Week-long Welcomings from Moosylvania: Dec. 8th through Dec. 14th

Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.

Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).

The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.

So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?

NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.


– Page One of Comments is HERE!
– Page Two of Comments is HERE!




  1. Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …

    Morning low of 34 degrees in Madison WI with an expected daytime high of 45. Mostly cloudy skies are in the forecast.

    Have a great day, all y’alls!!

  2. Sunday Meese. 7 degrees here in Saugerties NY. Brrrrr. Got up in the middle of the night to check all the pipes and faucets -have to let water drip to keep from having a major freeze.

  3. Warm morning — I think it’s supposed to hit 70 this afternoon. Got in my mile yesterday, just barely. Today will be a challenge, too. I need to cook next week’s lunch, but there’s my Democratic club’s Holiday party, and today at church is Lessons & Carols so we will get out late. I should try to start this morning, but cooking in 2 parts……

  4. Well, 45 isn’t exactly warm. Especially when it ‘feels like’ 35 – but it’s above freezing so if any precipitation comes from this circle of clouds around the horizon it’ll be rain. It’s sort of sunny at the moment – as in with all the clouds around the horizon the sun is actually shining. As long as the clouds don’t move in ovehead, there will be full sun – if at an oblique so not very productive angle – on my panels shortly. Blessing of leaf drop. Last month the sun couldn’t reach all the panels until after 1 pm. We got a little bit over 7 KWHs yesterday. The 48.25 m-t-d still isn’t back on track but it’s getting closer. IF we get at least 7 again today. We shall see what we shall see.

    I’m fighting what some folks call the Black Dog – Aji, who loves dogs, calls it a Black Hole – and it’s seriously messing with my sleep. Life and times are changing, some of them actually normal changes like those that come with my grandsons growing up, but each one seems to leave me more isolated – and they’re piling up to the extent I’m feeling useless and worthless. I know that’s not true. Brain chemistry out of balance combined with SAD – facts being facts and the fact is this time of year a “good” day of sunshine generates a bit over 7 KWHs while in July a “good” day is 24 – so I’m hanging in there but the blows aren’t helping. My best friend is moving this week. In the course of the year we’ve gone from working together in the same office 3 days a week & seeing each other at least a few minutes daily to I’ll be lucky to see her once a month and we’ll have to schedule that. Also it looks like the “decorate at grandma’s” family gathering isn’t going to happen either. I knew that was coming, known it since my eldest grandson hit 18, but I thought we’d have one more year after I’d talked to the family members I could reach. Schedules just aren’t working out. sigh. And of course my online friends having health and financial difficulties, those are always worse this time of year at the time when I have the least amounts of energy or money to help with. (Won’t even go into Kamala dropping out and the state of the nation/world.) Thank all that’s holy for cats. (Even if I cant keep up with the fluff and litterbox detritus.) Cats on laps purring are soothing and half-grown cats skittering after milk jug rings make me laugh.

    Everybody I know – including the folks here at the Pond – have stuff going on. I can’t Channel for myself but I most certainly Channel Healing/Helping Energy to everybody who accepts it, to their shaping. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}

    • Minor updates – the not so good is that the clouds moved in and it’s solid gray now (although not so gray I can’t drive if I need to). The very good is I just heard from my DIL and the family party is on! Next Sunday starting about 5 for dinner and visiting and figuring out/doing decorations that are seasonal (as in Yule, not Xmas – no Xtians in this part of the family) that are both cat safe and cat friendly should the cats manage to get to them anyway. ????????????????????????✨✨????????????????

      • Good news Bfitz! Seasonal family fun is always welcome, but especially so at holiday times.

        • Truly. This is the only one at my house. We used to have birthday parties at the boys’ respective homes but at least 3 of the 4 are “too old” for birthday parties – and the one whose birthday is on the 22nd is debating the point. So as long as it lasts, this is it. To be even more treasured for that. {{{HUGS}}}

  5. 4 Good morning, 45 and cloudy in Bellingham. I had some unexpected fun yesterday visiting a local artist studio in Fairhaven. Getting to the studio involved climbing 3 sets of stairs in a charming old building so that was a challenge, but the pay off was visiting with the artist and finding a perfect gift for our pie baking daughter. And a bonus for me…a signed copy of this years Tulip Festival poster as a thank you for visiting. I had to come home and seriously rest my legs but it was worth it!

    Thanks to our sons we’ll have the Christmas tree in place today, but decorating it will happen next week because as Bfiz said, schedules are complicated sometimes. I need to get some gifts mailed next week so that’s my priority.

    Best wishes to all as we find our way through December.

  6. Dee said she couldn’t get back into the Moose this morning. Is anyone else having issues?

    I suspect this is what she wanted to post.

