Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 69 degrees in the Desert Southwest with an expected daytime high of 95. Sunny skies are in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Sunday Meese. 47 here in Kingston going up to 77 and mostly sunny – a lovely day ahead.
Puerto Rico
“Well, the unicorn will reach the congressional record. Here is my paper that I will present at the Public Forum of @NRDems @NatResources. They read it and comment on it.”
Good morning. I’ve got tea steeping and next week’s lunch thawing. Watching the news, eating breakfast. They’re predicting our 2nd 100 degree day this year, sigh. Probably won’t leave the house after I get home from church.
Black Music Sunday
It’s 66 heading for 84 with clouds and maybe rain off and on all day. Hold the Good Thought for more off than on. Yesterday we generated 20.7 KWHs which brought the m-t-d to 68.8 – on track for over 500. At least temporarily. We’ll have to get at least 17 today to stay on track.
I think, I hope, everybody’s doing at least as well as they’ve been the last few days. Preferably better. Better would be really good. (basket says he’s a little better, doesn’t have the chills he’s been having.) I’m doing the same as I usually am. I’m testing around 10 am or so daily and as of yesterday’s test I’m still negative.
Gonna skip vacuuming today. My hands aren’t happy. I guess it’s the rain moving back in after a couple of lovely sunny days. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe wait until next week. We shall see. Meanwhile, breakfast to put on then twitter & Dee’s diary at DK. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good Sunday afternoon, Moose Peeps! Well, at least the weather is nice. At this writing (2:38 p.m.), it’s 77 F., going up to 80 F. It would be impossible to have a nicer day, with sunshine, blue skies, no humidity to speak of. “For what’s so rare as a day in June?/Then, if ever, come perfect days…”
Except that this perfect day is marred by bad news from the other side of the world. The first thing this morning we learned that our beloved Jack had died peacefully on Sunday, June 5, at 9 p.m., with his family all around him. I have been bursting into tears at intervals all day. Jack was one of the funniest, most endearingly eccentric people I’ve ever met.
He would have been 94 on June 23rd. What a comfort it is to think what a wonderful life he had! “Jack was always in a hurry,” his mother informed me when Dearly and I were staying with her in London in 1968. “He arrived in a hurry at No. 2, Quill Lane and has been in a hurry ever since. He was the middle of three boys, two years older than my husband. And 93 years is very good innings, even if the last decade was one of failing health. He leaves a wife, four daughters, and four granddaughters.
See you later, Moosekind. Peace at the Pond today.
{{{Diana}}} well, “died peacefully” and surrounded by loving family is one of the better ways to go. One that 80 years ago he probably thought he’d never see. Prayer & Healing Energy to you and all the family. moar {{{HUGS}}}
Jack used to hold the family record for marrying late. He was 39 when he married for the first and only time in Melbourne, Australia. However, Elder Son is now the record holder for marrying late: he was 43 when he married for the first and only time in April 2013.
Thanks, dearest!
so sorry for your loss, it is hard to lose someone you love
Thanks, another. Yes, it is hard even when you’ve been expecting it for ages.
Good morning, 60 and raining outside my window today. I was going to plant flowers yesterday but as I looked at the weather weary plants around the patios I decided they needed attention instead. So I cleaned the spent blooms off the rhodies, pruned some branches off the large shrubs so more light can reach the understory plants, pulled the fading remains of the bluebells out of the plants they have mingled with, etc. The garden isn’t full of flowers now but it looks tidy and cared for and that’s ok with me.
I’ve got desk work and more laundry to do today so it’s good the rain will keep me indoors. Best wishes to all.
Monday Meese. 54 (chilly) here in Kingston going up to 84 and sunny.
Getting my second shingles shot today – will not feel very well for the rest of the day however it has to be done. Never want to get shingles again – it was horrid
Puerto Rico
Thanks, Sister Dee. Be gentle with yourself today, rest and do something you enjoy like listening to music or reading.
Walked again this morning, almost a mile. When I’m downtown again on Thursday, I’ll try to get in that last little bit. Heat advisory today, supposed to get over 100. Sigh. But on the “maybe good news” front , there’s pressure on Abbott to call a special session, even from Republicans. But: he really doesn’t want to because he wants to run for POTUS; also, with the Texas lege, they are just as likely to make things worse.
