Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Good morning Meese. 57 going up to 75 and sunny here in Kingston NY
Today is MVP Kamala Harris’ birthday
She’ll be in VA tomorrow doing GOTV
Isn’t she the greatest?
Puerto Rico
Good morning. It’s back to warm weather, no long sleeves today. Working in the office. Must remember to stretch and move my arms and shoulders. Have a good day!
Good Wednesday morning, Moosekind! We have another beautiful blue and gold October day here in Ashburn, with a current temp. of 51 F., going for a high of 74 F. It is so clear that at 5:30 a.m., when Monty and I went out, I saw the full moon!
Y’all probably think I’m a lunatic for obsessing about the full moon, but (1) the moon plays an important role in Wicca, and (b) I hardly ever get to see it. The foggy minds in Foggy Bottom and on the Hill give off these clouds of meretriciousness (mostly Republican), so the full moon is very often obscured.
Busy day ahead: I’d love to get to the gym before my 10:30 appointment with the eye doctor—or I could go afterwards. At some point I have to get my hair done and do a little shopping because we’re out of dishwasher detergent. Youngest grandchild is coming for a sleepover this weekend,d so I have to look up a recipe for cleaning smelly carpets. I heard of one that involves bicarbonate of soda.
Today is also payday for the Olds! My Social is in the bank account, so I’ll proceed to spend as wildly as possible (not very). In line with that, I also have to ponder what to do about Christmas presents. I usually order from Swiss Colony but everyone is either on a diet, or hates nuts, or despises oranges and grapefruit. I may just say to hail with all that and donate to a Third World catalogue, directing it to go to the education of girls.
That’s enough from me this morning. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!
It’s 60, sunny, and my birthday. (Yesterday’s PV stats – 9.67 KWHs, 164.98 m-t-d) I’ll go get my booster in another hour or so.
Half my lifetime ago, the last year she lived with me, Momma wrote a birthday poem and left it by my bed for me to find.
I hope she was right then. And is right now.
Off to twitter to check on folks. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Lovely poem, bfitz, thanks for sharing. Best Birthday Wishes!
Thank you. That meant so very much to me when she wrote it/left it for me – and in a sense means more now. & thank you again.
Happy Birthday!!!!
I’m doing my best. ???? Thank you.
Happy birthday, Barbara! Every word in your mom’s poem is true. What a lovely tribute to you!
Thank you & yes, it was.
Happy belated Birthday Barbara – you are a birthday gift to all those in need – every day
Thank you – I hope so. I try to be.
GM…..54 and raining in Bellingham. We’re ready for rain, but I do worry about the wind because the leaves are still on the trees. Fortunately I’ve got plenty of indoor projects to keep me occupied.
Best wishes to all.
Good morning, meeses! Thursday …
It is 54 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 52 (yes, colder). Cloudy and rainy. We did NOT get to see the full moon last night but we had several days of glorious almost-full views of her.
So Joe Manchin is considering switching parties? :::sigh::: If he does, he will be giving up any opportunity to improve the lives of his constituents – there is no Republican agenda that will help the people of West Virginia. Heck, there is no Republican agenda, it is all about blocking any good government policies. I wonder why he thinks he will be as powerful as a Republican voting to block things or as a Democrat who might help shape policy. I guess we will find out. Thank goodness that we have the power to veto for another 3 and a quarter years.
I have some errands to run this morning, hoping to be back by noon in time to – take a nap! I am nearly done with the project that has been taking all my time – one more day but that will just be monitoring the process that has been put in place. Then I have to take inventory of all the things I neglected and hope I haven’t missed anything that will cost me money or be difficult to catch up on.
See all y’all later!
Thursday Meese. 52 going up to 74 and sunny here in Kingston NY
Puerto Rico
Good Thursday morning, Meese! Today is our 54th wedding anniversary and it’s another lovely day. I’ve seen the full moon no fewer than four times—twice yesterday and twice this morning. This makes me happy.