  7. Monday Meese
    thankfully we are no longer 7 or 8 degrees here in Saugerties NY – temp is 37.

    Here’s a special Moose tweet

    • You were up early!! Glad to see you got back in – there was probably some sort of hosting related hiccup yesterday morning. It logged out one of my always-logged-in devices which tells me that there was some sort of issue.

  8. Puerto Rico

  9. Good morning, meeses! Monday …

    It is 37 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 39. Showers this morning, with mixed precipitation this afternoon just in time for the evening commute! I am thankful, as always, that I am no longer part of any commute and can usually choose my travel days. I do need to get a tree this week and will likely do it tomorrow – when the daytime high is 18 degrees but it will be dry and sunny.

    It sounds like the House will be voting on impeachment as early as this week. One thing is certain – it won’t be brought up for a vote unless Nancy Pelosi has the votes to impeach. Those giddy about running against Democrats in swing districts who vote for impeachment should be careful what they wish for – polling I saw suggests that impeaching Trump is popular in some districts that are as red as R+19. Any sitting Republican congressman who votes to protect their party’s leader rather than the Constitution will have to answer for it. It will be easier to write the ads that support the rule of law than the ads that praise someone for doing the bidding of Putin.

    I have a bunch of articles, and the PDF files of my local newspapers, up in tabs to read but I want to get a project out the door before I take time to catch up on news. I am debating when to upgrade my main Windows 7 computer to Windows 10 – I am getting antsy about it but I really need to resist until I get my accounting work caught up. If it wipes out my accounting software (which is very old but which I have no interest in upgrading), I want to make sure addressing any repair does not impact deadlines.

    See all y’all later!

    • Sniff. I loved Windows 7. When the wretched techies came out with Windows 8, off I went to the Mac. Lousy software, but terrific speed and no viruses.

      • Windows 8 was awful – it completely reaffirmed the “every other release is garbage” pattern. Window XP great, Windows Millenium sucks, Windows 7 great, Windows 8 sucks. Windows 10 is pretty good and as long as you wait as long as you can to get the feature updates you can avoid being a beta tester for Microsoft. (I usually wait about 8 months – after that, the updates to keep the older versions patched start taking too long to run.) For example, 1809 was released in October 2018 – destroyed people’s data with a file system glitch, was pulled from the update cycle and then was re-released in November. I was just fine with 1803 while that drama was unfolding! I am rolling out 1903 for clients right now – that was released in April and seems pretty solid – the new release, 1909 was released in October but just hit the update channels last month.

        • What a way to run a company! And think how rich they are.

          I do miss the neat Windows Explorer filing system. Apple’s “Finder” sucks galaxies through a straw. It won’t let me create sub-sub-folders, nor let me send new files to the sub-folders. I hate it.

  10. Warm here — did my 1.09 mi in short sleeves & now I’m wearing sandals. Tomorrow the high is supposed to be in the 40s. Definitely not walking in the morning, in addition to the cold, there’s supposed to be rain. Holiday party was nice yesterday. I posted a picture on FB of me with my congressman. Well, not technically my congressman, he was gerrymandered away, but he still represents Austin.

  11. It’s 57 going to 58 this morning in Fay., AR and the sky looks like the ribbon turquoise Wings sometimes uses – a very narrow river of beautiful blue in a “matrix” of various shades of gray. No rain in the forecast but no sun either. sigh. Yesterday we got 3.6 KWHs bringing the m-t-d to 51.9 – on track would have been 56 so while 200 for the month is still possible, the probability is slipping away. Today’s apparent lack of sun will make it slip more.

    I hope I can get a walk in today. That does help and really not a whole lot does this time of year. I can’t do more than 3 or 4 minutes at a time on the treadmill without a coughing fit so getting in a mile that way requires remembering to go back and do that 3 or 4 minutes 7 times over the course of the day. Not sure what else to do. Not sure what else I can do – for me or anybody else. Except Channel Healing/Helping Energy out to all who need and accept it. Which I most certainly do. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}

  12. Good morning, 35 and foggy in Bellingham. Our Christmas tree is finally as straight in the stand as it can be, the wall side is clipped short enough to move the tree out of the center of the living room, and I think I can fill in the holes left by the now removed broken branches. Oh well, it still smells like a Christmas tree and we managed to laugh at ourselves while “fixing” it!

    I think I can get packages in the mail today so I need to get busy wrapping and packaging. I’ve found nice gifts for away family but I find the mailing a chore I’ll be glad to be done with.

    The impeachment hearings are on in the background. tRumps hold on power dismays me :::sigh:::

    Time to turn the music up and find my way through the day, Best wishes to all.

  13. Good afternoon, Meesefolk; 45 when I got up with a very grey, very rainy high of 48 today. The chill isn’t bad, but it’s the kind that seeps into your bones and settles before you’re fully aware of what’s happening. Even the dog have been seeking out cuddles and have been burying themselves under blankets (Hubby got home early so he’s been spoiling them).

