Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
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Good morning, meeses! Wednesday …
It is 42 degrees in Madison and rainy.
Yesterday was a too-busy day prepping for our trip and there was 0 opportunity to check-in anywhere. This morning we finally hit the road.
I was reading an article this morning that used a word that I had seen in the past and thought I knew the meaning of but I wanted to look it up to be certain: revanchist.
Literally, revenge over loss of status. It was applied to the current Republican Party, a party of white supremacy that is destroying our country by plowing towards its goal of restoring white male privilege. Bingo! They are like Putin trying to make Ukraine Russian after they have had 30 years of independence. Women and racial minorities are not going to let the Republicans turn back the clock to the 1950s after we have tasted independence.
See all y’all later!
Good to see you, Jan, and safe travels!
No doubt you saw the news of what happened in Oklahoma and what is being considered in Tennessee. As I just remarked on Twitter, hatred of women is the unyielding, foundational tenet of Christian nationalism.
Rethugs are like the Taliban, whom I regard as primitve beings stuck in the 7th century, incapable of reasoning from A to B.
Good morning. Today won’t be nearly as hot as yesterday, high only in the 70s. But we haven’t had rain in a while, so there’s a high fire danger. Very tired, hoping the walk I’m planning after my shot helps wake me up.
Good Wednesday morning, Moosekind! Happy to report that it apparently rained through the night and has continued to do so, quite heavily. I am pleased, as we are already 1.30 inches under for rainfall for the year to date. The current temp. is 50 F., supposedly going up to 63 F.
Someone on Twitter called Putin “the butcher of Bucha.” The atrocities committed by the Russian soldiers are as bad as those committed by the Nazis.
I have a morning of desk work ahead, then I need to get my hair done and pick up a couple of things from the supermarket. On Friday I’m going to be in a group photo, after which I’ll be attending the Unitarian-Universalist dinner get-together. I’m not a UU myself, but they’re very Pagan friendly and super-liberal.
One of the members of my Writers’ Group emailed that she’d had to read one of my recent emails to the group with a dictionary beside her, because she’d never heard that sonnets consist of quatrains and sestets. She even had to look up the word “elucidation.” Others in the group said they’d been really challenged by the assignment to write a sonnet, but that it taught them a lot. I wish I had explained the assignment better: they could have chosen a sonnet by someone else, whether Shakespeare, Keats, Brooke, or Donne, and then just stated why they did or did not like it. I chose Sonnet 104 to write about in Shakespeare’s collection. I don’t need to write a sonnet myself, because I’ve written so many in the past that I know I can do it.
Y’all must be bored to the point of madness by now, so I will close and wish a good day to everyone at the Pond. Goddess bless all here!
It’s 50 heading for 64 and off-and-on sunny. Mostly off. sigh. Yesterday we generated 18.4 KWHs and the m-t-d of 78 isn’t on track but it gained some and was close. As in if we’d done it again today we’d be back on track by sundown. But it doesn’t look like we’re gonna. sigh. We shall see.
Jill’s taking the girl dogs and the puppies to the mobile spay/neuter clinic like about right now. They’ll also get their shots there. The organization is based in CO (the locals have too many turf wars going on to establish a no-kill group). Bless them, instead of calling the funds they received for the puppies’ spay/neuter fees, they’re calling them surrender fees. Yes, of course they’ll fix the pups. But this means they’ll take the pups back to their no-kill shelter and find homes for them. That is such a relief/help for Jill. Everybody else is pretty much as they were yesterday. Including me.
Not sure when I’ll check in tomorrow. I’m doing my Aldi’s and Tractor Supply run and – at least if they’re still doing it now COVID has been declare over by legal fiat or something – Aldi’s senior/safe shopping is 8:30 to 9 am. So depending on when I get up, I may just feed the cats and get out the door. We’ll see. Meanwhile, Bright the Day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 36 and light clouds outside my window today. Plans changed with the grand girls yesterday so I just puttered around inside and out. I was really tired so an easy day was needed. Today will be a housekeeping day, working with Sue. She does the cleaning and I deal with the clutter and keep the laundry going. I appreciate her cheerful assistance. Best wishes to all.
I forgot to mention in my check in that I’m hosting Bookchat tonight at the orange place. 7 pm central time.
It’s mid-afternoon on Wednesday the 6th. Meese, I am devastated. Eric Boehlert, the ONLY honest journo, has been killed in a bicycling accident. Rest in peace, Eric, and may flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.
Such a tragic loss – for his family, friends, co-workers, and all of us who read his work
Here’s a link to my Bookchat: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/4/6/2089508/-Bookchat-Book-Ban-Busters-National-Read-In
Thursday Meese. 45 and raining here in Kingston NY going up to 50.
Sigh – yet another island -wide blackout in Puerto Rico.
Good morning, meeses! It is 39 degrees at my Kansas overnight and will be 68 degrees at my next overnight in the panhandle of Texas.
The trip across Iowa and into Missouri was difficult,driving into winds sustained 25mph with gusts up to 40mph. Intermittent rain did not help. It is too bad one cannot be magically transported over the parts of the trip that are just “getting there” and not part of the new scenery we are driving towards! We have one more day of “getting there” driving.
I have been keeping up with the news via breaking news headlines pushed to my phone. People are saying that the vow “never again” is hollow and unenforceable when murderous dictators are allowed to thrive and to become part of global leadership. They should disband the forensics society at the UN and reconstitute a new organization, one where no one member can veto resolutions denouncing their own heinous behavior. And really, any future American president who shakes hands with a war criminal should be vilified.
Time to pack up for day two. See all y’all later!
Ah, the panhandle….. You’ll be able to smell the feedlots from 50 miles away. Just, interact with the natives as little as possible. I think Trump, Abbott & the like get 80% of the vote up there.
