Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 28 degrees in Madison WI with an expected daytime high of 59. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Bright Blessings on Ostara, Meese Peeps!
Time to Spring into Spring!
Happy first day of spring folks. 45 going up to 55 today here in Kingston.
A must listen. KY State Senator Dr. Karen Berg’s powerful statement from the debate about restrictive abortion bill
She was on fire! Sadly, her state legislature is run by garbage people and her comments will fall on deaf ears. “Killing uppity women” is the intended outcome.
Puerto Rico
Good morning. Another gorgeous day in Austin. It’ll be sunny, breezy and 80 this afternoon — of course that means fire danger. And supposed to be severe storms tomorrow. I’ve got my tea steeping for next week. This afternoon I’ll make my breakfast for next week & dish up 5 lunches.
Black Music Sunday
It’s 52 and heading for the mid 70s today. Sunny too. Yesterday we generated a little over 17 KWHs and the m-t-d is 208.8 – so we gained back a bit with 12 days left in the month.
I got sidetracked setting up my twitter stuff when I boosted Dee’s diary and got into it. LOL. I’ve done some household chores but haven’t gotten to the treadmill yet. Short on sleep. sigh. Shingles is better. Still here but better. It’s the sinusitis that’s causing the sleep problems. Hands are being OK – still stiff and troublesome as far as keyboarding is concerned but the mousing stuff is working. Thank heavens.
Jill’s harassers are still harassing. I haven’t connected with anybody else today but yesterday everybody was doing about the same as the day before so probably still are. Hanging on anyway. As is Ukraine. And unfortunately COVID. Holding the Good Thoughts all around.
Back to housecleaning and treadmill and twitter – accompanied by #BlackMusicSunday, off course. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good Sunday morning, Moose Peeps! It’s currently 56 F. in Ashburn, and probably won’t get much higher. A thick layer of cloud is covering the blue, which can be glimpsed occasionally, and weak sunlight prevails. I never saw the moon, either full or waning, the past few days.
Anyway, happy Ostara, y’all! Glad to see it. Last night we FaceTimed with Dearly’s brother in Australia and his wife. It went on for an hour while she gave us the family news, all of it bad. There’s never any good news from the Australian branch, as Sister-in-Law delights in disasters. My poor old brother-in-law kept dozing off, even though it was 10 a.m. their time.
Today I need to gather the income tax papers together and file them for another year, do some laundry, and go out to buy ingredients for tonight’s dinner. Sounds like a jolly day, eh? I must get to the gym this afternoon, at least to the treadmill. I don’t think I’ve been since last Monday.
Dearly is watching the F1 race in Bahrein, I’ve put a load of laundry into the machine, and Monty agitated for lunch half an hour early. That dog is going to drive me insane today, I can already tell.
Will be back later to read Jan’s Ostara post. Meanwhile, wishing a nice, quiet day to all at the Pond!
Good morning, 40 and mostly cloudy outside my window. Joes Gardens and Gardens at Padden Creek opened yesterday so it was nice to be there again. RonK bought some veggie starts and I bought some dahlia bulbs and a few “deer proof” plants to replace the ones they ate last year. And I did a bit of pruning before I ran out of steam. It was nice to be outside again. Best wishes to all on this first day of spring.
Good morning, meeses! Monday …
It is 37 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 68. Mostly cloudy skies are in the forecast. We will have low 40s and rainy the rest of the week and possible mixed precipitation on Thursday as the temperatures drop below freezing. Lovely.
Judge Jackson’s confirmation hearings begin today. I will not watch because the faces of Republican Senators make me want to puke and their voices are like nails screeching on a blackboard. I hope that Manchin is on-board with this nomination because we are NOT going to get a single Republican vote. By the way, here is a reminder that the Supreme Court’s right-wing majority is not permanent – as long as we control the presidency: “Clarence Thomas hospitalized with infection.” It would be a fitting end to his reign of error to have him succumb to COVID after having bought into the right-wing “but my testicles will shrink” vaccine conspiracies.
It is Monday and I have a general outline of a work plan that I should try to make some progress on.
See all y’all later!
Monday Meese. 39 going up to 57 here in Kingston. Hearings start today for Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson
Puerto Rico
No one ever told me about the massacre on this day. In fact, no one ever told me anything about Puerto Rico until you did!
All I ever received in school was history from the white male Eurocentric point of view. It’s shameful.
Today’s the stormy one the weather people have been talking about for days. The TV station even brought in the retired guy to be part of the coverage. I hope they let us leave early, there’s a hill my route home that’s bad when it’s raining.
Good Monday morning, Moosekind! It’s clear and lovely this morning in Ashburn, with a temp. of 41 F. on its way up to 70 F., and best of all, no wind.
Like Jan, I cannot bear to watch the hearings today because the sound of Rethug voices makes me want to drive my fist through the screen. I’m just hoping for the best, that’s all.
I’m also wondering how those 10 million blond, blue-eyed Ukrainian refugees are going to be dispersed throughout Europe. It’s shameful that we won’t let them come here. But, come to think of it, they’re better off in Poland, Estonia, Moldova, and Lithuania, poor countries though they may be. At least the refugees won’t be slaughtered by random gunfire because of some idiot’s “freedumb.” Amerikkka is insane.