    The job search continues. The place I interviewed at just before Thanksgiving isn’t going to make a decision until later this week. They had intended to inform applicants last week, but a certification audit came up, so they’re waiting until this week. I feel stuck, because I’d really like this job, and that’s making it difficult to get enthusiastic about applying for other jobs. Ah well, I guess it’s like voting (particularly now)…enthusiasm isn’t required; you just have to do it.

    Good day to and for all!

    • {{{DoReMI}}} – Holding the Good Thought on the job you want. But yeah, job hunting just has to be done. Enthusiasm is not required. (My temps hit their high around 10 am – we’re in the same range & damp chill that you are right now.) moar {{{HUGS}}}

  14. Good rainy Moon Day, Meese! Well, it’s 4:30 in the afternoon but I finally got here. Darkness is gathering, it’s been raining hard all day, and the temperature is 42 F.

    The Littles took all my time and attention yesterday, so I wound up completely exhausted. Still felt that way this morning, actually, although I did manage to get some laundry done and tonight I’ll do a few Christmas cards. I need to get to work on my Christmas newsletter too.

    This morning we had to scurry around to get washed and dressed, not to mention tidying up the place, before the Comcast person arrived. He got on my last nerve. I’m such a b*tch! Luckily, Dearly dealt with him. Of course, in common with every appliance ever manufactured, the TV started behaving like an angel before he arrived instead of fading to black the way it has been for the past several days. However, it’s supposedly adjusted or repaired or whatever.

    After that we had to do some errands, including getting much-needed gasoline for the car, and that was followed by lunch and nap this dreary day. Soon we’ll go down the hall for dinner.

    Not much to say except that there’s a Kamala-shaped hole where my heart should be. I know we all have to move on, but I feel the same way I felt on November 9, 2016. Shattered dreams! I’m now resigned to the fact that there will never be a woman president in the White House before I pop my clogs. I’m not contributing a cent to Unca Joe. He can rely on his rich friends. Or Hunter can part with some of his $50,000-a-month Burisma earnings for his father. I’ll contribute to downballot races if at all.

    Hope everyone at the Pond is having a good day!

    • {{{Diana}}} – yeah on the shattered dreams. I’m boosting Castro – mostly with RT tweets rather than money but then I didn’t send much money to Kamala either – as long as he can hang in there. He was always my 2nd choice and while I don’t have the emotional tie I did with Kamala nor do I think his plans are as pragmatic as hers, he does have good plans, he does care for all the people just like Kamala does, and he’s not an old white male. Once he’s out – and the MSM wants him out so it probably won’t be long – I’m working down ballot only. Healing Energy & moar {{{HUGS}}}

  15. Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …

    It is 19 degrees in Madison (feels like -1) with an expected daytime high of 16. It is flurrying now and it appears as if we got a dusting of snow overnight. We are expecting sunny skies with temperatures plummeting into the single digits overnight and into tomorrow.

    I watched a bit of the impeachment hearing and all it really did was make me angry to see all the Republicans circle their wagons around their party’s leader. The hypocrisy of claiming that “the impeachment is all about hating Trump” – projection much, men who impeached Bill Clinton for being a Democrat? The faux outrage of Wisconsin Representative Jim Sensenbrenner, friend of Joe McCarthy apparently, was a sight to behold. He is retiring and, based on his inability to articulate, not a moment too soon. He will be replaced by the guy who is currently the Wisconsin State Senate leader so it will be the passing of the torch from unprincipled to even less principled. Once upon a time, Sensenbrenner collaborated on the reauthorization of the Voters Rights Act. That is the Republican mindset that Joe Biden seems to remember – all he needs to do is look at Jim Sensenbrenner NOW to understand that those Republicans no longer exist and to quit pretending that he can make common cause with them for the good of the country. Someone yesterday on Twitter who was watching the hearings posed the question “for which of these Republicans will the “right-wing fever” break, Joe?” The answer, of course, is none of them. We need to push them all aside and plan to govern without them. My takeaway from the hearing was this: holey moley, our Intelligence Committee counsel, Daniel Goldman, has the best poker face in America – his ability to ignore the spittle-flecked rantings of the Republicans with the same stony gaze was remarkable.

    I am still not in the stage of “acceptance” that my preferred candidate is out of the race. I read an article from the LA Times that made a valuable point (in among some unflattering and inaccurate observations about the campaign) – Kamala Harris is going to be just fine and by leaving the race when she did, she avoided what was going to be an embarrassing set of losses including her home state. I was screaming at my monitor yesterday at a poll showing Steyer at 10% among black voters in South Carolina! What the hell is that all about? Is he the Not Joe But Safe White Guy fall back? I am resigned to the fact that I won’t be happy when the 2020 field is set but the silver lining is that I will save a lot of money – I would have dug deep to keep sending money to Kamala but Joe Biden doesn’t need my pennies and nickels.

