Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Wednesday Meese. Weather here in Kingston is brisk – 42 going up to 53.
Am distressed by the right-wing anti-women actions in Puerto Rico
Meanwhile, over here, supporters of the Puerto Rico Self-Determination bill are lobbying Congress
People NEVER stop hitting on women! That’s because the patriarchs see us as weak and powerless. I wish women could mobilize into a force so fierce that patriarchs would think twice before messing with us.
It’s because they’re afraid of us so they want us to think we’re weak and powerless.
I threw together an AIDS Ride diary at the orange place. Just a quick one, the ride is Saturday, I’m not riding because of my knee: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/4/27/2094278/-The-Hill-Country-Ride-for-AIDS-is-Saturday
{{{anotherdemocrat}}} – I haven’t been able to donate much this year but I put in a bit – in solidarity or something. Sorry you can’t physically ride but it’s good you’re taking care of yourself and not pushing it. Healing Energy & moar {{{HUGS}}}
thank you!!
Good Wednesday morning, Moosekind, and welcome to bone-chillingly cold Ashburn. Just took Monty out and the wind (up to 30 mph) made the cold feel worse. I’m not venturing out again without a heavy coat. It is sunny, but that’s about the only good part.
Not much news here except that I did manage to get at least one piece of writing done. I’ll work on the others this moaning. First I have to write a grimgram to the Head of Dining Services about how the spaghetti Dearly and I ate last night gave us an ailment it is better not to describe. The meatballs were dry, bready, and seemed to have been browned in SUGAR, and the “sauce” also tasted as if someone had tipped the entire contents of the sugar basin into it. I haven’t tasted anything that bad since two-year-old Elder Son climbed up onto a kitchen chair in 1972 when I wasn’t looking and did just that—tipped the sugar into the spaghetti sauce simmering on a burner.
“God, what a horrible-tasting sauce,” we said. “Ugh, we can’t finish this.” I rose from the table to investigate and found out what had happened. But even Eric’s little misdeed didn’t cause us to spend the evening in the Throne Room.
But enough of this alimentary chitchat. Today is barbershop visit day. I think I might also have to do laundry. That’s all my news—wishing a good day with very little aggro to all at the Pond.
Good morning, meeses! Wednesday …
It is 61 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 90. Sunny skies are in the forecast.
It is interesting watching Kevin McCarthy try to disavow his own recorded statements on January 6th. For one fleeting moment, he actually put country over party, saw that it meant he would never be Speaker and backed away. In a just universe, he will never be Speaker – I only hope that it happens because his party stays in the minority.
Speaking of House majorities, Kansas Republicans tried to kill off Rep. Sharice David’s congressional district, taking the students of Lawrence, Kansas out of her CD and putting them in with the farmers and cows of western Kansas. A state judge blocked the maps as an “illegal partisan gerrymander.” Fingers crossed that the block holds and Bernie Sanders’ SCOTUS does not interfere.
I am always shocked when I look at the time and realize how little I got done in the early morning hours. Back to it!
See all y’all later!
It’s 55 heading for 75 and sunny. Clouds supposed to move in this afternoon. I just hope it’s late afternoon. Yesterday we generated 19.9 KWHs bringing the m-t-d to 358 – we’ve 4 days left to generate 42 (or more) and today at least should do its part. With those clouds moving in – and not out again – the likelihood of making it isn’t good. But we shall see what we shall see.
My hands are trash today. Tremors and Raynaud’s and repetitive motion syndrome all hitting at once. Hard to type and harder to “mouse” – definitely no FreeCell today. sigh. The laundry’s in the washer. Cats are looking forward to slipping out the door as I maneuver the heavy basket of wet wash outside to hang up. Little stinkers. At least I got 8 hours of sleep last night. 2 chunks and didn’t wake until 8 to manage it, but I did it. I might go out today – the rest of the week looks cloudy and possibly rainy – to get milk. If I do, I’ll try to think up something else to make it a more efficient trip. LOL.
Off to twitter – to set up and see how folks are doing. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good day, 49 and partly cloudy outside my window. I’ve been watching British gardening videos on YouTube so my knees are rested and I’ve been entertained. Time for some real life activity!
I’m reading a beautiful book, Color In and Out of the Garden, by Lorene Edwards Forkner. I bought the Kindle version and am reading on my iPad. The color is lovely to see and the text is thoughtful so it’s a nice restful reading experience.
I’ve also got two really old quilts spread out in my laundry room, trying to decide whether to restore them or to just let them be. They are very worn, but they were made by my great grandmother’s generation and I don’t want to part with them. If I do restore them I will have to remove a lot of the old hand sewing, find soft and faded fabrics to replace the frayed beyond repair pieces, re-bind the edges, mend the old muslin as best I can, etc. They are too fragile to ever be used again, but if repaired my ancestor’s sewing would be preserved. My first step will be to carefully wash them, and if they survive that then I can decide what to do next.
