Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
– Page One of Comments is HERE!
– Page Two of Comments is HERE!
Good morning, meeses! Friday …
It is 28 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 34. The forecast calls for partly cloudy skies – no precipitation in the forecast until tomorrow.
I am sad for Great Britain that they are quite firmly under Tory rule now but that should be a clear warning to anyone that your policy plans are not good enough if your leader is a literal pile of excrement. That Labour did not make it a referendum on Brexit (they avoided the topic) and that they insisted on keeping their anti-Semitic garbage person as their leader were completely unforced errors. It sounds like Corbyn will finally step down but the damage to the Labour Party may be too great for it to rise out of the ashes – or asses, perhaps is a better description. Sad for Ireland whose peace will suffer in a hard Brexit and for Britain’s immigrants who hoped that the hard-right would be repudiated.
The House Judiciary Committee will vote the Articles of Impeachment out of committee today on what will likely be a party line vote and they will be sent to the full House for a vote – soon, I hope, I am sick of ugly Republicans on my TV and their ugly voices on my radio. I have not read any of the news to see if they are the same articles proposed or if they have been amended – or when the House vote is expected – but will try to catch up on the news later. My plans changed and some projects I had hope to defer needed to be done in the wee hours and I have a bunch of errands to run; my online time will limited to a howdy-do and toodle-oo here.
See all y’all later!
This, a million times!
Good Freya’s Day morning, Meese! Sniff. It’s not beautiful at all, unlike Freya Herself. Right now it’s completely overcast, with a current temp. of 33 F. in Ashburn. The little dusting of powdered sugar we had a couple of days ago still hasn’t melted off the grass and trees: we receive so little sun in the winter. Our high today will be 40 F. Freezing rain was expected this “moaning,” so I hope it’s not doing it when we leave half an hour from now.
Yes, well, I’ve packed a bag containing every possible home comfort for the surgery looming ahead. The wretched doctor’s office has no wifi, but I’ll take my phone with me so I can notify Dearly when I’m ready to leave. They’re doing Mohs on me this morning.
Yesterday, having borrowed an enormous electric skillet from Elder Son, I made 30 sausage rolls and kept them warm in it. The combined Birch Point-Cherry Blossom Christmas party was held in a large assembly room that’s also used for religious services and for the bazaar last month. The hostesses did a spectacular job of decorating the place with poinsettias and other things, and had spread cloths over all the tables. Everyone brought something, so there were masses of food and drink. I was pleased to note that the sausage rolls vanished within 10 minutes! If I ever give a party, I’ll remember that, and the fact that shrimp also vanishes very quickly. Yesterday’s was the best party we’ve ever been to here.
Anyway, I won a poinsettia, which makes a nice addition to my hallway shelf decoration, so that’s good. To amuse myself between surgeries today I have a novel on Kindle, already downloaded, a stack of Christmas cards to finish off, various non-sweet snacks, and there will also be a mug of coffee. I’ll be set!
Yikes, it’s time to go get ready. Hope I won’t bleed too much afterwards, because tomorrow I’m going out with four other Raging Grannies to demonstrate against the NRA. Tomorrow is the awful anniversary of Newtown—December 14th. My heart hurts for those massacred by gun violence.
It’s very discouraging that Labor lost in the U.K. yesterday and that Brexit will now go forward. The “Leavers” will be sorry they didn’t vote with the “Remainers.” Please, Goddess, don’t let this be a harbinger of the election to come next year! If he cheats his way to another win, we’re sunk. Permanently.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.
{{{Diana}}} – Much Healing/Helping Energy today & I’ll get a candle going ASAP. You sound as prepared as is possible and that’s good. (& remember nothing is permanent. It may last longer than we want it to, may outlast us personally even, but our grandchildren’s generation will see the end of this evil cycle even if we don’t.) Holding you in my heart. moar {{{HUGS}}}
{{{bfitz}}}! Thanks for the encouraging words!