    See all y’all later!

  16. Tuesday Meese

    Weird weather shift here in Saugerties NY- we went from 7 degrees to this morning’s 46.

    I had to turn the hearings off yesterday – the shrieking, auctioneering Republican voices hurt my head.

    Glad to see even Wonkette take on the issue of funds withheld from PR

    • I mute the TV when the Republicans come on! I still have to look at them – I can’t mute their faces – but not having to listen to them helps. I picture myself with my fingers in my ears saying “I’m not listening!” and it makes me feel better.

  17. Cold, rainy morning. Glad I decided not to walk, it’s not raining hard but just enough. I’m leaving work early today because I’ve got to pick up Malcolm Nance’s book at the library & go to the gym. Wondering what the impeachment stuff this morning will be.

    • I am hearing that there will be two articles of impeachment, “abuse of power” and “obstruction of Congress”. That second one makes me nervous – “stonewalling Congress” is what presidents of the opposite party do – do you really want a Democratic President who is under a bogus investigation by a Speaker Louie Gohmert to be impeached for refusing to play their games? Plus the Senate, part of Congress, will claim that they don’t feel “obstructed”! I am not sure what is wrong with just saying “obstruction of justice”. I hope House Democrats don’t blow this – they only have one chance to get this right.

  18. Good Tiu’s Day morning, Meese! Cloudy and gray in Ashburn today, with a current temp of 52 F. It’ll rise even higher by noon, then start dropping as the rain moves in.

    Had another Night from Hell (this is getting old, Meese), despite the new, smaller and more comfy wedge pillow and the new weighted blanket. After lying awake from 11:30 to 1:30 a.m., I admitted defeat and got up. Had a cup of tea, read a dead-tree book, and finally turned out the light at 3 a.m. The recliner isn’t comfortable after a few hours, so I woke up at 6:30. Duh.

    Between insomnia and the inability to admit that I am now officially old, things are moving very slowly. It seems that I can do only one Big Thing per day. After that, it’s all downhill.

    Still have a couple of Christmas presents to pick up for the grandchildren and have four major telephone calls to make today. In between I need to clean. Hey, that rhymes!

    Off to eat breakfast and gloomily contemplate the news. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!

  19. Good morning, Meesefolk; 30 when I got up and heading all the up to 32. Also grey. Very, very grey.

    I was happy to see the metamorphosis to from Kamala2020 to DKHive; it’s still a bitter pill to swallow, but I know wallowing is not what she would want. I’ll probably be more of a lurker than an active participant, as I was with the original group, but it’s heartening to see grief being molded into something constructive. I didn’t think I was that emotionally-connected to Sen. Harris, because that’s just not my style. But the fierce anger I’ve been feeling is indicative of something more than casual interest, and I can’t even look at the race for the presidential nomination without feeling something akin to disgust. So down ballot it is.

    Good day to and for all!

  20. It’s 29-feels-like-24 heading for 44 today in Fay., AR. And cloudy. What blue is showing is bluish cast to the whiter of the clouds. Yesterday’s 3.4 KWHs although welcome as any production is welcome only took us to 55 for the m-t-d and pretty much shot 200 for the month. It’s still possible. Just a whole lot less likely.

    I hadn’t realized I was as emotionally attached to Kamala as I’ve turned out to be either. I love/d seeing her with children – she connects even more than Hillary does and that’s saying something. For the rest I was so intellectually happy with her plans and programs I didn’t notice how much the heart was getting involved. I’m proud of her for stopping now. She crunched numbers, saw she could hang on until the debate and maybe make one more fundraising goal or she could bow out now with enough money to pay all the hired folks through the end of the month. She preferred to return love for love and not dump them at Christmas as most politicians would do. Maybe she’ll run again in 2024. Maybe she’ll stay in the Senate for the next 30 years. Maybe the gods will be kind (more like goddesses stepping in) and make her our 1st step towards taking back SCOTUS. Although I don’t know how kind that would be to her – being badly outnumbered & outvoted by evil people is gut-wrenching. As with Hillary, I’ll support her in whatever she wants to do.

    I’m worried about a bunch of folks, Amelia high on the list because her situation is so bad, and there’s nothing in what’s going on to make me hopeful about much of anyone or anything. But I nailed boards across the giving-up window years ago. So Invocations/Channeling Healing/Helping Energy to all who need and accept it, to their shaping. And now to laundry, coffee, a 4-minute time on the treadmill, and reading stuff on the internet. Maybe play some (instrumental only) Xmas music. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}


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