Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 61 degrees in the Desert Southwest with an expected daytime high of 86. Sunny skies are in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Your weather sounds nice!
It is! The mornings are wonderful with the temperatures in the low to mid 70s until the sun heats things up in the afternoon. I love the early morning coolness and working at my computer with the windows open. In a few months, the morning lows will be in the 70s and heat up more quickly but only for a couple of months. Madison is getting snow storms today!
And you are no longer there. Tee hee!
Happy Easter to those who celebrate. 34 going up to 48 here in Kingston NY.
Puerto Rico
Good morning. Got next week’s tea steeping while I watch the news. In a few minutes, there’s a bike race on CNBC, so there’ll be some nice distraction from the awfulness of the news. It is 65 degrees already, blech. But I’m wearing that flowery dress & blue tights.
Black Music Sunday
Happy Whatever You Celebrate. (My son managed to get Easter morning covered so he’s off to the gurdwara to celebrate Viasakhi.) It’s 48 heading for 55 and overcast. The PV system’s on but not by much and I don’t have the lights on but that’s stubbornness. It didn’t exactly clear off yesterday but things lightened up enough when the rain finally stopped that we generated 11.27 KWHs – definitely not on track with the m-t-d at 225 but we’ve at least already generated more than I use (when the A/C’s not on) so everything is now going into the “bank” against either A/C use later or winter. (Last year was close. I got down to 19 KWs in the “bank” before I started gaining again.)
I’ve got everything except the vacuuming done and am eating breakfast. My friend said something about going out for coffee today but said she’d have to confirm it this morning. Since I can’t hear the phone when I’m vacuuming I’ll do some online stuff or get back on the treadmill until I hear from her. The vacuuming would be easier if I didn’t have to pick up all the cat stuff first – and put it back down again when I finish. Cats.
Off to twitter to check on folks and get set up – and of course to Dee’s diary for music to do it by. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good Sunday morning, Moose Peeps! Wish I were in Portugal. It’s sunny here in Ashburn but there’s a nasty cold wind blowing at 16 mph. The current temp. is 52 F., going for a high of 55 F.
Naturally, with the cloud cover yesterday, I was unable to see the Pink Moon. Tomorrow the weather forecast can’t possibly be worse—rain and wind for the White House Easter Egg Roll. Only once has a member of my extended family succeeded in getting a ticket, I think back in 2017 when little Ethan was two. Of course the Defeated Former Guy’s administration thoroughly screwed up in issuing tickets, so it happened that some regular people were able to get them instead of only members of Congress. I’m sure Melanoma thought it was all “focking ridiculous.”
At any rate, I have been up since six, preparing breakfast, doing laundry, tidying up, etc. Had four hours’ good sleep, the rest sketchy, after waking up at 2, 3, and 4. I finally just read my book and got up at six.
Ethan and his father are coming over at tea time and Ethan will spend the night. I foresee vacuuming in my future, lots of it.
Oh, and blessed Easter, Passover, and Ramadan to all who celebrate them! The rest of y’all heathen can carry on raging. That’s what I’m going to do.
Wishing a good day to all Moose Pond dwellers.
Good morning, meeses! Monday …
It is 57 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 91. The heat index in the desert Southwest is opposite of the one in the frozen tundra – the “feels like” on today’s 91 is 86 because the humidity is only 15%. A 91 in Madison would probably have a heat index of over 100 because it would be humid and my hair would turn fuzzy and curl in odd places!
The situation in Ukraine seems dire – I hope the Western allies are not getting bored, we have such a short attention span when it comes to other people’s suffering. Ukraine will only return to a sense of normalcy when they can effectively take down Russian missiles and end the attacks on the cities of Lyiv and Kyiv. I am not sure what type of weaponry they need in order to do that.
I hope everyone had a nice weekend! I will stay away from the post office as last minute tax filers take advantage of the extra three days to file taxes. I need to file an amendment this year because of a boneheaded mistake related to a deduction I had not taken in many years and forgot how it was reported. Turbo Tax does a really good job of reminding me of last years deductions but it is up to me to read all the other questions carefully. According to the IRS instructions, I will not see the refund from the amended return for six months but I want to get it finished and mailed as soon as possible after the 2021 filing season to start the clock ticking.
It feels like April is slipping away although there are still two full weeks left. I think my driving trip left me with a bit of day and time confusion. I am hoping to shake the cobwebs out in the next few days and get back on track.
See all y’all later!
Warm morning here, but today’s high is only supposed to be 80,so that’s nice. I thought I had more lunch in the freezer than I do, so I ordered groceries to pick up tomorrow. New Doctor Who yesterday was okay. I think Jodie is tired, and the writers aren’t giving her scripts worthy of her ability. Anyway, in the office today.
