Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
It’s 78 – yes, the house is closed up again and won’t be opened up for the next 10 days at least – and sunny. Yesterday we generated 19 KWHs so on track and made up for Saturday not being. Sunday will take a couple of 19 KWH days to catch up. The m-t-d is 317.4 so still on track for 500 for the month.
I got milk today after looking at the temps for the next 10 days – 74 at 6:20 was the coolest were gonna see for a while. I’ve got the laundry out but won’t bring it back in until the elm is shading the clothesline even though the clothes will probably be dry in another hour or so. After today the only things I’m planning on leaving the house for are putting out litterbox detritus and bringing in the mail.
Things keep getting worse in the world. And in how that impacts ordinary people. And even more poor people – ALL Disabled people are poor. The lucky ones have rich family supporting them. The ones stuck with “living” on SSI or SSDI? Mandated poor by law or they lose even that diddly support. Our society is evil. It just is. But we keep trying. Hang on ourselves. Help others as best we can. Hope for the best. Pray a lot.
I’m off to twitter – got a bunch of stuff to catch up on. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 58 and sunny outside my window today. I’ve got a hair appointment this morning so my grumpy appearance will approve. Hope my attitude does too! I didn’t do much yesterday but oh well, life goes on regardless.
Diana, as Jan said I have a ThinkPad with Windows 10 and also use my iPhone and iPad, but I don’t know how to move files between the two systems. If I needed to do what you are trying to do I would book an appointment with Justin, leave both computers with him to do what needs to be done, then have him show me how the navigate the new computer. Hope you find a good tech support person to assist you.
Best wishes to all.
Thanks, Princesspat! Wish I had Justin here.
Good morning. Watching Le Tour, they are in the south of France, but high enough in the mountains that it might not be crazy hot, I’m seeing at least some spectators in long sleeves. The finish has a 20% slope! We have an excessive heat warning, but that’s become normal. They are reminding people to hydrate & wear sunscreen, but they’ve incorporated it into the normal news script.
I see that Dee posted one page back and will go grab it and bring it here. brb.
Wednesday Meese. Another hot day here in the NE – will be 96. Have been trying to find things to distract me from all the negatives, so have been watching women’s track and field competitions in Oregon at the World Athletics Championships
Puerto Rico
(Editor’s Note: Originally posted Jul 20, 2022 at 07:48)
Good morning, meeses! Wednesday …
It is 82 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 100. Mainly sunny skies (with a slight chance of rain) is the forecast. Yesterday we registered 107 and the temperature did not go below 100 until 8:30pm, long after the sun had gone down. I am not sure I believe “high of 100”; it makes no sense – Thursday and Friday will be 104 and 106 respectively, why would today be lower?
I think that whoever ratfked the Maryland Republican primary election to make sure that the worst trumper possible got nominated is ignorant. THERE IS NO GUARANTEE THAT VOTERS WILL REJECT THE WORST TRUMPER! In 2016, everyone was convinced that tRump was so gross he would be rejected by the voters and 6 years later we are still burying the dead from his gross negligence, the terrible rulings from his Supreme Court picks, and his party’s “governance.” To actually promote the terrible person because you think it will be easier to run against him is insanity – you do NOT play chicken with elections. The Democratic nominee is a Black man and Maryland is a Confederate state at heart PLUS Bernie Sanders is trying to tamp down Democratic enthusiasm by joining the “Biden is a failed president” chorus. Sheesh! Shun whoever is doing this and whoever is doing it in Arizona also.
The House is on record for who wants to upend the marriages of millions of people. Dick “Dick” Durbin, the dumbest man in Democratic leadership, says they have more important things to do than bring the Respect Marriage Act to a vote in the Senate. What an idiot! First, we need every Senator on record for our campaign ads and second, it could actually pass, protecting millions of people – and their children – from uncertainty and the chaos the Collins-Sanders Court could create with their rejection of the 200 years that elapsed from when the Constitution was penned to today. Sheesh, again!!
I did not have a successful project day yesterday – a sore neck kept me from sitting at my computer for very long. Today, I have a dental procedure planned which will break up my morning and could possibly make the afternoon uncomfortable. So I have about a 4 hour window of time right now to send off emails to people waiting for projects and to try to get at least one critical project done.
See all y’all later!
Good Wednesday morning, Moosekind! Today will be another hottie: it’s 83 F. already at 9:30 a.m., going up to 94 F. later with no chance of rain. I took Monty out shortly after 7 because Dearly had a rotten night and I didn’t want him to suffer in the heat, the poor darling. Monty is a horrible dog to walk—he has to be DRAGGED every step of the way, agreeing to walk a few feet only after I gave him a treat of a baby carrot chunk or a chunk of Granny Smith apple. Anyway, the little devil has now passed out in the cool living room.
Another busy day ahead. The Communications Committee is meeting tomorrow afternoon so I’d better have something to show them. Need to make a couple of phone calls. Then, Friday morning I must accompany Dearly to the doctor’s office, where they will Do Things to his eyes, so I’ll have to drive home. Waiting in a bloody doctor’s office is a complete waste of my time, so I need to work on some writing while there. I shall print out what I’ve got so far and then work on either the nonfiction or the fiction.