Best wishes to all.
Thursday Meese. 37 going up to 54 here in Kingston.
I love this woman
Re Loudoun County
I love her too!
Puerto Rico
Good morning. I appreciate the donations and rt’s of yesterday’s diary. Made some progress. Today: working in the office.
Good morning, meeses! Thursday …
It is 59 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 86. Sunny skies are in the forecast. We have been planning a trip to the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum this week but I think we will wait until tomorrow morning when the day will begin slightly cooler and give us more time before we have to get out of the hot sun.
One wonders if Musk’s bid to buy Twitter is really a bid to get attention and that he has no intention of completing the deal. If that was his goal, it worked!! All eyes are on the narcissistic multibazillionaire, wondering what he will do, who he likes and who he hates. If he does go through with the deal, I hope the tech people he trashed all quit (to maybe help a startup run by someone with a lot of money and a beating heart? Hello, MacKenzie Scott, may I have a word with you?) and he is left with a platform that crashes and is filled with such vile garbage that no one uses it.
I was shocked SHOCKED to read that the Arizona legislature and outgoing (term-limited) Governor Ducey plan to curtail all emergency gubernatorial powers just in case a Democrat becomes governor. Just like Republicans in Wisconsin did in the aftermath of Scott Walker’s loss, they want to make sure that no one can govern with the will of the people and that minority rule is baked in. Bastids.
I had a very disjointed day yesterday and after getting my scanner set up for a large scale scanning project, I discovered that the Automatic Document Feeder (ADF) is squeaking. I found a tech document on the Internet related to my device and the steps to address it appear daunting. I have not had good luck doing maintenance on printers and scanners and I hesitate to take it apart and try to fix it. I may see if the ADF can be purchased as a replacement part for a reasonable price.
See all y’all later!
Cloudy morning. It’s 63 heading for 74 with rain – under 50% chance but still rain – in the forecast. Yesterday we generated 18.48 KWHs and brought the m-t-d to 376. So if we can just manage 8 per day these last 3 days of April, we’ll make it to 400. (More would be better, of course.) We shall see what we shall see.
Yesterday little Bobbie cat had an adventure. He hadn’t been outside since I let him inside during that bad late freeze/snow a year ago. But when the usual 4 (Charlie, Cloud, Freddie, and Rennie) bolted when I went out to get the laundry off the line at 5, Bobbie went with them. And didn’t come back until 8 pm. Actually later. I saw him on the other side of the fence at 8 (while I was on a very pleasant phone call with Diana). But when I went out to get him, while he was making ‘meh-meh-meh’ kitten noises at me, he wouldn’t let me close enough to touch him much less pick him up. After several minutes he trotted/walked back towards the riparian area on the north side of my yard and I went back into the house wondering what to do next. About 15 minutes later he was at the back door. So I quickly put Freddie and Rennie in the living room and shut the door so all 3 wouldn’t run off when I opened it, did open it, and once I stood back a bit Bobbie walked in. From the way his neck was wet I think something – probably one of the large dogs down the street – had his whole head in their mouth. Very scary for the little guy but obviously he’s not dead and apparently not even hurt. But I’m going to make sure he doesn’t get out again.
I haven’t checked twitter yet so don’t know how anybody’s doing but there really haven’t been any changes in the general run of things for some time. Heaven knows something for the better would be nice. And good resolution for those in holding patterns. But I guess just hanging on is better than not.
As to me, I got 6 hours of sleep in 2 chunks. My hands are cold but I think doing better as far as the tremors/repetitive motion stuff. We’ll see when I start trying to RT/boost stuff. Truly I’m mostly kvetching – very little of what bothers me has even been officially diagnosed and nothing of what bothers me is being treated with Rx of any kind. So at my worst, I’m better off than most of my friends’ – including folks here on Moose – good if not best.
Off to twitter and Dee’s diary. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good Thursday morning, Meese! It’s sunny but cold in Ashburn, 40 F. going up to 60 F., but at least the wind is slightly less awful. I jump whenever I hear the name “Trevor Reed” on the news as that happens to be the name of our Younger Son. We don’t spell “Reed” that way, though.
How can a person lock down her profile and personal info on Twitter? Apparently a lot of people are doing it for safety’s sake.
Here’s some good news: Monty barfed up the grass he ate yesterday on the acrylic chair mat we placed next to his bed instead of barfing it up on the carpet. Isn’t that nice? This is going to be a good day, I can already tell.
I called our dear Bfitz last night and we talked for quite some time until darkness was about to fall and she had to look for Tommy, the youngest cat. I hardly ever use the telephone, but must remember to do it more often. Not everyone feels up to banging away at a keyboard after dinner.
