Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 25 degrees in Madison WI with an expected daytime high of 48. Sunny skies are in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Sunday Meese. 20 degrees here in Kingston NY. We only got about 4 inches of snow – I’m grateful.
Puerto Rico/Puerto Ricans
Good morning. Hoping last night is the last freeze of this winter. Yesterday I made 2 week’s worth of lunch, and cooked veggies to add to dinner. This morning, tea is steeping. Watching the news & eating breakfast. Local news is mostly about South By Southwest. Lots of celebrities in town for the film part.
It’s 47 going up to 62 (or so) and sunny today. Yesterday was warm and sunny enough to melt all the snow off the solar panels by midafternoon and we generated 6.5 KWHs. The m-t-d is now 117.6 and might possibly be over 130 by end of day. Not on track certainly but starting to gain again.
I HATE Daylight Savings Time. If most of my family and my best friend didn’t live here – and it weren’t so cheap to live here – I’d move. Probably to AZ. It’s warm and dry. Too dry actually and has the same problems NM does – colonizer culture wasting what water there is and overdrawing the aquifers – but it would be worth it not to have to deal with changing clocks and effing up my rhythms twice a year.
Ukraine’s still hanging on and pushing back where they can. Their leader is as good at war propaganda as Winston Churchill was. Which is being a real problem for Russia – and the Russian sycophants here at both ends of the political horseshoe. Hoping/praying that we & EU get them the tools that they need – anti-aircraft if not fighter jets included. Lithuania and then probably Poland are next on Putin’s list – IF he takes down Ukraine. This is where to stop him since we didn’t stop him earlier. For a country that touts “freedom” all the time, we’re too damned picky about who – other than us – gets to have it.
Same ol’ same ol’ with everybody. I’d say including me except I know the rash really is almost gone. It’s the muscle ache that’s hanging on. (And I’m wondering if that’s really shingles. I know I need to see my chiropractor. This could be a pinched nerve from a subluxation adjacent to the one I know about.)
Anyway, got household chores and twitter chores to get to. And Dee’s diary of course for the music to do them by. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good Sunday afternoon, Moose Peeps! Today we have bright blue skies and sunshine. The temperature at, uh, 2:30 p.m. is 34 F, on the way up to 44 F.
The day has completely got away from me. I’m so befuddled! I should be doing something productive, but no such luck. So far I have prepared lunch and breakfast and done absolutely nothing else. As I’m being so lazy I might as well retire to rest for a bit.
Hope everyone at the Pond is having a nice Sunday. I hate Daylight Saving.
Well today has not gone as planned, but oh well. Lots of family phone calls this morning but the conversations are important so time well spend. It’s 51 and partly cloudy outside so I think I’ll clear my head with a bit of pruning on the plants around the patios. RonK is cooking dinner and baking a pie so I have a nice evening to look forward too. Best wishes to all.
Good morning, meeses! Monday …
It is 34 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 52. Mostly cloudy skies are in the forecast. I will not be here to “enjoy” it, I will be “suffering” with 72 degrees and sunny this afternoon – temperatures in the upper 70s for the rest of the week.
I will only be occasionally online for the next few days and will likely check-in during the evenings. I will be in princesspat’s time zone!
Gotta hit the road! Stay safe, peeps!
Gosh, are you in Hawaii? If so, have fun!
Safe travels & have fun – whether it’s business or pleasure.
Monday Meese. 25 degrees here in Kingston NY going up to 54 which should melt the snow in my yard – hope these temps hold – have not been able to clear away the tree debris left from the ice storm. Want to start planting but don’t want to do it too early. Can start building more lasagna beds.
Have fun with your gardening.
Puerto Rico
Great thread showing visits to key community organizations in PR which are on my “support PR” list
Oh, I love the natural umbrellas! How clever!
Good Monday moaning, Moosekind! Lots to moan about this morning, from my privileged first-world status. Both Dearly and I had such a bloody awful night’s “sleep” that he’s gone back to bed and I will follow shortly.