Currently in Ashburn it’s sunny and 46 F., heading for a high of 77 F. As it’s a good drying day, I’m washing Monty’s bed and two of his blankets.
Busy day ahead: Darling Niece is supposed to come here and have lunch with me at the Deli, and I have a Committee meeting this afternoon. Had an absolutely awful night, ended up with four hours in the green chair. Hope I can get a nap some time today.
(Scampering off to cook breakfast since today is special.)
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.
In from my walk/run, did really well — 5 90-second running segments. It was hard, but I did it. Working from home today. Remembering to enjoy this, because starting in November, it’ll only be 2 days a week.
It’s 48 going to 68, sunny at the moment and I hope it stays that way all day. PV stats: generated 3.7 KWHs, 168.6 m-t-d. I had a pleasant birthday yesterday. Good wishes from online folks, multiple birthday e-cards, and phone calls from both my sons and my youngest sister. (I got 2 physical cards earlier in the week and there’s at least one more to come that I know of.) My older son wanted to take me out to dinner but we couldn’t think of a place it would be safe to do so. So we had a pleasant chat and I fixed myself what used to be called a ‘hamburger steak’ – ground rib eye (it was on sale yesterday when I stopped at the grocery store to get yogurt) and steamed green beans with a crisp Jonathan apple and a couple of oatmeal-walnut cookies for dessert.
Bobby seems to have had an equally pleasant birthday. And Aji, in her own words, made out like a bandit. ???? Physical presents included warm socks and fingerless gloves (& and jewelry, of course – she is married to a silversmith) but she also got a video of her step-grandkids singing “Happy Birthday” to her. A blessing she never thought to have.
I was forgetful enough to have the vax in my right arm instead of left. My arm is a bit sore. That’s the only side effect so far. But I don’t think I’d have had even that if I hadn’t gotten it in my “dominant” arm.
Off to twitter to see how folks are & do my twitter stuff. (Also to Dee’s diary, of course.) Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 57 and light clouds in Bellingham. I’ve had a restless morning, resting my damn knees! Oh well, I’ve done what I needed to do and now I can go outdoors and see what happens. Best wishes to all.
Good morning, meeses! Friday …
It is 32 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 50. Mostly cloudy skies. I have my slippers and hoodie on and I am hunkered down for the winter!
Kyrsten Sinema is going to find out that being Joe LIEberman is not a great look. Everyone despises him, the Republicans he thinks he is pleasing with his sucking up to them and the Democrats who are enraged at those who would kill and water down their agenda. Her name – which has to be copied and pasted! – will be in the mouths of those dying when the authoritarian Republican regime takes power in 2024 and turns America into a dictatorship and starves the poors and the olds. I am going to move to Arizona so that I can vote against her in the Democratic primary and again as she runs as a ratfking independent in the general. Veterans she chose for an advisory panel quit because they don’t want to be associated with her and her whateverthehellitisthatsheisdoing. This is what happens when you elect Greens – they have no loyalty to anyone but themselves and their long grift. Why Greens are not permanently shunned after how Ralph Nader gleefully turned the government over to George W. Bush in 2000 is impossible to fathom.
I wish I could have gotten my booster last week – with the FDA news I think it is going to become more difficult to get into a walk-in clinic next week. I will try on Monday and if it is too crowded, I will see what other options I have. I did not want to get the booster while I was still eyes-forward on the project that just completed because I could not afford to be down for even a day if there were symptoms. The Pfizer booster will get me back to 95.4% efficacy.
See all y’all later!
Good luck with the booster! We’re getting ours next week.
Friday Meese. Nice weather here today, 55 going up to 68 and sunny here in Kingston NY (Jan – wish I could send you some warmth)
Puerto Rico
Good morning. I slept in, and it was glorious. Working from home, remembering to savor this.
I like the way you think, another. I am certainly savoring these October days!
