Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.
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Good Wednesday morning, Moosekind. Daylight is breaking here in Ashburn: right now it’s cloudy but apparently the clouds will give way to sunshine. It rained heavily as we went to bed at 10 p.m., but has stopped now. We’re definitely having a cold front for the next several days. At the moment it’s 38 F., going for a high of 55 F.
Woke up far too early for the usual reason, couldn’t get back to sleep, so got up at 4 a.m. Something good happened yesterday—well, good for the Time of Coronavirus, that is. We were getting desperate for milk and could not get any from the concierge, who is supposed to obtain supplies from the CVS on campus. I talked to Raspberry the Poodle’s mother in the courtyard yesterday (from a safe distance, naturellement), who told me that the dog-walking company, no longer allowed to come on campus to walk dogs, now does people’s shopping. The fee is modest, so I immediately signed up. Wonder of wonders, a shopper was able to fill our order from Trader Joe’s and it was here by 3 o’clock! I was so glad to see the milk, the two varieties of bread, and the other items I nearly did a dance.
The dog is still driving me crazy. I’m thinking more and more about finding him another home, not that I can do anything about that right now. With his weight loss and improved health, he has lots of energy and needs to live in the country, where he can run. He bugs us to go out every 15 minutes—not to do business, but to sniff around and look for dead worms and rabbit poop to eat. The stress is affecting me physically as well as emotionally. Oh, well, enough about that.
Someone on another blog said that we’re living through a revolution without weapons and that life after lockdown will never again be the same. I think not only of the unfortunate sick and dying, but of my grandchildren, who are supposed to be in school and aren’t. What will this crisis do to their education? Miss Pink Cheeks is still doing online classes in math and Chinese on Saturdays, and presumably her regular school has online learning during the week, but I’m sure she’ll still fall behind. As for Mr. Kindergartener and Mr. Preschooler, who was to enroll in kindergarten in September, who can say when it will be safe for them to go back to school?
Well, enough from me for today. Wishing everyone a good day and hoping the day’s news won’t be too awful.
Good morning, meeses! Wednesday …
It is 25 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 37. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast.
I am not going to fall into the trap of complaining about tRump’s claim to powers he doesn’t have. He would prefer that we turn that into a dust-up that consumes huge amounts of pixels and outrage when our pixels and outrage need to be focused on the government’s response to the pandemic – what is happening now and what will happen next to get us to universal testing and tracing. We need economic stimulus checks into the hands of people and we need businesses to get cash to keep from going under and we need unemployment benefits dispatched NOW. It is simply gross that the Treasury Department is using resources to put Donald J. Trump’s signature on the checks as a propaganda tool to help promote his re-election. When the history of this time is written, there will be no shortage of villains and they will not all be named Trump.
We will open up the economy – it is not practical to keep the economy shuttered for a year – but we will have another spike of infections. What is important is what we have in place to manage the next phases, the ability to quickly shut down again when public health officials sound the alarm. That will be key in states where the governor’s powers will need to be expanded (I think our governor’s power to force Stay At Home expires on May 15th). I can’t imagine that sporting events, if they are even played, will have live audiences – thousands of people sitting in the stands infecting each other and the people working at the venues – until effective treatment is developed or a vaccination is available. I know that I will continue to practice social distancing.
Meanwhile, we have an important election to safeguard. We need no-excuse-required absentee voting in every state, we need to streamline the process of requesting an absentee ballot (send mailings to every registered voter with a tear off postcard they can send back to request one), and we need to fully fund the post office as an essential service. Let’s go, Congress, get this done and get veto-proof majorities because the petty man in the Oval Office will veto it because he sees it as helping one of his enemies. The time is now while the memory of what Wisconsin’s Republican legislature did to the citizens of my state is still fresh; I agree with Mark David Stern – what happened in Wisconsin was not a “triumph for democracy” but a tragedy. People will get sick and people will die.
Today I am trying another store’s grocery pickup service. The first one got about a C+. The order process was excellent and the pickup procedure was very good but I only got 2/3rds of the items I ordered and did not get two essential items which required a trip to another store (although a very quick focused one, so it did help some). One bit of good news is that our close-by warehouse food store that has low prices and lots of stock has added another senior shopping morning (they had only had one a week) so if I plan the order pickup at the shop-for-me store to be the day before one of the senior mornings, that will be a workable solution. I still don’t want to spend an hour in the grocery store with a bunch of strangers.
