Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 66 degrees in Madison WI with an expected daytime high of 77. Scattered thunderstorms are in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Sunday Meese. 55 going up to 63 here in Kingston – rain all day.
Puerto Rico
Jeez. It’s truly mind-boggling that they’re going to host as something as stupid as a New Year’s Eve celebration on an island that is still suffering deprivations in electricity, access to food, and medical care. Who the hell makes these asinine decisions? The gubernator? Someone in Washington, DC?
Vote them OUT!
Good morning. I did some cooking yesterday: veggies in puff pastry, made enough for next week as I figure this isn’t something to make very far in advance. Today: in-person church, and making my overnight oats. I’ve got to get back to my run/walk, the heat wave we’re having threw me off. They’re telling people attending ACL Fest to expect “feels like” of 100 degrees. Ugh.
Black Music Sunday
It’s 68 heading for 85 today. Supposedly mostly sunny but it hasn’t gotten there yet. Yesterday we generated 10.5 KWHs and the m-t-d is 85.55 – we also reached 30 MWHs for lifetime production on this system.
Still with the sinusitis flare so diddly sleep. Also diddly concentration. Lots of fatigue though. Fair trade? Ahem. As best I can tell, everybody’s holding on. And keepin’ on keepin’ on – that old saying about “when you’re going through hell, keep going” I guess. Heaven knows I haven’t even a clue as to the level of hell some folks, including some of my friends, have gone through/are going through. Mine’ll do me.
Trying to gather my particles. Do my twitter stuff, visit Dee’s diary, get a few more household chores done. Coffee first. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Hello, Moosekind. On this rainy, chilly, gloomy Sunday morning the people in my hallway are in mourning. Our beloved funny, charming Irish neighbor died yesterday evening. We had just been told Saturday morning that she’d had a “better night” on Friday and now was on lots of oxygen, and I for one was planning a “welcome home” celebration of some kind for her. However, despite laughing and chatting with family members yesterday afternoon, she died in the evening, so they say. Does it often happen that the dying seem to rally before death occurs?
We all feel a terrible loss. My favorite memory of her is the sight of her in the Pub down the hall, sipping a large glass of wine while flirting tenderly with guys 70 years her junior. (She was 90 in August.) She even induced them to sing.
Anyway, despite the sadness we feel, at least she had a jolly life right up until the end. Dearly saw her being removed from her apartment next door by the EMTs early last week. She was reportedly smiling and waving from her gurney right up until the time they put her in the ambulance.
Turning to other matters, we woke up to rain this morning but it appears to have stopped for the moment. It might start again later. The weather app on my phone has been wildly out of sync all weekend with what’s actually happening outside: it proclaimed “haze” when it was actually raining steadily an hour ago. Now it’s saying “fog,” which is not true at all. Currently it’s a coolish 65 F., going up to 73 F.
In addition to driving to Chantilly to look after Younger Son’s dog this afternoon, I have a dozen autobiographies to read. It’s the first exercise of my writers’ group.
This week Virginia AG Mark Herring will be here to address us. Yesterday I accompanied a friend to a fair in Sterling Park. It lasted three hours and was hugely boring. We bagged three registrations during our time there, although before we arrived there had been five throughout the day.
Other than Hair and Nails, I have only the Writers’ Group on Thursday and the child-tending gig from 5 to 10 on Friday. The big day will be Saturday, when my friend and I propose to drive to the book festival organized by the county library system.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond. I’m going to hang black netting over the wreath on our front door in honor of our departed neighbor. Life is not going to be as funny as it used to be.
{{{Diana}}} I know you’ll miss your neighbor. Sounds like she wanted everyone to be, well happy isn’t exactly the word but it’s close, seeing her off on her journey to the Fair Isles. And accomplished that by not telling them she was actually leaving. Bless her. Candles for her. ???????????? Healing Energy to you. moar {{{HUGS}}}
Thank you, darling! {{{bfitz}}}
Good morning, 49 and cloudy in Bellingham. Thanks to a chilly wind last night I’ve closed all the upstairs windows so the house seems even quieter this morning. I miss the fresh air. But thanks to Erica I’m reading The Bear and the Nightingale so later today I’ll find a blanket and a warm drink and read outdoors for awhile.
Best wishes to all.
Good morning, meeses! Monday, Indigenous Peoples’ Day …
It is 64 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 68. Rain and thunderstorms are in the forecast.
Gawd, the political media is a hot mess! No, Joe Biden is not a “failed president” whose administration needs a “reboot.” He arrived in office after four years of garbage people hollowing out the government and was left with a pandemic that has killed over 700,000 people, a recession and the aftermath of a bloody insurrection and having to rebuild the tools needed to address the various crises globally and domestically. It will take time and the ADHD American public, fed by the click-bait press, just need to slow down and take a deep breath (the “press” can hold their breaths permanently, imo). Just like Obama who had to clean up after the Bush recession and the hollowing out of government by his craptastic maladministration, Biden is going to get no credit for what he is doing well because steady competence does not sell papers.