Top o’ the mornin’ to you, Moosepeeps, sure and it’s a grand immortal day! We have a blue-and-gold October Friday again in Ashburn. Right now it’s 60 F., but hubby just looked at his phone and told me it’s going down to 50 F. pretty soon. He just went to put on a vest (Britspeak for t-shirt) underneath his regular shirt. This morning we are dropping off Monty at day care, then taking care of other errands.
Had a delightful lunch with Darling Niece yesterday. We talked until we were blue in the face and would have been happy to continue, but she had a doctor’s appointment and I had a meeting. I adore her.
At the Communications Committee meeting yesterday we all agreed that the autumn issue was outstanding! The story I wrote (well, except for the intro and conclusion) was a front-page story, with a picture of the damaged Pentagon. To us living in the area, it wasn’t just something on the news—our friends, neighbors, and and a few of us residents worked in it, so that made it personal. There was an interview with yrs truly in the fall issue, along with a pic, and picture of the Authors’ Festival last month. Two guys commended me after reading the article about moi (naturally, I left out the stuff about being a Witch). I am sending copies of it to everyone I have ever known.
Have done lots of laundry, changed the sheets on the bed, and I don’t know what all. Time to get going! Bless all y’all.
It’s 48 going up to 74 and sunny at the moment. As strange as it sounds I’ll be glad when we get our first heavy frost. That’s what causes the oak to drop her leaves. As it is, between shorter days and angle of the sun and oak tree leaves a sunny day is only generating around 10 KWHs. Yesterday was just under with 178.38 m-t-d.
I am happy to see that Aji’s doing well enough to post daily patreons again. Jill’s still in a holding pattern. She keeps making the phone calls but they don’t respond or can’t/won’t help or say “wait” until they can get to her. (At which time they frequently say can’t/won’t help. sigh.) She needs a lawyer, of course. She’s talking to a lot of sympathetic and informative paralegals but the lawyers themselves usually want a retainer the equivalent of 3 months of her Disability to even talk to her. sigh. Lisa’s health isn’t getting better. Which is worrisome. Other folks, other issues, but mostly hanging in there.
As to me, I’ll give it at least a week but it looks like the antihistamine isn’t doing anything. sigh. I am getting more sleep – at least the last several nights – but it’s light sleep. Not the full restorative cycle. Still, that’s better than no sleep. Coffee and off to twitter. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 54 and raining in Bellingham. My nights have become a series of naps again so my mornings are slow and sleepy. I feel another nap coming on so I hope a cup of coffee will help me get to my desk. I’ve got all the old needlepoints washed and stretched so sewing on the trim this afternoon will be my reward for doing what I should first :)
Best wishes to all.
{{{princesspat}}} I hear ya on the nights are “a series of naps” – and also the “slow and sleepy” mornings. Thank heaven we’re retired! Healing Energy and moar {{{HUGS}}}
“Series of naps” seems to be my sleeping pattern as well. Mine is because I have a bunch of aches and pains right now that I need to work through – I put myself physically through the wringer over the last several weeks and have neglected my stretches and exercises. I doze and then find myself in an uncomfortable position and then have to rearrange myself and try to fall back asleep. It seems to work but I am hoping that a long uninterrupted sleep is still a possibility.
Saturday Meese. 41 going up to 58 and it will be cloudy all day here in Kingston NY.
I’m seeing a lot of Doom-posting
The problem is – and has always been – that there are too many Democrats tapped into the 24/7 ten minute news cycle and who seem to enjoy on setting their hair on fire. The “we are doomed” after the Affordable Care Act passed but did not include every single left-of-the-left feature set the stage for the Republicans taking over the House in 2010. Instead of saying “this is pretty good and will save a lot of lives”, they freaking primaried Democrats in swing districts and told people to stay home because the Democratic Party was the enemy. Fk them all! They gave us tRump in 2016 and their purity is deadly.