Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
– Page One of Comments is HERE!
– Page Two of Comments is HERE!
Good Saturn’s Day morning, Meese! Golden light is rising behind the woods into a clear blue sky this very cold morning. My phone weather app is saying it’s 16 F. in Ashburn right now, going up to 39 F.
Yesterday being the second sad anniversary of the Parkland Massacre, I had to hasten to join two other Raging Grannies for the vigil outside NRA headquarters in Fairfax. It was very cold and so windy the chill factor was in the teens. In fact the wind kept knocking us and our signs backwards! Nevertheless we persisted, all 102 of us. After an hour of freezing and being buffeted, the three of us went to our car and thawed out on the way back.
Tried to rest after lunch but someone was banging away in the hall outside for three hours. I was all ready to move in with Younger Son, I was so furious. However, eventually things settled down, so we put on nice clothes and went to the Valentine’s Day special dinner. It was so delicious that when we finally waddled down the hall to our own quarters we felt we’d never eat again.
Monty is still far from well. When I woke up this morning at a quarter after six he had just thrown up three times on the carpet beside his bed—all green. Poor baby. Dearly Beloved has just made another appointment for him, this time with a different doctor, at his regular hospital. There is definitely something wrong with him but the vet he saw on Monday was zero help.
With all this happening, I’ve had little time to think about politics, which is depressing anyway. We’ve been binge-watching “Anne with an ‘E'” in the evenings and enjoying it greatly. It’s nice to watch a drama set in a more innocent time, comparatively speaking. There are days when I just can’t cope with any more bad news. Some poor old guy was sitting on the sofa looking out the window of his brother-in-law’s house when a “stray bullet” hit him, killing him instantly. This happened across the river in Southeast Washington just the other day. What other supposedly “first world” country puts up with crap like this?
The croissants just came out of the oven, so it’s time to get on with breakfast.
Hoping this will be a nice quiet Saturday for all at the Pond.
Looking at a warm weekend — high in the 60s today; and the people doing the Austin Marathon tomorrow are deeply bummed because it’ll be in the 50s to start, 70s when they finish — which is much warmer than what runners like. Watching Ali Velshi on MSNBC. Going to knock on doors for my congressional candidate later.
Good morning, 44 and raining in Bellingham. We enjoyed a Valentine Day lunch at our favorite taco place yesterday followed by naps. We may be finally figuring out how to be the age we are!
Our son’s health insurance dilemma was resolved and yes, his payments are up to date. When he pressed for an explanation re the letter the person on the phone said, “Disregard the letter, it’s a stupid system and it doesn’t work.” So reassuring :( All the info re plans, payments and billing are supposed to happen online, but for some unknown reason his account info is blank. When he pressed for an explanation the customer service rep repeated her assessment. :::sigh:::
I’m feeling restless this morning so I’m going to try to actually do something in my sewing room today. I’ve got projects organized and ready to cut, but I haven’t had the necessary focus so I just fiddle around.
Best wishes to all on this rainy day.
It’s 36-feels-like-28 and heading for 55 today in Fay., AR. Off and on sunny at the moment. I hope it does more on than off. We got 11.9 KWHs yesterday which brought the m-t-d to 90 – not on track for 200 but gaining and at least more than I’ve used so far this month.
I’m ignoring our politics mostly. Most of my tweets/RTs have been Dee’s or Aji’s or the situation up in Canada where Indigenous are shutting down roads and railways in protest of the pipeline the govt is helping one of the internationally-owned (i.e. Wall Street) energy companies force through unceded Indigenous lands. I don’t know if it will do any more good than the Standing Rock movement did but it’s worth doing. We shall see what we shall see. Winston Churchill used to speak proudly of the connection between the “English-Speaking Peoples”, the shared values and foundation. Well, the connection, values, and foundation are there. Nothing to be proud of unless you’re a Deplorable. Which, sadly, Winston Churchill most certainly was.
Anyway, my son just drove up to take me grocery shopping and I need to get the muffins out of the oven. Healing/Helping Energy to everybody. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}