Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Good Friday morning, Moosekind! Today will be another boiling hot day with sizzling temperatures. Right now it’s sunny and 79 F. in Ashbuggy, humid as can be, and planning to go to 96 F. this afternoon.
Monty went to board overnight at Healthy Hound (very unhappily, according to Dearly), and I was surprised to find I actually missed him. I almost caught myself looking at his bed in the corner of our bedroom. Never mind. I didn’t get to bed until midnight because I was so wound up from the hearings.
As predicted, I dozed off during the first hour of the hearings. I just can’t help it. I dozed off in night school too, whatever the venue or the subject. In shorthand class, I used to write, “Dear Mr. Squiggle, we have received your shipment of squiggles…” This was not well received. However, at 9 p.m. last night I woke up and became fascinated. Adam Kinzinger was on FIRE! Liz Cheney was like a diamond cutter, etching hard lines on her Rethuglican colleagues.
Josh Hawley’s frantic run was the hit of the evening, of course, with people putting all kinds of music vids to it. Cheney ended the night with, “See you in September.” That immediately reminded me of a song:
I have to get dressed. We are going to the doctor’s office this morning. Oh, how boring! At least I’m bringing some work with me–a partial draft of my short story, “Home to the Heather,” and a draft of my Legacy Letter, due August 3rd.
We are having dinner with my friend Suzi tonight. I’ve asked Bill B. to come along too, to make up a fourth. Bill is known as “Mr. Volunteer.” He grows hot peppers and tomatoes in his garden patch and donates them to the Loudoun County Food Bank. He also ushers at events; walks and hikes; and when he bakes blueberry muffins, he donates at least 2/3 of them to his neighbors. He’s a dear man.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond and to our President and to Bennie Thompson, who both have Covid.
Shorthand class! I think that even knowing that shorthand exists ages us. :) I remember having to fill up several pages of a notepad with shorthand as a daily exercise and repeating “Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country” multiple times until I reached the proper number. I remember that not going over well. I could not read shorthand now to save my life – I am fairly certain I never actually used it in real life, it was simply a high school class preparing me for a life of serving business people in an office. I should not even say business “people”, they were 98% men when I graduated from high school.
Oh, gods, Jan, I know, I know. The only thing I remember from Gregg classes is “inkle/dot.” I think it means “include.”
Yes, learning shorthand prepared women for a career of servitude. No man appreciates his secretary until he’s suddenly forced to do without her. This was amply proven years ago when I worked for a company whose initials stood for “Bloody Damn Men.” They suddenly decided to fire all the executive secretaries and in less than two weeks were begging them to come back. I talked one exec sec out of it, with the result that she went to another company and did so well she ended up with a secretary of her own.
Also, no man ever thinks a secretary has 20 years of experience. They think she has one year of experience, repeated 20 times.
Good morning, meeses! Friday …
It is 86 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 100. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast. Tomorrow a wind shift will bring some rains in the afternoon and cool us down for at least a week. It is nice to know that just an hour and 15 minutes from here (mostly straight up!) you can find 65 degree daytime temperatures and a coniferous forest. Mt. Lemmon is in the Santa Catalina mountains which is the range we see east of Tucson and at 9,171 ft stays cool all year round. It is very green up there but with the greenery comes the risk of wildfire as its town there has gotten burned to the ground a couple of times. I have not had a chance to go up there yet – I will have to steel myself for 3 hours of driving mountain roads (there and back). Still, it is nice to know it is there.
I watched the January 6th hearing and some of the never before seen footage was interesting. I love how the committee mocked Josh Hawley! I was not shocked to see Twitter erupt with the video of him running from the insurrectionists he had been trying to bond with – setting it to music and calling him Josh Hauley. HAHAHA! The witness testifying that Mike Pence’s security detail thought they were going to die was enlightening. That Mike Pence was willing to continue to work with – and fluff up – a man who literally send people to kill him should disqualify him from public office. If you embrace people who will kill you to gain power, you are a cult member. Period. I am glad he had good lawyers who told him that not certifying the electoral vote would be a crime but he should NEVER be lauded as a hero.
I saw a headline suggesting that the old people demographic is no longer pro-Trump. After watching the hearing last night (and having seen most of the other ones), I wonder if it is because old people spend a lot of time watching daytime television and have been getting a chance to see the committee at work. It should be devastating to TFG’s prospects for a re-run. I would like it to be devastating to his continued bid to stay out of prison.