36 going up to 57 here in Kingston
The company is here to install my back up generator – I thought they were only going to do a walk-through so my power will be out for 3-4 hours.
Puerto Rico
Good Monday morning, Moosekind! ‘Tis 44 F. and drizzly,a gray sky louring o’er our house, the lot. When I’ve finished posting, I need to drag little Ethan away from his tablet and get him washed and brushed for the day. He’s been an angel so far: eats all his meals, carries plates into the kitchen area, and so forth. He played so hard with the balloons yesterday that he fell asleep at !0:30 and slept until 7:30.
His mother will come by at 12:30 to pick him up. As soon as I get him washed and brushed I’m going to take away that dratted device and get him to help me. He can have a prize if he does. We also need to do some reading: I have a book called The Easter Bunny Comes to Virginia, which should be riveting.
Glad to report that we got off lightly yesterday with lectures. Elder Son muttered a few perfunctory remarks about the evil of Arlington County Public Schools, but then diverged into a 5-minute lecture on the Golden Corral. His usual lecture on that subject lasts 30 minutes, so I was relieved to have only five. He rants about the people who patronize Golden Corral’s buffet and then stagger out, weighing 300 pounds and never exercising. According to him, it’s all their own fault that they’re obese and subject to all the illnesses that brings.
His mind is like a floor with black and white tiles—there’s no gray, no consideration of the fact that some people have to work three badly paid jobs, so dinner is a burger and coke consumed while they drive to their second or third job. There is no time to exercise and even if they could, they live in unsafe neighborhoods where to walk the streets at night is to court certain death by random gunfire. He really would be a Republican if he weren’t turned off by their antichoice attitude and fake Christianity. Rethugs all think misfortune is the result of poor choices.
Never mind, his many good qualities outweigh the weirdness.
It’s 10 a.m! Gotta get going, Meese. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.
It’s 42 heading for 62 and cloudy at the moment but the sun’s trying to break through and the widget says it will be successful. Yesterday we managed 5.66 KWHs – slightly less than I use in an average day – and the m-t-d is 231. So not on track and losing ground. Hopefully today we’ll gain a bit back.
Sinusitis hit hard last night. I managed 2-1/2 hours sleep. So I’m groggy. So far my hands are working OK. I haven’t checked w/ anybody this morning (except here, of course) but yesterday folks were pretty much doing as they’ve been. Basically managing to hang on. Holding the Good Thoughts for everyone. (Including Ukraine – Jan’s right, we have a really short attention span. But if we don’t get Ukraine enough support for them to push Russia out, and somehow force Russia to stop attacking, Russia’s gonna roll right over Europe a piece at a time. Just like Hitler did. So for both humanitarian reasons and self-preservation reasons, we need to help Ukraine.)
Off to twitter. Bright the Day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
It is encouraging that Finland and Norway are planning to join NATO. Putin can then decide whether he wants to nuke Europe or deal with having NATO right at his doorstep. A person as self-propagandized as Putin is unlikely to change his mind about the rights he has to control sovereign nations who dare share a border with him but maybe if there are sane minds left in Russia, they will find a way to unseat him and lock him in a Siberian jail cell for the good of humanity.
It is encouraging. Feeds the Pro-Putin LW meme of ebil NATO taking over of course. But since 2016 there are many people I used to respect I don’t any longer. I hope somebody in Russia can overthrow the dictator and put him in that Siberian prison. And isn’t worse. sigh.
Good morning, 48 and raining in Bellingham. Our Easter lunch was fun yesterday. Nice to be outdoors for drinks and snacks and then to come indoors for lunch. It was a push for me to get ready this year, but very satisfying to have tasty food and quality family time together. I’ll rest today and we’ll take out son out for his birthday dinner tonight. Best wishes to all.
Tuesday Meese. 34 and raining here in Kingston going up to 48.
Is everyone in Florida stupid and crooked? Can we slice Florida off the mainlain and let it float out to sea?
Puerto Rico
Cool morning, in the 50s. I picked up groceries, will cook this afternoon. That’s the great thing about wfh days. I might even get in a walk.
Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …
It is 70 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 93. Mostly cloudy skies are in the forecast. Red Flag warning from 11am to 8pm as high winds (15-25 mph) can spread any fires that may crop up due to dry conditions and low humidity.
Well, I am not going to fly for a while. Airlines who allowed their pilots to announce “all masks off!” in a plane filled with people who boarded with the expectation that they would not have COVID infected MAGAts coughing all over their unvaccinated children should be shunned. Goddess, we are an ignorant nation. I am going to continue to wear masks in crowded places and will not put myself in a giant tube for 3 hours with 200 people who may be carrying a deadly virus and are part of the #RepublicanDeathCult. Our court system – one that allows a 35 year old federal judge (rated UNQUALIFIED by the ABA at her rushed confirmation hearing) to issue an order that will likely kill hundreds if not thousands because public health rules are tyranny – is terrible.
