Week-long Welcomings from Moosylvania: November 15th

Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.

Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).

The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.

So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?

NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool, shown here with 3 pages of comments available.



  1. Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …

    Morning low of 45 degrees in Madison WI with an expected daytime high of 37. The forecast calls for mixed precipitation.

    Have a great day, all y’alls!!

  2. Sunday Meese. 27 going up to 51 with rain here in Kingston NY.

    Puerto Rico

  3. Good Sunday morning, Moosekind. It’s overcast in Ashburn and a relatively mild 52 F. Rain is in the forecast, and temperatures are expected to drop from today’s high of 65 to 45 F. tonight after the cold front follows the rain.

    Plans to walk the dog before the rain descends are in the offing. Woke up much too early today, which means I’ll need a nap after lunch. Work is proceeding well, for which I’m grateful! I think Trumpism and worry about the election were constraining me for a long time. At any rate, I feel better than I have in months. I listen to my favorite music while I work, which helps my mood.

    Trying to stay away from MSM news about Democrats. They always find fault with Democrats. This apparently sells newspapers.

    Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.

  4. In from my walk/run. Cold enough that I needed long sleeves & pants. First time for that since the cold snap we had in mid-October. I don’t know if the front blew in new pollen, but I’m sneezing my head off. Today’s agenda: church, then I’m making Three Cup Vegetables. My free NYT recipe thing runs out soon, I need to find a way to save the recipes I like.

  5. Good sunny morning, Meeses. It’s 45 heading for 58 and supposed to be sunny all day. And all week. Sounds good to me. We only got 3 KWHs yesterday but the m-t-d is 101 – most definitely on track and the coming week’s sunshine should keep it there at least until next Sunday. We got a thunderstorm and high winds last night just as I went to bed. From the sticks rather than branches on the ground I’d say the winds weren’t as high as they sounded. But I did have to retrieve a trash can lid from my neighbor’s yard this morning when I went out to dispose of litterbox detritus.

    Twitler, for all the damage he’s done and is still doing, is become more and more irrelevant by the day. The worst part is that Joe and Kamala can’t start addressing the pandemic or the economic issues that go with it for over 2 months. Way too many people are gonna become homeless, go hungry, and die because of that. I wish to goddess LW twitter would STFU about putting their favs into the cabinet. IF we can pull off a friggin’ miracle in GA we’ll have 50 Senators and control of the Senate. & those stupid “I want what I want when I want it or I’ll pick up my ball and go home” jacklegs want to pull Senators. That goes for the House as well. We still have the majority but not by much. We’ve got to keep at least enough so Pelosi can get work done in spite of the “Squad”. (Now that Joe & Kamala will have the Executive branch I fully expect Pelosi and some of the other Elders to retire in 2022. As they’d planned to do in 2018.)

    We’re gonna get through this tunnel into daylight. We’re gonna lose way too many before we do. But we can breathe and drop our shoulders from our ears now. There’s lots of work to be done but we can’t do it yet. So rest and prep, then prep and rest. Hit the ground running at noon on 1/20/21. Meanwhile prayers and music. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}

  6. Good morning, 49 cloudy and rain showers in Bellingham. Gov Inslee is issuing new Covid control orders today so we’ll be staying even closer to home. Without some government relief this is going to be very hard for our local business community. It’s hard for family too but we’re all committed to doing our part to stay healthy. I just hope the political divide re covid containment will allow enough people to do the same.

    When I went to bed last night a cat was exploring our newly cozy porch so now I’m day dreaming of how to fully enclose the porch. Prolly won’t happen but dreams are free and fun. Between cats on the porch and deer on the patios our garden is a critter approved comfort zone!

    Counting the days until tRump is gone and Covid is contained. Take care eveyone.

  7. Monday morning Meese.
    We survived another tornado alert here in NY last night- these storms are becoming more frequent. :(

  8. Good Monday morning, Moosekind! We’re in for a delightfully sunny day with blue skies. Right now it’s 49 F. in Ashburn, going up to 56 F. Definitely a day to go for a walk as the next two days will be colder and windier.

    We watched Episode 1 of “The Crown” last night. My husband, who has always voted Labour or its equivalent, said it left a bad taste in his mouth. I don’t care for royalty either but get suckered into watching because they live a life so different from my own. All I can say is that I’m glad I’m not one of them. I love my family and show it openly. That family does not.