Today the farmers’ market is here and I need to get my hair done. Had a fantastic time at dinner last night, talking to the former Peace Corps volunteer about the old days in Singapore. I want us to have dinner again, she’s so much fun to talk to. So much to do and so little time to do it in before I run out of energy!
The laptop and keyboard arrived yesterday. We will read the directions first before we start setting it up and downloading. I’ve carefully copied your instructions, Jan, but am still looking for a geek.
Hope everyone at the Pond will have a good day and take things easily today.
I hope you can find a Geek! You might want to check with the Apple Genius Bar and see if they can recommend someone who can help you migrate from Mac to Windows and who will know both sides (don’t tell them you are dumping the Mac!). The trick will be to get someone who knows how to backup/copy the Mac data so that it is readable on Windows. It is likely also possible to install your new Microsoft 365 on your old Mac and set up folders in the cloud named OldMac data and copy things there. Too bad Justin is across the country from you! I wonder if he does cyber housecalls?
Diana, I have a Gmail app on my Apple devices so when I want to transfer links and/or photos I just email them to myself and then I have the same data on my windows computer, iPhone and iPad. It’s a simple solution for me for daily use, but transferring all your data and setting up the Windows files is more complicated. Hope you find someone to help you.
Thanks, Jan and princesspat!
It’s 80 at the moment because of a brief rain shower but it was 86 when I got up and is heading for 103 with heat index 10 degrees higher. The sun’s out at the moment. Hopefully it will stay out. The A/C kicked on at 6:40 this morning. sigh. We generated 19.78 KWHs yesterday – we haven’t managed a 22- much less a 24-KWH day this entire summer. The m-t-d is 337.3 and just barely on track to reach 500 for July. double sigh.
I went to the credit union this morning to get some cash. (Blessings on a friend who sent me a check. ❤) They used to open at 8 am. Nope. Now it’s 8:30. I really am going to have to start going online and checking hours before I try to go somewhere bright and early to beat crowds or heat or both. And the rain lasted from the minute I started the car at my house until I got home and turned it off again. LOL. At least the sun was mostly shining the whole time. Always a fun/fascinating thing to have rain and sun at the same time.
I need to get over to twitter. Do some catching up and see how folks are doing. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 62 and sunny outside my window. My thoughts are with Sophie today as she is now in a long planned dental surgery. Her appearance does not show the problems in her jaw joints that cause serious problems with her teeth, but now that she is old enough the issues have to be fixed. She has had years of orthodontia in preparation, and her surgeon and dentist have done several practice procedures planning today’s surgery so she should be ok. Her recovery will take a while though and she won’t be able to chew or play her violin for several weeks.
RonK helped me plant the last big flower pots yesterday and Sue will be here today to help me get this place clean again. And plans for Ron’s brothers to visit in July have been postponed so now we can all rest, recover, and see what August brings our way.Best wishes to all.
Ugh, it’s 80 degrees at 6am. So glad I live where everything is air conditioned. In the office today, preparing for all the noise. Looking forward to the hearing tonight.
I was just reading that there have been 17 heat related deaths this year already in Pima County. Only one is a homeless person, most are elderly people whose cooling is inadequate, quite often because an a/c unit has broken down and they have no way to get it repaired (there is a backlog for free services available to those who can’t afford it). Last year was hot here but it was of a shorter duration and there were only 7 deaths for the entire year. This year we are on our third cycle of excessive heat.
Good morning, meeses! Thursday …
It is 84 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 103. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast. This morning we have high winds from the southwest, 16 mph with gusts to 24 that rattled my windows. I can feel them from the deck railing and they are definitely moving the trees. For certain they are not cooling anything down – two more days of excessive heat then we are done with it for a while.
I will try to watch the January 6th Committee hearing but will more likely tape it since we have some late afternoon plans. I pretty much know what it will cover and, frankly, I am sick of seeing TFG’s face on my TV. The only TFG image I want to see is him perpwalked into court then perpwalked in his orange jumpsuit into state prison in Georgia. Of course, he will never spend a day in jail, it would be a Secret Service nightmare to try to protect him. Wait, I have a solution! Put his freaking Secret Service detail in jail too!! Solve two problems at once.
I hope the Electoral Count Reform Act passes – if the hearings did nothing else, fixing it so that a potential dictator and his cult can’t exploit the loopholes to halt the peaceful transfer of power would be worth it. Now fix the Supreme Court.
I have another busy day today. I am trying to figure out what happened to my semi-retirement – I was not supposed to be this busy! I suspect it is because I find it difficult to sit at my computer for more than about 4 hours a day (I would prefer 2 or 3) so I leave a lot to push to the next day. What I really need to do is figure out how to work for a couple of hours in the afternoon to split up the day but I can’t find the energy for that. Plus the afternoon is siesta time!
See all y’all later!
Thursday Meese. Temp will be 95 here today – doubt the predicted rain will cool it off.
