Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 52 degrees in the Desert Southwest with an expected daytime high of 70. Sunny skies are in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Arizona election report:
The Box 3 “late earlies” needed to break 55 to 44 for Lake to have any chance – she got 51 and a net 3,500 votes. Karie Hobbs is still up by over 30,000 votes.
Now – let’s get Reverend Warnock re-elected so that Kamala won’t have to run to the Capitol to break ties. :)
Yes! Can’t believe this dumb-ass comment I just saw
What an idiot! A 50-50 Senate means that we share power in committees and every tied vote from Judiciary on a nomination needs a discharge petition to be passed by the Senate – getting permission from the Party of Insurrection! We need to get every judicial vacancy filled ASAP to try rebalance the courts and dilute some of the Federalist Society’s power. Plus a 50 + Kamala is too damn close to one Senator getting sick or incapacitated and putting a halt to everything. A 51-49 Senate gives us a two Senator absence cushion for legislation and confirmations.
I am going to find out how to do a direct contribution to Reverend Warnock’s campaign and send off some money today. I hope he is not disheartened when he sees bs comments like that.
Thank Goddess!
Uh, where’s the red wave?
Thanks Jan. The FL numbers are Cubans, Venezuelans and sadly Republican Puerto Ricans.
I still don’t like the fact that far too many “Latinos” vote for Rs. Approximately 1/3 are in the R camp.
In Arizona, most Latinos are Mexican Americans – which makes sense, we share a border with that country. Many of the Republican Latinos here are of the I Got Mine Screw You variety, which is Republicanism in a nutshell. Our Latino voters include people whose parents became citizens under the Reagan amnesty and there are a fair number whose parents never became citizens but they were born here. And of course a lot whose grandparents and great-grandparents and great-great grandparents lived here when the United States grabbed parts of Mexico and attached it to the bottom of Arizona. In Tucson, they are reliably Democratic for the same reason that many of us are – we are decent people who care about other people and care about justice and fairness and care about our children’s future and reject the puny vision of America that Republicans promote. I would like to see something closer to 80/20 but 60/40 is not surprising given that many are Broken Mirror Republicans, not seeing themselves in those who are treated so horribly by the Republican Party. Still better than Florida.
Here is what winning Tucson looks like – Mark Kelly and Gabby Giffords and a crowd of young diverse people.
Sunday Meese. 45 and raining here in Kingston, going up to 51.
The struggle continues
Puerto Rico
It’s 34 degrees, I didn’t have to cover my plants but I’m glad I did. Tea is steeping, later today I’ll make my overnight oats for the week. Not sure what else I’ll do. Watched Marvel movies all yesterday, I should be more active today.
Black Music Sunday
Good Sunday morning, Moose Peeps! It’s 45 F. at the moment, partly cloudy and very breezy—so breezy that I may confine Mandy’s walk to half an hour. I don’t like wind. The high today will be only 49 F.
When I learned just before bedtime that CCM was the projected winner in the NM Senate race, I went to bed and enjoyed a great deal of sleep.
Finally have my prescription. The doctor warned me that the accompanying brochure would be scary. It certainly is. The product I’m using can cause heart attack, stroke, dementia, high triglycerides, and high blood pressure. The Dr urged me to consider doubling my bp med. I will check with my primary dr about this. There is also some question as to whether I can eat grapefruit. Huh? I have ordered nine juicy, delicious grapefruit from Florida, which I do every year, and I have every intention of dividing them with Dearly and eating them. They’re 10 times better than what you can buy at the store.
Not much other news except that we are still trying to understand Mandy. Why does she prefer to sleep on a flat surface rather than a comfy dog bed? Monty used to “make” his dog bed by scratching the inner cover so the stuffing was higher at one end than the other. That seemed to be his pillow. We do seem to have broken Mandy of trying to sleep on our bed with us, for now.
Lots of desk work to do. By the time I sit in the green chair after dinner, I’m wiped out. This must be owing to old age. Hoping everyone at the Pond will enjoy a lovely day with NO SNOW! It’s too early.
It’s 28 heading for 50 – air temp, the wind chill is 24 heading for 47 – and sunny. Sun and wind did their jobs yesterday and the snow was off the PV panels before noon. We generated 5.8 KWHs and the m-t-d at 72.7 is still on track for 180.