See all y’all later!
Wednesday Meese – 39 going up to 51 here in the Catskills
Cold, cold, cold. It’s on the low 40s here — 67 inside my apartment. This is just crazy cold for here. I did get a walk in yesterday, only 1.25 miles but something is better than nothing. I was late because a singer I like did a mini-concert, and he included 2 of my favorite songs so I’m glad I waited to hear it. Anyway, today: more working from home, hope I get in another walk, and I’ll be looking for another “song of the day” — which may again turn into 6 or 7 songs.
Good morning, 49 and partly sunny in Bellingham. I’ve been procrastinating re mask sewing so yesterday I dug in only to find that my supposedly well thought through plans didn’t work. I wanted to avoid the bulky pleated style, so I was going to use a shaped pattern but the small/medium/large options didn’t fit either of us properly, and the one I re cut was even worse. So scrap that! The family requested a pocket for an additional filter, but I couldn’t breathe with it in place, so scrap that too! I finally found a better source from one of the decor fabric showrooms I used to work with….one size fits all, easy sewing, no extra filters, and ties instead of elastic so everyone can customize their own fit. I think I’m ready to just cut and sew now, and I know I’m ready to be done :)
Best wishes to all on what I think is a Wednesday morning.
It’s 32 heading for 60 and sunny. Even better, it’s supposed to be sunny all day. Yesterday we got 15 KWHs and the m-t-d is 156 so we’re on track for a bit over 300. It is possible to get to 400 in the 16 production days we have left in April but I don’t think there’s any way to reach the 477 that would set a new record. Starting last Fall this has been/is being the cloudiest year of the going on 6 I’ve had the PV system.
I’m of course not surprised that President Obama has endorsed Joe. He was always gonna as soon as the primaries were over. What totally surprises me is that bernie dropped out and endorsed Joe. But then misogyny as well as racism have always been the hallmarks of bernie and the bros. Joe’s white and male. And no, I’m not gonna give bernie credit for it. We wouldn’t be here and thousands of people wouldn’t be dead with hundreds of thousands more living in horrendous circumstances if he’d done for Hillary in 2016 what he just did for Joe. He and his little left-wing totalitarians were just enough to push twitler over. They’ve got blood on their hands and I’m not gonna ignore it for “unity”. However I’m happy to just ignore him for the rest of my life.
We don’t know and never will how many cases of COVID-19 this pandemic will cause. There’s not enough testing. All R states, including my own, are suppressing and messing with the data. A couple of days ago my county showed 3 deaths. Now it shows none. The magic R eraser has done its work. Any death that can be attributed to anything else is being so attributed. So as poorly prepared – thanks to twitler and the genocidal Rs – as we are for this pandemic, we will be even more so for the next one in all R-held areas. And they not only don’t care, they like it that way. In NM some 37% of confirmed cases are Native and another 25% are Latinx. In my own the official stats show wypipo with over 60% of the cases. But by the rules for being permitted a test, well over 90% of the tests are wypipo. Should we test more people, we’ll see more especially Black folks in the Delta region and really anywhere south of I-40. Lots more. And that is just effen genocidal make-AmeriKKKa-white evil. No surprise but evil.
I’m with Jan about not even worrying about twitler claiming despotic powers. He also claims to weigh under 250 and be in perfect health. The work we need to do to stop him for actually getting those powers is with getting every single last fascist, genocidal, R out of office – they are the ones who put him there for the very purpose of turning our democratic republic into a dictatorship. I call him a rabid squirrel thrown in to distract us for good reason. Yes, he’s as dangerous as a rabid squirrel – but only as dangerous as a rabid squirrel. The real danger comes from the ones who threw him out there to distract us from what they’re doing. And we have one last chance – I hope – to pull back from the cliff with the November election. And even then it’s only gonna work if once we are in power we dismantle their propaganda machine as well as their voter suppression machines. The Rs have over 60% white voters because of that propaganda. They’d have 30% anyway but a large minority doesn’t run things in a free society. They have the power they have because of their propaganda.
Anyway, I’m gonna go read the post about Obama endorsing Biden and tour the internets. And get coffee. Channeling Healing/Helping Energy to everybody as needed and accepted. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Re Bernie Sanders: “I’m happy to just ignore him for the rest of my life.” Same.
Thursday Meese. 35 going up to 47 here in Saugerties NY.
