Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 66 degrees in Madison WI with an expected daytime high of 70. Scattered thunderstorms are in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Sunday Meese. 52 here in Kingston NY going up to 74 with rain.
Thank you to everyone who marched yesterday! The struggle continues,
Puerto Rico
Back from my walk/run. I did 6 segments of 90 seconds running! Yay me! Now I’m sitting & watching the news, eating breakfast. We’re going to have church in the sanctuary this morning, first time since B.C. days. Going to double-mask, because singing.
Black Music Sunday
It’s 61 heading for 78 and cloudy. Supposed to clear off this afternoon. I hope so. Yesterday we generated just under 8 KWHs. Added to Friday’s just under 9, we’re at 16 for the m-t-d. Which isn’t even on track for 250. sigh.
Another piece of my broken molar broke off last night. (No, there isn’t any pain. Just the sharp edges that will smooth over after a bit.) Considering how brittle my nails have become, obviously my body is not assimilating the calcium I’m taking. And I truly don’t know what to do about that.
We had a very short – like less than 2 minutes – power outage this morning just as I was starting to log on. The battery in the router doesn’t work so it took 15 minutes for the router to reset itself. So 20 minutes of minor inconvenience, no worries about medical devices (which I don’t have anyway) or loss of food. Sending more Good Thoughts to Puerto Rico.
As far as I know everybody’s pretty much in the same spaces doing the same stuff to slog through. It “ain’t right” but it is real. And so far folks are surviving. Coffee. Dee’s diary. twitter. (And my household chores I keep getting derailed on in between.) Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good Sunday morning, Moosekind, and a lovely morning it is as well. After a morning low of 66 F., we’re currently at 76 F. in Ashburn, going for a high of 85 F. That kinda ruins my plan for tonight’s dinner, so I’ll have to think of something else.
Yesterday my friend from upstairs and I sat in a local Democrat’s garage and assembled walk packets. We were just beginning to do this when up walked the candidate himself! He and I have the same surname, only mine is spelled the British way and his the German way. He’s a personable man but a raging chatterbox: we thought he’d never get into his car to go off and walk neighborhoods. He’s off work for the next 30 days, he said, to do nothing but concentrate on meeting voters and urging them to vote.
I keep getting disgruntled emails from Terry’s campaign, complaining that not enough Dems are voting early. Well, fer gawd’s sake, honey, I’m not driving all the way to Leesburg! I’ll wait until October 18 and go down the road to cast my vote in person, along with Dearly.
But enough about that. Last night I took another Ativan simply because I can’t keep running on two cylinders. If I wind up with Alzheimer’s, well, I’ll just find someone to quietly poison me, possibly an Easter Diamondback rattlesnake. I have just as much to do as anyone else, so I need my sleep. In fact, I didn’t get up until 7:30 this morning after a “lights out” at 10:30. It was bliss.
Breakfast has been cooked and enjoyed, Dearly is out walking the dog, and laundry is underway. I’m washing the barf rug. If only that dreadful little dog wouldn’t eat grass! It’s qujite nasty grass, full of chemicals as well as dog doings. However I am pleased to report we’re supposed to have a WEEK of rain after today. Ask me if I care! (Snort)
This afternoon I may perhaps get a chance to start on the short story that’s been bugging the hell out of me. If I write it, I’ll post it here.
Totally pissed at the way the “Bookmark” function in Safari refuses to bookmark the Moose site. I’ve tried three times. The old OS bookmarked it OK. I don’t know what the matter is, but it’s another thing to go on my list of things to tell James.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!
Good morning, 54 and cloudy in Bellingham. My sister is home now and I rested the day away yesterday so now I need to decide what to do next. Her visit was good, just intense.
I’m slow to wake up this morning, so time to find some coffee and get my day underway. Best wishes to all.
Monday Meese. 58 going up to 62 with rain here in Kingston NY.
Puerto Rico
Good morning. It’s a work-in-the-office Monday. I absolutely will stretch and move around today. We have a flu shot thing here tomorrow, but driving downtown just for that seems wasteful. I’ll go to a pharmacy instead. Bonus that I can get a shingles vax at the same time. Anyway, happy Monday y’all
Good Monday morning, Moosekind! We have weak sunlight today in Ashburn with rain predicted this afternoon. When I took Monty out at 5:30 a.m. it was 70 degrees and I could smell a fragrant shrub in bloom. I don’t know what it is, but it hugs the ground and has white flowers. Overhead the sky was full of streaky clouds. Sunrise was at 7, of course. Right now it’s 68 F. going up to 82 F.
Another bad start to the day, only four hours’ real sleep. I just Googled this and apparently it’s very hard to treat. I already do all the things they suggest, fer gawd’s sake. What can’t be cured must be endured.
We went to tea at Younger Son’s new house. It’s huge! Much to my amazement, Younger Son said they would live there 4 or 5 years and then move back to the house that’s currently being rented by the Third Secretary at the Saudi Embassy. I was dumbfounded as one of the reasons they moved was that they thought it was too dark. At least that house had rooms with doors. The new one is one vast space except for the upstairs, which is actually divided into bedrooms.
