Week-long Welcomings from Moosylvania: July 5th through July 11th

Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.

Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).

The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.

So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?

NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.


Page One of Comments is HERE!
Page Two of Comments is HERE!



  1. Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …

    Morning low of 68 degrees in Madison WI with an expected daytime high of 88. Sunny skies are in the forecast.

    Have a great day, all y’alls!!

  2. Sunday Meese. 62 here in the NY Catskills going up to a muggy 92. Got very little sleep last night – my older dog was freaking out because of the fireworks which went on till way past midnight all over town.

    Am going to try to add USVI news to my daily roundup – it is really hard to find.

    Puerto Rico/USVI

    • Would love to have seen “Hamilton.” Our stupid provider “doesn’t carry Disney,” so that’s that. One day I’ll be the only person on the planet who hasn’t seen it, just as I am the only person on the planet who hasn’t seen “Titanic.”

      PR and VI can’t catch a break. Hurricanes, no help, earthquakes, and now drought. Goddess help them.

      • It’s on the Disney streaming service. I signed up for one month, it’s $7 which I think is a good price for seeing Hamilton as many times as I want, plus stuff like Marvel movies and classics like Lady and the Tramp.

  3. Good Sunday morning, Meese. Never made it here yesterday because of having to do things before it became too hot. Then I had to venture out to buy groceries, which used up my energy for the day.

    Currently in Ashburn it’s partly cloudy and 74 F. Our high today will be 92 F., with a “chance” (hah!) of thunderstorms.

    Still feeling rocky, even more so because last night I didn’t take a night-time cold tablet. Woke up at 3, couldn’t go back to sleep, so got up at a quarter past 4. Feeling even worse now. Poor sleep quality is ruining my old age because I can’t get anything done. How does Nancy Pelosi do it, and in high heels, yet?

    Wishing all a nice quiet day with, perhaps, some better news than we’ve had lately.

  4. The weekend’s almost over, sigh. Currently watching the news & commenting on twitter with the #Velshi crowd, soon to be the #AMJoy crowd. Think I’ll watch Hamilton again this afternoon while I put my overnight oats together for the week. Yesterday was mostly a Marvel day — Thor Dark World & Ranganok, though AMC also had a marathon of Independence Day, which I had to watch for the sheer perfection of playing It’s The End Of The World when the astronomer discovers the signal from the alien ship. Sometimes cheesy is good.

  5. It’s 77 heading for 88 (& heat index only in the 90s) – I’ve finished baking, doing my Sunday chores, and have closed up the house for the day. Considering I just watched a cat track litter across the floor I sometimes wonder why I bother doing them. But I did. Yesterday we only got 13.7 KWHs so back to not on track – but we’re only down by 3.5 and that’s not a big gap. We shall see what we shall see.

    I can’t blame it on the cats because they don’t go outside but something’s biting me either inside or out. On the off chance I brought fleas into the house on my socks and gave them to the cats, next week when I go out (need to go to the bank and also get kibble as I’ll be opening my last bag today) I’ll get Frontline for them and an upholstery-safe spray for the couch and various chair cushions. That’s what I seriously do not like about Summer. Bugs. I can deal with the heat. I’ve got the A/C if the humidity gets to be too much. I’m mostly inside so don’t get slammed too badly by the pollen and dust. But the bugs…screens don’t stop the no-see-ums, mosquitos bite outside and slip in when I go in an out, and fleas/ticks bite outside and hitchhike in on my clothes or body. sigh.

    Folks stateside at least have a bit of breathing room before the next issue hits. Folks in Puerto Rico are hanging on as they’re in the middle of the “next issue”. I’m OK myself but Goddess do I wish I could do enough, for anybody to get them back from the edge and onto solid ground. It’s just hard to see folks hurting and in trouble and not be able to help them back on their feet. Actually, I don’t care who or how they get back on solid ground, just as long as they do. I will rejoice with them no matter. I don’t have ego investment in doing it. Actually if I could do it, I would do it anonymously. That kind of thing – imbalance of giving and taking – can mess up a friendship. And even if I don’t think there’s an imbalance, well, our colonizer culture beats “gratitude” into folks who need help and they will. So. Channeling Healing/Helping Energy to everybody everywhere, to your shaping.