Feel depressed about Ukraine, the death of William Hurt, who was my favorite actor, and what the scales said this morning. I really am letting this get out of hand.
We’re going to have fairly mild temperatures to go with our partly cloudy day, although the current temp. is 26 F. It’ll get up to 61 F., or so they say.
Not much to add, except that I Googled an old crush last night, only to find out that he died in 2007. As he was only a few months older than I, this was untimely but it appears he was exposed to a toxic substance that brought on health problems. He was forced him to retire early. How sad. He had four sons and seven grandsons. Oh, well, enough about that.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.
It’s 48 heading for 60 and sunny at the moment although the widget says it’ll be mostly cloudy today. I hope the widget is wrong. We generated 16 KHWs yesterday (m-t-d 133.4), which is wonderful. But we need to average 15/day for the rest of the month to reach 400.
I hate DST. My sleep wasn’t good and my brain is fuzzy. I wish somebody would follow the money and find out who’s jerking the “supply chain” – and stop them. The excuse was COVID, no matter what the problem, until the govt & media declared COVID over and now it’s Ukraine. But pet food is getting hard to find. Chewy was flat out of Purina One dog food, all sizes, and some of the sizes of Iam’s. And the last time I got canned catfood (I don’t use much – just to flavor water and get more liquids down the cats) I got the last 3 cans on the shelf. Fortunately it was stuff my guys will eat/drink but still. Aashir’s nani says decent flour is getting hard to find. Excuse is Ukraine of course but if that were the issue shortages wouldn’t have started yet. Somebody is making a lot of money off these shortages and jacked prices. And hurting a lot of people in the process.
I guess/hope everybody’s managing to keep on keepin’ on. Aji’s in a lot of pain – probably at 15 on “regular people’s” 1 to 10 scale. Goddess! I wish there was something she could get access to that would dial that back. Lisa and others are also dealing with chronic pain but at least they can sleep. I’m doing OK. Not great. Shingles rash is still there and so is the muscle ache, but I’m OK. I even managed a 15-minute session on the treadmill yesterday.
Off to twitter. Once I’ve set up over there I’m gonna bake cocoa-peanut butter muffin bread. Wish I could share it. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 48 and raining outside my window today. I’ve got a quiet day ahead but I think I can sort some more fabric for a local donation and I’m sending two boxes to a fiber artist. I was going to donate an old and very worn quilt, but I’m going to try to restore it instead. Perhaps my great grandmother’s hands can guide mine and I’ll learn more about quilting. I’ll have to remove a lot of her stitches to repair the holes and fraying fabric and I’ve hesitated to do that. But if I can duplicate her work the quilt will be a multigenerational creation and I think that’s ok. I’ll see how it goes. Best wishes to all.
The quilt project sounds wonderful. There’s something just special about multigenerational creations. {{{princesspat}}}
I have a hard time letting go of anything created by my mother. I don’t have anything crafted by my grandmother, she was a fancy stitcher in a shoe factory for her entire life – she even worked after “retirement”; she was so good at her job that the company would send work to her home for her to do. I suspect that sewing for a hobby would not have been a thing she would have considered.
What a lovely idea, to restore your grandmother’s quilt! Much success to you, princesspat.
Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …
It is 52 degrees in the desert Southwest with an expected high of 81. Sunny skies are in the forecast.
I am not a warmonger and fighting a full-blown land war in Europe would be awful but how long does the entire continent have to be held hostage to the Russian megalomaniac? And what the actual fk, China? Supporting Russia is insane – a global economic meltdown caused entirely by Russian colonialism would not be in your best interests. The only business sector that profit from war is the military industrial complex and that ain’t the same people who make consumer goods and sell them at Walmart. There is no global economy without global cooperation – and a rogue country bombing the crap out of one of its neighbors shouldn’t be condoned.
My sleep rhythms are totally messed up – spring ahead on Sunday, fall back two on Monday. I am sure that when I return on Thursday (springing ahead two) it will take a month to recover. The good news is that in April (if everything goes right), I will fall back two and stay there while everyone else fiddles with their clocks.
