Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
It’s 24, might get to 30, and snowing. The snow started right at dawn and has already covered the solar panels to the extent the PV system didn’t come on. Even if there is enough light. Which I doubt. It’s supposed to stop by midafternoon and the accumulation is only supposed to be about 2.5″ but we probably won’t generate anything today. And tomorrow is unlikely to get much if any. Yesterday we generated another 15 KWHs and the m-t-d is 110 – which already wasn’t on track for 400 by the end of March.
The U.S. totally and apparently E.U. at least mostly are pretty much bullies and cowards. Big talk around little nations but around Russia? They got away with building the Berlin Wall on pure bluff. They got away with annexing the Crimea on some saber rattling and bluff. And now, when it’s truly important that they are stopped before they take the Ukraine and get one step further in world domination, we’re a whole lot of mouth and no military help. Not even getting them the weapons & materials they need. So much for the “arsenal of democracy” when the enemy is someone we’re afraid of.
I’ve just finished the 2nd bottle of Ibuprofen since the shingles started and am 2/3 through the 2nd bottle of Tylenol (I was only using Ibuprofen the 1st 10 days). I know it’s getting better. The rash area is smaller and I’m only taking stuff at night so I can sleep. But it doesn’t feel better. That’s partly because every time I sit down, I’m sitting on/putting pressure on the rash and muscles effected. I keep reminding myself this is temporary. I’m not dealing with chronic pain like Aji, Amelia, Jill, and Fineena do. And it’s not nearly as severe. Part of why they’re in so much pain is our society’s determination to keep them there and not allow them the pain meds that would help. And help them be more functional. I don’t need those kinds of pain meds at all. Holding the Good Thoughts.
So far, so good on keeping up with the treadmill goal. It’s not a very high goal – 30 minutes a day – but it’s still a goal and I’m still managing it in multiple sessions. The first of which I’ll do today when my breakfast settles. Meanwhile, off to twitter. Bright the Day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good fairly nice Friday, Moosekind! It’s sunny, blue-skied, windless, and 43 F. here in Ashburn this morning. “They” are predicting rain-turning-to-snow tomorrow with 50-mph winds, but naturally I only believe the part about the wind, having had frequent proof of that. It’ll get up to 62 F. today, which isn’t bad.
If we had realized how racist Loudoun County is, we might not have moved here. Now the Ugly-Mothas are objecting to 300 perfectly nice, carefully vetted, highly deserving Afghan children and women being temporarily housed in a facility down the road until permanent homes can be found for them elsewhere (it’s to be hoped, in less racist states). We lived in Arlington and Fairfax counties for so long we started assuming that all of Northern Virginia was like those two. We’re finding out it’s not so.
So, lousy weather for my birthday means that we will stay in. ‘S’okay. I have stuff to do.
We had a really good session in the Writers’ Group meeting yesterday. There is no chocolate associated with St. Patrick’s Day (at least, that I know of), so I passed around little chocolate eggies, some filled with hazelnut cream and some with caramel. Some people had a great time writing about where they’d like to travel back in time if they only could. Some people hated the topic and wondered whatinell kind of mind I have to even suggest such a thing. Opposition is stimulating.
Next month we will devote ourselves to considering the sonnet as a poetic form. To forestall groans from the non-poets, I told them to look for a sonnet and relay it to the rest of us by email. They have a choice of war sonnets by Rupert Brooke and John G. Magee, or Shakespeare’s or Keats’ nature sonnets. Even prose writers can profit from studying sonnets, because they’re such a self-contained, interesting art form. (End of lecture. Please clear your desks before you leave the classroom.)
OK, here I am still in my dressing-gown at nearly 9:30 a.m. Gotta split and do the shopping! Hoping everyone at the Pond will have a good day.
{{{Diana}}} – Gonna wish you “Happy Birthday” now in case I miss you tomorrow. Another year. That’s a win, right? ????
Thank you! Yep, still alive. That counts as victory nowadays.
Good morning, 40 and raining. The sandy gravel is spread and packed down and the clean gravel just arrived so the mad will soon be contained, yay! To his surprise RonK is still moving today so that’s nice too.
I’ve packed up another few boxes of fabric to donate so progress is being made there too. It’s getting harder to part with the fabric now as each piece has a project in mind, but the relief I feel as I fill the box tells me I’m doing what’s best. If I keep going I’ll have a more curated stash, one that suits me better now.
