The Weekly Democratic Party Address was delivered by Congressman Jimmy Gomez of California reminding everyone of the work done by the Democratic majority in the House of Representatives in 2019 and looking ahead to 2020.
(Congressman Jimmy Gomez of California delivered the Weekly Democratic Address. In this week’s address, the Congressman discussed the historic progress made by House Democrats For The People, including vital improvements to the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement, which passed through the House of Representatives on a bipartisan 385 – 41 vote. )
“As we approach 2020, it’s important to take a look back at this past year with the Democratic Majority.
“We stood up for our Constitution and held President Trump accountable for abusing the power of his office and obstructing Congress to cover it up.
“We also passed nearly 300 bipartisan bills, including: the Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act — our transformational legislation to negotiate lower drug prices so millions of Americans can afford the life-saving medicine they need. […]
“[Regarding the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement], as a former labor organizer, I knew we had the opportunity to finally begin to right the wrongs of NAFTA. After six months of negotiations, meetings, phone calls, proposals and counter-proposals, the USMCA Working Group – under the leadership of Speaker Pelosi – brokered a new agreement that not only recognized the value of America’s workers, but also secured measurable and profound progress in the areas of enforcement, prescription drugs and environmental protection. [The new trade deal] sets the floor — not the ceiling – for future trade agreements.
“The new consensus on trade was only made possible because of the new Democratic House Majority.
“As we enter 2020, House Democrats will continue to deliver results For The People.
(CSPAN link to Weekly Democratic Address: here)
Transcript: Congressman Jimmy Gomez Delivers Weekly Democratic Address
December 27, 2019
Washington, D.C. – Congressman Jimmy Gomez of California delivered the Weekly Democratic Address. In this week’s address, the Congressman discussed the historic progress made by House Democrats For The People, including vital improvements to the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement, which passed through the House of Representatives on a bipartisan 385 – 41 vote.“Hi, I’m Congressman Jimmy Gomez.
“I’m proud to represent California’s 34th Congressional District, in the heart of Los Angeles.
“As we approach 2020, it’s important to take a look back at this past year with the Democratic Majority.
“We stood up for our Constitution and held President Trump accountable for abusing the power of his office and obstructing Congress to cover it up.
“We also passed nearly 300 bipartisan bills, including: the Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act — our transformational legislation to negotiate lower drug prices so millions of Americans can afford the life-saving medicine they need.
“The Equality Act: legislation to extend civil rights protections to our LGBTQ family, friends and neighbors.
“The Paycheck Fairness Act: legislation reaffirming the basic idea, equal pay for equal work.
“The Climate Action Now Act: an urgently-needed bill, which aims to keep the United States in the Paris Climate Agreement.
“And the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement or USMCA for short: a historic trade agreement with Canada and Mexico.
“This last legislative victory was not easy, and it was far from guaranteed. In late spring, Speaker Nancy Pelosi appointed nine Democratic Members – including myself – to negotiate with the U.S. Trade Representative to make significant changes to the Administration’s version of USMCA, a version many people referred to as NAFTA-lite.
“As a former labor organizer, I knew we had the opportunity to finally begin to right the wrongs of NAFTA.
“After six months of negotiations, meetings, phone calls, proposals and counter-proposals, the USMCA Working Group – under the leadership of Speaker Pelosi – brokered a new agreement that not only recognized the value of America’s workers, but also secured measurable and profound progress in the areas of enforcement, prescription drugs and environmental protection.
“This unprecedented trade agreement was made possible through the fortitude and resolve of the trade working group and the House Democratic Caucus.
“We refused to compromise our values. And ultimately, we turned President Donald Trump’s original trade deal – considered weak in almost every measure – into a real agreement with teeth.
“That’s why the AFL-CIO – a federation of labor unions representing over 12.5 million workers – for the first time in almost 20 years, endorsed a trade agreement.
“That’s why the USMCA passed the House of Representatives with overwhelming bipartisan support: 385 to 41.
“This new and improved USMCA is a victory for the American people.
“And, as an advocate for working families, I am encouraged that this new deal sets the floor — not the ceiling – for future trade agreements.
“The new consensus on trade was only made possible because of the new Democratic House Majority.
“As we enter 2020, House Democrats will continue to deliver results For The People.
“And, with that, I would like to thank you and wish you and your family and your loved ones a happy and healthy new year!”
Any bolding has been added.
Congress is in recess so there was no Thursday news conference by Speaker Pelosi.
From the Speaker’s newsroom:
Dear Colleague on Legislative Progress
December 21, 2019
Dear Democratic Colleague,
As we reflect on the blessings of family, community and country during this holiday season, I write to express my deep gratitude to you and to all Members of our Democratic Caucus for your courage, unity and outstanding leadership For The People.
This week, the House solemnly honored our oath of office by passing the articles of impeachment. It now remains for the Senate to present the rules under which we will proceed. We can then appoint managers. The vote on the Floor was overwhelming and inspiring, and the number of people who want to be mangers is indicative of our strong case.
We should all be proud of the courage of our Caucus and of our outstanding legislative action. In the last ten days of session alone, we passed H.R. 3, The Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act, passed a strong National Defense Authorization Act, kept government open by passing a robust bipartisan appropriations package that meets the needs of the American people, lifted the unfair SALT tax on middle class families and passed a transformative U.S.-Canada-Mexico Trade Agreement that is worthy of the American people.
In the first year of our Majority, Democrats have achieved historic progress to deliver on our For The People agenda.
• For lowering health care costs, we passed our landmark H.R. 3, The Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act, to dramatically reduce the price of prescription drugs, and bills to protect people with pre-existing conditions, crack down on junk plans and reverse the GOP health care sabotage that has driven up premiums and left more Americans without coverage.
• For increasing paychecks, we passed the Paycheck Fairness Act to secure equal pay for equal work, the Raise the Wage Act for a $15 federal minimum wage, and, again, a transformative U.S.-Canada-Mexico Trade Agreement.
• For cleaner government, we passed H.R. 1, the For The People Act, and H.R. 4, the Voting Rights Advancement Act, so that government works for the public interest, not the special interests.
We have passed more than 400 bills, of which 275 are bipartisan, which the Senate refuses to bring to the Floor, including bipartisan background checks legislation, the Dream and Promise Act, the Equality Act, the Climate Action Now Act, the Save the Internet Act, the SAFE Act to protect our elections, a strong VAWA Reauthorization, the Butch Lewis Act to protect pensions, the Farm Workforce Modernization Act, the Deborah Sampson Act to reduce barriers for women veterans to access VA, and much more.
When we return in the New Year, House Democrats will continue to accelerate a drumbeat to make our legislation “too hot to handle” until Senator McConnell, the Grim Reaper, takes up our bills, which are alive and well with the American people. As we do so, we will continue our legislative action For The People, with confidence in our mission to meet the needs of the American people, humility in how we go forward and patriotism and love in our hearts.
As we prepare to face the important challenges ahead, we must all take time to enjoy family and friends. Please accept my thanks and warmest personal regards for a glorious Holiday Season and a joyous Happy New Year.
Thank you for your leadership and your friendship.
Best regards,
Speaker Nancy Pelosi
Thanks for this, Jan. It’s reassuring to know the Dems in the House are earning their paychecks, even though Moscow Mitch is sitting on his fat assets, refusing to pass the legislation.