Today will be busy with the usual chores. Wasted the entire day yesterday looking for a photograph that I never found. Oh, well, what the hell.
Need to get to work, Meese! Wishing all at the Pond a good day.
Good morning, 46 and mostly cloudy outside my window. The family will be here this weekend to celebrate Ryan’s 21st birthday. He has made the plans….lunch at Taco Lobo, then here for dessert and gifts. He is baking the desserts, bringing some newly discovered drinks to share, and has planned the dining room set up with me…..so fun to see him take the lead! So today I’ll set up the dining room per plan and make a few birthday flower arrangements. If I start early I can take my time and rest my miserable knees as needed.
I’m still thinking about the old quilts but will wait for a sunny day to wash them so they can dry outside. I have four quilts and one will be easy to repair so I’ll start with it. My mil started to repair another one so I can finish her work with that one. The third one will be difficult, but if I can find the soft faded fabric I need I could do it. The fabric is so frayed on the fourth one on it may be beyond repair which is a shame because the quilting is lovely.
Best wishes to all.
Sounds like a pleasant birthday celebration! :)
Friday Meese. 39 and sunny going up to 59 here in Kingston.
Hope I can get some yard work done, prepping for planting on May 1.
Puerto Rico
Good Friday morning, Moosekind! It’s sunny and 37 F. here in Ashburn, going up to 65 F. later, or so they allege.
I’m feeling awful because Monty woke me up during the night and I’ve had no sleep dince 3 a.m. or so. I am also foodless and drinkless, owing to the fact that I’m having blood drawn at 8:45 at the medical center this morning. I’m going to tell the vampire if she leaves a bruise I’m going to put a binding spell on her that will last as long as the bruise lasts. I’ll wave my pentacle at her to drive the point home.
Nothing much to say except that the war continues. What a bummer. The Rethugs continue to actively subvert democracy. Have just learned that big corporations are contributing lots of money to the Rethugs to help the “war” against abortion access, LBGTQ rights, and racism. Wish they’d all FOAD. I’m feeling mean this morning.
However, I must look on the bright side because tonight Beltane begins. I feel so sorry for all those skyclad people who will be standing around the fire circle waiting for the ritual to begin tonight. It’s horribly cold.
Th-h-hat’s all, folks! Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.
I couldn’t believe it when I saw that it was still snowing in New England! Holy moley!
Democracy is hanging on by its fingernails. An article I scanned this morning from the Milwaukee newspaper said that Republicans there could suffer their worst election cycle in more than a decade, get blown out in the governors race and still keep control of the legislature. Thanks, Bernie Sanders, for ratfking SCOTUS for a generation with your narcissistic cult-driven 2016 presidential bid. You and your literal garbage cult that staying home did this.
Good morning. I wrote another AIDS Ride diary at the orange place. Figured I could post a link in the evening Cheers & Jeers, maybe get a donation or 2. Anyway, happy Friday!
It’s 65 heading for 80 and sort of cloudy. It’s supposed to be partly/sort of cloudy all day. Sigh. Yesterday we generated a bit over 7 KWHs. The m-t-d is 383.7 so we just need 17 more to get over 400 for the month. Which could easily be done in a single sunny day. If we can just get one.
Best I can tell, nothing’s changed since yesterday. Big picture global warming is continuing apace, so are the wildfires in NM (also CO, AZ, and CA), so is the war in Ukraine. Smaller picture Aji, Amelia, and Jill (among many others) are still dealing with pain, fatigue, and lack of money/resources from their various health and financial issues. And Jill’s still dealing with harassment from her husband and issues with her son’s dogs. sigh. Personally, I managed a little over 6 hours of sleep and my hands are stiff but doing a little better. Minor stuff for me.
I need to get over to twitter and set up then get on the treadmill. Maybe I’ll have fewer interruptions today and manage to get my 3rd 10-minute session done before noon. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, meeses! Friday …
It is 52 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 81. Sunny skies are in the forecast. I saw Venus and Jupiter over the mountains this morning (they are due for a conjunction tomorrow) and it is amazing how the early morning sky looks when there is little to no light pollution!
Another Republican governor hurting his state in order to “own the libs” as Florida bond ratings are going to take a hit because of the fight DeSantis has picked with Disney. Why do these guys never suffer in the polls for their asininity? The guns/god/gays must really be deeply embedded in the reptilian brains of Republican voters that they willingly pay a financial penalty for their insane views.
See all y’all later!
Good morning, 50 and raining outside my window. I didn’t get as much done as I hoped to do yesterday so today will be busy. But my son will come by to carry what needs to be carried so that will help. Best wishes to all.