Does Abbott think he has a chance in hell of being POTUS? What a ridiculous little man. He will never be the cult figure that DeSantis is – the Trump 2.0 sweepstakes has already been won.
He is definitely positioning himself to run. He has a the hubris.
The ego of these demented males knows no bounds. Bad luck to Gubernator Abbott and all his dreadful minions.
Good Monday morning, Moosekind, after an awful night. Simply could not get to sleep until nearly 1 a.m. It’s a beautiful blue-and-gold June day again, with low humidity and not much wind as yet. At the moment we have 67 F., heading for a high of 82 F.
This will be an extremely busy week. Today kicks off with a visit to the dentist to remove the temporary crown and install the new, permanent one. I have essays to critique—have done most of them but need to go over them again. There’s a Zoom call with the Gun Violence Prevention people tonight, which I may join if I’m awake, then my Writers’ Group meeting at 1 p.m. on Thursday, then the UU dinner at 5 p.m., and FINALLY, the Hearings at 8 p.m. I think I’ll watch those on C-SPAN in bed, as with no afternoon nap I’m sure to be wilting by 8 p.m.
I met a neighbor in the hallway the other day and told her how lovely she looked. It was the truth, actually: she dyes her hair red and wears makeup and lovely clothes. She was so pleased that she confided her truffles to me. She’s had to go on a reducing diet and did not know what to do with all those Lindor truffles. “Well,” I said, eyes gleaming at the thought of taking on someone else’s truffles, “if you really don’t want them….”
So I went up to the fifth floor, retrieved them from the shelf outside her door, and put them in the fridge. I brought them to the Communications Committee meeting and will bring them Thursday to the Writers’ Group meeting. There’s one writer who’s allergic to peanuts, so M&Ms are out.
Listen to me, rattling on! Y’all have better things to do with y’all’s time. I must be off to get ready for the dentist, and also to make Dearly’s lunch and leave it in the fridge. When I told my daughter yesterday, after we’d been on the phone for an hour, that I had to get off because I had to make Dearly’s lunch, she said, “Tell him to make his own damn lunch!” I explained that’s not the way things work at our house. I never have to get gas for the car and he never has to get his own lunch.
That’s enough from me, Moosekind. Peace and healing to all at the Pond.
Lindor truffles! They are a treat – and terrible indulgence – here. We wait for them to be on sale and then convince ourselves that they are “almost free.”
Good morning, meeses! Monday that will actually feel like a Monday …
It is 70 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 97. Sunny skies are in the forecast. We are under an Excessive Heat Watch starting Thursday and ending on Sunday. This is a little early in the season but not by much. The most difficult part about the 100s is that it won’t cool down much overnight so the next day starts out at 85 instead of 75. It will be a couple of weeks before overnight lows get back below 70.
The January 6th committee will hold their televised hearings this week. I hope it makes for compelling viewing – as a political junkie, I have been following their work but it may be the first and only chance for the general public to get a glimpse into how close we came to having a coup overturn an election. Some people won’t care – their lives don’t change whether Republicans or Democrats are in charge; for others, living under Republican rule would be an existential crisis.
Busy day for me and a busy week ahead. Lots of place to go and people to see.
See all y’all later!
It’s 64 heading for 84 and raining. The rain is tapering off. I hope the clouds do too. Yesterday we generated 7.5 KWHs and the current m-t-d of 76 is 9 short of being on track. It’s not possible to make that up in one day but it would be nice if we didn’t lose any more ground and maybe even catch up a bit. Not holding my breath of course, but it would be nice.
Damit’s got to drive to Tulsa and turn in the rental car by noon, then rent another car so he can drive back to Memphis Wednesday and catch his plane. Yes, that’s crazy. Apparently that’s how that company’s computer was programmed. He’s still deciding whether or not I’ll accompany him. Having someone along v. having to wear a mask while driving 2 hours each way. We shall see. He’s feeling better. Better is not good, but it’s better. (I’m still testing negative as of yesterday at 11 am.)