Busy day here as I have to get my car to the shop for its 180,000 mile check up. I put new tires on it about 10 days ago so I am hoping that they don’t find anything major that might make me have to decide if it is worth repairing. I want to get another 20,000 miles out of it. Fingers crossed!
See all y’all later!
It’s 49 heading for 67 in Fayetteville AR & sunny. I like sunny. LOL. Yesterday we generated 19.6 KWHs so we gained a bit. The m-t-d at 250.9 isn’t on track of course. It’s still possible – barely – to reach the 477 goal but we’re definitely still on track to get over 400.
I have no idea how much sleep I got last night. I just know it was interrupted a lot by sinus/mucus stuff. So I’m groggy again. I think that must be my “new normal” anyway. The widget keeps saying there’s only moderate pollen and it’s all grass. All I can say is the elm, birch, and oak trees are all leafing out. But it’s true we haven’t reached the stage of everything outside being coated in yellow dust. Hands are cold but working so far.
When I connected with folks yesterday things were about the same as they have been. If their lives were more secure, had more money and less pain, I’d call that good. Because boring is very good. But their lives are unfortunately not boring.
Anyway, I’m off to twitter. Bright the Day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good Tuesday morning, Meese! It’s 47 F. in Ashburn, bitterly cold and windy. Feels more like winter than April.
Yesterday it rained and rained and rained. Then it rained some more. I’m sure we made up the deficit, so I’ll look forward to reading tomorrow’s Metro section re the weather.
Was just sitting down to comment when I received disturbing news by telephone. Darling Niece called to say that her sister-in-law, my New Orleans Niece, had had a stroke. Since N.O. Niece is only 37 years old, this was extremely upsetting. Apparently she had Covid* after the holidays and this stroke stems from that. They gave her something to break up the blood clot in her brain, so she may be going home tomorrow. Beloved Nephew, her elder brother, is flying down tomorrow to offer support and will stay until Saturday. I hope she’s going to be all right.
So talking to Darling Niece derailed my whole morning, not that I had much planned. Little Ethan was an absolute angel yesterday. We read the new book together and I was pleased to notice that the reading tutor his parents hired for him has definitely helped his reading. Then I told him that if he helped me organize the Art Box, which was in a pitiable state (mostly owing to him, I might add), he would receive a prize. He set to with a will and indeed made a very creditable job of it. His prize was a small device that made “16 hilarious noises” when you pressed the various buttons. I leave it to you to imagine the nature of the noises. He giggled for an hour and said it was the best prize he’d ever received. I encouraged him to hide it under his shirt and press a button to startle his parents.
Alas, when I delicately inquired later in the day as to his behavior I received the grim statement that he’d had three fits of hysterics after arriving home. He saves his bad behavior for his parents, the poor things. They were both Screamers as children themselves, so I suppose this is karmic payback. I don’t remember its lasting until age 6 and 1/2, however.
Well, enough of this family news. Today is a thoroughly nasty day, with weak sunlight and lots of cold wind, not fit for a walk. I hope to get a few things done. I did make Apple Bran Muffins with walnuts this morning, having had a decent enough night’s sleep without the aid of drugs.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond! Agree completely with Jan’s statement that she won’t be traveling by plane any time soon. Neither will we. Who wants to get Covid from a bunch of stupidoes?
Asterisk for footnote
New Orleans Niece works at a medical center, so of course she was vaxxed. Just goes to show you how awful are the after-effects of that disease.
{{{Diana}}} Healing Energy to New Orleans Niece – & everybody in your family. moar {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 43 and raining outside my window today. I’m restless and keep making plans but my legs need another rest and recovery day so that’s what I’ll do. I’ve got a book to read, laundry to do, and an easy sewing project to finish so if I can manage my feelings of anger and grief re what’s happening in Ukraine I should have an ok day. Best wishes to all.
Wednesday Meese. 39 going up to 55 and sunny here in Kingston NY.
Standing ovation for Michigan State Sen. Mallory McMorrow!
Her whole tweet thread with the text of the speech can be read here
Brilliant! I am not shocked to read that her mother was treated shabbily by her parish priest for not adhering to his rules and her response is great – she preferred actual service over “performative” pew filling. It is that very thing that finally made me stop going to church once a year at Christmas to please my parents – the lecturing, actually hectoring, from the pulpit about “occasional Catholics” made me stand up and walk out, never to be seen again in that church or any other. I had already split with the teachings of the Church over their determination that my duty as a Catholic was to stay in an abusive relationship that I would not have survived – it was impossible to reconcile with my own analysis that I was a human being who deserved to live and to thrive.