As always, my best wishes to all.
Good morning, meeses! Saturday …
It is 0 degrees in Madison (feels like -9) with an expected daytime high of 21. Sunny skies are in the forecast. Some light snow possible overnight.
I just finished reading a list of all the cases that the Bernie Sanders Supreme Court will be ruling on this term and they are poised to drastically change America for the worst. The recent ruling by Texas that vigilante justice – citizens spying on each other and then suing them if they don’t adhere to their religionist feelings about abortion – is just fine sets the tone. In Missouri, they are going to charge anyone who leaves the state to get an abortion with a felony. The court is going to make it legal to discriminate against LGBT and people of color, throw out commonsense rules about open carrying guns, and Republican donors will be able to ignore EPA regulations and pollute our earth and warm up our planet. Thanks, Bernie, and fk you and your followers with a rusty anvil – forever.
Tomorrow morning the clocks Spring Ahead, leading to a 67% increase in heart attacks and millions of confused pets. This will be my last DST event and my 120 year old mantle clock and me and my dog are very happy about that.
See all y’all later!
Happy Birthday LadyD!
Thank you, Sis, how lovely!
Flowers are always such a mood-brightener!
Saturday Meese. Sitting here waiting for the storm to hit. Hopefully we will miss the brunt of it.
Puerto Rico
It’s 18 heading for upper 40s and sunny. Maybe, hopefully, between the sun and the warmer temps at least some of the snow will melt off the solar panels and we’ll get some generation today. We didn’t get any yesterday so the m-t-d is still 110 – and the chances of reaching 400 for the month are getting slimmer. If I were off grid I’d have had them set up my system where I could reach it with a squeegee on a long pole. (And moved or removed a couple of trees that currently shade it, especially in Autumn.)
Nothing seems to be getting better and a lot of things seem to be getting worse. I’m going to do my twitter chores, get in a session on the treadmill, and bake cookies today. And pray. A lot. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good Saturday morning, Meese! Well, for my birthday the Goddess produced cold rain, which was falling heavily when I woke up at 6 a.m., and changed it to snow at 7 a.m. It’s practically a blizzard, you can hardly see anything outside. The weather person said two to five inches in our area, which is MORE than it has snowed (at one time) the whole winter.
Alles ist gut, however, since I ran around town yesterday, gathering things so we don’t have to venture out at all. Tonight we’re having scampi for the entree, followed by carrot cake (my fave) for dessert.
Yesterday my gym buddy, never one to be shy, asked the director of our gym what the colorful balloons adorning the front desk were for. Apparently there was some kind of sales event here yesterday. Marge then informed Debbie the Director that the following day was my birthday and might I have the balloons? “Sure,” Debbie said, “I’ve been wondering what to do with them.”
So now I have two balloons each in green, pink, and yellow. The little poodle across the hall gave me a peanut brittle bar, and her human wrote out a card from both of them. Have received several very nice cards, both ecards and actual ones. Dearly has promised cappuccinos at 11 o’clock. He gave me a bouquet of spring flowers.
We put Monty’s waterproof winter puffer jacket with a hood on him a hour ago and Dearly took him out. Monty loathes precip. of all kinds, so he rushed out, did the necessary, and rushed right back in.
I’m just going to admire the snow and listen to music today. I plan to be happy for one day, even though I get upset when I think about Ukraine. My darling daughter asked me which charity I’d like her to donate to in the interest of helping Ukraine. (She’s obsessed with the war, can’t sleep at night for thinking about it.) I told her Doctors Without Borders. I donate to them in a small way through AmazonSmile. If we get a tax refund I’ll donate more bigly.
Wishing everyone at the Pond a nice, quiet day doing what you like to do best.
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Diana! I hope you enjoy a lovely and relaxing day.
Good morning. Reading about the weather y’all are having, it’s hard to complain about my quiet, but freezing weather. It is insanely cold for March in Texas, though. I have to pick up groceries this morning, and I should walk this afternoon.
Good morning, 40 and cloudy outside my window today. The sandy gravel is now covered with clean gravel so we can now walk to and from the cars and the garage without muddy feet, yay! I want to use river rock in front of and under my potting bench but that will just take a few bags so we’ll do that after RonK recovers. I don’t know what I’m going to do today but I hope to find a distraction from worrying about war. My small world is peaceful but the world at large is not. Best wishes to all.