    For the rest, today will be another day of work. I’m, hoping to put one or two projects to rest. Despite the awfulness of what’s going on with the tsunami of new infections and more deaths, I feel less burdened, just knowing we’ll have grownups in charge in a few weeks.

    Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.

  9. Good morning, meeses! Monday …

    It is 27 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 41. Sunny this morning and then a chance of mixed precipitation.

    My too-busy Monday-morning has left me unable to check the news. I think it is mostly “Biden won” “tRump refuses to concede, plans to ratfk the country” “people are dying from virus outbreaks caused by incompetence and ignorance.” The last one worries me because it is never the people who cause these problems who die, it is the innocents who suffer. I did see a headline come across that another virus candidate has had success in the > 90% range. There is hope that if we can survive the tRump Maladminstration, we may survive the pandemic.

    Ron Johnson, soon to lose his place as Stupidest Man in the Senate when Tommy Tuberville is sworn in, says Google is unfair because it shows Republicans as ignorant haters of humanity and shows Democrats as decent, caring and intelligent. Hey, RoJo! That is not from an algorithm, that is from real-life contact with Republican electeds like you and your leader.

    I will go news-lite again today as I continue my plan to transition to normal life, one where I don’t have to click-refresh all day to see what fresh hell has been visited on us.

    See all y’all later!

  10. It’s 41 heading for 65 and sunny today in Fay., AR. Yesterday we generated 8.4 KWHs and the m-t-d is 109.7 – very much on track still. The rest of the week is supposed to be pretty much like this. Hopefully that will “bank” enough electricity to keep us on track the following week which isn’t.

    Dunno why but I could not warm up last night. I’m talking flannel sheets, 2 quilts, and a wool blanket and still didn’t feel warm. I managed to drowse a lot but didn’t get any decent “deep cycle” sleep at all. And my hands are still cold. sigh. Oh well. There are many worse things in the world and I’ve very dear friends who suffer from some of those worse things. I’ve got a candle going right now for several of them. It’s a good day for it. First day of the 2nd half of the month. The day of the Tower in the Tarot – I used to struggle with that key to wisdom in the Major Arcana. Until I applied it politically. The rock foundation and sturdy tower unharmed but the artificial crown on top being knocked off by lightning and the propaganda masters being chucked out the window. I’ve looked forward to the 16th every month of twitler’s administration – and have 2 more to go. (Although if we don’t do something about those propaganda masters this time, they’ll just rebuild/reinstall that crown in 4 or 8 years.) But definitely a good day to light a candle and send requests for Healing to the Universe via sweet beeswax-scented smoke. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}

  11. Good morning. We had a cold front over the weekend, I had to wear a jacket when I went into the office this morning. I might turn on the heater. Today: just work.

  12. Good morning, 44 and cloudy in Bellingham. I was outside on the porch yesterday afternoon watching the rain and feeling grateful to be warm and dry yet still outdoors.

    I feel more mentally prepared to cope with increased Covid isolation this morning, but this a hard time for all of us. Take care everyone.

  13. Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …

    It is 27 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 37. Mostly sunny skies. The bit of “mixed precipitation” expected yesterday was clouds rolling in, four or five flakes of snow, then sunny skies again.

    I watched Joe Biden’s speech yesterday and, yes, the takeaway is that “more people will die” if the Republican Party refuses to do an intervention on their leader and force him to direct the GSA to begin the transition. The work on the vaccination vetting and setting up distribution to the states must be done in coordination with the scientists who Biden has tapped for his COVID-19 Advisory Board. No one believes that the current maladministration has the competence to set up the elaborate distribution network required and they have no credibility with the states. tRump has already said that New York State won’t get the vaccine because he does not like the governor – he needs to be removed from the process. Joe said he would be meeting with governors soon (today?) to start that work but it would be infinitely better if he had access to the resources of the federal government that he will be running in (checks countdown widget) 64 days. In 28 days the Electoral College will meet and cast 306 votes for Biden. One would hope that that will force Emily to finally do her job.

    Wisconsin told the Trump Campaign that they need to pony up $7.9 if they want a recount. I hope we get the money up front with a cashiers check – there is no way he pays that bill, especially after the recount shows that the votes were counted properly.

