Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Wednesday Meese. 57 going up to 69 here in Kingston NY.
Puerto Rico
Very interesting piece on educating Puerto Ricans about the “race” category in the census and how that changed self-reporting on the island
Working in the office, will see how it goes. I think I feel better than yesterday, but I’ve only been up for 2 hours, not even finished breakfast yet. So, overnight oats and tea – do your thing.
Hope you’ll have a good day, another!
Good Wednesday moaning, Moosekind, and a fine day to moan it is! I don’t mind the weather, which is soggy and gray-skied, 67 F. right now in Ashburn. What I mind is the usual sequence of events when I don’t take a sleeping pill. Asleep with the help of lavender oil at 10:30, opening an eye to look at the clock at 2:30, getting up at 3, then back to bed and sleepless until 4, out of bed to make a cup of tea because there’s no possibility of going back to sleep bla b la bla. I hate the twins, Nefroo and Nephritis Kidney. By the time Joanne takes a photo of me at 11 this morning I’m going to look like Writer Haggard.
But enough of this gloomy chat. This afternoon we’re supposed to go shopping for a new raincoat for Monty. I think he’s gaining weight again. Dearly WILL insist on giving him table scraps!
Was very pleased to be asked to look after the three delightful sisters down the road on October 15. I’ve thought of a new game: I have an annotated volume of nursery rhymes. We’ll act out each nursery rhyme the girls choose, then look up the historical meaning. To make it all more fun, we’re going to wear crazy hats, which I will supply. I can’t wait!
So far this week I have the regular Communications Committee meeting tomorrow afternoon; a Zoom class tomorrow evening in how to criticize other people’s writing in a tactful manner; possible volunteer work Friday afternoon (this remains uncertain); and helping to register voters Saturday afternoon. Sunday evening we need to look after Younger Son’s dog (visit) and Monday morning visit him again.
Glenn (Doughface) Youngkin, Rethuglican candidate for Governor, is visiting The Home this morning. The Conservative Caucus invited him. Good old Glenn wants to turn Virginia into Gilead-on-the-Potomac. The first thing Rethug males do when they come to power is figger out to oppress wimmen, the uppity thangs.
The father of the three sisters said it made him tired just reading about my schedule. LOL! Now I’ve got to go hunt up my Texas friend who cooks and ask her how to make buttermilk biscuits that aren’t bone dry.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond and the Wrath of Goddess to the Rethugs on the Hill.
It’s 58 heading for 78 (maybe) and partly to mostly cloudy today. Sigh. Yesterday we generated 10.6 KWHs so the m-t-d of 48 is still on track for 250. It needs to be 252 for the 4th place generation for October and that’s definitely doable with this much month left to do it in.
Lousy sleep, slept late, and still groggy. Managed breakfast and to get peanut butter-cocoa muffins in the oven. They smell good. I hope they come out good. Groggy is not a good state to be in when baking. Nothing new that I know of on any front. Everybody seems to be hanging on. Holding the Good Thoughts for a respite if not a safe refuge – and secret hopes for long-term sustainable comfortable outcomes.
Coffee & twitter. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 49 and cloudy in Bellingham. Slow to wake up again and not sure what day it is, or that it matters. If it’s Wednesday I need to change the beds :) So time to find some coffee and get my day underway. Best wishes to all.
Thursday Meese. 54 and foggy here in Kingston, going up to 72. My new Caribbean Matters series has a time slot – 8AM every Thurs. Yay!
Slept in again, my back is still/again giving me trouble. The weather is actually nice: 60s to 90s, but I just can’t gather the energy to go outside. So glad for the hold on SB8, the lawyers discussing it on the news last night all said what a great & detailed ruling it was.
{{{anotherdemocrat}}} It’s hard to enjoy much of anything, including nice weather, when your back hurts. Healing Energy & moar {{{HUGS}}}
I got derailed by Dee’s diary. ???? It’s 61 heading for 82 and sunny at the moment. Yesterday we only generated 5.666 KWHs (didn’t get any rain either) so this morning’s 53.77 m-t-d has lost some ground. There’s a lot of month left. We shall see what we shall see.