Managed to go to the supermarket yesterday. Was good to see they had put excellent social distancing measures in place. Check out line only taking one person at a time, all the staff was masked. Most of the shoppers were wearing masks. A big change from 2 weeks ago.
Puerto Rico
I have been doing pick-up groceries with an in-person followup for the items that were out of stock. I can see spending 10 minutes in a grocery store picking up two or three items that I know exactly where they are but not an hour going up and down every aisle. The pick-up groceries have to be planned in advance (time slots are 5 to 7 days out) and the stores that offer it are about 15% to 20% more expensive on most items but I can afford it for a few months since I am spending little money elsewhere.
Good morning, meeses! Thursday …
It is 19 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 45. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast. We will be back in the upper 50s by Saturday. My backyard birds will be glad to return to spring!
The most horrifying thing I saw yesterday (in these horrifying times) was the new Don’t Pen Me In movement where put-upon libertarians are causing disruptions to protest Stay At Home orders. In Michigan, they clogged up streets and blocked access to emergency rooms, in Ohio they crammed themselves into tight spaces to shout MAGA slogans, and in Washington state, epicenter of the disease, they are planning to storm the capital in Olympia to wave their Gadsden flags and spread their viral insanity. Funny that one of the photos from Michigan showed a guy with a mask waving his flag. What? Isn’t it a hoax??!? I feel sorry for their families who they apparently don’t care about. More visual evidence that the shutdown will, for me, continue until I see signs that the idiots have been contained or have died off. Cold, perhaps, but I don’t really don’t want to run into them.
In Wisconsin, the fiddling Republican legislature voted just in time to accept the $2 billion in federal government money – they wanted to try to control it entirely and cut the governor out of the process so they recklessly went right down to the wire. It was not a perfect bill but I was pleased to see that it ticked off the craven police and firefighter unions by requiring them to document any COVID-19 related work injuries in order to get enhanced workers comp. Why those unions are pro-Republican is a head scratcher to me anyway (it must be the guns/gays/God) but maybe this will remind them that their endorsements are really just boilerplate for campaign ads and that the Republicans despise them as much as they despise the rest of humanity. The governor did not get the permission he needs to extend the Stay-at-Home order past 5/15 so that is the next battle. I can’t see us reopening until after Memorial Day but Wisconsin Republicans will be anxious to show their solidarity with the Grim Reaper in the Oval Office.
I got sidetracked while working on a project this morning and now I need to shut down my tabs and get my day started.
See all y’all later!
Good Thursday morning, Moosekind! It’s about 20 minutes to noon, actually, so it won’t be morning much longer.
As a member of the “I-had-eight-so-I-feel-great” club, I’m full of beans today! Getting eight hours’ uninterrupted sleep is such a gift. Feel full of energy, fired up and ready to rumble. Of course, the eight hours was attained only by the use of Tylenol PM, which I certainly wouldn’t want to use every day. However, tonight I may be able to get by with just the melatonin.
Another marvelous thing is that yesterday I discovered from Auntie Google that antihistamines are diuretics. Whammo! Stopped using Allegra immediately, am not taking anything else, so now my motto is no longer “Our Goddess, who Art About Somewhere, let us pee.” I feel—gasp, gulp—like a NORMAL person!
Well, that’s enough about my physiology. Suffice it to say I think I might actually get something done today.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond and here’s hoping that the news today won’t be too awful.
Another chilly morning, I’ve managed without turning on the heater but wow. Anyway, I got in a walk yesterday, plan to do so today — if it’s going to be gorgeous & 76, I should take advantage. Got to get in my 8 hours replying to e-mails & fixing bounced ones.
It’s 44 heading for 70 and sunny so far. Widget says partly cloudy and I hope they’re wrong considering we’ve got rain showing every other day for the next 10 and partly-to-mostly cloudy on the days in between. Yesterday was glorious. We generated 19.8 KWHs (m–t-d is 175.7) and if we could do that every day the rest of the month (Ha!) we actually could get close to if not reach the 477 target. We won’t but it’s still possible which is more than I thought yesterday morning.
Things are so very stressful right now. Folks are gonna get sick just from the stress. Then have panic attacks over it maybe being COVID-19. And whatever sick they get will make them more susceptible to it. A national plan of action (FDR with both Depression and WWII) would “flatten the curve” on the stress levels as well as the disease. But then, this is why the fascists put twitler the rabid squirrel in office – they decided in 2016 that they were strong enough and the country had been weakened enough for the final all-out push to takeover/fascism. We shall see if they were right.