    Stay safe out there! See all y’all later!!

  14. Tuesday Meese. 32 going up to 45 here in Kingston NY.
    Am chuckling this morning at Howard Fineman getting soundly ratioed for dissing POTUS Obama – actually equating him with Trump

    Some responses
    “You need a time out and a nap for even pretending this is a reasonable comparison.
    this is a bad tweet, a bad thought, just no.”

    “It’s not ego when you have the goods to back it up.”
    “No matter where a certain folks fall politically, uppity negroes will forever be their kryptonite.”
    “you really took the time to type all those letters and hit send tweet”
    “Howard, this is not a healthy take. He was the first Black President, and a President whose two terms covered an incredible span of historical events and marked a pivotal, and deeply ugly, turning point in American history.”
    “Ever think about the fact that we want to read more (not less) from POTUS Obama – while he’s alive and not filtered through the words of some hacks. You dare compare him to a racist megalomaniac killer? Delete this shit.” (from me)

    “Are you really comparing the length of the autobiography of the FIRST and ONLY Black president in US history to…Trump’s ego? Have you lost your mind? Do you really not understand that this memoir is also a history of race in America? Delete this. Seriously.”

    “This is the saddest, most self-owning “but Obama“ defense of Donald Trump I have seen yet. The first Black president in US history is answering the massive demand for his thoughts on his fascinating, groundbreaking life and career, and you, uhh… well, you seem jealous.”
    “Winston Churchill wrote a SIX VOLUME SERIES (4,736 pages) on his involvement in WW2.”
    A presidential autobiography spanning more than one volume is not exactly unique, you gobshite.
    LBJ’s is over 5 volumes. If not more

  15. Puerto Rico

    The main recovery projects in Puerto Rico have not yet started

  16. Brrrrrr, in from my walk/run & it’s 45 degrees out there. I made it to 6 running segments, though — so that’s pretty good. Today: work, and an agency-wide zoom meeting. Ours are actually fairly pleasant.

  17. It’s 45 heading for upper 60s and sunny again. It’ll even be pleasant in a couple of hours. (Some folks I know think it’s pleasant right now. ????) We got just over 8 KWHs yesterday and the m-t-d is 118 so…

    Twitler is going to destroy as much as he can, kill as many people as he can, on his way out. The MSM has already switched to their new primary objective – poisoning the well against Joe and working on making him a one-term president. They are getting as much help as you’d expect from the LW on twitter (& probably elsewhere but twitter is all I see). And anybody who didn’t expect this hasn’t been paying attention. sigh. Meanwhile, health and money issues for my various friends. Yesterday’s candle did one of those “magic” things – it was a votive with a 6-hour burning time but it burned for 14. If there’s anything to signs and portents, I hope that’s a good one. I think it is.

    I’m off to DK to find anotherdemocrat’s diary and tweet it out. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}

  18. Good late Tuesday morning, Moosekind! It’s a windy, chilly 49 F. today, going up to a whopping 51 F. Dearly just took Monty out and said it was unpleasant to be in the wind. Monty has lost so much weight that his wraparound coat no longer fits. I just ordered a warm sweater for him.

    Not much to say except that I deplore the Deplorables, and you know, that includes the MSM. They’re all Rethug jerks. Have no time at all for them.

    Has anyone else experienced this phenomenon? I seem to have more time nowadays! Now that I don’t constantly have to keep on top of the news, as in, “Whatinell has he done/said NOW?” I feel so much less burdened! Just knowing that soon the grownups will be in charge gives me great peace of mind.

    When time permits I think I’ll yank my network to form an online protection team for Joe and Kamala. Every time the MSM does something appalling in the manner of Howard Fineman, we should get on Twitter and other forms of social media and call them out. They need to know we’re not going to let them pillory our new prez and vice-prez the way they pilloried Hillary.

    Their parents sent us copies of Karl’s and Nora’s requests to Santa Claus. We’ll get her the Warrior six-volume set. I’m not sure whether the Warriors in question are cats or dragons. One of the items on her list is a request to not let “Hudson/Mort/Monty die.” These are the names of the family dogs. I think she fears that with coronavirus everywhere the dogs will become dangerously ill.

    Work is going well, which is all I’ll say about it for now. Wishing a good, quiet day to all at the Pond.

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