Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 77 degrees in the Desert Southwest with an expected daytime high of 91. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Sunday Meese. 70 going up to 96 here in Kingston NY.
Puerto Rico
Good for them! Beaches should not be private, they should be accessible by everyone.
Good morning. Yesterday was the 43rd day over 100 degrees. Ugh. Tea is steeping, I’ll have to record Le Tour, for some reason it doesn’t start until 9. Today: church and making next week’s breakfast.
Cool jazz, how wonderful!
It’s 82 heading for 102 and who knows the heat index as the forecast is usually under by 5 or more degrees. But it’s sunny. Yesterday we got just a little under 20 KWHs and brought the m-t-d to 405.6 – still on track and gained a bit back.
I’ve finished all the housework including the vacuuming. Except I did a different “pattern” and forgot my own bedroom. LOL. It’ll keep until next week since I no longer let the cats in there. I’d spilled water on the floor in my half bathroom so it got “clean” mopping that up. Even done my 1st 10-minute session on the treadmill.
Amelia’s still cratered. Which is actually “normal” for what she went through last Thursday. It’s just upsetting because I need to talk to her about something but if I tried to talk to her before she’s recovered it will just set her back – probably enough she wouldn’t be able to give me an answer/make a decision. Prayers would be nice. Disturbing group DM from Jill late last night. Seems her husband attempted suicide, cops only noticed to stop him because his service dog was whining and barking, but she didn’t have any more info than that. Everybody else seems to be hanging on. Prayers/Good Thoughts anyway.
Off to twitter & Dee’s diary. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good Sunday morning, Moose Peeps! At this writing (10:50 a.m.), it’s 87 F. on a lovely, sunny July day. July always makes me think of the white sails of boats on the dark blue waters of the Chesapeake Bay, of lighthouses and seafood and people tanning themselves as brown as acorns on beaches. I do miss the sea.
Anyway, right at dinner time yesterday we had a horrendous windstorm. Not a drop of rain, mind you, but wind galore. I saw evidence of the wind when I took Monty out shortly after 7 this morning: empty water bottles tossed around, tarps dangling loosely on the construction site (this place is becoming so huge we’ll need to elect a mayor soon), lots of leaves and small pieces of branches scattered randomly on the grass. Sometimes I feel so guilty living in this Gods’ pocket of safety, peace, and beauty.
The newspooper was too depressing to read. Global warming is HERE, as another democrat indicated above, and will there be a Tour de France next year? They should ride in the morning when it’s fairly cool. Even I was surprised how cool it was at 7 a.m. this morning. In France I’m sure they have some way to record the race if they haven’t time to watch it until the afternoon.
Made good progress yesterday on two of my projects. For the letter to my daughter, I did a pretty good job except that I neglected to mention one of the characteristics I love most about her: the easy way she makes eye contact with people and speaks to them in an interested, friendly manner. Perhaps that’s a consequence of a career in sales. Anyway, ever since I observed this years ago, I’ve told myself to be the same way. I can go back and put that in.
Also made some progress on “Home to the Heather,” which I will post here when it’s finished. I have to change the name of one of the characters—with only three characters in the story, I can’t have two names beginning with the same letter! Also have to work in some foreshadowing. I need to get this finished in good time to send it out to my group. They are probably struggling right now with the idea of writing a short story.
The Stanley Steemer people are coming TOMORROW, so we have to hop to it. They will be directed to eliminate all the green vomit stains hacked up by Monty. Also, I’m going to start using antimacassars. I don’t put Macassar oil on my hair, but there is a spot on the green chair anyway. Gods, that’s probably too much info.
Hope walking the dog for more than half an hour counts as exercise, because no way am I going to feel like going to the gym this afternoon. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!
Monday Meese. 68 right now here in Kingston – is going up to 89 with rain.
Celebrating my wedding anniversary today.
Congratulations on your silver anniversary! And how beautiful are you two? May you both live long and prosper!
Congratulations! I hope you have something wonderful planned to celebrate.
Happy Anniversary! ????????✨????????????????????????
Puerto Rico
Oh, my GODDESS! One-third!
Fucking imperialists.
Hot and sticky at 6am, sigh. Yesterday was good – watched the end of Le Tour and the first stage of the Women’s Tour. Only 8 days, but better than nothing. I’m beginning to think the universe wants me offline. Last night the Bluetooth on my kindle just stopped and I cannot turn it back on. I went to the place in “settings”, tap Bluetooth, it brings up the oval where you turn it on, and it ignores me. Yes I’ve turned it off and back on.