I need to check with my son as to which day next week is best for me to have the car. For one thing I want to have that liver for dinner the night before. If I’m going to arrange to be able to give blood, I want to be able to give blood. Once I know the day I’ll start making phone calls. Availability of what I need to get back on and stay quarantined at least through May and hopefully June. (Blueberries…June is blueberry month. But now I have to worry about having enough room in the freezer for them and food to last 4 to 8 weeks.) Either this will be an expensive “hit 8 stores of various kinds” successful day out or a bust if nobody’s got nothing. We shall see what we shall see. I’ll wear the bandana again but am working on something better that I actually can wear. What I’d hoped – thick enough or enough layers to block light – won’t work. It starts a panic attack before I can even get it completely fastened.
Anyway, it’s a pretty day so far. I will see if I can get out in the backyard for a bit today and enjoy the outdoors. Otherwise same ol’ same ol’. Channeling Healing/Helping Energy to everybody to their need and acceptance. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 44 and sunny in Bellingham. We planted a few pansies yesterday, and put the red umbrella in place on the upper patio. It’s nice to see the outdoor spaces returning, but I suspect our patios won’t be as well used this summer. Three steps connect the upper and lower areas so we can keep our social distance however.
I’ve finally got mask production sewing underway but I suspect what I’m making will keep everyone socially appropriate as opposed to medically safe. I’ve used a mix of fabrics and made them reversible so wearing them will be fun and comfortable regardless. Making the ties is the tedious part but I don’t have enough elastic. It’s basically sold out everywhere and I don’t want to shop around so I’ll mutter and make the ties.
Best wishes to all on this sunny morning in COVID land.
A Kamala quickie post
Just read, tipped, and rec’d. Great news, Sis!
Rec’d & shared. Great news. I think Biden should go ahead & ask someone to be his running mate, and who he’ll ask to be in his cabinet. I vacillate between wanting Harris for VP & wanting her for A.G. – because she is so fierce, I’d love to see her going after all the corruption by the Trumpistas.
AG is a one and done, probably, while Vice President is often “President in Waiting”. I want her in politics for a long time.
Great post. As usual. I know I’m alone in wanting her to stay in the Senate but I really love the legislation she puts together (as well as her skill in getting to the point and getting facts in the various hearings). I want her in the Senate making things better with that kind of legislation for about the next 30 years. (But as I did/do with Hillary, I support her in anything she wants to do.)
TGIF Meese. 30 degrees here in Saugerties NY – going up to 50.
Loved this video from our NY area sports teams
Puerto Rico
Got in a walk yesterday, planning my day to get one in today before a front & thunderstorms this afternoon — though it’s only a 30% chance. Yesterday’s mini-concert by the singer from Snow Patrol was really great, and I swear his Northern Irish accent is getting stronger the longer he’s stuck in California. I wonder if concerts will ever be the same. I can’t imagine being part of the crowd on the floor the way it worked before.
Good morning, meeses! Friday …
It is 34 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 46. Cloudy this morning then clearing some by afternoon.
The horrifying sight of Pandemic Truthers massing to kill themselves and others will now be more commonplace as the movement has been given fuel by the malignant narcissist in the Oval Office. His saying in his presser yesterday that it is “up to the governors to open their states” and suggesting that low rates of transmission and death mean the “everything is fine now”, is an act of negligent homicide. People are so stupid – the reason that the rates are down is because of the mitigation and lifting the stay-at-home orders before we have hospital capacity up and universal testing means that nearly everything we have done to this point is wasted. If this were radioactive rats running through the streets and the governors said “stay at home”, people would not be saying “Don’t Tread On Me, I have the right to be bitten by a radioactive rat!” – they would stay home!! But because we can’t see it and we don’t know exactly where it is and the absence of widespread death is impossible to prove, they are being assholes who will kill us all – egged on by the idiot in the Oval Office.