Well, I woke up at my Madison normal wake-up time and couldn’t get back to sleep so I may as well get some things done.
See all y’alls later!!
Aha, Jan! You’re test-driving your new location. Hope you can find a garden apartment on the ground floor leading on to a backyard for the doggie.
Tuesday Meese. 36 going up to 60 today here in Kingston. Yay!
Stayed up way too late last night responding to idiotic Rolling Stone readers who managed to do a poll which pissed a lot of people off.
The poll did not specify music genre or time period. They did post this note
““Last weekend we asked our readers to vote for their favorite lead singers of all time. We received an enormous number of votes, and here are the results. (And remember, we just count the votes – even if they are exclusively for white men.)”
I was happy to see so many people reply with diverse singers. I just don’t see how you can even……Linda Ronstadt, Patti LaBelle, Ann Wilson, Gladys Knight, Ronnie Spector, Pat Benatar (literally trained as an opera singer – her range is just incredible) Diana Ross, Tina Turner, Grace Slick, Carole King, Aretha Franklin (who could sing any of those boys down to their knees).
Puerto Rico
Glad to be wfh today. Fragmented sleep with lots of weird dreams. There weren’t a lot of new applications, so today may be a good one to get in continuing ed with a webinar. If I can stay awake.
It’s 49 heading for 66 and dark. PV system isn’t on. The lights are of course. Forecast says rain but it’s only a 25% chance. But the clouds are definitely here. And forecast to stay all day. sigh. Yesterday we managed to generate a little over 11 KWHs and the m-t-d is 144.7 – lost ground and obviously going to lose more today.
I’m pretty sure I got some sleep between 11:30 and 1:30 and some more between 3 and 6 – not 100% sure but pretty sure. That on top of daylight savings time? Yes, I’m groggy. I hope it lightens up enough for me to safely drive today. I’d planned to visit a vacuum cleaner repair shop to talk about makes and models, then go to Bed Bath & Beyond for replacement flannel sheet, then PetSmart since it’s close see if they’ve the canned catfood I use (and if they don’t, check Target which is next door). But if it’s so dark I need the headlights on it’s too dark for me to be driving.
I hope everybody – from Aji to the Ukraine – is hanging on. I’m not sure how anybody’s doing but I know everybody’s got serious stuff going on.
I’m going to get my twitter stuff set up. I think. If I can stop zoning out and can get/stay coherent. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good Tuesday morning, Meese! It’s 43 F. here in bigoted old Ashburn, with white wisps of cloud stretching across the soft blue of the sky. The sunlight is weakly lighting the trees and grass; only patches of the snow that fell Saturday remain. Everywhere else the ground is greenish-brown.
We’re having a nice day here, with temps going up to 71 F.
In a couple of hours a friend is picking us up to take us to a fancy lunch for my birthday. Presents continue to arrive: yesterday my daughter sent twin chargers for our iPhones, my cousin in Brenham, TX, sent a beautiful card she’d made herself and a fridge magnet in the form of a Texas bluebonnet, and my friend in Japan sent a box of my favorite chocolates, See’s, by way of her mum in California.
It’s too bad I was too comatose to enjoy any of it. Kept falling asleep on and off all day, didn’t feel hungry for meals at the proper times, and bla bla bla. I suppose I should be grateful I didn’t have a heart attack because of Daylight Saving, as some do.
I have much to be grateful for, including the fact that today Younger Son is supposed to start working from home, most of the time. Of course he’ll still have to make site visits occasionally, but mostly he’ll work at home. This is a good thing because one or the other parent can see little Karl on and off the school bus; plus, the poor old dog likes having his family at home all day. Tiger Mom, in her upstairs office, gets to see deer, foxes, raccoons, and Goddess knows what all when she lifts her eyes from her laptop. The back of the house is right next to the woods.
It’s high time I got on with my day. I took a sleeping pill last night because I can’t afford another day like yesterday.
Wishing a good day to all who slake their thirst at the Moose Pond!