Well, coffee awaits so I must away. Hoping for a good day for all here and for poor old President Zelinskyy and his people.
It’s 59 heading for 63 and the clouds are already moving in. Sigh. We’ve rain coming this afternoon and for the next couple of days. The temps will drop to the 40s-50s once it moves out but we’ll be back to 70s by next weekend. Rollercoaster weather. At least the rollercoaster track is above freezing. We generated 16.6 KWHs yesterday and the m-t-d is 224.7 (so if we can pick up 9 KWHs today we’ll reach the 2.5K systems March ’15 production). We’ve 11 production days left, including today. To reach 400 for the month we’d have to average 17 per day. Which ain’t gonna happen. sigh. If we get over 325 we’ll at least beat March ’20.
Cloudy weather is not good for me. I actually got 9 hours of sleep (w/ multiple very short interruptions) and I’m groggy. I hate that. Shingles still with me but I only needed 1 dose of Ibuprofen last night so I know it’s getting better. I used the decongestant nasal spray which is why the sinusitis wasn’t a problem. Hands are about the same.
I connected with sheddhead who used to write the Homeless diaries over at DK. She’s in a pleasant section 8 apartment now. Her job sux big time – “monitoring” the transmissions of the leg monitors on people. Calling them first if they’re “outside the limits” – and then the authorities if the call’s not answered or the answer isn’t satisfactory. It’s a private prison company. She’s monitoring people in multiple states. Work environment is bad and they treat her like most corporations treat older, obese, disabled people – promising raises and advances that never happen and crap like that. But she’s got a home. She’s starting to work on her health. And of course she’s keeping her eye out for a better job. One with hours that will allow her to have a dog again.
I’m assuming everybody else is doing as they have been. An assumption that is usually confirmed much later in the day than I check in here. LOL. Ukraine’s hanging on, which is good. So’s COVID. And global warming. Which aren’t. Prayers.
Anyway, off to twitter. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 42 and raining outside my window today. I need to work at my desk today so the rain should keep me indoors. I didn’t do much yesterday, but that’s ok. Apparently I’m becoming more comfortable with my lazy stage of life. Best wishes to all.
I am looking forward to my “lazy stage of life.” I hope to achieve it later this year.
Tuesday Meese. 34 going up to 54 here in Kingston.
NYT strikes out – again
Trevor Noah points out that the media can’t pronounce Ketanji Brown Jackson’s name
Funny how they get “Volodymyr Zelensky” correct
Hearings coverage
Puerto Rico
All of Puerto Rico: “Those posters of Jennifer Gobernadora 2024 were paid for by her to measure strength.” Jenniffer Gonzalez: “That wasn’t me.”
Good Tuesday morning, Meese! It’s a kind of blah day here, partly cloudy with the sunlight rising through the misty woods. Our current temp. is 43 F., on its way up to 60 F.
Feeling completely freaked by hearing the name of my tiny, obscure birthplace on David Muir’s broadcast last evening! I was born in Jacksboro, county seat of Jack County, Texas, in the late Cretinous age. A tornado destroyed the high school and various other buildings yesterday. The devastation looks enormous. We don’t have any family still living there—the last one lit out years ago and now lives in Abilene, near her daughter. Sooner or later, I think, every city or small town in Texas will fall victim to a tornado.
I haven’t been to Jacksboro since 2009, when Dearly, two of my aunts, and I oversaw the burial of some of my mother’s “cremains” in the family plot in the cemetery. When I walked around the cemetery afterwards I noticed the names of some of my schoolmates on the tombstones. Sobering.
Not much to say except that Tuesday is a day to finish up all the things I didn’t get done yesterday. I sort of want a nap at the moment, having awakened far too early.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond, to the long-suffering inhabitants of Puerto Rico, and the beleaguered citizens of Ukraine. Putie is a Brutie. I read on Twitter that his tart is being deported from Switzerland with her children. It has long been my contention that if all Presidents and Prime Ministers were distracted by sex, there would be no wars. Who wants to sit in a War Room all day when they could be enjoying their very own sweet, juicy Tart? Oh, well, enough of that.
Blessed be.
This is me every day!
I do make some progress each day but lately it seems like I just rearrange lists and defer the actual completion.
Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …
It is 43 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 50. Rain is in the forecast.
I did not watch the Jackson hearing but I caught snippets from Twitter and news accounts. I am a little surprised that Republicans want to re-litigate the Keggernaugh hearing – do they really think that reminding people that they put a beery sexual assaulter on the Supreme Court (and that Democrats tried to stop them) is a winner for them? I know that they thought that the “blow back” from the harsh grilling – and the shrieking from Lindsey Graham – helped them politically but even if it did (I am not convinced) that was 4 years ago and a lot has happened since then. I will also not watch the hearing today.
I am not sure what people think should happen in Ukraine – do the people calling Joe Biden weak want him to join a ground war with Russia? Do they want him to nuke Russia? :::shakes head::: Seems like arming Ukraine and pressuring Russia is the right course. And yes, no one is going to “win” this war – it will either end with a negotiated settlement or it will be a permanent conflict until Russia decides it can’t afford to keep a standing army in a neighboring country, something that could take decades for them to realize.
I will have to put a few articles in Pocket to (possibly) read later. I have a bunch of projects to organize as yesterday was not very productive.
See all y’all later!