    Need more coffee. Then I’ll head over to Dee’s Sunday Sermon and enjoy the music. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}

  6. Good morning, 54 and sunny in Bellingham. We enjoyed our low key 4th yesterday. I wandered around the garden and clipped enough greens and flowers for two simple arrangements and RonK cooked delicious salmon tacos with avacado salsa for dinner. We ate outside and visited with family via iPhone so we were virtually together :)

    RonK, with help from my friend at the garden shop, brought home plants for the large patio container so we’ll plant that today. He’ll do the lifting and walking and I’ll do the planting. It’s hard to adjust to the reality of changing how I work in the garden, but the changes in my joints due to arthritis is real so I’ve got to find a realistic way to cope or I will have no flowers and no fun.

    Best wishes to all on this quiet sunny morning.

  7. Good morning, meeses! Monday …

    It is 70 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 88. Sunny skies are in the forecast. Our clear skies allowed us to have a perfect view of our full moon over the weekend. She was a particularly strong waxing moon for me and I will try to hang on as long as possible to some of that energy for the waning cycle – give me 4 more days to get ahead of projects, then I can rest!

    I enjoyed a news-free day yesterday and I think I will add a few more. If something important happens, I will get an email notification – I don’t need to read the news to know that we are in bad shape because the Republican establishment was willing to support a failed businessman whose impulses would embarrass a two-year old and whose intelligence would embarrass a box of rocks. Yes, it matters that the federal government is competent and the terrible people who thought otherwise own every gasp for breath, every lonely death and the economic fallout from “hoping it would just go away.”

    See all y’all later!

  8. Had a terrible night’s “sleep”. Probably should have exercised this morning, but the only real sleep I got was early this morning. Going into the office this morning, I have a bunch of done applications, and I’m hoping there’ll be new ones. We aren’t serving as many people as we should/could be, and we haven’t been getting as many applications as usual.

    • {{{anotherdemocrat}}} I hope you get a little exercise in over the course of the day – and a decent night’s sleep tonight. Healing Energy & more {{{HUGS}}}

  9. good Monday morning Meese. 71 here in the NY mountains going up to 91. I hope these damn people in the neighborhood have used up their fireworks – since we had to listen to them again last night as the dog tried to burrow under the covers.

    Puerto Rico

    • {{{Dee}}} I hear ya on the fireworks. Some bastid apparently thought nobody’d notice if he waited until after midnight to fire them off. I hope he ran out rather than just one of his neighbors stopping him.

  10. It’s 73 heading for 88 (heat index 92 – maybe) to day and sunny morning, cloudy afternoon. For electricity production it works much better the other way around. Oh well. Yesterday we generated 20 KWHs and the m-t-d of 89, while not on track, is gaining on it.

    I’d stay off twitter/social media entirely except it’s my only contact with my online friends/family. November isn’t when everything gets better, no matter what the election outcome. November is Normandy landing. We make it or we don’t – and we have to hit it with overwhelming forces, enough to make up for every suppressed, hacked, and tossed-out vote to pull it off. And if we pull it off, even January isn’t winning the war – it’s just getting “our” generals on the ground there, our heavy equipment/artillery/armies/air bases into occupied territory so we have what we need to push them back into their own. Then, maybe, if this time we finish the job – no pardons, no make nice – indict & imprison every traitor and dismantle their power/propaganda machines. Maybe we’ll get a generation or two for repairing and locking in some good progress.

    Everybody’s hanging on and that’s the best I can say or we can do right now. So. Channeling Healing/Helping Energy to everybody everywhere, to your shaping. & I need to close up the house now. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}

  11. Good Monday morning, Moosekind! I wasn’t able to see the full moon yesterday because we still had cloudy skies from the surprise thunderstorm at dinner time yesterday. We had thunder, heavy downpours, and finally—ridiculously—the sun shining through steadily beating-down rain! Great Scott, when it finally rained, it really poured.

    Right now in Ashburn it’s 76 F. on its way up to 92 F. The weather will be ‘ot, ‘umid, and ‘orrible today, with thunderstorms (possibly) starting in the afternoon. I’d better get done whatever I plan to get done before 1 p.m.

    Not much to say. The news is awful. I’m so sorry about that young man from “Hamilton” who died yesterday. They amputated his leg, thinking it would ward off infection. May Goddess watch over him in the Otherworld. Of course, it’s awful that the other 130,000 died too, but somehow the fact that a well-known young person died of it seems to underline the ferocity of the disease.

    Hoping Virginia won’t join the stupid states in reopening too soon. Does everyone else feel we’ll never get out of the house?

    Wishing a good day to all at the Pond. Wonder whether there is any good news left. Also wonder why, in spite of their defiance, Thing and Deal never seem to come down with corona.

