Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 27 degrees in Madison WI with an expected daytime high of 46. Cloudy skies with a 40% chance of isolated showers.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Sunday Meese. 35 here in Kingston NY going up to 43 with rain all day.
We’ll be watching the Women’s basketball championship tonight – while keeping an eye on the GRAMMYS too.
Puerto Rico
Good Sunday morning, Moose Peeps! Today will be partly sunny and quite windy in Ashburn. The current temp. is 45 F., on its way up to 57 F.
Yesterday was cool but sunny and windless, so everyone was out playing tennis and running errands. The trees were out too, causing those with allergies to be overcome.
I was worn out after a very active Saturday. First of all I headed to the 7-Car Wash, only to find I’d forgotten the way. When I eventually realized my error and found the location, I saw that it had changed its name to Clocktower Car Wash. Then I found out, to my horror, that it had changed its method of operation. I had to sit alone in my car, with the gearbox in Neutral, while a conveyor belt advanced my car in the pitch dark. It was unnerving, to say the least, especially when weird substances were sprayed on the car by invisible sprayers and black wavy rubber thingies flapped all over the outside.
I had thought I’d just hand the keys to an attendant, then go sit comfortably in the office while they did everything. But no. When the car finally rolled out, there were no attendants to leap on it, vacuum the inside, and polish the dashboard and windows. Feeling weirded out, I made my way to my next stop.
My friend and I were meeting for a belated birthday lunch. She had 10% discounts for each of us—in fact, Saturday was the day they were to expire—but La Madeleine did let us have the discounts. We chewed our way through the doorstop grilled cheese sandwiches (couldn’t finish mine), then she put her hand on her heart and said, “I love Shakespeare.” I told her I did too. Then we started reciting sonnets to each other and finally sequed to Hamlet’s soliloquy. She said she’d watched “MacBeth” on Apple TV on her iPhone and showed me how I could the same on my iPhone (if I ever get around to it).
She holds Bernie and AOC in the deepest contempt, partly because she always has and partly because she saw a CBS reporter interviewing the young man who organized a union at the Amazon Warehouse in New York. The man said AOC had promised to appear and give a speech, but canceled the day before. He said Bernie never responded to any calls or emails. Nada. Typical! My friend is like me, so liberal she can hardly get to sleep at night for fear of Missing Something.
I had a birthday card for her, but I hadn’t expected her to show up with a whole bag of presents! She gave me a lovely box that had Hemingway’s portrait on the outside, with envelopes, papers, and pencils on the inside, a writer’s box. Then a box that collapsed, revealing a beautiful bright orange scarf inside. Last but not least, she gave me a Shakespeare cookie cutter! I am quite serious. It’s the Bard’s head in profile. It would make one hell of a large cookie! Yikes.
On the way home, by the time I bought the pot roast for today’s Sunday dinner (at least I hope it’s a pot roast—top round in the slow cooker for 8 hours?), I was too worn out to go to the gym, so I had a cup of tea and a nap.
It’s time to cook A Proper Breakfast, after which I’d better do a lightning cleanup because Miss Pink Cheeks is expected at lunchtime. She asked me to help her hair look better. I’m pretty clueless about that, but I do think a side parting would look better than that 1970s middle parting, and I bought some anti-frizz stuff because she’s worried about that too. Is she starting to take an interest in her appearance because of a concomitant interest in BOYZ? Stay tuned, I’ll find out.
Meanwhile, Darling Niece, Beloved Nephew, and the 12-year-old future Stephen Spielberg finally boarded a flight to LA yesterday. The Alaskan Airlines pilots went on strike, but Nephew managed to find a United Airlines flight for 5:30 p.m. Hope they’re resting comfortably near the Hollywood sign.
That’s quite enough from me this morning. Wishing a good day to all at Pond.
Super productive day yesterday. Cooked vegetables for next week, and made tea; plus laundry & other housework, Getting my 2nd shingles vax this afternoon, so I wanted to get stuff out of the way, in case I have a reaction — though I never have, to any of them. Watching Ali Velshi, he’s covering the massive civilian murders they’re finding as the Russians retreat. So awful. I keep flipping to the local news for a break.
