Week-long Welcomings from Moosylvania: August 22nd

Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.

Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).

The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.

So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?

NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.


  1. Good Tuesday morning, Meese! It’s 76 F. in Ashburn, on its way up to 92 F. Hot and sunny it will be all day, a good reason to stay indoors. Last night we had a completely unexpected rainfall at 9:30. It lasted for quite some time, too, a good half-hour. Therefore I need not visit the garden today.

    The Powers That Be have decreed in view of Delta, all employees, contractors, and visitors must wear masks. All residents must wear masks in gatherings of 30 or more. I’ll have to text this news to the offspring.

    In other news, because of the rain last night the dog refused to do his business outside so he peed on the carpet when he came in—dear Goddess! Little E. was so destructive (in terms of upsetting the neatness of the living room) that Dearly volunteered to drive him home right after tea, and I wound up completely exhausted. I can’t believe that I exercise every day and yet my weight goes up. Well, out with the sugar!

    Have a lot of writing to catch up on and exercise to do, so will start on that. Wishing everyone at the Pond a good day, and I DO wish we could a week of low 80s! It’s just too hot.

  2. It’s 71 and sunny. Spozed to be like yesterday only warmer. Sigh. Yesterday the heat index reached 111. We generated 15.9 KWHs and the m-t-d is 329.2 as of right now. Well, at this rate we’ll get over 400. But not a lot over 400.

    Molasses-spice muffin bread in the oven about to come out. I’ll give the house a little bit longer before closing up again in hopes the ceiling fans will blow this added heat outside where it won’t be noticed. After I do my “twitter chores” for the morning I need to mix & grill my breakfast sausages. I hate that. It’s a greasy mess to both mix and clean up after. But I also hate not having my breakfast sausages. (They’re half my morning protein. And at one per day I don’t start getting queasy eating them as I do with most other stuff.)

    Jill’s “maybe” blew up. Just like all the others she’s tried. But there’s another maybe perking along and maybe this maybe will actually work to get her out of there and somewhere safe. Everybody else at least isn’t in any more danger than they were yesterday. Or if they are, it’s being slow.

    Our nation’s danger is a back and forth thing. And always will be as long as the 60% (plus) white population continues to work on cementing white power before they/we loss the majority. The environment’s danger is immediate and escalating. But nothing I can do about that either.

    So Good Thoughts/prayers all around – for individuals and nations and the world Herself. Meanwhile, muffin bread needs to come out then off to twitter. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}

  3. Good morning, 58 and blue skies in Bellingham. My plans for working in the garden yesterday didn’t happen, but I did finally get my #2 Moderna shot. I took antihistamines and Ron was standing by with an epi pen but no so far I haven’t had hives or asthma. I ache all over but am so relieved to have more protection from Covid that I don’t even care. Major relief!

    I prolly won’t do much today but that’s ok. Best wishes to all.

    • {{{princesspat}}} so very glad you’ve gotten your second shot – & w/ so few side effects! Healing Energy & moar {{{HUGS}}}

    • This is a HUGE relief! Now you have a strategy for the boosters – or maybe you won’t need it because of the timing of shot #2?

  4. Good morning, meeses! Wednesday …

    It is 70 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 88 (feels like 95). Yesterday the heat index at one point was 114! I can handle the dry heat but the moist heat is oppressive.

    The head of the University of Wisconsin System, former Republican Governor Tommy Thompson, told the Republican legislature he will ignore their “rules” banning vaccine and testing protocols on campuses. He obviously found the one pragmatic bone left in his body – the one that has not been damaged by years of exposure to hyperpartisanship and the buy-in to scorched earth Republicanism. Clearly, he realizes that if the campuses have to close down again because of outbreaks, it’s game over – there will be no return to normalcy and a huge blow to the state. It will be interesting to see how the Republican deadendres plan to address his “treachery.”

    I am still in awe over the insanity that has overtaken the press with their willfully ignoring that tRump had set the withdrawal deadline as May 1st and had NO plan in place for evacuations (and specific plans to exclude evacuations of Muslims). How the hell would that evacuation have looked? Another reminder that the press is for the press and not for the truth and certainly not for us.

    Busy day as I rush to get my morning projects done and get ready for the unveiling of House Clearing Phase I. It feels nicer with a lot of clutter removed, it will be interesting to see what the experts think about marketability. Fingers crossed.

    See all y’all later!

  5. Wednesday Meese. 63 going up to a cloudy 89 here in Kingston NY.

    The people who don’t want us to vote shouldn’t be holding office.

  6. Puerto Rico

  7. So, yesterday…… I had to get 2 new tires, then after lunch I couldn’t log back in to work and couldn’t get in touch with anyone in the office to restart my computer. Just an “ugh” kind of day. Working in the office today. Hope for zero excitement.

  8. Good Wednesday morning, Moosekind! After nearly 7 hours’ sleep without drugs, I was up, bleary-eyed as a sloth, at 5:22 this a.m. It’s 74 F. on a day that will reach 94 F. I am so ready for the Time of the Falling Leaf!