Amelia’s mom is going into surgery as I type. (Good part – they caught the breast cancer very early. Not so good part – she’s over 80.) Jill’s online harasser is back. sigh. Everybody else seems to be hanging on. Well, with a nice boost of energy and good memory for Aji – 4 years ago today Aji & Wings had spent their first night in the house. And found that the adobe walls had held in the heat so much they didn’t need the electric blankets and space heater they’d brought over from the RV. Aji got 3 solid hours of unmoving sleep in a new bed and woke to see a normal ceiling at normal ceiling height instead of the scabrous flaking mess she could reach up and touch if she wanted she’d been waking up to for 7 years. Such a blessing – a blessing a whole lot of us were part of.
More coffee then back to twitter. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 46 and cloudy in Bellingham. My middle of the night worry about everything sessions are back so my mornings are slow and sleepy again. It really doesn’t matter because I’m getting enough sleep, just doesn’t “seem” right. Oh well, sleep patterns do change as we age and I’m definitely aging. So time for coffee, than a quick scan of the worrisome news, then some desk work, and then something more fun. Best wishes to all.
Friday Meese. 52 going up to 74 here in Kingston NY.
Puerto Rico
Good morning. Not much going on here. Warm weather — they’re telling people going to ACL to please hydrate, because with the heat index, it will feel like 100 degrees. Today: work from home, pick up groceries.
It’s 64 heading for 90, starting to get sunny, which is helpful. We generated just over 10 KWHs yesterday & the 64 m-t-d is still on track for 252 (5th place).
Amelia’s mom came through surgery fine. Jill’s online harasser is back (sigh). Aji’s doing well enough to be posting daily patreon’s again. Everybody else is hanging on. Including me. The Sudafed stopped working at 2:17 am – an hour or so after I took my last dose. I did manage to get a few more hours of sleep just before and after daybreak but I’m very groggy. And having a so-far-minor Raynald’s flare. (As you can see, my issues are very minor compared to everybody else’s.)
Hoping coffee will clear my head a bit. Off to twitter. Bright the day, meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Oh, dear, sorry about grogginess and Raynaud’s flare-up! Hope you’ll feel better as the day progresses.
Good morning, meeses! Friday …
It is 62 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 73. Rainy and gloomy.
Yay, debt ceiling raised! Someone I know needed to get the final approvals on a house loan and the idea of the Treasury (and all things tied to it) running out of money on the 18th was causing some concern.
This should be the last day of my abbreviated check-ins. I expect to have my eyes-forward project completed by the end of the weekend. One more early morning travel day on Monday and then feet up!
See all y’all later!
Hi Jan, good to know your big project has an end in sight!
GM……42 and mostly cloudy in Bellingham. We delivered an anniversary bouquet and enjoyed a brief visit with our grand girls yesterday. I bought a few flowers to go with the hydrangeas from the garden so the bonus was a nice visit with my flower shop friends. The rest of the day was very quiet, but that’s ok.
Best wishes to all.
Good Friday morning, Moosekind! We woke up to chilly fog and overcast skies, like a Scottish morning. However, the weather is clearing to admit some sunshine, blue sky, and white clouds. Current temp. in Ashburn is 67 F., going up to 75 F.
It’s been an eventful few days. Last night I managed to squeeze out 7 and 1/2 hours of sleep without any drugs except lavender oil. Had a photo shoot, which turned out as well as one could expect at my advanced age. (I look like a pale old bat with fuzzy white hair.) Yesterday we went shopping for a new raincoat for Monty. Turned out that beastly old PetSmart doesn’t have them. Duh! Trying to order one from Amazon.
Last night I attended a Zoom class, “Describe, Don’t Prescribe.” It was how to offer constructive comments to writers. The writers in my group are flooding my inbox with their first assignment, which is autobiographies. I just told them that this is a “getting to know you” exercise, so the only criterion is how well each writer reached that goal. We meet next week.
Today working out is on the agenda. Haven’t done it for a few days because of lack of energy. I hate not exercising, and the desk diary in which I record my weight each morning is absolutely appalled.
