and cloudy in Bellingham. I’m lingering with coffee and RonK is on his way to the gym. He’ll bring some masks home with him so hopefully I can dig into cleaning up the dust disaster in the basement today. We’ll take as many items as possible outside to sort and clean and hopefully my irritated sinsus will allow me to breathe.
I wasn’t able to log into the moose on my upstairs computer, iPhone or iPad yesterday, but I could on my main floor computer. That didn’t make sense so I decided to just wait and let what ever was wrong settle itself and that seems to have occurred because I’m logged in as normal now.
Best wishes to all on this cloudy Monday.
I think the updates did some house cleaning which may have messed with some cookies or it could be the dreaded PHP issue which is on my list to research over the long Thanksgiving weekend.
Glad you got in!