    • {{{Diana}}} – we’re here. That counts as good news. The Moose Pond – check in, rejoice when possible, vent as necessary – these are good things. Friendship & community online and off are good things. Healing Energy & moar {{{HUGS}}}

  12. Good morning, 61 and partly sunny in Bellingham. Maggie and Milo are staying with us this week and Heidi will be here soon……it’s a grand doggie daycare here this summer! The little dogs like to eat throughout the day but Heidi eats all the food, all the time. Other than that they all know the routine so it’s not hard taking care of them.

    I bought a few plants yesterday, but as I suspected my choices are limited now so I’ve got a creative challenge and that’s ok. I have been doing big mixed plantings for years but now need to do smaller and more simple pots so fewer choices will be helpful.

    Time for coffee and as always, my best wishes to all.

    • {{{princesspat}}} nice thing about doggie daycare – don’t have to worry about social distancing. LOL. Enjoy your creative challenge. I know whatever you end up with will be beautiful. Healing Energy & moar {{{HUGS}}}

    • Princesspat, as the official Plant Person of the Moose Pond, can you hazard a guess as to why my parsley and even my mint are turning white around the edges? Am I watering them too much? Or not enough? I water them when the earth in their pots looks dry.

      I like having my own parsley and mint for garniture during the warm months. Savings having to buy a whole wad of it for $2 when I know I’ll only be using two tablesp.

  13. Tuesday Meese. 69 degrees here in Kingston NY going up to 84 with rain.

    Trying to figure out how to get back to a full night of unbroken sleep. Like so many folks I am not sleeping well, and I don’t want to take any kind of drug. Sigh.

    Puerto Rico

    • I have given up on expecting a normal sleeping pattern. My brain wants to work on the world’s problems rather than sleep and most of the problems right now are unfixable. So I wake up in the middle of the night and stay up. ::shrug:: Maybe next year when adults are back in charge of the federal government, I will sleep well again.

      • But Jan, are you coherent when you get up in the middle of the night?

        My brain is befogged by demons when I wake up too early. Sometimes I can exorcise them by reading a book, but not always. Sometimes I make a cup of tea to wake myself up even more.

        Can’t imagine how you keep going, with a sleep deficit like that! ::takes off hat in admiration::

        • I go to bed pretty early so when I wake up at 2am I generally have at least 5 hours of sleep. That is good enough for me! Pump in a little caffeine, get energized by a new day that has not been wrecked yet – I am good for at least 5 or 6 hours at my desk. The problem comes when someone wants me to brain after about 10am – can’t do it!! I try very hard to put them off until the next day.

    • Sis, I hear you about not taking drugs. Wish I didn’t have to, although I do try to skip them when possible. Have you tried putting a few drops of lavender oil on your pillow and rubbing it on the soles of your feet? I do everything I can to induce sleep. Exercise earlier in the day helps too, not that it’s always possible.

  14. We are headed into record-breaking heat, yay. And Austin had more new cases & deaths yesterday than the nation of Ireland. Like, a lot more. Than a whole country of 5 million people. Anyway, I’m not going anywhere today. I even splurged on having my groceries for next week delivered, the Covid numbers and news about how long it stays in the air have me seriously creeped out. Ok, going to listen to some sweet, calming U2: Landlady. “and I’ll never know what starving poets meant, ‘cause when I was broke it was you that always paid the rent”

  15. Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …

    It is 72 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 88. The weather widget says that there is a chance for thunderstorms throughout the day.

    Harvard announced their plans for the 2020-2021 school year. They want to go with 40% density on their campus and will bring in 1st year students for the Fall, send them home after the first semester, then bring seniors in for in-person classes in the Spring. It will be interesting to see how that works. Other schools have announced that they are going all in-person or all online (California) or a hybrid (Wisconsin) but that was before the latest spike in the virus was discovered to be caused primarily by people 20-25 years of age. It is pretty clear that many young adults value social interactions over safety or simply are disconnected from the news about what is going on. Maybe they see that their governors are reopening carelessly and are glad to oblige. Maybe they believe the orange pustule in the White House and his Q-Tip headed lackey Pence that young people either don’t get the disease or if they do it is mild – a few coughs and a sniffle at the most. I am sad for them and for their at-risk relatives. The White House right now is pushing for all elementary and secondary education schools to open and the Florida Department of Education has mandated that all their schools open full-capacity in August. Goddess help us.

    I have 5 projects that I am working on concurrently and I need to finish a few so that I can close some windows.

    See all y’all later!