It has become Friday and I have some weekday things I need to get done.
See all y’all later!
Good morning, 61 and mostly cloudy outside my window today. I’m sleepier than usual this morning so I’m going to snooze and rest for a while and then I’ll see what the day brings my way. I’ve got lots of unfinished tasks to choose from!
Best wishes to all.
Saturday Meese. 68 going up to 96 here in Kingston – heat warning. My box of 4 rose bushes from Heirloom Roses arrived yesterday – a gift from my godkids – so I will have to unbox them and plant, no matter the heat.
I’m still spending some time watching women compete in track and field to balance all the toxic other news. Was a joy to see Sydney McLaughlin break a world record with amazing speed
Wow! Go, Sydney!
Puerto Rico
Good morning. I think my laptop is on its last legs. Watching Le Tour and typing this on my kindle. Awkward to type and hold this thing. And I can’t copy and paste. Will make the Saturday Night Jukebox difficult. Bummer, because that’s a fun one. Saturdays at 6pm central at the orange place.
Good Saturday morning, Meese! We have 84 F. in Ashburnin’, on its way up to 97 F. It’s a gorgeous day, though. I walked Monty at 7 a.m. so Dearly wouldn’t have to. He’s just gone off to do some shopping before settling down to watch the rest of Qualifying on Formula I.
We had a very nice time at dinner last night. We must start having dinner with people more often. Goodness knows we love our own company and our routines, but it’s good to get out and see people once in a while.
Monty has passed out after a strenous walkies, so I’m going to do a few chores and, it is to be hoped, work on at least one of my writing projects.
Wishing everyone at the Pond a good day!
It’s 73 but the heat index is already too high to have the house open. And was at 6:30 when I got up. sigh. We got enough cloud cover yesterday to hold generation down to 16 KWHs. The m-t-d is 385.78 is still on track but barely. My system is rated at 4K – that means at peak, the 2 hours on either side of meridian in June and July can generate at a rate of 4 KW/hour. And has done so in the past. This year and last we haven’t reached 3 KW/hour. sigh.
I think I might have gotten 6 hours of sleep last night. woot or something. I definitely got 3 in a solid chunk between 3:30 and 6:30. Oh well. I know that’s a whole lot more than some of my friends are getting. But I think it’s messing with my brain and I know it’s messing with my energy levels. sigh. We’re all hanging on, doing the best we can, finding Light wherever we can.
Off to twitter. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Lack of sleep does mess with your energy levels, as I know all too well. Hope you’ll have an easy day!
Good morning, meeses! Saturday …
It is 77 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 99. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast. It does not say anything about storms but yesterday’s forecast didn’t either and we had an early evening storm and then one in the middle of the night. Around 3ish, I heard the wind lashing the building and discovered a few things had blown around on the patio. I couldn’t get back to sleep while the wind was so fierce so I stayed up for about an hour then went back to bed and slept in a bit. I think (but don’t know) that there was rain with it – water dries so quickly especially with the wind. I was reading about temperatures in Needles CA which is often the hottest place in the U.S. and it described very hot rain (105 degrees) that because of the low humidity evaporated before it hit the ground. Yikes!
Sounds like Murdoch does not want tRump to run again – from both his Wall Street Journal and New York Post editorial pages. Now he needs to get Fox News in line – maybe they will start showing the hearings so that people can see that their cult leader is a crime lord. HAHAHAHA! Made myself laugh – they need the MAGA crowd, it is their base as well as the base of the political party who they shill for.
See all y’all later!
Good morning, 58 and partly sunny outside my window today. I enjoyed lunch at the bookstore cafe with our son yesterday. It’s wonderful to see some vitality returning to his face and eyes, and later he was able to wash 2 cars and mow part of his lawn with no shortness of breath, yay!
I’m reading Fire and Blood by GRR Martin, getting ready for the tv series that will start in August. It’s fun to escape into fantasy so off I go! Best wishes to all.
{{{princesspat}}} how wonderful your son is so much better. Healing Energy to you and your family. moar {{{HUGS}}}
I’m rereading the first 2 of a trilogy, Janitors of the Post-Apocalypse. Third book comes out 8/23. I’m hosting Bookchat on the 31st, got a review drafted. Fun series.