Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool, shown here with 3 pages of comments available.
Saturday Meese. 22 here in Kingston NY, going up to 32.
Got some messages wishing me Happy Kwanzaa – which I don’t celebrate
Kwanzaa is a no-no for me.
Dear Goddess, Sis, I did not know that! Thank you.
Puerto Rico
PR cannot catch a break ever, it seems.
Good Saturday morning, Moosekind! It’s a chilly 22 F. here on a clear morning in Ashburn. Today’s high is projected to be 32 F. It’s not the kind of weather that will tempt me out for a walk.
Christmas dinner has come and gone, thank Goddess. The weight of societal expectations has been lifted for a while, so now I can focus on other things, such as tidying my office. Don’s laptop is not cooperating with his doctor’s requirement to send pictures of the spots on his face that require Mohs surgery, so today I’ll be helping him with that.
Our fridge is so full of red meat I fear we might die of heart attacks. Luckily, lots of vegetables are involved in the meals I’m planning.
This morning’s WaPo front section is full of dire prognostications for Democrats. The media can’t stand the idea of voters being happy with Democrats. The Post journos have sought out an obscure island off Maryland shores where everyone is a Trumpanzee and have interviewed them. Have I mentioned that I despise the media?
Time to eat breakfast and get dressed, it’s already 9 a.m. Wishing a good day to all Pond people!
I despise our media also. The New York Times has also pivoted to Democrats in Disarray. It seems like no one will let us enjoy that the Biden Harris Administration is going to be a thing in 25 days and must focus on every little hiccup. For crying out loud, the current administration is presiding – gleefully it appears – over their negligent homicide of over 360,000 people and the forced evictions and starvation of millions more! Focus on that, you craven cowards who refused to call tRump a liar for 3 and a half years, who saw them as one side of Both Sides are Bad. No, one side is deplorable and the other side has been working to end their power for the good of all.
All to true, Jan! Guess what, I was able to post your Biden-Harris greetings to Facebook just now. It’s easier to do things on the laptop.
Good morning! Hope everyone had a good day yesterday. It’s cold, by Texas standards — not freezing, just cold. It’s supposed to get up to 70 this afternoon. I got out for a walk yesterday, I noticed I hadn’t had any ankle pain in a few days. Only managed 2 running segments, mostly because even at 3:30, my stomach was still full of the gnocci & brussel sprouts I had for lunch. Since it wasn’t much of a workout, I’ll go again this afternoon. Getting curbside groceries — cheaper than delivery, still minimizes being around people. Going to go ahead & make my New Year’s dish, have it for dinner next week: black eyed peas, kale (it’s part of the cabbage family & tastes/smells better), carrots cut in rounds (like coins), rice, and cornbread because Texas.
It’s 50 heading for 61 and a sunny “Boxing Day” here in Fayetteville, AR. Yesterday we got just under 7 KWHs and 122.75 is the m-t-d. We might manage to reach 150 by the end of the month/year. It would be nice.
Another “holiday season” in the sock. I wish it meant fewer advertising emails but they’ve just shifted to the “after Christmas sales” and are still filling my inbox. sigh. The decorations will stay up until 12th Night – tradition and all that – but I listened to my last Christmas carol yesterday. (Very much enjoyed Dee’s diary.) At least for this year. I can’t decide whether I want to hear Beethoven or Richard Rodgers this morning (don’t want to hear anything for another hour or so) but it won’t be christmasy whatever it is.
If we are ever going to get out of this political and economy mess – out of it, not just damage control whenever we can get enough power to do so – we’ve got to break up the RW propaganda machine that is the MSM. Molly Ivins was warning about it in the ’90s and it’s done nothing but get worse. Goebbels wet dream at this point. We will do what we can when Joe actually gets into office. If we don’t get rid of McConnell/R majority in the Senate it won’t be much. Won’t be anything like what needs to be done even if we do. But we will do what we can in whatever circumstances we find ourselves.
This dreadful year is almost over. 2021 is going to start where 2020 leaves off. We shall see where it leads us. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning meese, it’s 57 degrees in Folsom, CA. It has been raining off and on since yesterday evening, with more rain in the forecast. No snow here, as we’re below the snow line (~1200 ft), but travel over the Sierras is not advised without chains on maximum.
aitchdee surprised me last night with a bunch of gifts which were all well-selected and great gifts. She truly is a wonderful housemate… :)
{{{basket}}} rain is good where you are. Snow in the mountains is even better. Even if not so good for traveling. & blessings on aitchdee. I’m so glad that is being a good situation for you both. Healing Energy all around & moar {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 49 and rain showers in Bellingham. We enjoyed a quiet day yesterday with easy food, family phone chats, music and naps. My plan to read a book turned into a nap while holding a book though. We’ll have a zoom call with Ron’s brothers today and then Christmas is over, yay!
I think we were all careful enough with our outdoor time together but I’ll be a bit anxious until a few days have passed. Please may we all stay healthy.
Best wishes to all on what ever day this is :)