    • Ron DeSantis is a criminal. Given the state of the disease in Florida, I’m not at all sure if I’d want my children back in school if I were a Florida parent.

      Teachers in Fairfax County do not want to resume in-classroom teaching. It’s true that Virginia had no deaths to report yesterday but that doesn’t mean we’re out of the woods. I sort of feel that I would move into Younger Son’s house to take care of the children if it comes to that. I could teach them while their mother works at home if Younger Son goes back to work.

      On the news this morning someone interviewed a 21-year-old COVID victim who said, “Nobody told us we could get sick.”


  16. We’re at 73 heading for 90 (heat index only 95) and clear at the moment. Widget says clouds and randomly scattered showers this afternoon. Yesterday we generated 18.7 KWHs and the m-t-d is 107 – not on track but getting close. I’m gonna have to close up the house in another 10 or 15 minutes. The 10-day gives me no comfort. I’m probably gonna have to turn on the A/C sometime next week. sigh.

    I’ve never slept what folks would call well but I’ve been doing better than some of the Meeses (& Aji – Goddess help the woman, if she gets 2 hours a night she’s doing good). But let’s just say I’m not sleeping as not-exactly-well as is usual for me. If I’m lucky what disturbs me is something in a novel a friend is writing (she’s letting me see it as she writes it) that I can discuss with her. If I’m not of course it can be worrying about one or more friends in not-good situations or the world in general which is in several overlapping very not-good situations. This time of year I also get a choice between I can’t sleep because it’s too hot/humid or I can’t sleep because the A/C is making my sinusitis flare up. So far breathing easier has won.

    Anyway, I’m doing laundry and need to get it hung on the racks. And close the house. Channeling Healing/Helping Energy to everybody everywhere, to your shaping. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}

  17. Good Tuesday morning, Meese! All is quiet at the ranch at the moment, although we were momentarily awakened at 3 a.m. by a very noisy, flashy thunderstorm. It did rain a bit, so I’m off to the garden patch in a minute to see whether the vegetables received enough rain.

    Right now in Ashburn it’s 72 F., on its way up to 91 F., with rain developing later—or so they say. Anyway, the sky is completely overcast. Went out to look for Her shining face last night, but the sky was already clouded over, so I never got to see Her. Shrug. It’s what happens in this area. Good thing I don’t go in for celebrating esbats.

    Heard on another blog that the Turtle and the Chameleon will wait until after Labor Day, then persuade Thing not to run. Also learned that Mary T.’s book will be released on Bastille Day. Simon & Schuster are releasing it two weeks early. I’ve already preordered a Kindle copy of it.

    Not much else to report except the usual dull news that I’m overeating, underexercising, and not really getting any work done. I might try to do some today.

    Wishing a good, quiet day to all at the Pond. Hope we do not receive any more bad news.

  18. Good morning, 58 and cloudy in Bellingham. I’m a human dog pillow! Milo deaf and gets upset if he can’t see me but he prefers to touch me, and he’s a persistent little dog :) I have a Dr. appointment this morning so RonK will have to do until I get back. Sure hope my blood pressure and coumadin levels are in the near normal range.

    Diana, containers are a hard environment for plants. Sometimes the top of the dirt is dry but the roots are wet so check the drainage and make sure they have some sunshine every day. I try to let the whole pot dry out and then do a deep water.

    Time for coffee and a quick shower. Best wishes to all.

  19. Good morning, meeses! Wednesday …

    It is 70 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 90 – heat index 97! Sunny skies are in the forecast.

    Dane County will be masking starting on Monday and Governor Evers is considering a statewide mandate even knowing that the MAGAts will sue him for “tyranny”! How oppressive to want people to keep from being sick (and maybe dying) and allowed as much of the economy as possible to reopen SAFELY!! :::sigh:::

    The news is buzzing with the Mary Trump book but, really, is there anyone who doesn’t already know that Donald J. Trump is a malignant narcissist and a literal pig who kills everything he touches? By the way, I expect the Republican governors to be mute about tRump’s demands that schools reopen – if a Democratic president was trying to take control of the state’s public schools, they would scream bloody murder. Embarrassing for them – I hope their constituents are paying attention to their cowardice. There is no way to safely reopen schools – it is the most ghastly implementation of herd immunity possible. It is NOT shocking that teachers – some of whom may be in at-risk categories – are treated like garbage again and still.

    I am going to ignore the rest of the news for now as I have a few things I need to get out the door before work starts in earnest at around 8am.

    See all y’all later!

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