Wonder why on earth Jan is going to a place like the Panhandle? I have relatives living there, and as anotherdemocrat states, they’re ALL Trumpanzees.
I can smell the feedlots! But mostly the drive through was filled with the smell of the smoke from the Beaver Lake Wildfire. Just an overnight stop (I can’t drive at night) – I saw only one person in Amarillo wearing a mask. :(
Ye gods.
Had to wear a jacket this morning. High of only 78 this afternoon. Bookchat went okay last night, not huge but not utter silence. Shots also went okay, worst was some arm pain in the afternoon/overnight. I’m convinced that one thing that’s helped with all my shots is taking a 20 minute walk after. Increased heart rate/blood circulation, get it all circulated so it can do it’s thing. The worst thing about yesterday was I started off the day feeling poorly. I think it’s the tree pollen, all of them are in the very, very high category. I actually had to log off work in the afternoon & take a nap. Hope I can make it through the day today. If we’re not busy and I feel like I did yesterday, I’ll go home early.
Becky, my gym buddy has been prostrated because of tree pollen! It must be terrible! Is it cypress trees? I never can remember the name of the tree in Texas that causes such misery. My daughter has been known to take to her bed because of it.
Oak, ash and elm. Huge, huge amounts of pollen.
Oh, crud.
Good Thursday morning, Meese! It’s been raining again, hurrah! The aquifers must be happy. I’m happy because of the rain, which will all too soon disappear into the distance. Right now in Ashburn the temp. is 50 F. It will rain heavily this afternoon.
Busy day ahead with a visit to the grocery store (the very nice Harris Teeter several miles down the road), and a meeting this afternoon. I probably won’t be able to go to exercise today, but I did yesterday. I just walked on the treadmill as I didn’t feel up to rowing.
Still feeling devastated by the loss of Eric Boehlert, but rejoicing because Ketanji Brown Jackson will be confirmed today! YAY! Never will I forget the adoring, proud look her daughter cast at her as Judge Jackson was testifying before the hyenas—oh, sorry, the Senate.
Can’t think of anything intelligent to add, so will simply say Goddess bless all here, and I hope all Pond dwellers will have a lovely, quiet day.
Good morning, 45 and light clouds outside my window today. I was to tired to do very much yesterday so I’ve got laundry to do today and I hope to plant a few plants to replace the ones the deer keep eating. I was not happy to see all the Bergenia blooms gone yesterday. Oh well, the big world is overwhelming me lately so my small world garden needs to remain a retreat for both me and the deer. Best wishes to all.
OK, back from shopping. No, Aldi’s is no longer doing safe shopping time. So, I’m probably not going to be doing Aldi’s any longer. I’m sure I can find chicken breasts somewhere for close to the same price and really that was the main draw for me. I got other stuff there, but nothing I couldn’t get at Harp’s for close to the same price. I got my stuff at Tractor Supply and then stopped at Harp’s on the way home. I didn’t get chicken but I still have some chicken and Harp’s had pork on sale so I got that. Not as much but enough to carry me a couple of weeks.
It’s mid 40s heading for upper 50s and partly sunny. Yesterday it cleared off and we generated just over 19 KWHs so we’ve caught up, are on track and a bit more. The m-t-d was 96 when I got up. I’ll check again later. Especially if the “partly” turns into “mostly” sunny.
Need to get some treadmill time. Need to get over to twitter and Dee’s diary at DK. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Friday Meese. 44 going up to 59 and cloudy here in Kingston – looks like we’ll have a lot more rain in the days ahead.
Puerto Rico
Oh, hell. When pols can’t think of, or don’t want to, anything good to do for the public, they clamp down on women’s rights. Dirtbags.
Good morning, meeses! It is 34 degrees in Amarillo. The expected daytime high at my next stop, southern New Mexico, will be 77 and sunny. The high winds that plagued my trip for two days and wrecked my gas mileage appear to done. Driving across the open spaces in Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas with sustained winds over 30mph and gusts to 50 was not fun!!
Yay, Justice Jackson! I was glad to see bipartisan support. I long for the day when the Republican Party’s wholehearted embrace of racism to appeal to its base backfires. We can’t let people forget what Hawley, Cruz and especially Blackburn did.
See all y’alls later!!
Happy trails Jan!
Cold – for here, for April. 48 degrees, I needed a jacket, those are normally in storage by now. Had a very restless night, hope my tea helps.
It’s 41 heading for 51 and cloudy. Lights on cloudy. The PV system is on at least. If the clouds stay as heavy as they are now, we might generate enough to cover having the lights on all day. sigh. Yesterday things cleared up enough we generated 14.4 KWHs and the m-t-d of 111 was almost on track. We gonna lose more ground today. sigh. Overnight low is supposed to be 29 (hope the cherry tree isn’t hurt by that – it’s bloomed now) which I hope is winter’s last hurrah or something.
I got about 6 hours of sleep last night. Not in a single chunk and not all of it much more than dozing, but I got it. The shingles redness and achiness just won’t. go. away. The rash is gone but the rough and red patches are still there. So I’ll wait a bit longer before I get the vaxx. I think I’m coming out of a depression funk I’ve been in so long I didn’t notice it. When I start counting up – getting (& using) the treadmill, getting (& using) the vacuum cleaner, and now I’m wanting more variety in my meals – those seem to be good signs. My hands are stiff and achy but are functioning and that’s good.
As best I can tell nothing new with anybody. Holding the Good Thought that nothing’s getting worse even if it doesn’t seem like anything’s getting better.
Need to do some more on the treadmill but off to twitter first. Bright the Day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
{{{Bfitz}}} Glad things are looking up a bit. It’s to be hoped your skin will continue to improve.
Blessed be.