OK, I’m rattling. Going to finish my coffee, get ready for the day, and probably go to the bank. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.
It’s 57 going to 80 and sunny. At least at the moment. We generated 9.76 KWHs yesterday and the 26.39 m-t-d is at least on track for 250.
Still haven’t decided what I’m going to do about the broken tooth. Dentists are expensive and I don’t trust them as far as I could throw one anyway. I’m much more concerned about the cause – calcium malabsorption – than the specific tooth. It doesn’t hurt, even when I eat, and isn’t temperature sensitive. Of course I don’t know anyone I’d trust to talk to about the calcium malabsorption either. sigh. I may put more milk back in my diet. Maybe the Ca I’m taking needs micronutrients to work with or something.
Everybody’s hanging on. Some seem to be making progress. Some seem to be losing ground. But they’re still hanging on. Coffee & twitter. & a dairy store run as I’m almost out of milk. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Bfitz, I read that if you take Vitamin D, it helps calcium absorption. I take it every morning.
I’m taking 3,000 IUs a day. Unless whatever I’m missing is causing the Vitamin D to not absorb either, which is very possible, that should be plenty. {{{Diana}}}
Good morning, meeses! Monday …
It is 62 degrees and overcast.
Quick check-in. I won’t have any computer access for about 4 hours and then I will be running errands all afternoon.
Have a great day, all y’alls
Good morning, 49 and mostly cloudy. We put away the summer patio furnishings yesterday and I was pleased with how easy it was to do so. Between the garage cleanup and regular tending to the patio spaces maintaining our outdoor living spaces year around is more manageable than it was last year. It was to wet and cold for my sister to be comfortable for outdoor meals, but it’s still a nice option for us.
I haven’t read the news yet, so I think I can safely share best wishes to all. I hope no calamity is set to befall us today!
Tuesday Meese. 54 and cloudy here in Kingston NY, going up to 63.
Elated to see a Lumbee Nation candidate running for office in NC.
Puerto Rico
Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …
It is 61 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 72. Mostly cloudy with sunny breaks. It is damp so it won’t be a pleasant 72.
It sounds like I picked a good day to be mostly offline – I am sure that the angst from FaceBook withdrawals was flooding Twitter and the news sites. I suspect someone shared the keys to the server room with someone who hates them.
I am going to avert my eyes from the sausage making of debt ceilings and budgets and infrastructure. Joe Manchin wants to be a member of a permanent minority (maybe he gets more dinner invitations that way?) – sad for us and for America.
This is a busy week for me with errands and demands on my time all week so I am not going to be online much.
See all y’all later!
Good morning. Skipped the walk/run, I don’t feel good. Turned off my alarm & back-up, slept till 7. Going to try working. Douglas Adams had his character Arthur Dent say he couldn’t get the hang of Thursdays, for me, it’s Tuesdays.
Good Tuesday morning, Meese! It’s overcast and 67 F. in Ashburn at the moment, going up to 79 F. It did rain during the night, as I saw when I took Monty out after breakfast.
Last night I enjoyed eight hours’ of uninterrupted sleep. You know why. The result is that I’m full of energy, ready to go charging out on all the errands I didn’t get done yesterday. So we’ll see.
The photographer who works for the quarterly, as I do, wants to take a photo of me tomorrow, surrounded by my books. Why? Only Goddess and she know the reason. At any rate, I agreed to it. Good thing I’m getting my hair done this morning.
Is it wrong of me to want to put a copperhead in McTurtle’s bed? I hear the snakes are biting at this time of year. Even more than TFG I believe that McTurtle has single-handedly brought about the demise of our democracy.
Well, now that I’ve cheered you up, I’ll be on my way. Perhaps there will be better news tomorrow. Wishing a good, news-light day to all at the Pond.
It’s 58 going up to 80 and sunny at the moment which is nice. We generated 11 KWHs yesterday which is comparatively great, and the 37.5 m-t-d is on track for 250 at least.
I’ve made my Aldi’s run and hopefully won’t have to do that again for at least 4 weeks. There’s muffin bread in the oven which will start making the house smell most sentimental shortly. For someone trying to isolate, which I am, I’ve sure been out a lot lately. In the last 10 days I’ve been home 3 and several of those days included multiple outs. sigh.
I don’t know how much she wants the word out so I’m not naming her but a friend just got diagnosed w/ autoimmune hepatitis. She’s very good at isolating which is helpful because she’ll need to do it the rest of her life. The treatment is immunosuppressing drugs. As far as I know everybody else is slogging along. Holding the Good Thoughts all around.
Coffee and twitter. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 56 cloudy and raining in Bellingham, but window is still open so I’m enjoying the cool breeze. I’m at lose ends this morning, trying to decide what to do with my day. I’ve got lots of choices so perhaps another cup of coffee will help me focus. Best wishes to all.