Labour did themselves in: first, by refusing to tie their election to Remain and making it a Brexit referendum and second, by refusing to jettison their toxic leader, the anti-Semite Corbyn. I am not sure how they rebuild in the post-Corbyn era because their total disconnect from the interests of the people of Great Britain was laid bare. I don’t know enough about UK politics to know how a different non-Labour party could emerge with enough power to push back against the bad things that the Tories want to do but I hope they figure it out soon. Boris Johnson is not out of the woods yet, a hard Brexit will fracture the country and wreck the British economy; he has a mandate to govern but possibly not a mandate to disunite the “United Kingdom”.
It’s 40-feels-like-37 in Fay., AR and cloudy. Yesterday it actually did clear off and we got just over 7 KWHs ending the day with 75.5 as the m-t-d. My friend’s day was calmer. Which isn’t to say calm, just calmer. She’s dealing with what everybody who moves deals with – sorting out and getting rid of stuff she should have years ago. Including some of her first husband’s stuff that was supposed to go to his daughter when he died and she just sort of didn’t get around to getting. Well, it’s gotten now. But there’s still so very much more to deal with. And while I can cart it off for her once she’s decided, I can’t decide for her. Closing on the old house should happen in a few hours. Still not sure of when closing on the new house will be but at least they don’t have to be out until Monday.
The case management folks were concerned enough about Amelia they called via the motel house phone yesterday morning since she hadn’t answered her cell Wednesday afternoon. Problem is, they called when she was sound asleep and didn’t have her meds yet. She managed to be coherent enough to arrange to call them back later & did. They’ve set her up for an intake visit next Wednesday. But they also told her they’re not authorized to go with her to various agency meetings – like the Housing Authority that terrifies her so much – which is what she needs most to get a long-term solution to her situation. I hope they have a solution for that. Since her friends aren’t responding to her any longer what we’d hoped would be happening (folks collecting funds to pay another month at the motel so it can be paid by one credit card at the low 30-day rate) doesn’t look like it is. From the few things she’s heard from one of her friends before everybody stopped seems they’ve been in touch with her sociopathic brother who’s been literally trying to drive her to suicide for about 30 years (since she got sick, the first time she became homeless) – she hasn’t talked to him in 20 so when they say things about “take your brother’s offer” she knows something’s going on behind her back. Which means more panic attacks. & each panic attack means another day when she can’t do anything but recover. So lots of prayers and Invocations. That and listening when she needs an ear are all I have left.
Other folks have other issues – health or money, usually both, and the stress that accompanies & exacerbates both – and have my help, prayers, concern of course. It’s the homeless ones though that get most of my focus. Whether or not that helps I don’t know. I hope so but hope is all I got at this point. Channeling Healing/Helping Energy to everybody who needs and accepts it, to their shaping. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 44 and cloudy in Bellingham. Thanks to our son’s energy, Ron and I followed his lead and now have a decorated Christmas tree. The lights are cheerful and best of all we had fun finding the ornaments and remembering why we chose them. Lots of memories!
Just watched the impeachment vote, and regardless of the final outcome I’m relieved to see the process underway. Watching the R’s yesterday filled me with outrage and dread though, so I’m going to try to counter the gloom today and keep my focus on preparing for our family Christmas.
Best wishes to all.
Good morning, meeses! Saturday …
It is 28 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 27. Mostly cloudy skies are in the forecast. Our tree has lights – I am ready for Solstice.
I did a quick scan of the headlines, noticed that the media is STILL obsessed with how Hillary Clinton looks (JHC on a handtruck!!), noticed that Bernie Sanders “unendorsed” Cenk (good luck getting the stench off, loser!), and saved off a few stories to read later. Rather than create a new Fighting Back post, I am just going to put links to the Democratic Party Weekly Address and Nancy Pelosi’s Thursday presser into comments in the impeachment post that is already on the front page
I committed to two projects to be done this morning and they are running long so I need to get back to them. In theory, users won’t be at their desks today – in practice, I can never be sure.