    Nothing much to say except that I need to visit the garden, do my half-hour of treadmill plus 15 minutes of waist exercises, and various other things before my energy runs out at noon. Also need to fill out voter cards and wellness info before next Wednesday.

    I am depressed that abortion, and right after it, contraception, may soon become illegal. I suppose in certain states they won’t, but we’ll be back to 1969, with women traveling out of the South up to NY state to get the care they need.

    Wishing a good, uneventful day to all at the Pond.

  9. It’s 71 going to 97, who knows on the heat index, and sunny. Yesterday we got 15.67 KWHS – we haven’t gotten a single day this month over 20 and only 4 over 17. Which explains the m-t-d being at 344.8 instead of over 400 by now. The house is open and the coolth is seeping in. But the temps are already rising. I’ll need to close up again by 9 at the latest.

    My baking is done for the next 2 weeks. Breakfast sausage grilling for the next 7. So coffee, oatmeal, and whatever veggie I decide to steam for dinner is all the cooking I’ll be doing for a while. And none of them requires turning on the oven.

    All the specific plans Jill’s tried have fallen through. Amelia couldn’t collect enough “spoons” to even take a shower yesterday. Aji’s getting worse. But the bills keep coming in, expected and not, so she’s still doing her “push sales” job. Struggling. Late. But doing it. Karen’s situation hasn’t changed so she’s focusing on a friend’s worse one to distract herself. My friend’s situation hasn’t changed much either. (Her dad’s worse but they’re getting more hospice help with him.) University of AR has an indoor mask mandate but is having trouble enforcing it. Aashirs nani/Suzanne’s grandson’s high school (suburb of Dallas but not DISD) is holding a pep rally this morning. 5000 students in the auditorium screaming/yelling and otherwise forcefully projecting aerosols through whatever masks they probably aren’t wearing. (Her grandson is going to be “late” this morning.) Good Thoughts/prayers for safety, all around.

    Twitter chores are calling. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}

  10. Good morning, 62 and sunny in Bellingham. I still ache all over, but no hives or breathing difficulties, yay! Now that I know I can manage the allergic reactions, and that going to Rite Aid makes getting the vaccine easy I can get the booster shot in a month or so. Huge relief!

    I’m restless this morning, but plan to have an easy day with the hope the body aching will ease. Might be a good day for some simple sewing. Best wishes to all.

  11. Good morning, meeses! Thursday …

    It is 72 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 86. Mainly sunny skies with a chance for thunderstorms this evening. Those will NOT cool us down as promised – 80s in the forecast at least until next Tuesday.

    Ron DeathSantis of Florida, where bodies are stacking up at funeral homes again, wants Joe Biden to “follow his lead.” I have no doubt that if the Orange Pustule had been re-elected, we would not have survived another round of pandemic mismanagement.

    A minister writing an op-ed in the New York Times said that the de-Godding of America will be bad for both parties. For Republicans, he said that it means that when old white people die off, they will lose their base. For Democrats, he said “having people with different opinions” will make it hard to forge a coalition. Good lord, they don’t even try to hide their authoritarian bent! Blind compliance is good, thinking is bad. I will take my chances that a coalition formed by people with intelligence who choose their own paths – religious or non-religious – will do just fine.

    See all y’all later!

    • Great Mother, did they all get the memo? E. J. Dionne wrote the same thing at the WaPo. IMHO, the lack of religion is nothing but good. Someone said, “With monotheism comes intolerance.”

      Napoleon said “Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich.”

  12. Thursday Meese. 69 going up to 91 – hot and humid here in Kingston.
    Puerto Rico


    • I say again—bless this man! He’s also providing meals to Afghan refugees arriving at Dulles Airport, a coupla miles down the road from here.

      José Andrés in fact fulfills the definition of what I used to think of as “Christian”—a kind, caring, gentle person. I don’t think of Christians that way any more.

  13. Good morning. Tired, even though I think I only woke up 3 times last night. Working from home today, yay. Good thing I’ve done this job for 20 years & don’t have to actually think much to do it.

  14. Good Thursday morning, Meese. It’s 74 F. in Ashburn this morning, going up to 93 F. We have a “mackerel sky” of cirrostratus clouds stretching across the pale blue of the heavens.

    Last night we had a thunderstorm, if you please. It began during “Jeopardy” and continued until 9:30, when I went to bed. I was up at 5:30 this morning—ugh—after 7 hours’ sleep. I’ll run out of energy by lunchtime.

    I’m still behind on writing and other chores. All of this will just have to take a back seat until I lose weight. Have been going to the gym every day. I don’t want to look hideous during my interview on the in-house TV channel on Sept. 10.

    Yesterday every little boy in Ashburn was getting a back-to-school haircut, so I had to wait for an hour in the barbershop. Oh, well, I just read the Kindle novel on my iPhone. This morning is the first day of school in Loudoun County, so I’m sure the air in the surrounding suburbs is blue with curses (from the parents, not the children). Getting kids to get up and eat breakfast before going to school is next to impossible.

    It’s 8:30, so I’d better get dressed and go to the gym. Wishing all at the Pond a nice, uneventful day.