There must be a disturbance in the Force, another! My Kindle is acting up as well. I don’t know what’s the matter with it. Finally got it going again when I held it right next to the hub or router or whatever it’s called.
Good morning, meeses! Monday …
It is 72 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 88. First day with a daytime high below 90 in a very long time and the lowest morning temperature we have seen in a while. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast but rain is expected this afternoon. We got a lot of rain yesterday and the humidity is much higher than is comfortable for desert denizens so we will sadly have to keep the doors and windows closed.
I am beyond irritated that the press calls the fight for reproductive rights and full citizenship for Womb Americans to be a “culture war” issue. It is a life or death issue, an issue that will stomp on Gen Z’s educational opportunities, jobs, and quality of life. If Democrats don’t fix this, another generation of young people will opt out of political engagement and choose not to vote. They gave us our 2018 mid-term victories and helped us hold the line in 2020; we can’t lose them or we are toast.
People are finally “getting” that the political movement to destroy our rights and our democracy is based in christian white nationalism. It was the inevitable result of the Republican Party’s economic policies being so unappealing (trickle down) and having to become the party of racism and fundamental christians in order to win elections. Their bible tells them that people of color are inferior and that women are chattel and the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution to reflect that. Their now majority “strict textualists” deny the power of the intervening Amendments (except for the 2nd!) and want to return to where a preferred religion is not just hinted at but wholeheartedly embraced and elevated. Our melting pot is not just races and nationalities but also religions and the god-people won’t rest until everyone Not Them loses all their rights and the power to regain them. I am not sure how we fix it.
It is Monday of the last week of July and I have some hard deadlines looming. I need to put my nose to the grindstone and my shoulder to the wheel.
See all y’all later!
It’s already 83 – was 77 when I got up – and heading for 102. Tomorrow’s forecast is for 104 but that’s the “peak” of this heat wave and we should be getting some real relief by Thursday, Friday at the latest. At least it’s sunny. Yesterday we generated right at 19 KWHs and the m-t-d is 424.6 – on track and even gained a little. Which is good because with that relief from the high temps will come lots of clouds and supposedly some rain.
Amelia recovered enough to call me yesterday afternoon so I was able to tell her what’s going on and get her authorization to address it. On our timeline, not the SOS manager’s. It’s gonna take some scrambling to get it all done in 2 weeks but we’ve got the go and can get started/make reservations. Totally overwhelmed her, of course. Worse than last Thursday emotionally though fortunately not another physical stressor as her knee is just starting to recover.
Jill’s husband did a “look at me” attempt at suicide – enough to be bloody and freak his service dog but not enough to actually harm himself – but all he got for his pains was irritated cops and a 3-day stay in the hospital for observation. At least Jill knows where he is until Wednesday.
At least I got some sleep & am relatively OK. Off to twitter. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good sweltering Monday morning, Moosekind. Not sure if this will send. I’ll write more when I’m hooked up again. It’s 85 F. here, on its way to 90 F. with thunderstorms at 1 p.m. The sky is becoming more and more overcast. I’m on the screened porch with the laptop, not hooked up to the Internet because the Stanley Steemer guys are here to clean the carpet.
More later.
Good morning, 70 and sunny outside my window. Ron is picking raspberries and blueberries this morning, so this afternoon our basement will smell like raspberry wine and the annual appearance of fruit flies will happen. Summer tradition! I’m going to do what I can in the garden and read in my resting spot when my knees need a break.
My thoughts are with Sophie today, She is managing a very difficult recovery with grace but she is miserable. I’ll send flowers today, and coordinate with Erica so small gestures of support keep arriving. She can manage a sip from a cup now and speaking is a bit better but this is a long recovery with no actual chewing until late September.
Best wishes to all.
{{{princesspat}}} Healing Energy to Sophie – and all your family.
Our blueberries finished by the 4th & raspberries even earlier. Love the blueberries (not so much raspberries – but they were Momma’s favorite). moar {{{HUGS}}}
Gosh, poor Sophie! May all proceed well with her recovery!
Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …
It is 72 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 90. Chance for afternoon and evening monsoon rains. Rain here is very odd! I went for a walk with my daughter last night and we heard rain hitting the carports about 40 feet from us but we felt nothing on us. Sometimes it is raining out the front of the building and not out the back! In any event, it appears as though we will get some rain somewhere today.
I will have to catch up on the news later – my hard deadlines involve governmental reporting that is due by August 1st. I really shouldn’t wait until the last minute and will get the reports done today.
See all y’all later!
Good morning. Well, this officially the hottest July on record. And August is our hottest month. Yay. Anyway, today I’m wfh, there’s no Tour to watch – the Women’s Tour is only on the Peacock app. There is a couple of hours of astronomy TV, yay for that.
Tuesday Meese. Had another major power outage here in Kingston yesterday. My supermarkets couldn’t deliver my food order because they lost power (I didn’t thanks to the new generator)
63 here today only going up to 83 which is wonderful. We get a break for a day or two then back to heat and thunderstorms
Puerto Rico
Dear Goddess!
82 – heat index already over 90 – and sunny this last Tuesday in July. Yesterday we barely managed 17 KWHs but the m-t-d of 441.3 is still on track to reach 500 for the month. From the low of 11 in mid January the “bank” grew to 333 in mid May – but with the A/C on and all these cloudy days we’ve been drawing from the “bank”. We had 281 in “credit” mid June and the bill I got yesterday with the mid July reading shows 225. Sigh. We’ve only had 3 day generating over 20 this month. When it’s not full out cloudy, it’s hazy enough to reduce generation. Another of those “gee-we didn’t think of that” consequences of global warming. sigh.
Things are still in the planning stages and Amelia is still overwhelmed and exhausted – MECFS type exhausted, not “abled” type exhausted – but when this is done, everybody will be able to relax for a bit. Jill’s husband is still in hospital under “observation” which gives her a breather – but before they totally sedated him he reached out to the stalker (who’s been pretty quiet of late) and did a “pity-pity – I tried to commit suicide and she wouldn’t even talk to me” so the stalker is back on her vile Deplorable job of harassing Jill for Ronald while pretending she doesn’t know Ronald. sigh.
Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. Off to Twitter. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good Tuesday morning, Meese! It’s 75 F. in Ashbugs, going for 78 F. It cooled down considerably when it finally rained yesterday afternoon, and we’ve been promised more rain after lunch. This morning when I rose, pale and anxious, I didn’t feel like taking Monty for a 7 a.m. walk. Besides, the sky was ugly. About 45 minutes ago I started worrying about his exercise, so I took him out for a mini-walk, but even that was truncated by drops of rain falling. My hearing aids do not like being drenched, so we came back in. Annoyingly, the drops stopped after that.
Spent the early morning packing a lunch, thermos of coffee, etc., etc., for poor Dearly, who has two widely spaced doctor appointments at the same facility today. We seem to have spent the entire month going to doctors and dentists. He’s going to be exhausted when he arrives back here.
M’daughter and son-in-law are due to fly in Friday afternoon. However, our cousin in Texas is not expected to live out the week, poor man. He’s younger than I but esophageal cancer doesn’t care what age you are. Daughter is swimming 15 miles to raise money for cancer research—did I mention that before? If our cousin’s death and funeral are imminent, Daughter will delay her arrival here.
Dearly bought thick white bread, which he doesn’t even like, instead of oatmeal bread. I’ll have to look for the light oatmeal bread tomorrow when I go to the store. I have a loaf of Irish Farmhouse Brown Bread in the oven, baking in a 2-lb. tin. I love brown bread and plan to eat it for breakfast with sugarless apple butter.
Will not comment on the political situation, it’s too depressing. After I drink this cup of revivifying tea (It’s Irish too), I’ll get back to worrying and working. My long-term care insurance premium is set to increase by $500 a year. That’s a 25 percent increase! Those greedy bassars! I can’t afford it, so I’m thinking of just dropping it.
Well, that’s enough from me and my first-world problems! Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.
Good day, 79 and sunny, with a high of 85 later today. That’s warm weather for Bellingham so I’m going to fill the inflatable pool so we can enjoy our few days of summer. I made room for it on the patio last year but it was hard to empty it and refill with fresh water so I’m going to use a relatively level spot on the lawn. It’s more visible from the street than I would like but oh well. Passer byes will just have to avert their eyes! Best wishes to all.
Wednesday Meese. 57 degrees here! Only going up to 88 today.
This made me smile