See all y’all later!
Saturday Meese. 51 and raining here in the NY Catskills.
Sandy Hook
Seven years later, I still can’t take in the horror, and the fact that nothing has been done.
Puerto Rico
Good morning, Moosekind! It’s rainy this Saturday morning, with a current temp. in Ashburn of 39 F., going up to 47 F. It looks very misty outside.
The Mohs surgery seemed to go well yesterday. I shrieked my way through all the injections of local anesthetic the doctor gave me. I explained that I used to be a redhead and that we redheads are very sensitive to pain. He seemed surprised that I knew that.
He wanted to know what I did for a hobby, so I thumbed my phone to iBooks and showed him the covers of books I’ve written. Later, as he was sewing up my wound with what he asserted was catgut, he asked if I’d write a book about him and his work. “Certainly,” I replied. “I’ll title it The Once and Suture King.”
I’m taking Tylenol every six hours for the discomfort (a.k.a. “pain”), am not allowed to exercise or bend down or shower for several days, but other than that, am feeling okay. Glad it’s over.
I’m about to go out with the Raging Grannies to demonstrate against the NRA in front of their headquarters because, as Sister Dee has pointed out, today is the anniversary of the tragedy of 2012. One of the women in the knitting club here gave me a nice orange hat. It has been explained to me more than once why orange is the color we wear to hold these vigils, but my aging brain refuses to retain the explanation.
This afternoon I plan to rest a bit, then work on my much-too-long-and-chatty Yule newsletter. It’s weird how I can rattle on for pages and pages in print. However, I’m chomping at the bit to write a short-short story called “Wolves Don’t Fly,” which I’ll post here when it’s finished.
Hope everyone has a peaceful day and will be able to (temporarily, at least), focus on good things rather than what’s going on outside the Pond. Blessed be.
Sounds like you survived! We are all glad to hear that.
Thank you, BlogGoddess! :)
{{{Diana}}} – I did have that candle going for you. Hope it helped. So very glad you made it successfully through the surgery & are recovering well enough to go out and protest with the Raging Grannies. Healing Energy and moar {{{HUGS}}}
Thank you, dear one!
Up & watching the news, which is terribly depressing. May have to find a Hallmark movie or something. I swear I’m exercising today. My house shoes were falling apart literally, the sole would crumble as I walked around the house. So I bought unicorn — or really, pegasus — slippers. They are fun, if unweildy. Got to find fun where you can.
Damp, chilly, and overcast in Fay., AR this morning. It’s supposed to get to 44 but I’m not sure it’s gonna make it. We got 6.6 KWHs yesterday and the m-t-d is at 82 so we keep on keepin’ on even if not doing as well as we wish. I just got back from getting milk but my friend and I had coffee together first which was nice. The weather is not cooperating as far as her moving is concerned but at least it’s not raining. (Or worse, snowing.) She’s hoping to be allowed to move some stuff into the garage at the new place today and tomorrow – seriously hoping for “early occupancy” to allow them to move in Monday before the actual closing which hopefully will also be Monday. Holding the Good Thought.
Also Holding Good Thoughts for other folks – Amelia first as she’s in the most dire situation but all the Meeses of course. Too many “and…” to list and I always forget somebody then feel guilty for forgetting them. The person is always in my heart but the name isn’t always in my head. sigh.
I need to go grocery shopping but I also need to connect with my son to see what he’s bringing to the family gathering tomorrow so we don’t duplicate. I probably need more coffee or something – my brain is being fuzzy right now. But fuzzy doesn’t keep me from being able to Channel which I stop and do multiple times a day. Like now. Healing/Helping Energy to everybody who needs and accepts it, to their shaping. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 42 and raining in Bellingham. I slept late this morning, but it’s so dark and quiet it feels like twilight so I guess it doesn’t matter. I’ve got to rest and ice my creaky knees this morning regardless.
Best wishes to all on this quiet December day.