Wisconsin closed their K-12 for the rest of the school year and the governor extended the SAH order until May 26th, the day after Memorial Day, in the hopes that it keeps the red state tourists away. The legislature may be able to cancel the order (and they plan to fire our Acting Health Secretary – because they can) since it goes past the emergency declaration date expiration of 5/12. Our Supreme Court won’t intervened and will let them kill the people not already infected by their in-person voting ruling. Republican legislators Up Nort’ are being Dr. OZian in their willingness to open up business and let the chips fall where they may. Goddess help us. We will now be part of a new regional compact that includes Minnesota, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana(!), Ohio and Kentucky. The plan is to discuss reopening and coordinate our responses and maybe share resources. I am hoping that will help us tap into the work being done in Illinois where they have a strong governor, a Democratic legislature and a lot of smart people in and around Chicago.
Our warehouse food store has instituted a “once a week and one cart at a time” limit on shopping in order to reduce the number of people in their store and the time they stay. Since they are the only ones who have a lot of stock, people are going there when they run out of something – just like they did pre-pandemic. I have no idea how they think they can enforce that, they have to be counting on self-regulation; I can’t imagine them telling a customer that they were there yesterday and can’t pick up baby food or diapers. I suppose it may cut down the number of people a little as people try to come up with better lists. They have put one-way aisles into place now but they did not tell people to NOT STOP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FREAKING AISLE SO THAT PEOPLE CAN’T GET PAST YOU! People are so selfish.
Okay, I have gotten to the end of another week where my progress on important projects is inches where I needed miles. I am hoping that a house full of groceries and some of the uncertainty about our SAH plans being eliminated will take some of the stress off and I can dig into work again.
See all y’all later!
Good morning, Moosekind! It’s already nearly 9:30. Our Friday is getting off to a very slow start. Right now we have partly cloudy skies in Ashburn. Currently it’s 47 F., on its way up to 60 F., with skies becoming completely cloudy this afternoon and winds ranging from 10 to 15 mph. Ugh. Will this be another day that I don’t go for a walk?
Was so proud of myself late last night. After I installed the new black ink printer cartridge I was sure my printing troubles would be over! Uh…not so fast. Even though the little window on the machine declared that it had “Genuine Xerox Toner” and the “Ready” light was on, it wouldn’t bloody print. I did everything, unplugging the comm cord and the power cord, waiting, and plugging them both back in, shutting down the computer and then turning it back on, the works. Finally, after I searched, Aunty Google said to try installing a new printer driver. I searched, found one, downloaded it, and installed it, and voila! Felt so proud of myself for starting the printer up again without the having to talk to someone named Tammy in India for three mortal hours.
But enough of this technological chitchat. Had a decent enough night’s sleep, so will get started on the chores. My “Fetch” personal shopper is going to shop for me first thing in the morning tomorrow, so I need to complete our grocery list. She usually walks dogs but she can’t now, so she’s doing errands for a living. Goddess knows there’s scope for it!
Last night we had a long FaceTime session with Younger Son, who was furloughed from his job several weeks ago. It was unfortunate timing as he was about to be promoted to a higher position that would have involved travel. As his job was connected with the airline industry, it seems highly unlikely that he’ll be able to go back to it. He’s using this time to acquire credentials to get a teaching license. Teaching would suit him very well. Meanwhile, Miss Pink Cheeks and Mr. Kindergartener are living the life of sybarites, sleeping until 10 every morning and using their afternoon “elective” time to play video games. Miss Pink Cheeks stays up until midnight. Those two are going to find it very difficult if normal schooldays resume in September.
I don’t expect Life After Lockdown to be the same. I know travel is over for us, alas, and I won’t feel comfortable eating in the restaurants here even if they reopen in the fall. I’d rather get carryout from them and just have dinner with Dearly at home. I wondered aloud why Monty has become so obnoxious since the lockdown, wondered whether dogs could pick up on human anxiety and start acting out, until Dearly Beloved put his finger on the problem: before Lockdown, we used to take Monty in the car with us when we did errands. One of us would walk him on a leash while the other went to the bank, picked up the dry cleaning, or whatever. He’d run about on the grass verges of parking lots and generally amuse himself.
So that could be the reason. He’s bored, and very tired of being cooped up.
Meanwhile, back in politics, a bunch of Magas congregated in our state capital of Richmond yesterday, unmasked and ungloved, defiantly picnicking on the grass. They didn’t want “the government” telling them to stay home and shutter their biznesses. They will undoubtedly die soon, either of COVID-19 or terminal stupidity.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond. Wouldn’t it be loverly to get some GOOD news today!