Wretched sleep so groggy. But I’ve got the Sunday chores done so that part’s good. My friend and I are going to try again to get together and do something today to celebrate her over-a-week-ago birthday. Which will/would be very nice even if a bit chilly. It definitely won’t be going out for ice cream!
Hanging onto the Senate is a relief. By more than just a tie would be even more of a relief. I’ll keep hanging onto hope for the House until the last vote is counted. The Senate is Courts. The House is Budget.
At the grocery store yesterday – it’s close to campus so while the parking lot was full, the store wasn’t – I got what I needed, treated myself to a GF frozen pizza that I hadn’t tried before, and checked the price of things I need to stock up on sometime between now and Xmas. Yikes! on the price of butter. Even on the holiday-baking sale price, it’s almost twice as much as last year! Still a better deal, since I can afford it, to buy the 10 lbs I’ll need for next year than to buy them as I need them. But Jeez! The pizza was OK but not great. Not something I’ll buy again.
My friend just got here. Twitter and Dee’s diary will still be there when we get back. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 37 and partly sunny. Seasonal lights are going up around the neighborhood, so we may do the same today. It seems very dark this year so the spots of color are welcome. I keep white lights on the patio trees going all year, and add colored lights to the porch tree and to the large outdoor wreath by the veggie garden. I also need to clean and out away the outdoor rugs and to finish emptying the flower pots so I’ll see how far I get.
So relieved the election is over and some sanity seems to be returning to voters at large. I’ll savor the feeling today because I’m sure something outrageous and upsetting will happen soon enough! Best wishes to all.
Sounds lovely, princesspat!
Good morning, meeses! Monday …
It is 41 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 59. Sunny skies are in the forecast.
The Arizona vote counting continues! The Maricopa County drop last night was about half of what is left for that reddish county and Kari Lack only picked up about 9,000 votes net – the counting guys said she needed to get 20,000 net from that batch to have any chance of overtaking Katie Hobbs. She now needs to get 58% of the uncounted votes statewide in order to beat Hobbs and that is not going to happen. There are about 161,000 votes left including about 40,000 in Democratic counties (for example, Pima County breaks 65-25 Democratic and there 38,000 votes there). The Maricopa batches from last night were the reddest so the 94,000 still to be counted there will likely be less red than last night’s which broke 54-46 for Lake. The election could be over by tonight. Our Attorney General candidate is still ahead and has a good chance of hanging on but Arizona will be a net negative in the House. The Republican gerrymanders worked – they took two blue districts and diluted them with enough rural non-tribal areas to flip them. I wish Democrats could have won more of the redistricting battles, it is easy to see how we could have retained the House majority if we had had non-partisan redistricting. In any event, we will hope that the House is so dysfunctional that their investigations of Hunter Biden’s laptop turns out to be the only thing they "accomplish".
I have two things I need to do before the new day dawns and best get to them.
See all y’all later!
Monday Meese. A nippy 36 this morning here in Kingston, going up to only 46.
Puerto Rico
White supremacists suck.
In Tucson today, school children plan to walk to school to honor Ruby Bridges. On Thursday, Ruby Bridges will be here:
Thanks Jan!
I thought it was going to be in the 30s this morning, so I didn’t set the alarm for walking, and I got out a hat & gloves. It’s 50. Because I was the teeniest bit later than usual, the guy who likes to snag the parking place I like beat me to it. I need to reset the 3rd password on my wfh computer, been trying to for a week, it kept telling me my 2nd password was wrong, so I lugged the thing here to physically plug into our network. The cable I have for that doesn’t fit my laptop. So I had to reset the 2nd password, and now I’m waiting for another notification about the 3rd password. Oh, and Audible decided 5:30 Monday morning was when I needed to re-listen to Bono’s talk about his time working in a refugee camp in Ethiopia. I’m several chapters past that, but sure I’ll listen about death and starvation to start the week. Happy Monday everyone.
Good Monday morning, Moosekind! It’s 36 F. after a 31 F. start to the day, going up to 48 F. Just as long as it’s not windy! It looks as if another beautiful day is dawning here in the state named for the nonexistent sex life of a 16th-century English monarch.
I did all the dam’ laundry yesterday so I’d have today free for writing. I have something due and would LOVE to finish it so I can get on with the rest of what I need to do. Got to call a couple of doctors today, blast it, I loathe talking to medical personnel.