  15. It’s 75 & today is supposed to be a repeat of yesterday. At least it’s sunny. Yesterday we got 15.6 KWHs and the m-t-d is 360. I got my SWEPCO statement yesterday. During the last cycle I used 108 KWHs more than I generated. Which fortunately I had “banked” – and hope I can make up once. It takes an average of 17/day when I’m running A/C. I’ve had 4 days this month (barely) over 17.

    I’m down to Good Thoughts/prayers for everybody. Aji’s running a fundraiser ($5K) for Wings’s niece (niece is trying to start an online business & her youngest has health issues & needs to be homeschooled – so this is 2 decent laptops, a camera, a phone, plus the insurance, taxes, shipping, etc) and I’m trying to find something to add to that. I’ll find it somewhere. I hope.

    Trying not to think of the political, pandemic, or environmental situations. I’m not ready to give in to despair and there is nothing more I can do. Off to twitter to do my twitter chores. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}

    • Bfitz, does Aji know about this organization?


      Sounds as if Wings’ niece is eligible to receive free laptops for herself and her son. Also, I had tremendous luck obtaining a laptop for a friend on the NextDoor app. The donor had been saving up for years to get a Mac—she finally bought it, then wondered what to do with her previous laptop that she’d used for several years with no problems. I obtained the laptop, then mailed it by UPS to the friend in a different state. It arrived in only two days.

      So that’s an option too.

      • {{{Diana}}} I’m pretty sure Aji knows about these folks. Time is kind of an issue here. School started 2 weeks ago. But Lee (the niece) will be using hers for business – she’s going to start marketing the beadwork earrings she’s been making for the family – and needs some specific software capabilities. Her son unfortunately also needs some specific software capabilities – as they found out the hard way when the tablet that was supposed to be all he needed couldn’t download some of his assignments. But it’s definitely an organization to keep in the back of one’s mind.

  16. Good morning, 60 and cloudy in Bellingham. I’m back to normal aches and pains this morning and still very relieved to have the second vaccine shot. I’ll be busier today with laundry and a garden cleanup. Some of the summer plants are done now so ready or not it’s time for a fall refresh. We’ll have more family visitors in September and given Covid reality it will be safer for us to all be together outdoors so we’ll keep the patio cantina open.

    Time for coffee, music, solitaire, and to avoid the morning news. Best wishes to all.

  17. Good morning, meeses! Friday …

    It is 72 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 88. Chance of thunderstorms all day.

    Well, the #BernieOrBust coalition’s turnover of the Supreme Court to the Republicans for a generation is turning out to be the disaster we expected. No eviction moratorium, hundreds of thousands of people about to become homeless. The end of Roe v Wade (of course, they don’t care about that, being dude-bros). No voting rights protections, permanently gerrymandered states guaranteeing minority rule, permission to overturn elections that displease red state legislatures. The Naderites screwed us in 2000 with their Both Parties are the Same and the Berners finished the job in 2016. Blast their purity!

    I wanted to scream in frustration yesterday when the Fox “reporter” refused to acknowledge Joe Biden’s explanation of why there had not been any American casualties in Afghanistan in the past year. No, it was not because we were winning Afghanistan, it was because the deal that HIS BOSS cut with the Taliban was that attacks on American military would end in exchange for giving them the country. Joe lowered his head to the podium to gather the strength to not call the guy an ignorant asshole – in my mind he should have!

    Tomorrow starts the last weekend of August – where did the summer go? I have several projects to complete in order to be ready for September 1st. It feels odd to have Labor Day so late – it will throw off the entire month.

    See all y’all later!

    • I’m sick of these people

  18. Good Friday morning, Moosekind. Well, as we know, yesterday was full of horrible news. I hope Biden does hunt down ISIS and make them pay. What an awful thing to happen! That’s all they know—death and destruction are the watchwords of Da’esh.

    It’s so humid here this morning you can see it. Right now it’s 72 F. with 86 percent humidity. There will be rain this afternoon, so they say, which will facilitate naps. All three of us had a rotten night. We’re down to about 4 inches’ deficit in yearly rainfall, which is certainly better than 6 inches.

    Remember how worried I was about looking awful on camera September 10? I needn’t have agonized, no one will be watching. Terry McAuliffe and our district delegate will be here that morning at the same time. Everyone will be in the auditorium. Virginia Rethugs are so desperate they’re trying to get McAuliffe’s name taken off the ballot. They say his signature was missing from the paperwork declaring his candidacy. So far this has failed to impress both the judges and the election experts. It doesn’t need to be on the paperwork if there are two witnesses who are authorized voters present.

    Anyway, the most recent poll this morning showed McAuliffe with a 9-point lead over his Rethug opponent. Once suburban Virginia women got word of Youngkin’s antichoice attitude, that was all she wrote, sweetie.

    In other news, I’m so tired of going to the supermarket that I’m sending Dearly in my place; I have lots of desk work to do, and breakfast to cook. Here’s hoping we’ll all have a peaceful day with no bad news!

  19. Friday Meese. 69 and so muggy feels like you could drink the air, going up to 87 here in Kingston NY.

    Puerto Rico


    Instead of endless Biden bashing – it would be nice if the msm would cover this:

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