Here we go again. We’ve already had the high for the day – 60 – and will slowly dribble down to 32 by tomorrow’s dawn. And it’s overcast enough I need my desk light to clearly see my keyboard. Yesterday was lovely. So very sunny and while not warm not chilly either. We got another 19.8 KWHs and the m-t-d is 195. We might make it to 200 today. Maybe. If the clouds thin out a bit.
I’ve talked to my son so it’s next Thursday I’ll have the car and try again to donate blood. I’ll also see about a Tractor Supply order (critter supplies, wood bricks, & gardening stuff), picking up more chicken, cheese, and popcorn at Aldi’s, supplements at the Co-op, and some “general” grocery shopping at Harps, & maybe – if they’re in – CO2 cartridges at WalMart. BB&B closed for the duration before the last time I was out. If nobody’s got a tomato plant for my garden I’ll have to try a few other places as well. So live in hope. or something. Aside from milk and carrots (& garden stuff) I could go until May before needing to shop again but I really want to donate blood if I can. I’ll get the rest of the liver out of the freezer Monday night. Having that for dinner Tuesday and Wednesday should take care of the low iron problem. The rest of my shopping is planned (if I can get everything I need) to allow me to stay quarantined until I’m able to give blood again. Which, if I give next Thursday, will coincide with the (normal) blueberry harvest.
I’m stashing back most of my gummint check for in case Amelia needs it. Hoping she gets things situated but not betting on it at all considering she hasn’t gotten her meds yet and has been off them for over 3 months now. Without them she can’t concentrate on anything long enough to accomplish anything and her energy is so easily depleted that she can do self-care (like shower, cooking) OR phoning OR shopping OR visiting the doc – but not any combination on the same day. But there are a few folks I’ve wanted to help and couldn’t that I’ll peel a bit off for. A small bit – tank of gas or bag of groceries – but something.
Heaven only knows how we are going to get through this – or even if we are going to get through this – relatively safely. We’ve already lost more people than we should have, than we would have with any Dem in office – and it wouldn’t have become an issue with Hillary in office. But we do what we can and keep going. Channeling Healing/Helping Energy to everybody to your shaping. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 44 and partly sunny in Bellingham. My sewing room has exploded into a mask production site……fabric everywhere! I made the mistake of sharing photos with my family and seeing the fabric initiated requests, which I said yes to before doing the math…… 15 family peeps x 3 masks ea=45 masks, yikes! Oh well, I’ve got the materials and the time. I just need to keep my focus and try to stay both productive and creative.
We placed online orders with Costco on April 7th, and they arrived yesterday. The warehouse delivery was supposed to be in 2 days and only half of it arrived, but I was pleasantly surprised with the Instacart service. The person shopping for us stayed in contact via text messages asking questions and giving me in store choices that I couldn’t order online. Now that I know how the system works I’ll get another delivery scheduled so RonK can keep his in store shopping time more limited.
Best wishes to all on this quiet April morning.
Good morning, meeses! Saturday …
It is 34 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 57. Sunny skies are in the forecast. Back to spring weather!!
I wish there were a way to deny medical care to people who are spotted going to anti-Stay At Home Order protests – and to isolate their insanity without law enforcement having to risk their own lives to be near them. I really don’t care if they infect each other – I will weep for their children but, really, the children would be better off with smarter parents. “Choosing to die alone on a ventilator to own the libs” has to be the stupidest political statement ever. In Wisconsin, the state supreme court has a chance to either double-down on their hatred of Wisconsin residents by siding with the legislature to cancel the governor’s stay-at-home order extension or choosing to protect their citizens from the global pandemic that scientists say will spike again if restrictions are lifted too soon. I am not holding out any hope that they have changed their minds about decency and caring – and science. Blast them!
I have a number of things I need to do that I have no interest in doing and that is becoming a problem. I feel like everything has slowed down and I am walking through molasses from place to place – need to snap out of it!
See all y’all later!
Yes. I read that stress makes us feel like that, “walking through molasses,” as you said.
That’s why we can’t learn Italian, become a martial arts expert, or write a great novel while we’re under quarantine. Just coping from hour to hour uses up our power.
Basically. That’s it. And why quarantining ourselves from the media helps. It reduces the stress. Doesn’t get us out of the molasses, just lowers the level of molasses we’re slogging through. {{{HUGS}}}
Saturday Meese. 43 and raining – which is washing away last nights snow, here in the Catskills.
Puerto Rico