Making plans next week to appear at another authors’ festival. The most famous writer here (her books are made into Hallmark movies) has kindly offered me a lift. I accepted thankfully because Dearly needs our only car to watch Miss Pink Cheeks’ soccer game. It’s a very important game and I’d have gladly attended if this author festival hadn’t been on my calendar for like, three months.
Just received some news about my next-door neighbor. She is in the hospital with pneumonia. I hear it’s not looking good. Her family are gathering. I hate to think of a world that doesn’t contain my funny, charming Irish neighbor!
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond, and please let the people you care about know that you care about them! Blessed be.
Saturday Meese. 55 going up to 66 and foggy here in Kingston
Puerto Rico
Good morning, meeses! Saturday …
It is 57 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 75. Palindrome!! It is foggy and damp and there is a chance of precipitation most of the day especially this evening.
I always snort in derision when Mitch McChinless and his horde of sycophants scream about Democrats promoting uncivility and rudeness in the World’s Most
DeliberativeEmbarrassing Body. This from a guy supported a president whose ignorance killed over 700,000 Americans (and counting) and whose party led a bloody insurrection to overturn the presidential election. Yes, Chuck Schumer is a terrible majority leader (he was also a terrible minority leader) and his “outrage” is unproductive, Republicans have no shame. I am appalled that his caucus thinks he should lead them, they have a lot of excellent people in the Senate who could do this job, for example Patty Murray.I think I may have time to catch up on the news but today won’t be that day. I have some bills that need to be paid, bills that were just tossed on a stack during my big project. Time to get back on a productive schedule.
See all y’all later!
Good morning. We’re having a heat wave. Well, hot for October. The news people are telling people going to Austin City Limits Fest to please hydrate and take other precautions. Going to do research for the Bookchat I’m hosting Wednesday: songs with literary references, and some books with music references. There will be a lot of U2 and Snow Patrol because hello have you met me. Also, Bono does a lot of them — they have one song they co-wrote with Salman Rushdie.
Good Saturday morning, Meese. Managed to squeeze out 7 hours’ sleep with no other drugs than lavender oil and magical sleep cream, so that was nice. It was cloudy when we woke up at 6, but we now have a silvery October day with white cirrus clouds veiling the blue. The current temp. in Ashburn is 65 F., going for a high of 73 F.
My new dressing gown arrived from Amazon yesterday. I bought the same dressing gown years ago at Costco, in a burgundy shade, but I’ve worn it winter and summer for such a long time, and washed it so often it’s falling to bits. This new one is a duplicate in navy blue. I love it already.
I have autobiographical sketches from my Writers’ Group to beguile my weekend. Might have to defer reading them until tomorrow, however, because this afternoon I’ll be registering voters at the library from 3 until 5. Once again we’ll remind voters that an election is coming up. I hope the women of Arlington and Fairfax counties will save the day. I’m not thrilled with McAuliffe, but at least he won’t trample on women’s rights. Why do we have to go through this every four years? In other countries women have the right to abortion and it is no big deal.
I think I’ll print out the Wiki about Kamala Devi, an Indian activist now deceased, to show to the three sisters next Friday night. I believe our Vice President is named for her. I hope to give them ideas. Little Nora, the youngest, is just feisty enough to grow up and run for the office of President! The eldest wants to be a writer and actress, and the middle one is so sweet and shy I’m not sure what her goal is.
Anyway, that’s my Saturday. Hope everyone at the Pond has a good day!
It’s 72 heading for 92 and overcast at the moment. This is the last of the “summer” days in the 10-day forecast. Monday evening I’ll need a fire, then starting next Friday it looks like regular evening fires. Winter is a’ comin’ in. Yesterday we generated 10.89 KWHs and the m-t-d is 75 – not great but not bad either.
Still with the sinusitis flare (so headachy and groggy) but the arthritis and Raynaud’s have backed off a bit. As far as I know everybody’s hanging on. At least I haven’t heard anything to the contrary. Which would have to be serious for me to process it anyway right now. I hate brain fog. sigh. Guess I’ll see what more coffee does for me. Off to twitter. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}