Other than that, not much news here. I love quiet days. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.
It’s 32, might make it to 50, and overcast. We made it to 6.4 KWHs yesterday but we’re not on track and haven’t been – I really have to stop depending on math in my head. I do have a calculator. Anyway the m-t-d is 79.25 which at least is a slight gain towards on track.
Woken “late” by a backache – flat on my back always does that – under my pillows. Which means time to put a 3rd blanket on my bed. Joys of winter, right? Hot oatmeal is helping. Warm as it goes down, the bowl is warm for my hands. Win-win. Anyway, off to twitter. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 32 and mostly sunny outside my window today. Seems early to be starting with Christmas, but we are hosting a family party on Dec 4th following Ava’s Christmas dance performance so I need to write some lists and get busy!
I have a hair appointment this morning so I’d best stop lingering with coffee and music and get going. Best wishes to all.
Just got this:Error 406 – Not Acceptable
Generally a 406 error is caused because a request has been blocked by Mod Security. If you believe that your request has been blocked by mistake please contact the web site owner.
Sorry! Thank happens when there are certain groupings of double quotes and single quote that the WordPress host thinks are part of malicious code. Every time I think I have it figured out, something else triggers it. I have not had time to get on livechat with the hosting firm yet. I will do that today.
If you remove quotes you should be able to post.
Thanks Jan!
Sorry I have had to set this aside. By the time I finish the things I have to do, I find myself with not enough energy to do the things I should do. I need to do a better job of prioritizing.
Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …
It is 41 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 66. Sunny skies are in the forecast.
I stayed up late to bask in the glow of big D Democrats and little d democracy prevailing in Arizona with Katie Hobbs’ win. We lost the two congressional seats that the “independent” Arizona redistricting commission reconfigured to be redder but that is a short term victory for Republicans because the next two years in the majority is going to be hell for them. I am going to pretend I am in Raúl Grijalva’s Tucson district (CD-7) and ignore the #BrokenMirrorRepublican who won CD-6. We are still ahead in the Attorney General race but the lead is pretty thin (about 3,000 votes) so that is not a done deal yet. There are still uncounted ballots in Pima County that will go her way so there is a good chance she wins. In any event, I won’t have to watch TV or frantically refresh Twitter today – which is good because I do not want to see the orange pustule’s face everywhere as he announces his candidacy.
I was thinking about what the Republican Party did to themselves as it becomes more and more apparent that tRump does not care about their party, he cares about regaining power to continue his legal crime spree. He gave them just enough to keep them happy (tax cuts, federal courts) and indulged his basest instincts to grift, steal, be personally gross, and to destroy lives. I am pretty sure that not enough of them will have a Cheneyesque awakening to make a difference so we are going to have to shellack them a few more times before they purge their deadenders. Young people despise Republicans and everything they stand for and the gerrymanders won’t hold back their blue wave.
Speaking of ratfked courts, the 8th Circuit Court put a stay on Biden’s student loan cancellation program and the administration is now resigned to having to wait for it to wend its way through the courts. They are working on a plan to extend the debt repayment moratorium for another year so that people who thought they were going to get debt relief are not frantically trying to figure out how to make payments in January 2023. Someone suggested that he make the moratorium permanent – I have a better idea, tee up a Budget Reconciliation bill that includes fixing the debt ceiling and authorizing the cancellation of the student debt and get it passed in the lame duck. If the courts say that Congress needs to weigh in (they don’t) then take that off the table and moot all the lawsuits. I haz spoken.
I want to take one more victory lap through the morning news and then I need to get back to work. We are already half way through November and can see December from here. I will have complicated taxes this year and I want to make sure my finances are in order before 12/31/2022.
See all y’all later!
That’s what I did for the years my gerrymandered district had Michael McCaul. The Lege finally gave us Lloyd Doggett back, but for all those years, his staff treated communications from anyone in Austin as their constituent. I already loved him, but that was above and beyond – why I always call him the Best Congressman Ever.
Thanks for that encouragement! I would like a place to send my opinions and I would just as soon not send them to someone who I despise and who would probably use them to trash me. I will have two Democratic Senators, or at least one Democratic one and one Democratic one, but as someone who had Tammy Baldwin and then Mark Pocan as my Congresscritters I will miss being proud of my Congressional District. I am debating whether to shred or burn the inevitable communications I get from him – maybe I will do both!!