Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Good morning, meeses! Saturday …
It is 63 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 88. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast.
The Venus Jupiter conjunction is lining up this morning. Yesterday, Venus was brighter and slightly higher than Jupiter, this morning the two planets appear to be more side by side. I can’t see Mars or Saturn with my naked eye – I wonder if I should invest in a telescope. I have not had great luck with the cheap ones, they require translating what you are seeing and that is too much work!
Tomorrow is May Day and it was bittersweet looking at the yearly “April Flowers Bringing May Flowers” post – the native flowers are different here, they are mainly on cactuses and there is certainly not an abundance of them. But I had four distinct seasons with spectacular late Springs and splendiferous Falls for my entire life and I am ready for a new chapter with different natural beauty to admire and enjoy. Yesterday we drove through the Saguaro National Forest and were surrounded by mountains and mile after mile of the majestic saguaro.
See all y’all later!
Enjoy your “new” spring flowers. I think you’ll find there are 4 seasons where you are. Their signs are just different. Once you see the differences and get used to them, they’ll be just as splendid but in a different way. Although you’ll probably always have that nostalgia for the Springs of your earlier life. Heaven knows I still miss bluebonnets in the Spring from when I lived in TX – and I haven’t lived in TX since 1980. LOL.
Good morning. Eating breakfast & watching the news. Went to the Ride dinner last night. Not driving out there today — too long in the car for my knee, plus I really can’t afford a whole tank of gas on just one day. Current fundraising is $2,743 which is pretty good. Anyway, today: laundry, groceries, housekeeping.
Good morning Meese. 49 going up to 64 and sunny here in Kingston.
I’m still dealing with the crap being thrown at MVP Harris
Mother Jones claps back at the disrespect
and the COVID concern trolling towards VP Harris
Soledad O’Brien
Press Sec. Psaki’s response
GODS, those reporters look ugly and stupid. I’m willing to bet they ARE stupid!
MVP Harris. Caribbean leaders meeting
This will of course be virtually ignored by the MSM here.
Puerto Rico
It’s 68 heading for 75 and cloudy enough the lights are on. The PV system is on enough to cover the lights being on. But the widget says the sun’s coming out in an hour or two. Yesterday we generated 14.5 KWHs and brought the m-t-d to 398.4 – even at what we’re generating at the moment, we should make 400 by the end of the day. If the sun really does come out this morning and the entire afternoon is sunny by sundown/start of Beltane we’ll have generated more than we did last April. Which would be good. We shall see what we shall see.
I’m short on sleep again. Not as short as some folks I know & care for, but short enough my brains sluggish. I think my hands are better. This early it’s hard to be sure. Basically I’m OK. As of when I logged off last night, things haven’t changed much. Aji, Amelia, and Jill are still dealing with pain, fatigue, and lack of funds for their needs – but managing, mostly with the help of friends – and Aji and Jill have the added concerns of wildfires around them. In the wider world, global warming is still changing weather patterns, Ukraine is still fighting off Russia, and fascists are still trying to take over our govt so they can make the entire nation second-banana suck-ups to Putin. There are paths out of these situations. Whether or not they can/will be taken is something else again.
I need to get over to twitter and set up for the day then get on the treadmill. Maybe some exercise will get some blood to my brain or something. LOL. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good Saturday morning, Meese—it is still morning—and a merry Beltane to all of you who celebrate it! The temperature in Ashburn is 57 F., on its way up to 70 F., and it’s beauitfully sunny with a clear blue sky. The trees are half-out. I love this time of year just as much as the tentative First Greening of a month ago.
Feeling quite happy after a decent night’s sleep; also feel like working today on my own stuff. Not to say that I haven’t done housework: I prepared the breakfast while Dearly prepared the cappuccinos, did two loads of laundry and dried them, put fresh sheets on the bed, and took a shower. I’d done a day’s work by 9 a.m., practically!
Bear with me while I wistfully recall a past Beltane:
“One Beltane our Circle held the ritual on my screened porch. Each of us leaped three times over the sacred smoke of the cauldron fire, calling out wishes we hoped Goddess would grant during the coming year. It was a euphoric spring night with a full moon, so after the ritual two of my Circle sisters and I tripped down the hill to the creek, still holding our wineglasses, to make an offering.
At the bottom of the hill we saw a small dogwood tree in full bloom, its starry white blossoms reflected in the water. “To You, Great Mother of All!” we cried, and emptied our glasses into the creek. As we climbed back up the hill to the house, Risa looked up at the moon, laughed, and exclaimed, “I love being a woman!” Leni, our new young Circle sister, looked at her in amazement. To her this was evidently a new idea: that womanhood, femaleness, was something to be embraced with enthusiasm. Leni later became a Witch and ever after, when she moved to a new city, she found a local coven (easy enough to do if you know the code) and made friends in her new community.”
Down Under, of course, it’s Samhain, so I wished my Witch Cousin Star Crone a Blessed Samhain. I need a bit of a rest before I embark on my next few projects, so will retire to the green recliner to check over a draft I’ve written. I refuse to wash my face in the dew of the first day of May, for reasons already discussed.
Wishing a lovely, peaceful day to all at the Pond.
Good morning, 48, cloudy and light rain. It’s nice to see the cleaned up patio garden, even nicer to have the dining room ready for Ryan’s birthday party today. Still adjusting to him being 21 yrs old. Getting older is happening to everyone! Best wishes to all.