I’m taking a break from political dire perils and going to watch some track and field – I’m a big fan of women in the sport – and am featuring the Jamaican sprinters in today’s Caribbean Matters
Puerto Rico
See the whole thread
I find it interesting that the Chicago Congressman voted against the Puerto Rico Status Act because it is not “perfect.” I am pretty sure we do not live in a perfect world and it seems unwise to wait for one. Maybe I am missing some nuance.
That’s what I was thinking. A lot of mouth noises about how Puerto Rico deserves to get out of this bad colonized situation while voting against giving them a chance to vote on doing just that sounds awfully berner to me.
Chuy is an independentista. The changes to the status bill added in by the statehooders, and the lack of hearings propelled his vote. I was afraid this would happen.
Widget says it’s 71 but it certainly doesn’t feel like 71. I opened a few windows for about 15 minutes and then closed up again. Yesterday we generated 18.3 KWHs and the m-t-d is 355.5 – on track to reach 500. We’re already at what the 2.5K system did for August ’14. I don’t have data for May through July on the 2.5K system as I didn’t have internet at home and they couldn’t set up the data reporting system until I got it.
I think I got 2 hours of sleep last night. Brain “squirrelcaging” and I just couldn’t settle. Which made it a waste of the nasal decongestant I used last night so I could sleep. Oh well. Hoping breakfast wakes me up. I’m zoning out trying to write anything right now.
Off to twitter and Dee’s diary. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good Thursday morning, Meese! OMG, I just got sucked into watching two or three videos on FB against my will. The first one was about Healthy Hound Playground, where Monty will be boarding tonight. This was followed by two others. They’re hypnotic, one about spaghetti made in the oven, and one about a foal meeting her mommy horse in a rain-sodden field.
OK, another busy day. Got to have a shower, then run out to Trader Joe’s. The air is soupy—‘ot, ‘umid, and ‘horrible. It’s 82 F. and sunny, going up to 95 F. later. It’s going to get hotter and hotter until it reaches 100 F. on Sunday.
I have to prepare for a meeting this afternoon. Then Dearly has to take Monty to HH. Wonder what Healthy Hound would do if they suddenly received 4,000 beagles? Have you heard the beagle story on the news at all? Animal rights people are releasing the sweet little dogs, who have been badly treated, and are arranging for them to be adopted or fostered. Apparently people are standing in line to adopt them. Someone on another blog suggested that I adopt all 4,000 of them, but dear Goddess, I live in a tiny flat here. Two Virginia state senators, a Republican and a Democrat, spearheaded a new law that says animals can’t be locked up in cages to be experimented on. One of them was MY former state representative and state senator, Jennifer Boysko! My novella, Long, Long Way to Run was based on the work I did for her first campaign. I regret that redistricting has put her in another district and we’re stuck with some guy who never responds to constituent mail or phone calls.
Anyway, wishing all at the Pond a good day—I must get going! Hope I don’t fall asleep during the hearings. Somehow, when I sit in a chair and there’s droning going on, that’s what happens. BTW, Meese, the sun is setting a minute earlier each evening. Harrumph.
Good morning, 66 and mostly sunny outside my window today. Sophie’s surgery is over and all’s as well as can be. She’s miserable and limited to fluids only but is managing to keep the pain meds down so I hope she can just sleep and get through the next few days.
Sue was here yesterday so our house is nearly clean again. She will be back this afternoon to finish. I really appreciate her assistance. I’m going to see how much I can do in the garden, weeding and pruning the plants growing around my sewing room windows. I’ve neglected those areas and so the plants have grown tall and a cleanup is needed. With 5 windows and a multipaned glass door I see lots of green and weeds!
Best wishes to all.
Glad Sophie is on the mend, princesspat.
Friday Meese. Another day of heat alert here. 68 going up to 94 – chance of thunderstorms again.
Puerto Rico
Another hot, sticky morning. In the office, so at least I get to use their a/c, leave mine on the “away” setting. The hearing last night was……wow. My laptop is dying, sigh. !last night, the screen just went white. I restarted it a couple of times, no luck. Watched the hearing and had Twitter on my kindle, because who wants to watch that alone?
(I seriously could do without WordPress logging me out while I’m in the middle of typing my morning comment) It’s actually 69 – the temps have dropped since the 73 around midnight – and I’ve opened the house again. It’s overcast but trying to clear off. I expect the temps will rise fast once it does. Although we’re not supposed to reach 100 today. We probably will, but we’re not supposed to. We only generated 14 KWHs yesterday. sigh. The m-t-d is 369.6 – still on track but barely. And it won’t be much longer if we don’t get some decent days of sunshine.
Yesterday was very stressful, physically and emotionally, for Amelia but she managed to get her car inspected and her tags up to date. So she/we have stymied the new jerkwad manager’s attempts to get rid of her for a little bit. Working on a Plan B to get her out of there a lot sooner than we’d been thinking. But she’s got to recover from yesterday before we can even talk about it.
I got better sleep last night but better isn’t good. Oh well. I’ll manage. It’s not like I have to go anywhere or do anything but do my twitter and take care of the cats. So. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. Off to twitter. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}