Busy day today as I have to travel to a client’s site for most of the day. I have been pretty successful in avoiding business travel but this week I have to travel twice. However, after this I should be able to hunker down for the winter.
See all y’all later!
Monday Meese. 57 going up to 72 here in Kingston and cloudy.
Puerto Rico
Good morning. We hang thunderstorms last night, but it’s all clear now. I have plans for keeping my back from hurting so much – reminders to get up and move around, and I brought the desk yoga book. Even though I know the stretches, seeing it will be a reminder to actually do them.
It’s 59 going up to 73, overcast and windy. Yesterday we generated 10.19 KWHs (m-t-d is 95.74) but I doubt we’ll manage half that today. sigh.
Last night we got a lovely spate of rain with rumbly thunder. Lovely sleeping weather. If only I could have slept. I haven’t had this long or severe a spate of sinusitis in years. It’s been weeks – feels like forever – and I really can’t think of anything more than I’ve already done to shut it down. Of course at this point I really can’t think, period. Not very well anyway. sigh. Anyway, Jill (rightly) worried about her son & is taking the dog to the vet to get the stitches out. Aji wasn’t up to doing the NDN Silver thread last night – she did do the patreon but didn’t post it on twitter – so whatever energy she’s had these last few weeks is running out. I haven’t heard from anybody else today. As of last night everybody’s hanging on.
So. Coffee and twitter. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Sorry about the protracted sinusitis, bfitz. I had a respiratory infection in July that lasted a month. It was weird. Wonder if yours is the same type of thing?
Here’s wishing for better health!
{{{Diana}}} well, this thing has lasted about a month already. If I were running a temperature I’d figure it is an infection and go to the doctor for some (hated) antibiotics. But no temp. It’s a bit low if anything. sigh. moar {{{HUGS}}}
Good Monday morning, Moosekind. It was really overcast when we woke up but now the sky is gradually lightening. It continues mild, however. Right now in Ashburn it’s 65 F., going up to 74 F.
We had to go take care of the poor old dog first thing this morning. We left him food and water and even a few dog biscuits. His people are supposed to be home today, not sure what time.
Today I need to make reservations and read through the autobiographies. I’m already terribly tired, though, because I was awakened this morning by Dearly’s nightmare. Can’t seem to get more than 4 hours’ sleep nowadays, but I did try going back to bed and dozing until 5:30 or so. Now all I can think of is lying down.
Tomorrow and Wednesday I need to take care of personal grooming, i.e., Hair and Nails. Groan! Right now all I want to do is lie down and doze.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!
Good morning, 46 and partly sunny in Bellingham.The leaves on my old maple trees are turning color faster now but they are still on the trees. When they to fall our lawn will be covered.
The appliances we ordered are to be delivered today and our son will take out the old and install the new. He needs to check with Heidi’s vet first thing today so plans may change but that’s ok. We can store them in the garage if needs be. So I’d best get ready to do my part for what may be a busy day.
Best wishes to all.
Hi, princesspat! You’re having new appliances delivered? Sounds as if you and RonK mean to stay in your current house.
There are a lot of advantages to living in a CCRC, but I sweartagoddess, I’ll never stop missing my house. To my dying day I will regard Barky Manor as “home.”
Tuesday Meese. 52 and foggy here in Kingston NY – going up to 73.
Ugh – Greg Abbott
GREAT cartoon, Dee!
Puerto Rico
PR is a damn mess!
Good morning. Rainy day. Glad I’m working from home & can set some plants out for water. Didn’t do my walk/run, yes I know exercise would probably help my back.
Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …
It is 59 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 68. Cloudy skies are in the forecast. It rained here last night, bringing in the cooler weather – but it is very damp.
Another quick hi and bye. I made an on-site work visit yesterday that involved a lot of moving parts and I need to document everything before it leaks out of my brain. I will return to read everyone’s greetings.
See all y’all later!
Good Tuesday, Meese. Still overcast here in NoVa and we’re 5 inches under for rainfall for the year. It’s not going to rain until Saturday, when I will be out of doors at the festival.
Still have my cold. I can’t remember whether or not I’ve already taken my cold pills so now will have to wait until 1 p.m. before I take any. I suspect I didn’t take them as I would have been feeling better by now if I had. Oh, well, at least I managed 8 hours’ sleep last night with the help of the night-time pills.
Gym and Trader Joe’s this morning, then nap and nail salon in the afternoon.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.