Amelia’s done something to her “good” knee and is now hobbling around the motel room with the help of a broom until some crutches can get to her. At Aji’s folks showed up yesterday to take back some of the bil’s horses. Last I heard the horses weren’t cooperating but at least Aji didn’t have to help. Jill’s situation isn’t any better but she’s got friends working to help her keep it from getting worse. Fineena’s dogs have gone back to their bad habits of raiding the fridge and eating all her groceries. sigh. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. Including Meeses of course.
I need to get over to twitter and set up. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
He decided to go by himself. But he’ll call me if anything happens or when he gets to Tulsa. Hold the Good Thoughts.
Good morning, 53 and mostly cloudy now, but pouring rain all night. It’s good to see a bit of blue sky. I’ve got a hair appointment this morning and I see the dentist this afternoon. Seems like a busy day for reclusive me! I’ll watch the Jan 6th hearings later and hope that I can sleep after doing so. The combo of anger and angst the last few years has lead to long sleepless nights. I’m feeling pessimistic re the fate of our country. On that gloomy note, best wishes to all.
Tuesday Meese. 57 going up to 80 with rain here in Kingston. Got my 2nd shingles shot and had zero reaction – my arm is not even sore.
I’m so tired of Bernie
The man who ratfked the United States Supreme Court and set back women’s rights for a generation has an opinion about which party should be in power.
I saw that tweet last night and was livid. This is another reminder “do not negotiate with terrorists.” This man and his cult should be shunned.
Yay! for no side effects! Boo! Hiss! – as always – for bernie
Puerto Rico
I was awake before 6, so I got up & walked. Just over a mile, my neighborhood is flatter than my downtown route so maybe similar effort. Only plan for today is work.
Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …
It is 75 in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 99. It will get over 100 – yesterday’s expected daytime high of 97 ended up at 102. The next week will be a peek at summer and, while I am prepared for the hot weather from visits to Arizona in the past, it will be a test to see how sustained very hot weather over the course of the summer feels. In two weeks we hit peak daylight (we have about 5 more minutes to gain) and then we can start shortening our daylight (and our sunshine) again.
I am going to read the news later – I have a project to finish and don’t want to get distracted. I have to admit that I find it difficult to feel sympathy for peoples whose gas-guzzling penis-replacement trucks take $300 to fill up with gas. When gas prices are high, people buy cars that use less gas. When gas prices are low, people buy vehicles as if there is an unlimited supply of fossil fuel – and an unlimited ability for our planet to absorb the carbon emissions. We are a stupid people for living in the short term. What we really need to do is increase the incentives to buy fuel efficient vehicles instead of making them impossible for people to afford on a basic income. Mass transit will never be everywhere – find a way to make our cars as good as they can be. I am glad our cross country trip was taken in April when gas prices were high but not insane – our original plan had been to close up things in Wisconsin in June and we would be traveling right now. Between the heat, the summer storms and wildfires and the gas prices, it would have been miserable.
See all y’all later!
It’s 70 and so humid it might as well be raining. Cloudy enough to be raining as well. sigh. Yesterday we generated 14.65 KWHS and brought the m-t-d to 90.96 – not on track and losing ground. double sigh.
Basket will be leaving shortly to go get the treatment he should have gotten last Thursday when he “officially” tested positive at the Washington Regional Urgent Care center. Amelia’s really bunged up her “good” knee and is a lot of pain. Of course having to depend on a broom stick for support & balance while she waits for the crutches to get there doesn’t help any. Aji and Jill aren’t any worse, even if not any better, so I guess that counts as good. I guess. I’m pretty much as usual. And as of yesterday around 11 am still testing negative.
So. Off to Twitter. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good Tuesday morning, Meese. At 6:30 when I took Monty to the courtyard we had beautiful blue skies, but now the sky has begun to cloud over. We’re expecting imaginary rain showers, which makes me think I’d better get to the barbershop before it raineth drop and drippeth slop.
Right now in Ashburn it’s 70 F., on its way up to 79 F.
Lots of desk work to do. Have to go back to the dentist on Friday because the new crown didn’t fit. I suppose they had to adjust it after Her Majesty finished with it.
Monty wants to go out, so I’d better take him. Hope everyone at the Pond will have a good day!