Black Music Sunday
It’s 51 heading for 71 and sunny at the moment. Widget says clouds will move in later today. I hope much later – like close to sundown type later – because afternoons are the highest electricity generation. Like yesterday. We had clouds in the morning but it cleared off by noon – and we generated 18.4 KWHs. The m-t-d is 38 and that’s definitely on track.
My hands were getting better but they decided to get worse today. I’ve been cussing my hands, the mouse, and the cursor with every tweet I’ve boosted already this morning. And every edit where I can’t get the cursor to go to the edit point and have to use the cursor keys to get there. At least I can use the cursor keys to get there. I can’t use the cursor keys to submit a comment, reply, tweet, or email. sigh. So. Limited activity and a lot of lurking today.
The shingles are less distracting. I hope that’s not just because other things are more so. Sinusitis backed off last night. But there’s always something – night sweats for the first time in years. Oh well. I’m breathing and here. That’s good enough. Meanwhile I’ve got twitter stuff, Dee’s diary, and housework to get to. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 48 and cloudy outside my window today. Our contain the mud saga is ongoing with new gravel around the pavers outside the back entrance today. RonK has removed most of the mud and moss growing in the spaces but his back and knees are complaining so getting the new gravel in place will be a slower process. I’ve made some progress getting the patios ready for spring entertaining but that’s going slow too. Oh well, we’ll get done eventually. Best wishes to all.
Monday Meese. 36 going up to 54 here in Kingston NY. Stayed up to watch women’s college basketball championship – Congrats to South Carolina for the win and Coach Dawn Staley
Puerto Rico
Warm morning, will get into the 80s this afternoon. Maybe thunderstorms, but I brought my umbrella,so I probably jinxed that. CVS canceled my shot yesterday, I rescheduled for Wednesday, with a covid booster added. Today: just work.
Good morning, Moosekind! This Monday is cool and sunny, so far. The current temp. in Ashburn is 44 F., going up to 60 F., or so They say.
Because Dearly and I had a terrible night, we decided we were too tired to get dressed and take Nora out to breakfast. It’s past 9 a.m. at this writing, so she’s had 10 hours’ sleep so far. I say she needs it.
We’ll take her home after lunch and then just flop around like newly caught fish on the dock, staring goggle-eyed at nothing. I may go to the gym, I’m not sure.
Hope all at the Pond will have a good day!
It’s 55, might get to 60, cloudy and gonna rain off and on all day. sigh. Yesterday the clouds held off long enough for us to generate 17 KWHs and the m-t-d is an on-track 55 – but we need to generate at least 9 today to stay on track and I don’t like the odds.
The “good” vet clinic in Roswell finally managed to open a spay/neuter clinic and have told Jill they’ll fix all 3 adult females and the puppies that resulted from her not being able to get them fixed earlier for $300. Cash upfront. So much for helping Disabled people on Disability. I’m gonna see what I can scrape up. Maybe put the boys annual visit off a month or two. (Plus of course she’s got all the drama going on with her husband – who cries for her when he’s in pain & calls her a psychopathic bitch when he’s drugged up enough to not be in pain.) That’s last night’s latest. I haven’t connected with anyone yet today.
I managed some chunks of good sleep but was late getting up in doing so. Not that I have any specific times I need to be up and doing stuff except my own self-imposed ones. Still. I’m late checking in and behind on getting to twitter. I wouldn’t have finished my treadmill sessions by now anyway. LOL. Hands are still acting up. sigh. Anyway. Off to twitter. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 45m cloudy and windy outside my window today. We made good progress with our outdoor cleaning and graveling tasks yesterday, but we’re both really tired today so we’ll rest this morning and see how much we can do this afternoon. We enjoy our outdoor living spaces but getting them relatively mud free and comfortable is a push this year! Best wishes to all.
Good evening, meeses! It is 39 degrees in Madison – when I got up it was 37 so not much has changed. The rain stopped.
I will be scarce for the next 4 days as we are packing up and leaving for a driving trip and it is not as convenient to post in a timely manner on the road. PLUS the time zones will not be East Coast friendly. So expect to see an evening check-in – which is more like a check-out!
See all y’all later!
Good and safe travels, Jan!
Have a safe trip – and pls, whenever, do check in. Have fun. {{{HUGS}}}
Have a safe trip Jan!
Tuesday Meese. 32 going up to 60 here in Kingston. I have two sore arms – got shingles shot, plus tetanus, and pneumonia vaccine yesterday.
Haven’t gotten over my anger at the treatment of Judge KBJ – and won’t. A thank you to Sen. Cory Booker
There’s a pattern…
You, and we, are entirely justified in our outrage over the extreme disrespect displayed toward Judge Jackson. I wish I could transport the members of Klaverns 11 to a remote island where they’d have to run everything themselves, and see how much they’d enjoy their “freedumb” from clean air, clean water, proper sanitation, and so forth.
Sen. Booker asked the right question: How much more qualified do you have to be?
I loathe and despise patriarchs.
Puerto Rico
Always, PR is discriminated against!
Warm morning heading to record-breaking 97 this afternoon. It’ll cool off tomorrow but this is crazy. Today: wfh, must remember to take my breaks and dance, it really helps my back.
Good Tuesday morning, Meese! “They” are predicting rain all week with highs in the 50s and 60s. Knowing their record for accuracy, I expect partly sunny with temps. in the high 60s or low 70s! Right now in Ashburnikins it’s 48 F. with cloudy skies and no precip.
Enough about that. Yesterday evening we watched the first half of Ken Burns’ “Benjamin Franklin” on PBS. I should not have been surprised by Franklin’s racism and white supremacy, but I admit to being taken aback. Having been brought up in a time of reverence toward the Founding Fathers, it never occurred to me to question their behavior until my eyes were opened. Thomas Jefferson was, by today’s standards, a child rapist and serial abuser of Sally Hemings. George Washington was an enslaver who relentlessly pursued Oney Judge, the one slave who was never caught. (I think it was Denise who recommended that book, which I read with fascination.) Benjamin Franklin regarded Natives as “uneducated savages” and Africans as inferior beings.
Was too tired to watch the second hour, but we can watch it tonight. I took half the recommended dose of the generic version of Tylenol PM because the previous night’s sleep disaster had left me brain-fogged and aching in every limb. After 7 hours of good sleep I am rarin’ to go!
Heh, heh. Writing assignments are due tomorrow. I have driven my Writers’ Group crazy with the assignment to study the sonnet form and write one, if they feel up to it. Two of the men did! One of the women wrote that she’d had to read my last email with a dictionary beside her, to look up the meaning of octaves and sestets, quatrains and tercets, and iambic pentameter. Well, well, I’m sure it’s good for them.
Time for a breakfast of a granola sundae and toast. Wishing a good day with no rain for bfitz and princesspat, no pain for Sister Dee, decent road trip meals for Jan and company, and air conditioning for Becky. They say it’s going to be in the high 90s in Austin today! Ansi-soit-il.
It’s 57 heading for 75 and sunny at the moment. Yesterday we generated exactly half – 4.5 KWHs – to stay on track and wrapped up the day with a 59.7 m-t-d. We’re not likely to catch up today but not losing any more ground and even gaining a little back are definitely in the realms of possibility. And we are still on track for over 400 – just not for best month ever. LOL.
The shingles rash is still there – small patches of it anyway – with redness and some rough achy patches where it was worst. (I’ll be getting my shingles vaccine as soon as all the rash patches have cleared up.) My hands are cold but more functional than they’ve been the last few days. I even got relatively decent sleep so the sinusitis is better too. For me it’s starting out to be a good day. I wish I could send some this to Aji and Amelia. And a few other people. Well, lots of other people. Holding the Good Thoughts.
Off to twitter – hoping it will be a good day there, too. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 43 and cloudy outside my window today. We slogged through the rain yesterday and got the worst of the gravel and garage project finished. Still more to do but the hardest parts are done now. It’s apparent we can’t put off the structural repairs to the garage for much longer but it will be easier to do the work now that the interior is sorted out.
It’s spring break for Ava and Emma just finished her AA degree so the grand girls are taking me to lunch at the bookstore cafe today. Spring break used to be a very busy grandparent week but things have changed! Best wishes to all.